Boa tarde a questao era para saber se ainda tem um aplicativo que faz com que na hora de trocar o preço na balança de maneira manual vou diretamente na balança conectada com o computador e trocar automatica mente
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Submitted on 28-4-2022 at 15:46 -
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Good afternoon.
We got a Digi-5100 and is not printing the work Kg on the label.
Done all the configuration on LabelNet software prints all except this.
Can you please help?
Thanks so much Submitted on 18-2-2022 at 16:27 -
How do change just the plu number on a product without typing in the product name again? Submitted on 25-9-2020 at 18:17
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My label is smaller than the first one how do I adjust the wording to fit Submitted on 21-9-2018 at 14:51
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