Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 17 min.+5 min. oven off
4 servings
350 gr. cod-fish fillets
100 gr. cut mushroom
1 tablespoon of veg oil
1 onion
1 red pepper
1 tablespoon of flour
700 ml. milk
1 pinch of saffron
300 gr. sweet corn
black pepper
1. Pour oil and thinly sliced onion in a
large pan. Cover and put in the oven at
maximumheat for 4 minutes, stirring once
2. Add mushrooms cut in quarters, pepper
cut in thin strips and cover again. Put in the
oven set at maximum heat for 2 minutes,
stirring once.
3. Always stirring, add little by little flour
and milk. Cover again and put in the oven
always at maximum heat for 4 minutes, until
it thickens, stirring twice or more
4. Add saffron, diced cod-fish fillets and
well-drained sweet corn, cover and put in the
oven at maximum heat for 7 minutes until
fish is done, stirring once. Season with salt
and pepper according to preference (if fish is
too salt, add only some pepper).
5. Let it stand in the oven switched off for 5
minutes, then serve hot.
NOTE: To prepare this soup, it is possible to
use other white and firm fishes or smoked
ones, such as whiting or rocksalmon.
Preparation time:
15 minutes
Cooking time: 6 min. + 1 min. oven off
4 servings
100 gr. cooked or dressed short pasta
large eggs
3 tablespoons of grated parmesan
milk or cream
40 gr. butter
1. Break eggs into a large bowl, add salt,
pepper (add nutmeg at will). Beat eggs well,
using a fork or a whisk. Fold in gently:
parmesan, the pasta, and slowly 4
tablespoons of milk.
2. Put the butter in a 24 cm diameter
shallow pan. Put pan in the oven at maximum
heat for 40 seconds. Pour mixture in the pan,
cover with a lid or with a grease-proof paper
sheet, and put it back in the oven at
maximum heat for 6 minutes. At mid cooking
time, stir, paying attention to move the
outside part towards the centre and vice
3. After cooking time, let the pie stand in
the oven switched off for 1 minute. Then
it. If you have used plain cooked pasta, serve
pie with some tomato sauce.
NOTE: In this recipe you can use small
leftovers of pasta, either seasoned or
unseasoned. Any pasta will suite the recipe:
fusilli, macaroni or any other kind. If you
choose big sizes of pasta, we suggest you to
chop them. If the leftover pasta has been in
the refrigerator for a while, extend cooking
time a little.