Ellenőrizze az áramforrást, a feszültséget, és a biztosítékot. Ha a probléma továbbra is fennáll hívja a Nespresso
Sem kávé, sem víz nem jön a készülékből.
Üres a víztartály. Töltse fel friss vízzel.
Vízkőmentesítse a készüléket ha szükséges. További információt a Vízkőmentesítés fejezetben talál.
A kávé lassan, csöpögve folyik.
A lefőzés sebessége függ az éppen használt kapszulától.
Vízkőmentesítse a készüléket ha szükséges. További információt a Vízkőmentesítés fejezetben talál.
Nem jön kávé, csak víz a készülékből.(Van kapszula a készülékben).
Ebben az esetben hívja a Nespresso Club-ot, vagy vigye a készüléket szervizbe.
Nem elég meleg a kávé.
Melegítse elő a csészét.
Vízkőmentesítse a készüléket ha szükséges. További információt a Vízkőmentesítés fejezetben talál.
Víz csöpög a főzőfejből.(Nagymennyiségű víz a használtkapszula-
Ügyeljen a kapszula megfelelő behelyezésére. Ha a probléma továbbra is fennáll hívja a Nespresso Club-ot.
Rendszertelen villogás.
Hívja a Nespresso Clubbot, vagy vigye a készüléket szervizbe.
Összes gomb egyszerre villog 10 másodpercig, majd a készülék
automatikusan kikapcsol.
Hiba jelzés, a készüléket szervizbe kell jutattni. Hívja a Nespresso Club-ot, vagy vigye a készüléket szervizbe.
Mind a 6 gomb egyszerre gyorsan villog, majd a készülék készenléti
állapotba kapcsol.
Üres a víztartály. Töltse fel friss vízzel.
Vizkőmentesítő és tisztítás lámpa villog.
A készülék belépett a menübe. Nyomja le a Lungo és Meleg tejhab készítése gombokat egyszerre 3
másodpercig a kilépéshez, vagy várjon 30 másodpercet és a készülék automatikusan kilép.
A vízkőmentesítésre gyelmeztető lámpa sárgán világít, a
funkiógombok továbbra is aktívak. (Vízkő gyelmeztetés 1. szint).
A készülék az elfogyasztott mennyiség alapján figyelmeztet a vízkőmentesítésre. Vízkőmentesítse a készüléket.
A vízkőmentesítésre gyelmeztető lámpa sárgán villog, a
funkciógombok továbbra is aktívak.(Vízkő gyelmeztetés 2. szint).
A vízkőmentesítés nem futott le sikeresen. Vízkőmentesítse újra a készüléket.
A vízkőmentesítésre gyelmeztető lámpa sárgán villog, a Meleg tejhab
készítése gomb folyamatosan világít.
A készülék vízkőmentesítő üzemmódban van. Nyomja meg a Meleg tejhab készítése gombot a folyamat
A vízkőmentesítésre gyelmeztető lámpa folyamatosan világít, a
funkiógombok nem aktívak. (Vízkő gyelmeztetés 3. szint).
A készülék blokkolta a használatot a vízkő túl magas szintje miatt. Vízkőmentesítse a készüléket.
A tisztítás lámpa sárgán világít.
Tisztítsa át a tejhabosítót.
A kávé és tejhabos recept gombok véletlenszerűen villognak.
A készülék túlmelegedett, várja meg míg visszahűl.
A készülék kb. 10 percig nem lesz használható.
A kapszulakar nem záródik le teljesen.
Ürítse ki a használtkapszula-tartót. Győződjön meg róla hogy nincs-e beragadt kapszula a kapszulatartóban.
A tejhab minősége nem megfelelő.
Használjon alacsony zsírtartalmú, vagy félzsíros hűtőhideg tejet (4° C).
Öblítse át a trejhabosítót minden használat után.(Olvassa el a Tejhabosító (R.C.S.) manuális tisztítása fejezetet).
Vízkőmentesítse a készüléket.(Lásd 163 oldal).
Ne használjon fagyos vagy fagyott tejet.
A menü nem elérhető.
Győződjön meg róla, hogy eltávolította a tejhabosítót.
Győződjön meg róla, hogy a Lungo és Meleg tejhab készítése gombokat nyomja 3 másodpercig.
Távolítsa el a vízkőmentesítő toldatot.
EUR,AUS,NZ:220240 V, 50/60 Hz, 1300 W
US/CA:120 V, 60 Hz, 1200 W
19 bar
6.5 kg
1,38 litre
500 ml
13-16 capsules
l=19,4 cm . L=33,2 cm . h=27,4 cm
Contact the Nespressso Club
For any additional information, in case of problems
or simply to seek advise, call the Nespresso Club.
