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Country; Company; Address 1; Address 2; City; Phone; Fax; E-mail
Albania; Extra Industrial Goods; Rl. Fadil Rada 88; ; Tirana; (+355) 42 - 3 30
62; (+355) 42 - 3 30 62; abeqiri@t-online.de
Algerie; Haddad Equipement Professione; 98 A, Site du LycÈe; ; 16012
Rouiba; (+213) 21 - 85 49 05; (+213) 21 - 85 57 72;
Argentina; Metabo Argentia S.A.; Teniente Gral. Richieri 4773; ; 1702 -
Ciudadela - Buenos Aires; (+54) 11 - 44 88 - 9180; (+54) 11 - 44 88 - 39
89; info@metabo.com.ar
Australia; Metabo Pty. Ltd; 10 Dalmore Drive; ; Scoresby, Melbourne, Vic.
3179; (+61) 3 - 97 65 01 99; (+61) 3 - 97 65 01 89; sales@metabo.com.au
Bahrain; AL-MAHROOS; P.O. Box 65, Manama; ; Bahrain; (+973)40 06 96;
(+973)40 43 23; almahros@batelco.com.bh
Bangladesh; East Bengal Impex; 175, Nawabpur Road (4th floor); ; Dhaka; ;
(+880) 2 - 9 56 94 77 / 9 55 04 00;
Belgique; Metabo Belgium; ¥t Hofveld 3 - 5; ; 1702 Groot Bijgaarden; (+32) 2
- 4 67 32 10; (+32) 2 - 4 66 75 28; general@metabo.be
Bosnia and Herzegovina; Agrarkombinat; Majevicka 1; ; Banja Luka; (+387)
51 - 302 718; (+387) 51 - 785 708; agrokombinat@blic.net
Brazil; Metabo do Brasil Ltda.; Rua Guicurus 306 - Vila Conceicao; ;
Diadema - Sao Paulo - Cep 09911-630; (+55) 11 - 40 51 - 25 11; (+55) 11
- 4056 - 4152; metabo@metabo.com.br
Ceska Republica; Metabo s.r.o; Kralovicka 544; ; 250 01 Brandys nad
Labem; (+420) 202 - 80 44 55; (+420) 202 - 80 44 56;
Chile; Nordchil S.A.; San Diego 895; ; Santiago de Chile; (+56) 2 - 6 72 29
11; (+56) 2 - 6 99 04 85; empresa@nordchil.cl
Costa Rica; Capris S.A.; Frente la Imprenta Nacional, La Uruca; P.O. Box 7-
2400; San JosÈ; (+506) 2 32 91 11; (+506) 2 32 93 53;
Cyprus; Med Marketing Ltd. (eurotools); P.O. Box 27017; 17, Digenis Akritas
Ave; 1641 Lefkosia, Cyprus; (+357) 2 - 34 95 77; (+357) 2 - 34 93 94;
Danmark; Metabo Danmark A/S; Helgeshoj AllÈ 12; ; 2630 Tastrup; (+45) 43
- 31 34 00; (+45) 43 - 31 34 01; scarstensen@metabo.dk
Deutschland; Elektra-Beckum AG; Daimlerstr. 2; ; 49716 Meppen; 0180 - 3
33 34 56; 0180 -3 33 34 57; Ersatzteilverkauf@elektra-beckum.de
Eestlane; A/S MECRO; Peterburi tee 44; ; 11415 Tallinn; (+372) 620 11 11;
(+372) 620 11 12; mecro@mecro.ee
Egypt; EGYPTIAN ENGINEERING AGENCIES; 16 Naguib El-Rihani Street;
; Cairo; (+20)2 -25 91 32 77; (+20)2 -25 90 02 23; eea@eea.co.eg
El Salvador; Metabo S.A. de C.V.; Colonia Santa Clara, Pasaje C No. 20;
Cuscatancingo; San Salvador; (+503) 2 - 38 47 65; (+503) 2 86 52 36;
