UUsseeffuull HHiinnttss
Do not introduce any new food during a free-
Do not put any newly introduced food for free-
zing near to already frozen food.
Wrap the food up properly or place it in air tight
containers before putting it into the fridge/free-
Do not put any hot food into the freezer.
Food and drinks, which have a strong smell,
may affect other foods and drinks if not stored in
an appropriate manner.
Follow instructions given in cookbooks to help
conserve food longer.
How to use your
Fig. 11
RReeffrriiggeerraattoorr CCoommppaarrttmmeenntt::
This compartment is designed to store drinks
and fresh food. The inner temperature is nor-
mally uniform and is kept cool by cold circula-
ting air.
Try to avoid putting food products flush against the
air vents at the back of the fridge as this could
cause the foods to freeze. (see fig. 11).
The dynamic cooling system preserves better the
food, keeping its characteristics for a long time. For
that, wrap the food, so that it does not lose humi-
dity (dehydration, loss of colour). Then, food value
and aroma will also be kept.
Some models might have.:
• Acrisp and fresh vegetable compartment. If so,
it will also have a moisture filter which helps to
keep moisture levels high and therefore your
fruit and vegetables fresher.
• Achiller box. This is an ideal place to store meat,
fish and pre-cooked food.