Glossary | 749
See also spread, choke, and overprinting.
color value
A set of numbers that define a color in a color mode. For example, in the RGB color mode, color values of 255 for red (R) and zero for both
green (G) and blue (B) result in the color red.
combined object
An object created by combining two or more objects and converting them into a single curve object. A combined object takes on the fill
and outline attributes of the last selected object. Sections where an even number of objects overlapped have no fill. Sections where an odd
number of objects overlapped are filled. The outlines of the original objects remain visible.
compound blend
A blend created by blending the start or end object of one blend with another object.
Hollowed or rounded inward like the inside of a bowl.
The object or objects that appear inside a container object when you apply PowerClip effects.
This term is also used to describe graphics resources included with the product such as clipart, photos, symbols, fonts, and objects.
constrain key
A key you hold to constrain drawing and editing to a shape or at an angle. The default key is Ctrl. You can change the default key to Shift,
the Windows standard, on the Pick tool page of the Options dialog box.
An effect created by adding evenly spaced concentric shapes inside or outside the borders of an object. This effect can also be used for
creating cuttable outlines for devices, such as plotters, engraving machines, and vinyl cutters.
The difference in tone between the dark and light areas of an image. Higher contrast values indicate greater differences and fewer
gradations between dark and light.
control object
The original object used to create effects such as envelopes, extrusions, drop shadows, contours, and objects created with the Artistic media
tool. Changes made to the control object control the appearance of the effect.
control handles (CorelDRAW)
The handles that extend from a node along a curve that is being edited with the Shape tool. Control handles determine the angle at which
the curve passes through the node.
Curved or rounded outwards like the exterior of a sphere or circle.
To cut unwanted areas of an image without affecting the resolution of the part that remains.
curve object
An object that has nodes and control handles, which you can manipulate to change the object’s shape. A curve object can be any shape,
including a straight or curved line.
A point or corner created where two curves meet.