Espana; Herramientas Metabo S.A.; PolÌgono Ind. Prado del Espino;
C/Forjadores, 12; 28660 Boadilla del Monte (Madrid); (+34) 91 - 6 32 47
40; (+34) 91 - 6 32 41 47; wbuhrle@metabo.es
Ethiopia; SUTCO Pvt. Ltd. Co.; P.O. Box 17924; ; Addis Ababa; (+251) 1-51
27 58; (+251) 1-51 50 82; sutco@telecom.net.et
Finland; NOFA O.Y.; Hannuksentie 1; O.O. Box 28 ; 02270 Espoo; (+358) 9-
804861; (+358) 9 - 803 9485; reijo.helenius@nofa.fi
France; LUREM MACHINES A BOIS S.A.; BP 1 ; ; 61700 Domfront; (+33)2
33 37 57 19; (+33)2 33 37 72 25;
Ghana; Emmnock Tradingcompany Ltd.; Knutsford. Avenue opp. Morocco
House; P.O. Box 1783; Accra; (+233) 21 - 66 39 94; (+233) 21 - 78 02 90;
Great Britain; Metabo (UK) Ltd.; 25 Majestic Road ; Nursling Industrial
Estate; Southampton / SO 16 OYT; (+44) 2380 - 73 20 00; (+44) 2380 -
74 75 00; info@metabo.co.uk
Guatemala; Almacen la Palma S.A.; 2a Calle 4-38, Zona 9; ; Guatemala
Ciudad, 01009; (+502) 3 32 47 24; (+502) 3 32 47 81;
Hong Kong; Jebsen & Co. Ltd. ; 9/F, Jebsen Motor Group Building; 924-926
Cheung Sha Wan Road; Kowloon / Hong Kong; (+852) 29 26 22 00;
(+852) 28 82 19 78; rileytam@mail.jebsen.com.hk
Iceland; ASBORG S.F.; Smidjuvegi 11; ; 200 Kopavogi; (+354) 5 641212;
(+354) 5 641135; asborg@centrum.is
India; Metabo Power Tools PVT Ltd.; Plot No. 40, WMDC Industrial
Complex; Ambethan Road, Kharabwadi; Chakan, Tal.: Khed, Dist.-
Pune(Pin410 501); (+91) 213 - 55 22 03; (+91) 213 - 55 21 61;
Indonesia; P.T. Kawan Lama Sejahtera pt; Gedung Kawan Lama Jl. Puri
Kencana No. 1; Meruya - Kembangan; Jakarta 11610; (+62) 21 - 5 82 82
82; (+62) 21 - 5 82 55 88; kawanlama@kawanlama.com
Israel; Proter + Cohn Ltd; Technical Supply P.O.Box 33215 / 3; Haatzmaut
Road; 33033 Haifa; (+972) 4 - 8 64 04 69; (+972) 4 - 8 67 18 03;
Italia; Carlo Stechel & Figli S.rl; Via Buozzi, 22; ; 20 097 San Donato
Milanese (MI); (+39) 02 - 52 77 71; (+39) 02 - 55 60 03 22;
Japan; Metabo Japan Co., Ltd.; 5-1024-3, Baigou, Ohme-city; ; Tokyo 198-
0063; (+81) 4 - 28 77 05 06; (+81) 4 - 28 77 05 07;
Jordan; Newport Trading Agency; P.O.Box 6166 / 151 Hashimi Str.; City
Center; Amman 111 18; (+962) 6 - 465 56 80; (+962) 6 - 464 54 39;
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Saudi Industrial Tools Corporation; Madinah
Road, Kilo 9; P.O.Box 11429; Jeddah 21453; (+96) 62 - 6 82 04 58; (+96)
62 - 6 91 12 67; sitaco@sitaco.com.sa
Kuwait; Naser Moh. Al-Sayer ; Gen. Trading & Contracting Co.; P.O. Box
663 SAFAT; 13007 State of Kuwait; (+965) 47 47 137; (+965) 47 47 945;
