Chapter 2: Producing a Movie Disc
Set Slideshow Duration
You can set the time that each photo on a slide is displayed or how long
it takes to play an entire slideshow album in the Set Duration section.
You may also match the duration of an album slideshow to the
background music you added.
• To set the length of time each individual slide (photo) will be
displayed, select Slides and enter a duration.
• To set the length of time it will take to display the entire
slideshow album, select Album and enter a duration.
• To automatically set the length of the album slideshow to match
the duration of the audio file selected as the background music,
select Match music duration.
Set Slideshow Effects
You can set the types of effects that will appear in your photo
slideshow, including the transitions between slides and the addition of
motion to your photos.
• Automatic Pan & Zoom: You can make your slideshow more
engaging by adding motion. Select the Automatic Pan & Zoom
option to include pan and zoom effects in your photo slideshow.
• Transition Effect: You can choose to include transitions between
each of the photos in your slideshow album. To do this, select the
transition type from the Transition effect drop down.
Note: Select Random to include various transitions between your slides,
instead of the same slide repeating.
•Use the Duration field to enter in the amount of time, in seconds,
you want it to take for the transition to occur.