Glossary | 705
A closed shape that can be placed around an object to change the object’s shape. An envelope consists of segments connected by nodes.
After an envelope has been placed around an object, the nodes can be moved to change the shape of the object.
A photographic term referring to the amount of light used to create an image. If not enough light is permitted to interact with the sensor (in
a digital camera) or film (in a traditional camera), the image appears too dark (underexposed). If too much light is permitted to interact with
the sensor or film, the image appears too light (overexposed).
A feature that lets you apply a three-dimensional perspective by projecting lines from an object to create the illusion of depth.
The level of sharpness along the edges of a drop shadow.
A color, bitmap, fountain, or pattern applied to an area of an image.
An application that translates digital information from one form to another.
floating object
A bitmap with no background. Floating objects are also referred to as photo objects or cutout images.
A set of characters with a single style (such as italic), weight (such as bold), and size (such as 10 point) for a typeface such as Times New
fountain fill
A smooth progression of two or more colors applied to an area of an image that follow a linear, radial, conical, or square path. Two-color
fountain fills have a direct progression from one color to another, while custom fills may have a progression of many colors.
fountain step
The shades of color that make up the appearance of a fountain fill. The more steps in a fill, the smoother the transition from the beginning
color to the end color.
freehand marquee select
To marquee select objects or nodes while dragging the Shape tool and controlling the shape of the marquee box enclosure as if you were
drawing a freehand line.
See also marquee select.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
A method of moving files between two computers. Many Internet sites have established repositories of material that can be accessed by
using FTP.
A graphic file format designed to use a minimum of disk space and be easily exchanged between computers. This format is commonly used
to publish images of 256 or fewer colors to the Internet.
Diamond-shaped handles that can be dragged to alter the form of a shape.