3. Voľbu potvrďte stlačením tlačidla “Start / + 30s / conrm”.
1. Otočte tlačidlom funkcií na
This microwave oven uses modern electronic control to adjust cooking parameters
to meet your needs better for cooking.
When the microwave oven is electrified,the oven will display "0:00", buzzer will ring once.
Then the unit enters waiting states.
2) Turn parameter knob to adjust the hour figures, the input time should be within 0--23.
3) Press " Start/+30s/Confirm" to confirm, the minute figures will flash.
5) Press " " to finish clock setting. ":" will flash.
Note: 1) If the clock is not set, it would not function when powered.
2) During the process of clock setting, if you do not press "
to confirm in 1 minutes, the oven will go back to the previous status automatically.
1) Turn function knob to " ", the hour figures flash.
4) Turn parameter knob to adjust the minute figures, the input time should be within 0--59.
There are two knobs on the panel. For better operations, the manual call the left knob
for function
Clock Setting
parameter knob. Call the right knob for knob.
Knob Instructions
2. Pomocou tlačidla nastavenia si môžete vybrať jeden z 10 prednastavených
3. Voľbu potvrďte stlačením tlačidla “Start / + 30s / conrm”.
4. Otáčaním tlačidla nastavenie nastavte hmotnosť potravín.
5. Voľbu potvrďte stlačením tlačidla “Start / + 30s / conrm”.