8. I forgot my password.
a. Reset the router to its factory default settings and use the default username
admin and default password 1234. Default settings are displayed on the product
label on the bottom of the device, as shown above.
9. My BR-6208ACD has a weak wireless signal.
Weak signals are usually caused by interference from other devices or obstacles
blocking the BR-6208ACD’s wireless signal:
a. Keep the device away from other radio devices such as microwaves or cordless
b. Do not put the device in the corner of a room or under/nearby metal.
c. Ensure there are as few obstacles as possible between the BR-6208ACD and
your wireless network device.
In range extender mode, the BR-6208ACD’s weak wireless signal may be in turn
caused by a weak signal from your existing router. It’s important to choose a good
location for the BR-6208ACD in relation to your existing wireless router. The best
location is roughly in the middle between your existing wireless router and the area
you would like to be covered by the BR-6208ACD. If you are too far away from your
existing router, then it is difficult for the BR-6208ACD to receive a wireless signal.
10. Do the Internet and LAN ports work the same when the device is
in different modes?
No, the Internet and LAN ports have slightly different functions depending on
the operating mode of the device.
a. In Wi-Fi router mode, the Internet port is for a direct connection to your xDSL
modem. The LAN ports are for wired network clients.
b. In access point mode, the Internet port is not functional. Connect your existing
router to the device’s LAN port, and the other LAN ports can connect wired
network clients.
c. In range extender mode, the Internet port is not functional and the all of LAN
ports are for wired network clients. Do not connect your existing router to the
device’s Internet or LAN ports, as this can cause the device to malfunction.
d. In wireless bridge mode, the Internet port is not functional and the all of LAN
ports are for wired network clients.
e. In WISP mode, the Internet port is not functional and the all of LAN ports are for
wired network clients.