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White Paper
December 2001
Prepared by:
Access Business Group
Compaq Computer Corporation
Introduction................................. 3
Security in General..................... 3
Essential Elements of
Security..................................... 4
Security and the Pipe ................. 4
Device Security......................... 5
Connectivity Technologies ........ 9
Access Points.......................... 24
Corporate Firewalls................. 27
Application and Data Servers.. 28
Conclusion................................ 29
Bibliography.............................. 30
Wireless Security
Abstract: People and corporations are using wireless technologies
at astonishing rates to take advantage of the benefits of wireless-
enabled productivity to gain and maintain a competitive edge.
Market researcher Cahners In-Stat estimates that 6.2 million wireless
devices will be shipped worldwide this year (2001), and double that
in two years.
This paper looks at the pieces of the “pipe” of access from the device
to the corporate firewall in an attempt to bring an awareness to both
the user and the corporate IT manager as to where the security
vulnerabilities lie and what can be done to improve security. Many
of the vulnerabilities can be alleviated easily by implementing
policies for users and adding security layers to the pipe. To put the
subject of wireless security into context, the paper is organized as
follows: First, securing wireless systems in general is discussed, then
securing each point along the access pipe is discussed.
Wireless Security White Paper 2
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©2002 Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P.
Wireless Security
White Paper prepared by Access Business Group
First Edition (December 2001)
Document Number 161Z-1201A-WWEN
Wireless Security White Paper 3
Wireless networks connect computers in offices or homes to other computers, or to devices such
as printers, by using radio or infrared signals instead of cables and jacks. Since wireless networks
dispense with cables, users connected to wireless computer networks (or wirelessly connected to
computer networks) can roam around with the machines they use to gain access to such networks.
This ability to function in "untethered" mode is a great convenience.
Users and corporations are using wireless technologies at astonishing rates to take advantage of
the benefits of wireless-enabled productivity to gain and maintain a competitive edge. Market
researcher Cahners In-Stat estimates that 6.2 million wireless devices will be shipped worldwide
this year (2001), and double that in two years.
The pervasiveness of sending and receiving data via wireless networks to the Internet and
corporate intranets has presented users of access devices and corporations with new concerns
about vulnerability to security breaches. Wireless access technologies have been called "one of
the newest and potentially most dangerous security holes in U.S. business."
Experts estimate that
most of the wireless networks in operation today have no security whatsoever. This is so in part
because many users are not aware of specific security vulnerabilities or don’t understand the
magnitude of potential loss and, therefore, do not put the appropriate measures in place. This
paper will look at the pieces of the “pipe” of access from the device to the corporate firewall in an
attempt to bring an awareness to both the user and the corporate IT manager as to where the
security vulnerabilities lie and what can be done to improve security. Many of the vulnerabilities
can be alleviated easily by implementing policies for users and adding security layers to the pipe.
To put the subject of wireless security into context, the paper is organized as follows: First,
securing wireless systems in general is discussed, then securing each point along the access pipe
is discussed.
A significant part of wireless network security overlaps with security designed for wired
networks. This is particularly so where firewalls, virtual private networks, and corporate servers
are concerned. Please see the Compaq Technical Guide titled “Safe Computing and E-Business:
Protecting the Enterprise to Assure E-Business Success”
February, 2000) for important detail on best practices and established technologies for managing
corporate network security.
For complete wireless and mobile security solutions, please contact Compaq Global Services at
Security in General
It is important to realize from the outset that no single measure may be adequate to address
security in wirelessly enabled networks. Both wired and wireless security implementations must
be constantly evaluated and improved as people find new ways to gain unauthorized access to
sensitive data. To plan a security business model, key elements of security must be considered as
each point of access is examined.
Lee Gomes, "Often unguarded wireless networks can be eavesdroppers’ gold mine" (Wall Street Journal Online, April 27, 2001).
Wireless Security White Paper 4
Essential Elements of Security
The essential elements of security as it applies to wireless networks are:
Privacy — assuring that only people who have permission to do so can view information and
transactions. Privacy is preserved through a process that authorizes identified persons to see
protected information and engage in transactions. Encryption is an important tool for
preserving privacy.
Authentication — the process of verifying that the parties to an electronic transaction, as well
as persons seeking access to digital information, are who they say they are. Authentication
verifies identity and is supported by digital signatures.
Integrity — a process by which a security system seeks to preserve stored information and
information that circulates in messages. Assuring that such information remains intact and
unchanged (except by authorized parties) preserves its integrity.
Non-repudiation -- a process that proves an entity took a course of action, and only that entity
could have taken the course of action. This quality makes electronic transactions legally
binding. Non-repudiation is supported by digital signatures and trusted timestamps.
System Management -- all security technology must be managed. This means setting it up to
be easy to use, while making sure it cannot be abused or used to hide criminal activity.
These essential elements should be the result of any combination of security implementations
from the device across the “pipe” to the corporate firewall and servers.
The next section describes aspects of securing the “pipe”, the security issues that may arise with
wireless networks at critical junctures along the pipe, and measures that can be taken to address
those issues.
Security and the Pipe
A pipe is a conduit through which something flows. A wireless mobile business solution should
include an end-to end security model for enabling secure data access by creating a secure pipe
from the mobile user’s access device (the client) across various networks (air, broadband, dial-up)
to the point where access is gained to the corporate network. From here the pipe leads through the
corporate firewall to corporate applications. The end-to-end security model should also provide
management mechanisms for performance and security.
Key elements of the pipe are the following:
1. Security at the mobile access device level or client (Device Security)
2. Security in wireless connectivity technologies (Connectivity Technologies)
WLAN, WPAN, WWAN, broadband, dial-up, RAS
3. Security at the point of access to the wired transmission path (Access Point)
WLAN hubs, telecommunications companies
4. Security at the corporate firewall and servers (Corporate Access)
5. Security of the corporate data inside the firewall (Corporate Data)
Wireless Security White Paper 5
(This aspect of security is not covered in this paper, since securing data from
unauthorized access behind the firewall is not a wireless security concern, but a wired
Figure 1 illustrates the pipe.
Figure 1: The Network Pipe
The vertical yellow lines in Figure 1 represent the pivotal points of data transfer. The horizontal
lines represent data traveling from one place to the next either wired or wirelessly. The entire pipe
must be considered in planning security models. Each element of the pipe, along with the security
problems and solutions associated with it, is discussed in the next five subsections.
