FFOOOODD SSAAFFEETTYY ((ddeeppeennddiinngg oonn tthhee mmooddeell))
Explanation of the coldest area by means of signs.
The symbol opposite indicates the location of the coldest
area in your refrigerator, whose temperature is + 4°C.
You will store here meat, poultry, fish, cooked meats, prepared dis-
hes, ready-made salads, egg or cream-based dishes and pastries,
fresh pasta, pastry, pizza/quiches, fresh produce and raw milk
cheese, ready-to-use vegetables sold in plastic bags and, in gene-
ral, any fresh produce whose consume-by date is associated with
storage at a temperature of +4°C or below.
emperature indicator:
Adjust your thermostat
Correct temperature
The temperature indicator enables you to check that your refrigera-
tor is working correctly.
The indicator displays “OK” when the coldest area reaches an ave-
rage temperature of ± 4°C (4 hours after being switched on). If the
temperature is above + 4°C, the indicator remains black. The user
must then lower the temperature of the refrigerator by adjusting the
The thermostat in the refrigerator controls the temperature. To set
it, you must turn the knurled wheel inside the refrigerator on the
right-hand side. When set to position 0, the appliance is OFF.
We recommend that you select a middle position: 2 or 3.
22 //
• Do not put hot food or unsealed liquids into the refrigerator.
• NEVER introduce volatile, inflammable or explosive fluids such as
alcohol, acetone or petrol because of the risk of explosion.
• It is advisable to wrap meat and fish to avoid odours.
• Leave sufficient space between the foodstuffs to enable air to cir-
culate correctly between them. Similarly, when storing them, avoid
putting food items in contact with each other.
• Do not place food items in contact with the cold wall at the back
of the refrigerator. The shelves have a stop to avoid this.
• The door should not be left open any longer than necessary.
OOppeenniinngg tthhee rreeffrriiggeerraattoorr’’ss ddoooorr ffoorr aa pprroolloonnggeedd ppeerriioodd ccaauusseess tthhee
rreeffrriiggeerraattoorr’’ss iinntteerrnnaall tteemmppeerraattuurree ttoo rriissee.. TToo mmeeaassuurree tthhee tteemmppeerraa--
ttuurree ccoorrrreeccttllyy,, tthhee tteemmppeerraattuurree iinnddiiccaattoorr mmuusstt bbee rreeaadd wwiitthhiinn
3300 sseeccoonnddss.. SSiimmiillaarrllyy,, iitt sshhoouulldd aallssoo bbee ttaakkeenn iinnttoo aaccccoouunntt tthhaatt
tthhee tteemmppeerraattuurree iiss nnoorr ccoommpplleetteellyy uunniiffoorrmm tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee ccoommppaarrtt--
mmeenntt,, ffoorr wwhhiicchh rreeaassoonn tthheerree aarree aapppprroopprriiaattee aarreeaass ffoorr eeaacchh ttyyppee ooff
Dairy products, cheese
Meat, cooked meats, fish
Fruit and vegetables
Drinks, butter and eggs