Chapter 3: Capturing Media
Captured video filename: Enter a default name for
captured video files. PowerDirector automatically
appends a sequential number to this name to create a
unique filename for each captured file.
• Always prompt me to confirm filename: Check this
option if you would like PowerDirector to prompt you to
enter a filename each time you capture video (or take a
• Snapshot filename: Enter a default name for snapshot
captures. PowerDirector automatically appends a
sequential number to this name to create a unique
filename for each captured file. Select a file format from
the drop-down list.
• Snapshot destination: Select a destination for snapshot
captures from the drop-down list.
• Do not detect scenes during capture: Check this option
if you do not want to activate the scene detection
function during capture.
• After capture, detect scenes by changing of video
frames: Check this option to perform scene detection
during video capture. In scene detection, PowerDirector
compares captured frames to decide when there is a
scene change. Each scene is saved as a file as recording
• During capture, detect scenes by timecode, and save
each scene as a separate file (DV-VCR mode only):
Check this option to detect scene-break signals and to
save each scene as a separate file. (DV camcorder
generate a scene-break signal on the tape whenever users
release the REC button.) This feature is only available in
DV tape capture.
• DV Parameters button: Click this button to set the buffer
parameters for your DV camcorder. Setting a buffer time
ensures that your DV camcorder and your batch capture
or DV writing device begin at the same time. Without a
buffer, batch capturing or writing to tape may begin
before the camcorder is engaged.
3. Click OK.