Device Security
Despite the growing popularity of handheld PCs, PDAs, and cellular telephones, the truly
ubiquitous mobile computing device in the United States is still the notebook computer (in
Europe it is the mobile telephone). Notebook computers are used for online connectivity, Internet
surfing, organization of information such as contact lists and tasks, storage of vast amounts of
data, hosting of numerous client applications, and creation of primary content such as documents,
e-mail messages, and spreadsheets.
Wireless Security White Paper 6
Moreover, workers are using notebook computers more and more as desktop machines while in
the office, then taking them home at the end of the day to continue working. Because of their
usefulness, companies deploy millions of notebook computers to their employees. Companies
treat the devices as critical resources by defining usage and security policies and by instituting
measures to protect the hardware and the data that the devices hold. For information on Compaq
notebook computers, see http://www.compaq.com/showroom/notebooks.html
Mobile devices such as handheld computers, PDAs, and cellular telephones have traditionally
been used for a subset of the tasks that notebook computers address. However, handheld
computers and PDAs are beginning to be used by workers who are on the road or present in client
offices to access many types of applications in real time. For information on Compaq handheld
devices, see http://www.compaq.com/showroom/handhelds.html
Device security concerns increase significantly where handheld mobile devices are concerned,
because they are often owned and managed by individuals, as opposed to the companies they
work for. Most companies, therefore, do not have in place the usage and security policies
appropriate for such devices. The difficulty in managing individually owned handheld mobile
devices and their rate of propagation causes them to pose a unique security threat.
The following subsections describe security problems specific to mobile access devices, the first
link in the pipe on the client side, and possible solutions to those problems.
Usage in Public
Mobile devices employing a cellular service are used more frequently in public places (hotel
lobbies, airplanes, and the like) than desktop devices, which makes it harder to prevent strangers
from peering over the shoulders of mobile device users. If permitted to observe the user’s
computing activity for any period of time, the curious stranger may be able to read and record (or
remember) sensitive information. This violates the security tenet of privacy.
The exposure to prying eyes that mobile devices incur has no technological solution. The only
way for users to minimize this exposure is to exercise vigilance and common sense. Being
selective in where and when they use their devices and reasonably alert in monitoring their
surroundings are precautions that mobile device users can and should take. The smaller screens of
handheld devices reduce this type of security risk.
Loss and Theft
Mobile access devices are more susceptible to loss and theft than larger stationary devices. If a
device is lost or stolen, unauthorized persons may view confidential information stored on the
device. They may also use the device to gain access to public and private networks in order to
tamper with or steal information. The security tenets of privacy, authentication, and integrity are
all potentially breached in such a situation.
Vulnerability to Hacking
Connecting to the Internet or to corporate networks by radio waves leaves data vulnerable to
hacking because of the open-to-all nature of the transmission medium (air). Minimizing
vulnerability to hackers can be accomplished when both access devices and portals themselves
are protected by their own firewalls. Often firewalls are not installed due to the small storage size
of some handheld access devices, and lack of enforcement of security and usage polices relating
to such devices.
Wireless Security White Paper 7
Available Device-specific Security Measures
Many security measures are available for mobile access devices. Some of these are outlined in the
subsections below. For various reasons they are often not fully implemented.
Mobile devices, especially handhelds, have small user interfaces and keypads, leading many users
to choose simpler passwords. For example, keypads that associate multiple letters with each key
require repeated presses to type certain letters. Users often choose passwords that use the first
letter typed by a given key. This practice substantially reduces the number of possible passwords.
Also, mobile device users often cache their passwords on the devices in order to automate
connections to servers.
A further consideration is whether or not to permit single sign-on from the mobile device. While
doing so is more convenient given the cumbersome nature of password entry on mobile devices,
it raises the level of risk that intruders may penetrate the network.
The straightforward solution is to endure the trade-off in convenience and make password
protection more robust by avoiding weak passwords, refraining from password caching, and
avoiding single sign-on.
Smart Cards
Smart cards offer a partial solution to the problem of securing data transmissions to and from
mobile devices. The smart card is a tamper-resistant piece of hardware on which passwords,
private keys, digital certificates, and cryptographic algorithms can be stored. Simply keeping the
smart card separate from the device, in a wallet for example, adds a level of security to the device
in the event of theft. Moreover, a person attacking a smart card must not only possess the card but
also have sophisticated tools and expertise.
There are two main types of smart cards: contact and contactless. The contact smart card consists
of a plastic card with gold-plated contacts embedded in the plastic. These contacts are connected
to an integrated circuit sandwiched between layers of plastic inside the card. The contactless
smart card typically connects to the smart card reader through an internal antenna.
Smart cards are easy to use, and the newer, more complex ones offer relatively strong encryption.
A smart card is most effective when paired with a personal identification number (PIN). Whereas
a stolen smart card can be used just like a stolen password, the association with a PIN presents
thieves with a further barrier to obtaining access to a wireless network, even with the card.
Smart card readers offer different levels of security. The basic smart card reader reads the smart
card in conjunction with a PIN. The enhanced smart card reader also reads the card in conjunction
with a PIN, but in addition does not allow the PIN back out to the serial port, thus preventing PIN
information from being intercepted via the serial port. The enhanced reader typically can perform
its own protocol and cryptological processing, unlike smart cards that do not perform such
processing themselves.
Wireless Security White Paper 8
A concern with smart cards (and certain other encryption devices) is their vulnerability to power
analysis attacks if they fall into the wrong hands. Such attacks involve device power
measurements and their analysis while the smart card is in operation. Mathematical analysis of
the differences in power consumption during different operations of the smart card can make
possible the decryption of the smart card’s information. Other types of attacks include replay and
micro-probing. Such vulnerability notwithstanding, smart cards are an important tool in
improving authentication on mobile devices, making them less likely to be misused if they fall
into the hands of strangers.
Biometric Technologies
Biometric devices use physical traits such as fingerprint, iris, face, and voice to identify an
individual. Fingerprints are an accurate trait to use for computer-based identification, and
solutions developed for fingerprints are currently the most cost-effective and easy to use.
Compaq partners with Identix, a leader in biometric identification technology, to produce
Compaq Fingerprint Identification Technology (FIT) for the commercial market. A tiny camera
in the Fingerprint Identification Reader captures an image of the fingerprint of a device's
legitimate user. The information then goes through some complex algorithms to convert the
image into a unique "map" of minutiae points (unique data points that describe the fingerprint).