Contact details of the Nespresso Club can be found
in the 'Welcome to Nespresso' folder in your
machine box or at nespresso.com
No light on display
Check the mains, plug, voltage, and fuse. In case of problems, call the Nespresso Club.
Coffee comes out very slowly.
Flow speed depends on the coffee variety.
Perform a self check of the machine. Enter the menu list and select Maintenance. Follow instruction
Coffee is not hot enough.
Preheat cup.
Perform a self check of the machine. Enter the menu list and select Maintenance. Follow instruction
Capsule area is leaking (water in capsule container).
Position capsule correctly. If leakages occur, call the Nespresso Club.
Irregular blinking.
Send appliance to repair or call the Nespresso Club.
No coffee, just water runs out (despite inserted capsule).
In case of problems, call the Nespresso Club.
Lever cannot be closed completely
Empty capsule container. Make sure that no capsule is blocked inside the capsule container.
Quality of milk froth is not up to standard
1) For a perfect milk froth, use skimmed or semi-skimmed milk at refrigerator temperature (about 4° C)
2) Rinse after each milk based preparation. Place a recipient under milk outlet, rotate the milk
regulator knob until “CLEAN” position.
3) Every two days, disassemble the R. C. S. and clean all components in the upper level of a
Delonghi warrants this product against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two years from the date of purchase. During this period, Delonghi will either repair or
replace, at its discretion, any defective product at no charge to the owner. Replacement products or repaired parts will be guaranteed for only the unexpired portion of the original
warranty or six months, whichever is greater. This limited warranty does not apply to any defect resulting from accident, misuse, improper maintenance, or normal wear and tear. Any
defect resulting from the usage of non genuine Nespresso capsules will not be covered by this warranty. Except to the extent allowed by applicable law, the terms of this limited warranty
do not exclude, restrict
or modify, and are in addition to, the mandatory statutory rights applicable to the sale of the product to you. If you believe your product is defective, contact Nespresso for instructions on
where to send or bring it for repair. Please visit our website at nespresso.com to discover more about Nespresso
Once the rinsing process is finished, the
machine switches off. Clean the machine
using a damp cloth. You have now finished
descaling the machine.
Rinsing process Rinse and fill water with
fresh potable water up to MAX level.
Rinsing process Place one container of
minimum 1 litre under both the coffee
outlet and the hot water spout.
PRESS to confirm.
The rinsing cycle continues trough the coffee
outlet, hot water spout and drip tray until the
water tank is empty.
Water hardness setting
programmed buttons blinks 3 times: water hardness is set
Place the water hardness sticker under
water for 1 second.
The number of red squares indicates
the water harness level.
Set the value accordinglyEnter the menu, browse the options and select
You will be guided to set the value.
Follow machine display instructions.
EUR, AUS, NZ: 220-240 V,
50-60 Hz, 1400 W
EUR,AUS,NZ:220240 V, 50/60 Hz, 1300 W
US/CA:120 V, 60 Hz, 1200 W
19 bar
6.5 kg
1,38 litre
500 ml
13-16 capsules
l=19,4 cm . L=33,2 cm . h=27,4 cm
Contact the Nespressso Club
For any additional information, in case of problems
or simply to seek advise, call the Nespresso Club.
Contact details of the Nespresso Club can be found
in the 'Welcome to Nespresso' folder in your
machine box or at nespresso.com
No light on display
Check the mains, plug, voltage, and fuse. In case of problems, call the Nespresso Club.
Coffee comes out very slowly.
Flow speed depends on the coffee variety.
Perform a self check of the machine. Enter the menu list and select Maintenance. Follow instruction
Coffee is not hot enough.
Preheat cup.
Perform a self check of the machine. Enter the menu list and select Maintenance. Follow instruction
Capsule area is leaking (water in capsule container).
Position capsule correctly. If leakages occur, call the Nespresso Club.
Irregular blinking.
Send appliance to repair or call the Nespresso Club.
No coffee, just water runs out (despite inserted capsule).
In case of problems, call the Nespresso Club.
Lever cannot be closed completely
Empty capsule container. Make sure that no capsule is blocked inside the capsule container.
Quality of milk froth is not up to standard
1) For a perfect milk froth, use skimmed or semi-skimmed milk at refrigerator temperature (about 4° C)
2) Rinse after each milk based preparation. Place a recipient under milk outlet, rotate the milk
regulator knob until “CLEAN” position.
