Auto Error Solver:
Select an action to perform when a 2-sided printing error or a memory full error occurs.
❏ On
Displays a warning and prints in single-sided mode when a 2-sided printing error occurs, or prints
only what the printer could process when a memory full error occurs.
Displays an error message and cancels printing.
Quiet Mode:
Select On to reduce noise during printing, however, this may lower the print speed. Depending on
the paper type and print quality settings you selected, there may be no dierence in the printer's noise
Ink Drying Time:
Select the ink drying time you want to use when performing 2-sided printing.
printer prints the
other side
printing one side. If your printout is smeared, increase the time setting.
PC Connection via USB:
Select Enable to allow a computer to access the printer when connected by USB. When Disable is
selected, printing and scanning that is not sent over a network connection is restricted.
USB I/F Timeout Setting:
Specify the length of time in seconds that must elapse before ending USB communication with a
computer aer the printer receives a print job from a PCL printer driver. If the job ending is not
clearly dened from a PCL printer driver, it can cause endless USB communication. When this
occurs, the printer ends communication aer the specied time has elapsed. Enter 0 (zero) if you do
not want to end communication.
Network Settings
Select the menus on the control panel as described below.
Settings > General Settings > Network Settings
Wi-Fi Setup:
Set up or change wireless network settings. Choose the connection method from the following and then
follow the instructions on the LCD panel.
❏ Wi-Fi (Recommended)
❏ Wi- F i D i re c t
Wired LAN Setup:
Set up or change a network connection that uses a LAN cable and router. When this is being used, Wi-
Fi connections are disabled.
Network Status:
Displays or prints the current network settings.
❏ Wire d L AN /Wi - Fi S t a t u s
User's Guide
Preparing the Printer