e M c 2004/108/ec
!یگتخ وس رطخ
! رطخ
A) If your appliance comes tted with a plug , it will incorporate a 13 Amp fuse. If it does not t y our socket , the plug
should be cut o from the mains lead, and an appr opriate plug tt ed, as below .
WA RNING: V ery carefully dispose of the cut o plug after removing the fuse: do not insert in a 13 Amp socket
elsewhere in the house as this could cause a shock hazar d.
With alterna tive plugs not incorpora ting a fuse, the cir cuit must be protected by a 15 Amp fuse . If the plug is a
moulded-on t ype, the fuse cov er must be re-tted when changing the fuse using a 13 Amp Asta appr oved fuse
to BS 1362. In the even t of losing the fuse cover , the plug must NO T be used un til a replacemen t fuse cover can be
obtained from y our nearest electrical dealer . T he colour of the correct replac ement fuse cov er is that as mark ed on
the base of the plug.
B) If your appliance is not tt ed with a plug, please follo w the instructions provided below:
The wir es in the mains lead are colour ed in accor dance with the following code:
Green and yello w: E arth
Blue: N eutral
Brown: Liv e
As the colours of the wires in the mains lead ma y not correspond with the colour ed markings identifying the t erminals
in your plug , proc eed as follows:
The gr een and yellow wir e must be connected to the terminal in the plug mark ed with the letter E or the earth symbol
or coloured gr een or green and y ellow .
The blue wir e must be connected to the terminal mark ed with the letter N or colour ed black.
The br own wire must be connected t o the terminal marked with the lett er L or coloured r ed.
elec tric al connec tion (uk onl y)
A) If your appliance comes tted with a plug , it will incorporate a 13 Amp fuse. If it does not t y our socket , the plug
should be cut o from the mains lead, and an appr opriate plug tt ed, as below .
WA RNING: V ery carefully dispose of the cut o plug after removing the fuse: do not insert in a 13 Amp socket
elsewhere in the house as this could cause a shock hazar d.
With alterna tive plugs not incorpora ting a fuse, the cir cuit must be protected by a 15 Amp fuse . If the plug is a
moulded-on t ype, the fuse cov er must be re-tted when changing the fuse using a 13 Amp Asta appr oved fuse
to BS 1362. In the even t of losing the fuse cover , the plug must NO T be used un til a replacemen t fuse cover can be
obtained from y our nearest electrical dealer . T he colour of the correct replac ement fuse cov er is that as mark ed on
the base of the plug.
B) If your appliance is not tt ed with a plug, please follo w the instructions provided below:
The wir es in the mains lead are colour ed in accor dance with the following code:
Green and yello w: E arth
Blue: N eutral
Brown: Liv e
As the colours of the wires in the mains lead ma y not correspond with the colour ed markings identifying the t erminals
in your plug , proc eed as follows:
The gr een and yellow wir e must be connected to the terminal in the plug mark ed with the letter E or the earth symbol
or coloured gr een or green and y ellow .
The blue wir e must be connected to the terminal mark ed with the letter N or colour ed black.
The br own wire must be connected t o the terminal marked with the lett er L or coloured r ed.
elec tric al connec tion (uk onl y)
!یگتخ وس رطخ
! رطخ