3. Select the Alarm Sensors. You can select one or more alarm sensors to be used
in for this absence alarm.
4. Set one or more Alarm Events. You can let the e-Centre execute a selected
scene on one of the alarm events. Below a list of the events and a example
a. Alarm not available: If you want the e-Centre to execute a scene if the
alarm is not available, select the desired scene.
b. Alarm armed: Once the alarm is armed the e-Centre can execute the
scene ‘All off’ to switch off all lights, for example.
c. Alarm fired: Once the alarm is fired the e-Centre can execute the
scene ‘All on’, to switch on all lights to scare off the intruder.
d. Alarm disarmed: If you disarm the alarm (by entering the correct PIN
code) the e-Centre will execute this scene.
e. Entry time: During the entry time the e-Centre can execute this scene.
For example, use a scene to enable the lights in your hallway. This
allows you to find your way to the e-Centre when entering your house.
f. Exit time: During the exit time the e-Centre can execute this scene. For
example, use a scene to enable the lights in your hallway. This allows
you to find your way to the door when exiting your house.
5. Set the time settings.
a. Entry Time: This is the time in seconds you need to enter your house
from the (front) door to the e-Centre and to disable the alarm. It is
recommended to check this carefully and to try this setting once it has
been set. If necessary change the setting to your desire.
b. Entry Sound: The e-Centre will play the selected sound on entering
your house.
c. Entry Sound Interval: This is the interval the e-Centre should use to
play the Entry Sound.
d. Exit Time: This is the time in second you need to exit your house, from
the e-Centre to the (front) door, once you have entered the PIN code. It
is recommended to check and try this setting once it has been set. If
necessary change the setting to your desire.
e. Exit Sound: The e-Centre will play the selected sound when exiting
your house.
f. Exit Sound Interval: This is the interval the e-Centre should use to play
the Exit Sound.
6. Set the Siren Settings.
a. Siren Sound: The e-Centre will play the selected sound when the alarm
is fired
b. Siren Sound Duration: This is the time (in minutes) the e-Centre should
play the Siren Sound.
c. Maximum number of Siren Count: This is the maximum number of
times the Siren should play.
7. Set the Portal settings, if your e-Centre is (to be) connected to the portal. This
enables you to contact yourself and/or contact persons when this alarm is fired.
8. Click ‘Save’ to save the settings, you will automatically return to the previous