Malaysia; Finetools SDN BHD; No. 7 Jalan 1/92C; Batu 3 1/4 Jalan Cheras;
56100 Kuala Lumpur; (+60) 3 - 92002966 / 92003966; (+60) 3 - 92007599;
Malaysia; LINTREX (Malaysia) SON: BHD.; 68100 BATU Caves, Box S 24
Sentul; ; 51700 Kuala Lumpur; (+60)3 - 6 18 88 88; (+60)3 - 6 17 66 16;
Malta; G + T Imports Limited; Metabo Shop, Birkirkara By-Pass; ; Iklin BZN
11; (+356) 43 54 24; (+356) 41 73 58; gtimports@mail.global.net.mt
Mauritanie; S.T.A.F; B.P.: 40246; ; Nouakchott; (+222) 525 33 85; (+222)
525 14 09; STAF@toptechnology.mr
Mauritius; Dema - Supplies Ltd.; 2A Deschartres Street; ; Port Louis; (+230)
2 12 64 05; (+230) 2 10 74 57; dema@intnet.mu
Morocco; StÈ Yyes Rouger; 20 Bd. Ibn Tachfine; ; 20300 Casablanca;
(+212) 2 31 25 06; (+212) 2 - 31 24 62;
Nederland; Metabo Nederland b.v.; Postbus 180; ; 3620 AD Breukelen;
(+31) 3462 - 6 42 44; (+31) 3462 - 6 35 54; verkoop@metabo.nl
New Caledonia; Ets. Szemmelveisz; 3, Rue Fernand Forest; Boite Postale
668; 98845 NoumÈa; (+687) 27 20 02; (+687) 27 30 94;
New Zealand; Tooline Limited; 50 Disraeli Street; P.O. Box 798;
Christchurch; (+64) 3 - 36 55 931; (+64) 3 - 36 55 932;
Norway; Metabo Norge AS; Postboks 1296; ; 3205 Sandefjord; (+47) 33 - 44
55 55; (+47) 33 - 44 55 50; psteingrimsen@metabo.no
Paraguai; Taguato S.A.; Avda.Gra.Santos No. 1948/Tte. Garay; ; Asuncion;
(+595) 981 - 43 15 13; (+595) 21 - 33 36 77; taguato@conexion.com.py
Philippines; Mach Tools Inc.; 185 A & B del Monte Avenue; ; Manresa,
Quezon City; (+63) 2 - 3 63 01 59; (+63) 2 - 3 61 48 41;
Polska; Metabo Polska Sp. z o.o.; Gdynska 28; ; 73-110 Stargard
Szczecinski; (+48) 91 - 5 78 11 95; (+48) 91 - 5 78 07 76;
Portugal; BOLAS-Maq. e Ferramentas de Qualidade, S.A.; Rua B, Lotes 8-
10-12; Apartado 53; 7000-171 Evora Codex; (+351) 266 - 74 93 00;
(+351) 266 - 74 93 09; bolas@mail.telepac.pt
Qatar; Gulf Incon; P.O.Box 4076; ; Doha; (+974) 4 68 35 11; (+974) 4 68 40
65; ganesh@gulfincon.com
Rep. de Panam·; G erman-Tec (Panam·) S.A.; Via Argentina 46-70;
Apartado 342, Zona 9-A; Panam· ; (+507) 2 23 77 05; (+507) 2 69 18 66;
Republic of South Africa; Metabo Power Tools SA (Pty.) Ltd.; 165 Van DER
BIJL STREET; MEADOWDALE - Germiston; Johannesburg; (+27) 11 -
372 - 96 00; (+27) 11 - 453-41 63; ebotha@metabo.co.za
Republica Dominicana; Agroindustrial Ferretera S.A.; Av. Luperon No. 42; ;
Santo Domingo; (+1) 809 - 531 50 80; (+1) 809 - 531 53 38;
Rumania; Agent Trade S.R.L.; Splaiul Unlrii 235-237; ; 74299 Bucuresti 3;
(+40) 1 - 3 20 31 41; (+40) 1 - 3 20 31 42; agent@dial.kappa.ro
