You can control the settings
on your appliance using the
selection button.
Press and hold the selection
button for 5 to 10 seconds to
view the language list.
The screen will alert you
when your battery is
getting low.
The screen will alert you
when your appliance needs
your attention. Follow the
instructions on screen to
maintain performance.
Continued or regular use of
Eco or Auto/Med mode helps
to maximise cleaning time
and prevents overheating,
preserving battery durability
and life.
Press the selection button to
scroll through the languages.
A short (between 2 and
4 seconds) hold press on
the selection button selects
a language.
To confirm the language press
the selection button to scroll
to the tick, then a short hold
press on the selection button
will confirm your selection.
A final alert is shown
when your battery is
empty and needs to
be charged.
If the wrong language is
selected then a short hold
press on the selection button
when the cross is displayed
will return you to the
language list.
Selection button Language selection Low battery
Battery health