To get the best out of your new appliance, please read
time. Take particular note of the safety precautions.
We also recommend that you keep the instructions for
future reference, so that you can remind yourself of the
functions of your appliance.
• Incorrectuseofthisappliancemaycausepersonal
• Useforitsintendedpurposeonly.Themanufacturer
from incorrect use or handling (see also Guarantee
• Fordomesticuseonly.Notforoutdooror
commercial use.
• Forconnectionto230V,50Hzonly.
• Neversubmergetheappliance,cordorplugin
water, and no water must be allowed to enter the
motor section.
• Nevertouchtheappliance,cordorplugwithwetor
damp hands.
• Donotexposetodirectsunlight,hightemperatures,
humidity, dust or corrosive substances.
• Neverleavetheapplianceunattendedwhenitis
switched on.
• Keeptheapplianceunderconstantsupervision
while in use. Keep an eye on children.
• Theappliancecontainssharpparts-keepoutofthe
reach of children.
• Useonlyaccessoriessuppliedwiththeapplianceor
those recommended by the manufacturer.
• Keeptheapplianceunderconstantsupervision
while in use. Keep an eye on children in the
vicinity of the appliance when it is being used. The
appliance is not a toy.
• Theapplianceisnottobeusedbypersonswith
reduced sensitivity, physical or mental disabilities or
persons who are unable to use the appliance, unless
supervised or instructed by a person responsible for
their safety.
• Alwaysplacetheapplianceonadry,levelandrm
surface well away from any edges.
• Donotusetheappliance,ifthemixingbowl,meat
grinder body or the other accessories are damaged.
• Ensurethattheaccessoriesarettedsecurelyand
correctly, before you switch on the appliance.
• NEVERuseyourngers,kitchenutensilsorsimilar
to push ingredients down the feeding tube in the
meat grinder body! Use the accompanying tamper.
• NEVERputyourngers,kitchenutensilsorsimilarin
the openings of the appliance.
• Keephandsandkitchenutensilsawayfromwhisks
or dough hooks while the machine is running.
• NEVERtouchthemovingpartsoftheapplianceuntil
it has come to a complete stop.
• Becarefulnottotouchthebladesorsharpparts
during use and cleaning.
• Alwaysswitchofftheapplianceatthewallsocket
and unplug before changing an accessory.
• Alwaysttheprotectivecoverwhennotusingthe
accessory socket.
Cord and plug
• Donotletthecordhangoutovertheedgeofthe
work surface.
• Checkthatitisnotpossibletopullortripoverthe
cord or any extension cord.
• Keepthecordandapplianceawayfromheat
• Unplugbeforechangingaccessories,orcleaning,
and when not in use. Avoid pulling the cord when
removing the plug from the socket. Instead, hold the
• Ensurethatthecordisfullyextended.
• Thecordmustnotbetwistedorwoundaroundthe
• Checkregularlythatneithercordnorplugis
damaged and do not use if they are, or if the
appliance has been dropped or damaged in any
other way.
• Iftheappliance,cordorplughasbeendamaged,
have the appliance inspected and if necessary
repaired by an authorised repairer. Never try to
repair the appliance yourself. Please contact the
store where you bought the appliance for repairs
under the guarantee. Unauthorised repairs or