Russia; OOO ITA-Strojinkom; Uliza Alabjana 3; ; 125057 Moskau; (+7) 095 -
198 43 14/198 17 13; (+7) 095 - 198 43 14; metabo_service@mail.ru
Schweiz; Metabo (Schweiz) AG; Lindauerstr. 17; ; 8317 Tagelswangen; (+41
) 52 - 3 54 34 44; (+41) 52 - 3 54 34 45; service@metabo.ch
Singapore; HOMELY HARDWARE PTE LTD; No. 1 Ubi Crescent #01-01;
Number One Building; Singapore 408563; (+65) 7 48 28 66; (+65) 7 45 38
72; sales@homely.com.sg
Slovenia; Dilex d.o.o.; Ogrinceva 17; ; 1000 Ljubljana; (+386) 61 - 1 68 16
20; (+386) 61 - 1 68 16 16; metabo@dilex.si
South Corea; Metabo-Korea Co. Ltd.; Room No. 101, Daesung Building;
263-1 Ipchung-Dong, Chung-Gu; Seoul; (+82) 2 - 22 76 09 14/5; (+82) 2 -
2 78 62 62; kwlee@metabokorea.co.kr
St. Lucia; Eurotools Int`l Ltd; P.O.Box RB 2484; Rodney Bay, Gros Islet,
West Indies; Santa Lucia; (+1)758 - 452-99 14; (+1)758 - 452-99 15;
Sultanate of Oman; AHMED RAMADHAN JUMA & CO.L.L.C.; P.O. Box
3566; Postal Code 112; Ruwi; (+968)70 31 70; (+968)70 83 05;
Sverige; Metabo Sverige AB; Skifferv‰gen 6; ; 553 03 Jˆ nkˆ ping; (+46) 36 -
10 06 60; (+46) 36 - 16 07 54; mwidell@metabo.dk
Sverige; HDF - Bolagen AB ; Svarvaregatan 5; P.O.Box 525; 30180
Halmstad; (+46) 35 - 154400; (+46) 35 - 104835; bo.rosenbaum@hdf.se
Thailand; SSM - Sri Siam Mongkol Co., Ltd; 1570-1576 Krung Kasem RD.; ;
Pomprab Bangkok 10100; (+66) 2 - 3 28 11 89; (+66) 2 - 3 28 13 04;
Tunesia; L¥Equipment Moderne; 86, Ave. de Carthage; ; 1000 Tunis; (+216)
1 - 25 83 92; (+216) 1 - 35 18 45; equipement-moderne@planet.tn
Turkey; Burla A.S.; Voyvoda Cad. 61-65; ; 80003 Karakˆ y-Istanbul; (+90)
212 - 2 56 49 50; (+90) 212 - 2 38 98 26; elalet@burla.com
Ukraine; Comservice; Ukraian-Russian Joint Venture 2; Narodnogo
Opolcheniaya; 03 151 Kiev; (+380) 44 - 2 45 94 34; (+380) 44 - 2 45 93
65; comserv@ukrnet.net
United Arab Emirates; Sedana Trading Co; P.O. Box 1919; ; Sharjah; (+971)
6 - 533 05 51 ; (+971) 6 - 533 73 68; sedana@emirates.net.ae
Venezuela; OLY-COPIA C.A.; 3 ra Transversal Los Ruices ; Edificio
Principal II, Piso 4; Caracas 1071; (+58) 212 - 2 37 30 22; (+58) 212 - 2 39
23 65; masmuss@olycopia.com
Vietnam; HUU HONG MACHINERY CO., LTD.; 157-159 Xuan Hong Street,
Ward 12; Tan Binh District; Ho Chi Minh City; (+84) 8 - 811 74 54; (+84) 8
- 811 63 38; TVTLinh@hcm.fpt.vn
Yugoslavia; WHM WOBY HAUS MARKT; Brace Ribnikara 55; ; 21000 Novi
Sad; (+38) 12 15 28 56; (+38) 12 15 24 57; woby@Eunet.yu

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