This map of minutiae points (not the actual fingerprint) is then encrypted and stored within the
network. The user places a registered finger on the reader attached to his or her PC in order to log
on to the network. The information is then extracted and compared to information on the
computer. If the comparison is a sufficient match, the user is allowed to log in.
Where mobile devices are concerned, Compaq FIT is currently available only for Compaq
Armada and Evo notebook computers. For more information on Compaq FIT,
see http://www.compaq.com/products/notebooks/security.html
Multi-factor Authentication
Multi-factor authentication is one of the best ways to improve security at the device level.
Corporations sensitive to security breaches are moving quickly to at least two-factor
authentication – choosing two types of authentication as requirements for accessing data. Such
security requires the user to authenticate him one’s self in more than one way in order to improve
security. The means of authentication may include the following:
Something the user knows (password)
Something the user has (tokens -- smart card)
Who the user is (biometrics -- fingerprint identification)
Requiring at least two types of authentication is dramatically more secure than requiring only
File System Security
While desktop operating systems such as Windows 2000 offer an encrypted file system, this is
not yet common on mobile platforms. If the data on a mobile device is sensitive, it is worth
investigating security software that can encrypt such information. FileCrypto for PocketPC from
F-Secure Corporation of Helsinki, Finland provides such encryption for mobile devices.
Wireless Security White Paper 9
Key features of F-Secure FileCrypto for PocketPC are the following:
Encrypts documents in selected folders on the fly
Strong real-time encryption with 128-bit Blowfish
Allows creation of user-specified encrypted folders
Supports removable media
Automatic installation through a host PC to the PDA device at next ActiveSync
Minimum length and character set of pass-phrase can be defined
ActiveSync protected by the same pass-phrase
Automatic encryption at power-off
Key recovery ensures that corporate data is not lost if the pass-phrase is forgotten
Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC’s ship with F-Secure today. For more information on F-Secure
products see http://www.fsecure.com
SecurID is a two-factor authentication technique that combines a user's PIN with the operations of
an external authenticator device to produce a secure user login. The SecurID external
authenticator may be implemented as a key fob, smart card, or software token. It generates a
unique code every sixty seconds in strict synchronicity with the server. The user's login password
combines the SecurID code with his or her PIN.
RSA Security did not develop a Pocket PC client, but instead incorporated SecurID into the
EZOS WAP micro-browser called EzWAP.
Device-Specific Firewalls
Industry best practices dictate the use of a device-mounted firewall when connecting to the
Internet, especially through a wireless VPN connection. Software-based firewalls are available
from third-party providers. One such product is Black Ice, available from Network ICE
Corporation. Notwithstanding the protection offered, such firewalls are often not incorporated
into the access device; either because of the small hard drives of handheld devices or through lack
of a corporate security policy (or enforcement of same) requiring such use.
Connectivity Technologies
The second key juncture in the pipe, after wireless access devices, is a range of wireless
connectivity technologies. These technologies provide the infrastructure, standards, and protocols
that permit information to travel wirelessly between mobile clients and the wired lines that
provide access to corporate servers. Different connection technologies are used at different times,
depending on the availability and efficiency of each connection type at any given time.
Internal users use a wireless connection at work to stay connected while they roam. For
example, they can send and receive e-mail while attending meetings in conference rooms.
Generally, wireless local area networks (WLANs) will facilitate this usage.
EzWAP 2.0 is a platform-independent WAP micro-browser enabling a variety of computing systems…to access the mobile Internet
environment. ( http://www.ezos.com
Wireless Security White Paper 10
Individual users can connect between various personal devices wherever they are, such as
from a cell phone to a handheld to a desktop computer without cables to synchronize data or
gain access to a wireless connection. Wireless personal area networks (WPANs) facilitate
such connections between devices.
External users increasingly want corporate connectivity anywhere at any time. For example,
they can send and receive e-mail, access corporate data, the Internet and intranets, while
sitting in airport lounges, traveling in a cab or sitting in front of a customer. Wireless local
area networks (WLANs) and wireless wide area networks (WWANs) facilitate this usage.
A brief description of these connectivity technologies follows and detailed papers that exist on
each technology are referenced below. The following three subsections comment briefly on the
three types of wireless networks and provide an illustration of each type.
Wireless Local-area Networks
A wireless local-area network (WLAN) is a type of LAN that uses high-frequency radio waves
rather than wires to transmit data among its nodes. It is a flexible data communication system
implemented as an extension or alternative to a wired LAN within a building or campus. Users of
a WLAN can enjoy connectivity to the network without having to plug cables into Ethernet jacks
in every office and conference room.
Figure 2 illustrates a WLAN.
Figure 2: Wireless Local-area Network
Wireless Security White Paper 11
Wireless Personal-area Networks
Wireless personal-area networks (WPANs) can use Bluetooth, a radio frequency (RF)
specification for point-to-multipoint voice and data transfer. They can also use infrared
technology. A WPAN permits personal devices such as handheld PCs to connect wirelessly to
peripheral devices such as printers or other personal devices.
Figure 3 illustrates a WPAN.
Figure 3: Wireless Personal-area Network
Wireless Wide-area Networks
Historically, wireless wide-area networks (WWANs) have been used to support voice
transmission for mobile telephones. WWANs use one of three digital wireless telephone
technologies: GSM, CDMA, and TDMA.
The Global System for Mobile communication (GSM), developed in Europe, is the most widely
used of the three digital wireless telephone technologies. Code Division Multiple Access
(CDMA) and Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) were developed in the United States and
are widely used there. GSM is a TDMA technology. The official names for CDMA and TDMA
are IS-95 and IS-136, respectively. Japan’s NT DoCoMo uses I-mode technology in its market.
Wireless Security White Paper 12
Compaq provides turnkey solutions: clients with enabling technologies, airtime provided by
carriers, area network coverage, and optimized features. Compaq WWANs using CDPD and
GSM technologies are available now. WWAN via CDPD, for example, provides packet-switched
connections to the Internet, Internet e-mail, enterprise intranet and corporate e-mail. Compaq
offers an optimized MS Exchange e-mail solution with InfoWave. Nationwide (U.S.) coverage is
available. Wireless WAN via GSM, as another example, provides circuit-switched connection to
the Internet, Internet e-mail or enterprise modem pool. As with CDPD, an optimized MS
Exchange solution is provided with InfoWave.
Figure 4 illustrates a WWAN.