3) Every two days, disassemble the R. C. S. and clean all components in the upper level of a
Delonghi warrants this product against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two years from the date of purchase. During this period, Delonghi will either repair or
replace, at its discretion, any defective product at no charge to the owner. Replacement products or repaired parts will be guaranteed for only the unexpired portion of the original
warranty or six months, whichever is greater. This limited warranty does not apply to any defect resulting from accident, misuse, improper maintenance, or normal wear and tear. Any
defect resulting from the usage of non genuine Nespresso capsules will not be covered by this warranty. Except to the extent allowed by applicable law, the terms of this limited warranty
do not exclude, restrict
or modify, and are in addition to, the mandatory statutory rights applicable to the sale of the product to you. If you believe your product is defective, contact Nespresso for instructions on
where to send or bring it for repair. Please visit our website at nespresso.com to discover more about Nespresso
Once the rinsing process is finished, the
machine switches off. Clean the machine
using a damp cloth. You have now finished
descaling the machine.
Rinsing process Rinse and fill water with
fresh potable water up to MAX level.
Rinsing process Place one container of
minimum 1 litre under both the coffee
outlet and the hot water spout.
PRESS to confirm.
The rinsing cycle continues trough the coffee
outlet, hot water spout and drip tray until the
water tank is empty.
Water hardness setting
programmed buttons blinks 3 times: water hardness is set
Place the water hardness sticker under
water for 1 second.
The number of red squares indicates
the water harness level.
Set the value accordinglyEnter the menu, browse the options and select
You will be guided to set the value.
Follow machine display instructions.
Max. 19 bar/
Max. 19 bar
EUR,AUS,NZ:220240 V, 50/60 Hz, 1300 W
US/CA:120 V, 60 Hz, 1200 W
19 bar
6.5 kg
1,38 litre
500 ml
13-16 capsules
l=19,4 cm . L=33,2 cm . h=27,4 cm
Contact the Nespressso Club
For any additional information, in case of problems
or simply to seek advise, call the Nespresso Club.
Contact details of the Nespresso Club can be found
in the 'Welcome to Nespresso' folder in your
machine box or at nespresso.com
No light on display
Check the mains, plug, voltage, and fuse. In case of problems, call the Nespresso Club.
Coffee comes out very slowly.
Flow speed depends on the coffee variety.
Perform a self check of the machine. Enter the menu list and select Maintenance. Follow instruction
Coffee is not hot enough.
Preheat cup.
Perform a self check of the machine. Enter the menu list and select Maintenance. Follow instruction
Capsule area is leaking (water in capsule container).
Position capsule correctly. If leakages occur, call the Nespresso Club.
Irregular blinking.
Send appliance to repair or call the Nespresso Club.
No coffee, just water runs out (despite inserted capsule).
In case of problems, call the Nespresso Club.
Lever cannot be closed completely
Empty capsule container. Make sure that no capsule is blocked inside the capsule container.
Quality of milk froth is not up to standard
1) For a perfect milk froth, use skimmed or semi-skimmed milk at refrigerator temperature (about 4° C)
2) Rinse after each milk based preparation. Place a recipient under milk outlet, rotate the milk
regulator knob until “CLEAN” position.
3) Every two days, disassemble the R. C. S. and clean all components in the upper level of a
Delonghi warrants this product against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two years from the date of purchase. During this period, Delonghi will either repair or
replace, at its discretion, any defective product at no charge to the owner. Replacement products or repaired parts will be guaranteed for only the unexpired portion of the original
warranty or six months, whichever is greater. This limited warranty does not apply to any defect resulting from accident, misuse, improper maintenance, or normal wear and tear. Any
defect resulting from the usage of non genuine Nespresso capsules will not be covered by this warranty. Except to the extent allowed by applicable law, the terms of this limited warranty
do not exclude, restrict
or modify, and are in addition to, the mandatory statutory rights applicable to the sale of the product to you. If you believe your product is defective, contact Nespresso for instructions on
where to send or bring it for repair. Please visit our website at nespresso.com to discover more about Nespresso
Once the rinsing process is finished, the
machine switches off. Clean the machine
using a damp cloth. You have now finished
descaling the machine.
Rinsing process Rinse and fill water with
fresh potable water up to MAX level.
Rinsing process Place one container of
minimum 1 litre under both the coffee
outlet and the hot water spout.
PRESS to confirm.
The rinsing cycle continues trough the coffee
outlet, hot water spout and drip tray until the
water tank is empty.
Water hardness setting
programmed buttons blinks 3 times: water hardness is set
Place the water hardness sticker under
water for 1 second.
The number of red squares indicates
the water harness level.
Set the value accordinglyEnter the menu, browse the options and select
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