Glossary | 753
hot zone
The distance from the right margin at which hyphenation begins.
HSB (hue, saturation, brightness)
A color model that defines three components: hue, saturation, and brightness. Hue determines color (yellow, orange, red, and so on);
brightness determines perceived intensity (lighter or darker color); and saturation determines color depth (from dull to intense).
The World Wide Web authoring standard comprised of markup tags that define the structure and components of a document. The tags are
used to tag text and integrate resources (such as images, sound, video, and animation) when you create a webpage.
The property of a color that allows it to be classified by its name. For example, blue, green, and red are all hues.
An electronic link that provides access directly from one place in a document to another place in that document or to another document.
A pictorial representation of a tool, object, file, or other application item.
image map
A graphic in an HTML document that contains clickable areas that link to locations on the World Wide Web, to other HTML documents, or
to graphics.
image resolution
The number of pixels per inch in a bitmap measured in ppi (pixels per inch) or dpi (dots per inch). Low resolutions can result in a grainy
appearance of the bitmap; high resolutions can produce smoother images but result in larger file sizes.
A high-resolution device that creates film or film-based paper output used in the production of plates for printing presses.
To import and place a photo image, clipart object, or sound file into a drawing.
Intensity is a measure of the brightness of the light pixels in a bitmap compared with the darker midtones and dark pixels. An increase in
intensity increases the vividness of whites while maintaining true darks.
In GIF images, a method that lets you display a web-based image on the screen at a low, blocky resolution. As the image data loads, the
image quality improves.
The point at which one line crosses another.
A scripting language used on the web to add interactive functions to HTML pages.
A format for photographic images that offers compression with some loss of image quality. Because of their compression (up to 20 to 1)
and small file size, JPEG images are widely used in Internet publishing.