optimum temperature at which the heat losses of the device are reduced
and the reduced use of electric energy. At the same time, the warm water is
sufficient for normal households. When a need for a large amount of mixed
water is required the thermostat knob is rotated in the direction of travel
counterclockwise to its maximum position, to reach the higher temperature
of the water in the tank. We recommend to keep the knob in the sector ECO,
when the heater is left on for long periods without use of hot water and only to
store heated water .
The appliance built-in thermostat unit has antifreeze function. When the
thermostat knob is to the extreme left, at the scale beginning, the heater
shall switch on at ambient temperature around 8-10°C and shall switch off at
about 12-15°C. Thus in case of air temperature fall in the room, the water in
the tank will be protected from freezing. ATTENTION! This feature shall not
prevent the water in the room plumbing from freezing!
Switching on and of f, set up and using water heaters equipped with
electronic control board takes place in accordance with the instructions and
requirements listed in the additional manual supplied with the appliance -
instruction how to connect and use an appliance with electronic control
board. For such appliances the additional instruction manual is an integral
part of the present installation and operation manual.
The temperature indicator installed on the appliance external coating
indicates the process of water heating. I t is not a device for control
measurement and indicates only the approximate temperature and quantity
of hot water within the water tank.
W ARNING! Do never switch the appliance if there is a chance that the
water in the water tank is frozen! This shall damage both heater and the
W ARNING! This appliance may be used by children of age over eight
years old and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, where they are under
supervision or instructed about the safe use of the appliance and
understand the dangers. Children must not be allowed to play with the
unit! It is absolutely forbidden that children undertake cleaning or
servicing of this appliance!
Within the combined valve is built a special valve which during water heater
normal operation allows the expanded during heating water not to leak
through the valve side hole, but to pass into cold water plumbing. The
quantity of this water is negligible and usually is with low temperature.
During normal operation of the water heater , as well as in present of
additional return valve, it is possible that through the valve side opening leak
some water drops. This should not be perceived as defect and the side hole
of combined valve should not be blocked because it shall cause destruction
of the tank. The built-in non-return valve in the combined valve prevents, in
case of cutting water supply , the water in the water tank to return to cold
water pipeline.
Using the built-in heater exchangers (for appliances equipped with) to heat
the water in the tank must take place in accordance with the instruction
provided for by the persons who carried out the design and installation of the
system for heating water from alternative electric sources. Compliance with
the instruction in such guides is mandatory.
When the appliance is used in areas with water rich in limestone it is possible
to hear some noises during water heating. The noise is due to the limestone
deposition on the heater and in the tank. The quantity of limestone contained
depends of the type of water and its heating temperature. When the latter is
h i gh e r t h a n 6 0 ° С t h e q u a n t it y o f s e p a r a t e l i m e s t o n e i n c r e a s e s .
Accumulated limestone impedes the heater efficiency and may even cause
its failure, while increasing the time for water heating.
When using the appliance it is possible to hear some weak noise due to the
water flow through the pipelines and the appliance, as well as to the natural
process of expanding and heating.
When the heater is regularly used to heat water to a lower temperature, it is
recommended to turn the thermostat knob at least once monthly to its
maximum position, then to heat the water to maximum degrees and keep it
such at least for 24 hours. The purpose it to prevent bacteria growth.
Enameled water heater tanks. In each water heater with enameled tank is
installed additional corrosion protection. It consists of an anode of special
alloy operating only when the water tank is full. The anode is a consumable
(i.e. a device with normal wear during the appliance operation) and its
average operational life is up to 3 (three ) years. This period depends much
of the type of operating the appliance and the characteristics of the heated
water . After the period of operational life, a manufacturer authorized
specialist or dealer service company must check the conditions of the
anode. Where necessary it should be replaced with new one. Compliance
with the inspection deadline and timely replacement of the anode is
important for the effective protection of the tank from corrosion. Both the
assessment and replacement of the anode are not subject of manufacturer
and seller warranty liabilities.
Water heater with enamel tank and anode tester. The availability of the
anode tester as control device is essential for the heater operation. Some
water heater modifications with traditional thermostat are equipped with
electromechanical anode tester (Fig. 9). It consists of a arrow-indicating
system with a scale and switch (button). The scale has two sections - red
and green. In tank normal operating condition the tester pointer is in the red
section - the tester is not switched on and the anode is working properly.
Checking the anode efficiency is carried out when the water is fully heated
(switched of f thermostat , i.e. the key is not lit) by pressing for few seconds
the button on the tester . The arrow shall depart in the direction of the scale
green sector. The magnitude of the variation is strongly affected by the
parameters of the water and its temperature, as the boundary between the
two sectors correspond to the water average values. The anode efficiency
criterion is its arrow deflection. When at the time of pressing the tester
button, the arrow does not divert or is hold at the beginning of the red
section, you should contact the specialists at your nearest manufacturer or
vendor authorized service company . Their specialist shall review the tank
corrosion protection and repair, if necessary. In some water heaters
modifications the electronic control board indicates the anode efficiency and
degree of wear with periodic regular display blinking. With advanced wear
the size of lighted part decreases. More specifically the process is described
in the additional instruction manual concerning the electronic control board
functions. Once the lighted part of the display switches off completely you
may contact the closest service company to review and eventually replace
the anode.
W ater tanks of high quality chrome- nickel stee l. C orrosion protect ion and
guar ante ed long l ife ar e secur ed by correc t choi ce of ste el, ad equa te design
and engin eering constr uction during tank manu facture proce ss.
In order to secu re relia ble operatio n of the water tank in areas with highl y
calc areo us water it is recomm ended to clean the limes tone accumula ted
with in. This oper ation should take place at least once every two year s, while in
area s with higher lime ston e content even mor e frequen tly . The depositi ons
on the e namel coating should not be r emoved otherwi se th an wiped with dry
cott on cloth and witho ut using hard tools. Regular limes tone remo val and
clean ing is parti cularly importa nt for applia nce reliable opera tion. It is
reco mmen ded that durin g thi s mai ntenance oper ation you carry out a re view
of the enam eled tank anode conditi on. These services are not subje ct to
warr anty cove rage and must be perfor med only by qualif ied per son.
W ARNING ! In order to ensure safe and trou ble-fre e operatio n of the water
heat er , the comb ined valve should be checked regu larly for reductio n of its
perm eabi lity . This is done by lifting the l ever , and wait for 30-60 seconds
from the sid e openin g the va lve to f low thic k and s trong jet of water . Th is
oper atio n must be c arried out after conne cting the heater to the plumbing
and when fil ling of the tan k with w ater, in the pr ocess of using t he heat er
not less tha n once e very two weeks, as well as event ually af ter stop and
star t of water suppl y. When at full tank by openin g the valve does not leak
or w ater fl ow is weak, t here is a fai lure an d proba bly the valve is clog ged
by impurit ies in the sewa ge. Using water heat er combin ed with a defec tive
valv e is st rict ly pro hibited. S witch of f immedia tely the a ppliance f rom the
powe r supp ly and cont act the neare st author ized by manu facturer servi ce
comp any . Otherwi se, it will cause damag e to the water tank, and coul d
caus e tangib le and intangi ble damages in the room where the wate r
heat er is located.
When you are not certain about the temperature in the room where the water
heater is installed, i.e. that it may fall below 0°C, the water from the water
tank MUST be drained - please refer to section 'CONNECTION TO THE