Figure 4: Wireless Wide-area Network
Whether it is a WLAN, a WPAN, or a WWAN, a wireless network uses radio waves to transmit
information. Radio waves travel over an unshielded medium, which is air. Because all wireless
networks operate on the same frequency and with the same equipment, and because it is difficult
to control how far radio waves travel, hackers can access the data as it is transmitted through the
air when the data is not properly encrypted. Such eavesdropping and possible theft of information
violates privacy. Gaining access to corporate passwords, logging on to servers, and taking over a
website (impersonation, which violates authentication and possibly integrity), or even shutting the
network down (sabotage, which overwhelms all the elements of security) are vulnerabilities
exposed with data traveling over radio waves.
Wireless Security White Paper 13
The discussion that follows concentrates on the segment of the network pipe in which information
must travel over public highways and suffer the potential for exposure. Transmission via one of
several connectivity technologies from the access device to the carrier (or WWAN access point)
is dependent to a certain degree on the type of network used in WWAN connectivity.
GSM and CDPD networks are the most secure due to the heavier underlying encryption native to
the network technology; that is, the airtime provider supplies the user with encryption of signals,
resulting in an inherently more secure system than those where such encryption is not provided.
Conversely, CDMA/TDMA networks are slightly less secure since they include only digital
encoding without encryption.
The following sub-sections discuss these vulnerabilities in more detail and suggest solutions to
mitigate risk associated with WWAN connectivity.
For simplification, the next section is titled "Eavesdropping," but with the understanding that, as
commented above, eavesdropping can lead to or imply a broad range of mischief for a wireless
network. This simplification is helpful in describing the two primary technologies that help
forestall eavesdropping and its destructive ramifications. Those technologies are encryption and
tunneling. Encryption and tunneling effectively "hide" information as it travels by making it
unreadable, and thus unusable, to casual or not-so-casual observers. It is necessary at this
juncture, however, to be clear that technologies used to secure one piece of the pipe may need to
be deployed across multiple points in the pipe. For example, it may be necessary to load software
on the device and on the server, as well, to better secure the connectivity channel.
To prevent eavesdropping and its concomitant ills, the information that travels over a wireless
network must be rendered unreadable or invisible to observers. Two key technologies make such
information unreadable or invisible. Those technologies are encryption and tunneling. These
technologies include Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).
Popular PKI vendors like Baltimore Technologies, Inc. and Entrust do not have PKI support for
access devices. Smaller companies have point solutions to specific applications that run on the
various operating systems.
Public Key Infrastructure
Most approaches to achieving security for the wireless exchange of information over networks
involve the use of public key cryptography, also known as public key encryption. The framework
on which public key cryptography is built is known as a public key infrastructure (PKI).
Figure 5 illustrates the basics of public key cryptography. In Figure 5 the originator encrypts the
data using a public key, so that the data is scrambled when it is sent over the network. The
recipient receives the scrambled data and decrypts it using the recipient’s private key.
Figure 5: Basics of Public Key Cryptography
Wireless Security White Paper 14
Core elements of a PKI are:
Asymmetric keys
Digital certificates
Digital signatures
The following paragraphs describe and illustrate these elements.
A "key" is a numeric value of variable length that an encryption algorithm uses to convert
unencrypted text into encrypted text. Public key cryptography uses a pair of asymmetric keys for
encryption and decryption. An "asymmetric" key system uses a different key for encryption and
decryption. (By contrast, a "symmetric" key system uses the same key for encryption and
Each pair of keys in an asymmetric key system consists of a public key and a private key. The
public key is distributed widely. The private key is always kept secret. Data encrypted with the
public key can be decrypted only with the private key. Conversely, data encrypted with the
private key can be decrypted only with the public key. Most asymmetric encryption uses the RSA
algorithm developed in 1977 by Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman, or derivatives of that algorithm.
Figure 6 illustrates symmetric and asymmetric keys.
Figure 6: Symmetric and Asymmetric Keys
Symmetric Key vs Public Key
Symmetric key (shared secret) systems
Same key used for encryption and decryption
Symmetric key (shared secret) systems
Same key used for encryption and decryption
Public key systems
public key
private key
Different keys for encryption and decryption
Public key systems
public key
private key
Different keys for encryption and decryption
Wireless Security White Paper 15
Digital Certificates
Digital certificates are electronic files that can be used as unique identifiers for people and
resources over networks. A digital certificate binds a user’s identity to a public key, thus
establishing trust. Digital certificates can also be used to help secure confidential communication
between two parties. A certificate typically includes the following information relating to its
owner and to the Certificate Authority (CA) that issued it:
The name of the holder and other uniquely identifying detail such as the URL of the Web
server using the certificate and the holder’s e-mail address
The holder’s public key, which can be used to encrypt sensitive information for the certificate
The name of the Certification Authority (CA) that issued the certificate
A serial number
The validity period (or lifetime) of the certificate (a start and end date)
When the issuing CA creates the certificate, it digitally signs the information on the certificate.
The CAs signature on the certificate is like a tamper-detection seal; any tampering with the
contents is easily detected.
Figure 7 illustrates digital certificates.
Figure 7: Digital Certificates
Subject DN: cn=Bob Smith,
o=ACME, c=US
Serial #: 8391037
Start:1/5/97 1:02
End:7/5/98 1:02
CRL:cn=CRL2, o=ACME, c=US
SubjectAltName: IP, DNS, email
What’s in a certificate?
Unique name of owner
Unique serial number
Period of validity
Revocation information
Public key
Name of issuing CA
CA’s digital
Alternate Subject identifiers
Wireless Security White Paper 16
Digital Signatures
Digital signatures are intended to be the legal equivalent of handwritten signatures. The signer
generates a “hash value” or “digital fingerprint” of the document or message to be signed.
hash value is unique to the document or message. The hash value is then converted into a digital
signature by the user’s private key. The digital signature is sent to the recipient for verification.
The recipient verifies the digital signature by generating a hash value of the original message,
decrypting the original hash value in the digital signature with the public key, then comparing the
original hash value with the recipient’s hash value. If the two hash values match, the signature is
deemed authentic. Another way to verify a digital signature is through a Certification Authority
(CA). A CA is usually a trusted third party able to verify that the private key used to generate the
digital signature belongs to the signer, and that the public key is indeed associated with the
digitally signed document or message.
