Crystal Reports User’s Guide 575
OLAP grid objects 368
OLAP Report Wizard 47
OLE 318
and the Picture command 322
dynamic menu commands 322
embedded objects 325
functionality 319
linked vs. embedded objects 325
OLE objects
copying and pasting 320
embedded 325
inserting in reports 320
linked vs. embedded 325
representation in reports 321
static 323
on/off properties, conditional 271
on-demand subreports, for performance 139
one-to-many links
performance considerations 491
processes 493
Online Customer Support 563
operators, reference to query filters 364
ORDER BY clause 516
Page Footer, section 88
page footers 107
page footers, creating after first page 274
Page Header, section 88
page headers 107
page margins 257
parameter fields 438
and accessibility 547
conditional formatting with 462, 548
report title with 463
with a cascading list of values 451
with a dynamic prompt 449
with a static prompt 446
deleting 459
filtering data 148
for performance 148
inserting 99
responding to prompts 460
setting sort order with 466
subreport linking 471
in record selection 148
to link subreports 471
parameters, formatting date/time fields in 262
pass 528
multi-pass reporting flow charts 530
pass 1 528
pass 2 529
pass 3 530
pre-pass 1 528
pre-pass 2 529
considerations for record selection 144, 145
considerations for reports 496
design considerations 135
key strategies 133
optimizing 131
table linking choices 142
using table indexes 142
with subreports 138
Picture command and OLE 322
inserting 67, 101
pie chart 284
Pie Chart map 303
pivoting OLAP grids 379
placing multi-line, text-based objects 244
placing text-based objects 242
pre-printed forms 238
Preview Tab 55, 90
compared to Design Tab 92
Group Tree view 92
standard view 91
printer drivers
inconsistencies 259
updating 259
cross-tabs that span multiple pages 345
landscape orientation 258
portrait orientation 258
printer drivers considerations 259
report area characteristics 78
updating printer drivers 259
procedures, stored 144