Calls & SMS firewall: enter calls & SMS firewall, you can press
left/right navigation key to switch between blacklist and whitelist.
Activate Options, you can add new entity to the list or set the
parameter of the block settings.
Phone control: this function is offered to help end user to find his
phone just in case it has been lost or stolen but need activated
previously (default password is 0000).
The SIM binding function shall be able to recognize a different SIM
card inserted in the phone and immediately alert by SMS to the
trusted numbers previously set in the phone. If a not bound SIM
card is inserted, the phone need input phone password. . If the
password is wrongly inserted, the phone can start without “SIM
binding” menu. In the meantime, one alert SMS (Attention: this
phone number is using your mobile phone IMEI:
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) shall be sent to all the trusted numbers.
The Remote control function is offered to provide end user the
possibility to manage some operations remotely from another phone
by SMS. Using this function, end user can, when he has not the
phone with him, forward calls, power the phone off but this all
depended on have got the number of the phone in using.
The remote control command can achieve the function below (e.g.
Receiving number is “123456789”):
The SMS text content should be not “case sensitive”.
12.4 Connectivity
Bluetooth: enter Bluetooth screen, when power on the Bluetooth, in
My device you can select Search new device to search and