Figure 8 illustrates digital signatures. In Figure 8 the original data is hashed using a one-way
algorithm. The hash is encrypted using the originator’s private key. The original data along with
the digital signature is sent over the network to the recipient, who decrypts the digital signature
using the public key. The recipient compares the one-way hash from the digital signature to the
one-way hash from the original data. If the two match, the data has not been compromised and
the identity of the originator is confirmed.
Figure 8: Digital Signatures
Hashing is the process of transforming a string of characters into a fixed-length numeric value or "key" that represents the original
Wireless Security White Paper 17
Virtual Private Networks
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), also known as "tunnels" and commonly used over the Internet
for wired networks, can keep a wireless network hidden from prying eyes. Security experts
recommend that companies use an additional authentication system such as a VPN before
allowing data to cross from a wireless network to an intranet or other corporate system. VPNs
have the following characteristics:
User Authentication. The VPN must verify the user’s identity and restrict VPN access to
authorized users. The VPN must also provide audit and accounting records to show who
accessed what information and when.
Address Management. The VPN must assign a client’s address on the private network and
assure that addresses are kept private.
Data Encryption. The VPN must encrypt information transmitted on the public network.
Key Management. The VPN must generate and refresh encryption keys for the client and
Multiprotocol Support. The VPN must handle common protocols used on the public network.
Figure 9 (next page) illustrates a VPN used in conjunction with firewalls.
Figure 9: Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Wireless Security White Paper 18
Several VPN protocols are available. They include the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
from Microsoft, the Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), the Layer Two Forwarding protocol
(L2F) from Cisco Systems, and the Internet Protocol Security protocol (IPSec).
The PPTP protocol lets corporations extend their corporate network through private "tunnels"
over the public Internet. In effect, the corporation converts a wide area network (the Internet) into
a single large local area network. By making secure use of the public network, the corporation no
longer has to lease its own lines for wide-area communication. This is the definition of a virtual
private network.
L2TP is an extension of PPTP that is used by an internet service provider (ISP) to enable VPNs
over the Internet. L2TP merges the best features of PPTP and L2F. Its two main components are
the L2TP Access Concentrator (LAC), a device that physically terminates a call, and the L2TP
Network Server (LNS), a device that terminates and possibly authenticates the Point-to-Point
Protocol (PPP) stream.
L2F is a technology that, according to developer Cisco Systems, will enhance the ability of
service providers to build Virtual Private Dial-Up Networks (VPDNs). Cisco has submitted L2F
to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for approval as a standard. Northern Telecom Inc.
and Shiva Corporation have announced their support for L2F.
IPSec is a developing standard for security that operates at the network or packet-processing layer
of network communication. By contrast, earlier security schemes inserted security at the
application layer of the communications model. IPSec offers strong encryption, but degrades the
performance of the computer it runs on because of the high CPU overhead associated with the
encryption and decryption algorithms. The greater speeds of new generations of processors will
reduce the toll that IPSec takes on machine performance.
IPSec is especially well suited for implementing VPNs and for remote user access through dial-up
connection to private networks. IPSec supports two encryption modes: Transport and Tunnel.
Transport mode encrypts only the data portion (payload) of each packet, but leaves the header
untouched. The more secure Tunnel mode encrypts both the header and the payload. On the
receiving side, an IPSec-compliant device decrypts each packet.
With IPSec, the sending and receiving devices share a secret key, also known as a symmetric key.
These keys can be exchanged via public key cryptography. This exchange takes place through a
protocol known as Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol/Oakley
(ISAKMP/Oakley), (now also known as Internet Key Exchange – IKE), which allows the
receiver to use public and private keys and authenticate the sender with digital certificates. IPSec
also has the advantage that security arrangements can be handled without requiring changes to the
computers of individual users. Cisco Systems has been prominent in proposing IPSec as a
standard, and includes IPSec support in its network routers.
VPN software is often never turned on. A further difficulty is that many mobile devices simply do
not support VPNs at this time. Additionally, VPNs were not designed with wireless networks in
mind, and are therefore more prone to failure due to unreliability and low bandwidth. Both the
mobile device and the server must support a common VPN protocol. Frequently, the mobile
device does not have VPN client software installed. If it does have such software, the device is
still likely to be limited in the VPN protocols that it supports.
Wireless Security White Paper 19
The following VPN products, however, are available from third parties for the Compaq iPAQ
Pocket PC:
movianVPN by Certicom:
Based on IPSec
Uses Certicom ECC for IKE
Connects to back-end VPN products from: Alcatel, Check Point, Cisco, Intel, Nortel,
Radguard, Symantec
Check Point VPN Client:
In development
Not based on IPSec
Will support only Check Point VPN products
VGate by V-One:
Works only with V-One VPN appliance gateway
Supports many strong, third-party authentication schemes
SecureTunnel by Traxit:
Provides VPN functionality by performing packet switching at remote hosting center
Designed to provide direct, end-to-end connectivity and authentication (mobile client directly
to application server)
Security Specific to WWAN Carrier Technologies
All digitized mobile telephone and wireless packet data networks use some form of encryption.
GSM uses a smart card to protect its keys. The smart card contains both the international mobile
subscriber identity (IMSI) and the subscriber identification key. When the user makes a
connection with a mobile base station, a session key is negotiated and all transmissions, both
voice and data are encrypted.
GSM documents specify the rough functional characteristics of its protocols, including the secure
encryption of transmitted digital messages. However, apart from the protocols, details of the
algorithms are kept secret. Most security specialists will argue that secrecy is not an effective
approach, since only the close scrutiny of a large set of experts can ensure that there are no
obvious weaknesses in the technique. Nonetheless, GSM contains three secret algorithms that are
given only to vendors with established need-to-know, such as carriers and handset manufacturers.
The three algorithms are:
A3: Authentication algorithm
A5: Ciphering/Deciphering algorithm (currently A5/1,A5/2, provides over-the-air voice
A8: Cipher Key Generator (essentially a one-way function), and session key generation
The smart card contains A3, A5 and A8; the base station is equipped with A5 encryption, and is
connected to an authentication center using A3 and A8 algorithms to authenticate the mobile
participant and generate a session key.
Wireless Security White Paper 20
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) and Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) use the
Cellular Message Encryption Algorithm (CMEA) specified by the Telecommunications Industry
Association (TIA).
The encryption techniques used by WWANs have proven to be effective but not infallible. Both
GSM and CMEA algorithms have reportedly been cracked. However, their effectiveness lies in
making prohibitively expensive the monitoring and interception of random or bulk transmissions
over a WWAN.
Besides encryption, the IS-95 standard of CDMA uses a transmission technique called "spread
spectrum" that was developed by the military with a view to making interception more difficult.
Spread spectrum deliberately varies the frequency of the transmitted signal, resulting in a much
greater bandwidth than the signal would otherwise have. (Conventional wireless signals do not
change frequency except for small, rapid fluctuations that occur as a result of modulation.)
Wireless Access Protocol
The Wireless Access Protocol (WAP) is designed specifically for the mobile environment.
Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) is the security level for WAP applications. WTLS is
based on Transport Layer Security (TLS), a security layer used on the Internet and equivalent to
Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
WTLS was developed to solve problems specific to mobile network devices, including their
limited processing power, memory capacity, and bandwidth. WTLS is designed to provide
adequate authentication, data integrity, and privacy protection. WTLS offers three classes of
Class 1 authentication is anonymous, meaning neither party to the link is authenticated;
Class 2 authentication authenticates only the server;
Class 3 authentication requires both client and server to authenticate themselves by means of
a signed digital certificate.
Version 1.1 of WAP used WTLS server certificates to authenticate a WTLS server to a WTLS
client, and to provide a basis for generating a key with which to encrypt a session between the
server and client. WAP 1.2 adds support for WTLS client certificates, which authenticate a
WTLS client to a WTLS server. WAP 1.2 also adds a function that allows a WAP client to
digitally sign a transaction, thus providing for non-repudiation. WAP 2.0 was released in June
2001 and adds support for Wireless Public Key Infrastructure (WPKI) by describing methods for
the secure download of digital certificates. WAP 2.0 is based on standard Internet TLS, and
designed so as to eliminate the "WAP gap." (See below for more on WAP 2.0.)
Wireless Security White Paper 21
Figure 10 illustrates the wireless access protocol.
Figure 10: Wireless Access Protocol (WAP)
WAP does not provide end-to-end encryption between the wireless client and the application
server. The wireless transport layer security (WTLS) on which WAP is based encrypts
information only as it travels from the wireless client to the WAP gateway. The WAP gateway
often re-encrypts the information, using Secure Socket Layer (SSL), as it continues to the
application server. However, this does not change the fact that there is not end-to-end encryption
in the information’s trip from wireless client device to application server. This characteristic is
often called the "WAP gap."
The newest ratified version of WAP is 2.0 (June 2001).WAP 2.0 is radically different from
previous versions and represents a strong flow of convergence with the IETF and W3C. The
WAP gateway is optional and WAP has now adopted the Internet standards TCP, HTTP, and
TLS with wireless-specific profiles. Similarly, WML is effectively a profile of XHTML. Much
work has been done, as well, on end-to-end security.
It may be some time, however, before implementations of WAP 2.0 appear on the market. Such
implementations may appear first on the PocketPC rather than on telephones, since all they would
require is a software change rather than new hardware.
Mobile Device Web Server
Security protocol must be translated from WAP “WTLS” to standard Internet
Data is unencrypted for a brief period of time
Wireless Security White Paper 22
Infowave provides an encrypted end-to-end security model from the mobile user through the
wireless data network and Internet to the corporate server. Infowave is a gateway solution that
controls all traffic to and from wireless users. Infowave requires that a single configurable port be
opened in the firewall and set up as follows:
The port must allow only User Datagram Protocol (UDP) traffic.
The port must admit traffic only to the machine that is running the Wireless Business Engine
(the Wireless Business Engine is the only software listening to the port). In addition,
incoming packets must be encrypted with the server’s public key, and must contain a valid
logon packet with NTLM logon credentials to be processed. Otherwise, the packets are
The Infowave security model is based on the following elements:
Authentication — proves the identity of the user
Authorization — determines what the user is allowed to do
Encryption — assures the privacy of transmissions
Data Integrity — assures that the information has not been altered
Non-Repudiation — prohibits the user from denying the transmission after the fact
Figure 11 illustrates the Infowave security flow.
Figure 11: Infowave Security Flow
More detail on each element of the security model follows.
UDP is an alternative to Transmission Control Protocol -- TCP, and does not provide the service of dividing messages into packets
and reassembling them at the receiving end. It is useful when very small messages are exchanged.
Client S erver
Encrypt DESX Session
Key, NTLM Token,
Configuration Information
Decrypt DESX S ession
Key, NT LM Authentication
Call, S end NT LM T oken2
Authenticate NT LM T oken
2, Key, S end NT LM T oken
Authenticate NT LM T oken
3, S end S ucces s or F ai l ur e
Authentication Complete,
R eady to S end Data
Send and Receive Session
Send and Receive Session
Wireless Security White Paper 23
Infowave uses NTLM challenge/response authentication. Infowave sends no user information
over the link other than the encrypted NTLM token.
Once it has authenticated the user, the Infowave server determines what resources the user is
authorized and licensed to access. The Infowave server grants or denies access to the Exchange
mailbox, for example. It also sends an authentication request back to the Infowave client
software. The authentication request is processed using the NTLM credentials cached on the
client device.
For asymmetric encryption, Infowave uses the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) encryption
algorithm from the Certicom Security Builder toolkit. The Infowave server maintains a private
and public key pair that is generated on installation. Infowave clients know the server’s public key
and use it to perform the symmetric key exchange for all data transfers. ECC is significantly
faster than the standard RSA encryption algorithms, and is well suited to mobile devices. The
Wireless Business Engine is designed to support a number of different encryption algorithm
combinations. The Certicom ECC/DESX combination is the currently implemented algorithm
pair, but an arbitrary number of algorithms can be supported.
For symmetric encryption, Infowave uses DESX, a strengthened variant of the Data Encryption
Standard (DES) method of encryption that originated at IBM in 1977. Infowave randomly
generates a DESX symmetric key pair on each client every time the client logs on. This key pair
is used to encrypt session traffic.
Data Integrity
Infowave compresses, encrypts, and delivers data using its wireless protocol. The Infowave
server analyzes the data to determine the best compression algorithm. The combination of
encryption and compression ensures that data cannot be altered during transmission. If data shows
signs of having been altered, the receiving side of the exchange does not accept it.
If the Infowave client software falls into unfriendly hands, the attacker can gain knowledge only
of the Infowave server public key and the number of the access port. The breach of this
information is not critical. Without knowing the user’s Windows NT domain name, user ID, and
password, the attacker can get no further than the Infowave server. The Windows NT domain
name is combined with other information and encrypted with the server’s public key, which keeps
an attacker from impersonating a valid user.
Possible Security Problem
There may be a significant problem with Infowave security in that the client is not able to validate
the public key of the Infowave server (WBE). This implies vulnerability to a "man-in-the-middle"
attack where a client request is intercepted and then relayed to the server. The man in the middle
can then eavesdrop on the entire transmission.
According to Infowave, this design decision was made to support server public key download at
the cost of the potential security hole mentioned above. At the time the design was implemented,
the client-side libraries did not support signing of the server public key. This will be changed in
future versions.
Wireless Security White Paper 24
Infowave further notes that the engineering effort required to perform the above attack is
prohibitive. It is not sufficient to just capture data and analyze it. The attacker would need to
build working versions of both the IStack transport layer (Infowave proprietary) and the WBE
authentication and session protocols (also Infowave proprietary) in order to carry out this attack.
One of these servers would be required for each client impersonated, since the WBE server only
supports one connection for each IP address. This attack would also require re-configuring the
client to communicate with the attacking server, or alternatively impersonating this IP address on
the Internet.
Access Points
The third key juncture in the pipe, after mobile access devices and wireless connectivity
technologies, consists of access points.
The term “access point” is used to describe the point in the pipe where the data leaves the
connectivity medium (WLAN and WWAN) and reaches the point at which data travels to the
wired lines or Internet. In the case of WLANs, for example, the Access Point is a piece of
hardware, a hub, which transfers data to the local area network via an Ethernet connection in an
office building. In the case of WWANs, the Access Point is the telecommunications company
which routes the data to the phone line which enters the corporate data network and/or the
WLAN Access Points
Certain weaknesses of Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
will be remedied in IEEE extensions to
the WEP specification that include 802.11i and 802.1x. 802.1x can be included in any access
point and will permit authentication to any authentication database (EAP RADIUS server). The
802.11i Security Subgroup is working to specify stronger encryption algorithms for future use in
802.11 networks. Compaq is an active participant in this effort. In the current draft specification,
a strengthened version of the RC-4/per-frame IV encryption algorithm, and a 128-bit AES
encryption algorithm are proposed. Per-user authentication eliminates the WEP key-distribution
problem (mentioned further below). The 801.11i standard ratified in 2001 will be the future
encryption standard. A fully secure solution will involve the use of 802.11i with its AES-based
encryption algorithm along with 802.1x as the key distribution and network access mechanism.
802.1x is not limited to wireless networks. It can be used to authenticate user access to any closed
network. For example, a company may have a private network, which should be accessible only
to employees, with more public segments that can also be made available to customers. Without
802.1x it would be necessary to isolate these two networks, which could lead to significant
duplication of effort and equipment.
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is an optional IEEE 802.11b feature used to provide data security equivalent to that of a wired
LAN without privacy-enhancing encryption techniques. According to the 802.11b standard, WEP data encryption is used to prevent
access to the network by intruders using similar WLAN equipment and to prevent capture of WLAN traffic through eavesdropping.
Wireless Security White Paper 25
The fundamental approach used by 802.1x is to authenticate users at the edge of the private
network. It would be conceivable to perform this processing at other points within the core of the
network, for example using MAC addresses. However, it would be difficult to protect all
authenticated end stations from unauthenticated stations, since intruders could bypass
authentication at least on their own segments. It is significantly less complex, and more scaleable,
to ensure security if the authentication is performed on the external boundary of the network. It is
possible to develop a tiered authentication scheme in which the public is able to access the
external network. All employees can access the corporate network, and individuals can access
their restricted departmental LANs.
A typical bridge would connect segments that are private and presumed to already be secure, such
as those on the corporate network. An 802.1x bridge can connect these segments, too, but its
added value lies in its ability to optionally authenticate a port before allowing it to connect.
What this means is that the bridge is configured with both controlled and uncontrolled ports.
Those that are uncontrolled do not need to authenticate and would see the device as though it
were a traditional bridge. Devices connecting to the controlled ports would not be able to access
any of the connected segments (neither the segments on the uncontrolled ports nor the segments
on authenticated controlled ports) until they were authenticated successfully.
The scenario sounds simple in principle. Where it becomes slightly more complicated is in the
actual authentication. Conceptually it would be feasible to let the bridge perform the
authentication using a cache of authentication information. However, that would be unnecessary
overhead for the bridge and would mean that authentication information would need to be
replicated to all bridges, which is neither efficient nor secure.
Instead, the bridge (called the Authenticator) may relay authentication requests from a client
(called the Supplicant) to an Authentication server. This is very similar to the RADIUS model of
authentication and, in fact, it is expected that many Authenticators will be RADIUS clients -- and
many Authentication servers therefore RADIUS servers.
There are three players in this topology. The Authenticator sits in the middle with both controlled
and uncontrolled ports. The Authentication server is connected to an uncontrolled port. The
Supplicant is connected to a controlled port.
The authentication process would run along these lines:
The Supplicant connects to a controlled port
Either the Authenticator or the Supplicant initiates authentication
A challenge is sent from the Authentication server to the Supplicant via the Authenticator
The Supplicant signs, or otherwise cryptologically processes, the challenge.
The Supplicant sends the result back to the Authentication server via the Authenticator
The Authentication server sends the status (success or failure) back to the Supplicant via the
The Authenticator intercepts the status and, if successful, opens the port.
There are a few issues to consider in this process:
The only traffic that the Authenticator may relay from/to a controlled port is authentication
Wireless Security White Paper 26
For security reasons, the authentication information must be cryptologically secure. This
implies that the Authenticator cannot decrypt the credentials.
The model must be extensible to new authentication mechanisms as they are invented and
In order to ensure that the Authenticator can always identify and interpret new authentication
mechanisms, any authentication types must be encapsulated using the Extensible Authentication
Protocol (EAP) as specified in RFC 2284. EAP already supports multiple authentication schemes
including smart cards, Kerberos, Public Key Encryptions, and One Time Passwords. Many others
can be added.
The biggest security consideration of 802.1x is that its sole purpose is authentication. It does not
provide integrity, encryption, replay protection or non-repudiation. These would need to be
implemented with complementary schemes such as IPSec.
There are also other points of vulnerability that must be addressed in any implementation of
Piggybacking on an authenticated port – Multiple end stations on a port must be detected and
Interception of credentials – Passwords must always be encrypted
Subversion of authentication negotiation – It should not be possible to provoke a lesser form
of authentication by interfering with the authentication process
802.11b WLANs are ideal candidates for 802.1x authentication since they represent a completely
uncontrolled periphery. While it is possible to restrict physical access to wired LANs, this is not
feasible in a wireless environment. It is much more difficult to monitor and enforce the air space
around office buildings than the ports and wiring within them.
This vulnerability is currently addressed using Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), which is
available on 802.11b Access Points. If WEP is in use, then all stations must configure a
symmetric passphrase in order to connect. All transmission is then encrypted with 40-128 bit
Recently, there have been alleged cryptological weaknesses with the WEP algorithms that have
cast a shadow on its use. Beyond these there is a fundamental problem with key distribution and
update. Since WEP keys are typically symmetrical (the same on the Access Point and all
connecting stations) they must be changed in unison. Clearly this is difficult to orchestrate when
large user populations are involved.
There have been solutions, including automating regular key changes, for example, using logon
scripts; however, they are non-standard and require additional work. There are also problems
ensuring that employees who leave the company no longer have access to the network, since they
could “remember” their WEP key.
Another aspect of the problem arises when users connect to multiple different wireless LANs
(e.g. in public areas or at customer sites). Current WEP implementations require that the user
manually change the WEP key each time a new network is selected, which is tedious and
interferes with any automated key changes.
802.1x solves all of these problems. It is not necessary to distribute any keys. The user can
authenticate to a central Authentication server, which stores per-user credentials that can be
disabled or modified as needed.
Wireless Security White Paper 27
This does not mean that there is no longer a need for WEP in an 802.11b LAN. As mentioned
above, 802.1x only provides authentication. It does not encrypt the over-the-air transmission. It is
therefore still possible for hackers to eavesdrop on conversations and intercept sensitive
The ideal combination is to use 802.1x for authentication to the network, and WEP to ensure
privacy of the transmission. This does not address the cryptological weaknesses of WEP;
however, it does open the door for future versions of WEP to focus on privacy rather than
WWAN Access Points
Telecommunications companies are responsible for the security of the data while the data passes
through their routers. That data is as secure as the trust management of privileges of the
employees working for the carrier itself. This level of security cannot be improved upon by the
corporation or by the access device user. Specific security provided for WWAN technologies is
described above under the section titled "Security Specific to WWAN Carrier Technologies."
Generally speaking, when data travels along the phone lines to the corporate firewall, the data is
secure barring phone line tapping. This is not a unique security problem and will not be discussed
in this paper, which is focused on wireless security.
Corporate Firewalls
The fourth key juncture in the pipe, after mobile access devices, wireless connectivity
technologies, and access points, centers on corporate firewalls.
A firewall is a set of related programs located at a network gateway server, which protects the
resources of a private network from users from other networks. (The term also implies that a
security policy is used with the programs.) An enterprise with an intranet that allows its workers
access to the wider Internet installs a firewall to prevent outsiders from accessing its own private
data resources and to control what outside resources its own users can access.
A firewall, working closely with a router program, examines each network packet to determine
whether to forward it to its destination. A firewall also includes or works with a proxy server that
makes network requests on behalf of workstation users. A firewall is often installed on a specially
designated computer separate from the rest of the network so that no incoming request can get
directly at private network resources.
There are several firewall screening methods. A simple one is to screen requests to make sure
they come from acceptable (previously identified) domain name and Internet Protocol (IP)
addresses. For mobile users, firewalls allow remote access to the private network through secure
log-on procedures and authentication certificates.
A number of companies make firewall products. Features include logging and reporting,
automatic alarms at given thresholds of attack, and a graphical user interface (GUI) for
controlling the firewall.
Wireless Security White Paper 28
Figure 12 (next page) illustrates a corporate network with firewalls.
Figure 12: Corporate Network with Firewalls
"On its own, a firewall is a particularly dangerous single point of failure for network protection.
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) provides an effective secondary protection measure to prevent
security policy failure. IDS technology is also useful in detecting some types of malicious
behavior by insiders. IDS can be both network based and host based."
Application and Data Servers
The fifth and final key juncture in the pipe, after mobile access devices, wireless networking
technologies, access points, and firewalls, centers on the application and data servers that reside
inside corporate firewalls. The security vulnerabilities associated with using data servers,
desktops with hard drives containing data, and application security are the same for wired and
wireless access. Therefore, no attempt is made here to explore the security issues associated with
internal data control. It is important, however, to recognize this end of the pipe as a point of entry
to data that is being transmitted wirelessly. Corporations are continuously exploring ways to
secure data on users’ internal machines in multiple ways: for example, by implementing locked
door policies and by multi-factor authentication requirements.
Safe Computing and E-Business: Protecting the Enterprise to Assure E-Business Success. See this technical guide for more
information on firewalls.
Wireless Security White Paper 29
See “Safe Computing and E-Business: Protecting the Enterprise to Assure E-Business Success”
http://activeanswers.compaq.com/ActiveAnswers/Render/1,1027,1317-6-100-225-1,00.html) the
Compaq technical guide cited at other places in this paper, for detail on security measures
recommended for corporate servers.
Pre-wireless technologies such as networked desktop computers, extranets, firewalls, and virtual
private networks (VPNs) all have certain vulnerabilities to intrusion and attack. Such attacks,
however, can be traced to a physical location, and the risks they pose can be overcome if the
security holes are anticipated. With wireless connectivity, however, the ability to trace a breach in
network security to a physical location is severely limited at present. A lost or stolen mobile
device may compromise the network. Issues such as subscription fraud, eavesdropping, and
denial-of-service attacks acquire even greater weight because of the difficulty in tracing them to a
physical location.
In general, it may be considered both a blessing and a challenge that wireless users have benefited
from the security lessons learned from wired technologies in the 1990's. Whereas security around
new technologies in the nineties traditionally arrived as an afterthought, wireless users expect
security to be built into the system from the beginning. Products without security will not survive.
This paper has shown, however, that users of wireless networks are not taking full advantage of
available security mechanisms. This paradox is in line with a traditional response to new
technology in which excitement trumps caution for a time.
It is imperative for users to make use of the security technologies and techniques available for
both wireless and wired networks. The following principles apply:
1. A security policy must address every essential element of security (Privacy, Authentication,
Integrity, Non-Repudiation)
2. A security policy must be applied at every point in the wireless access pipe (device,
connectivity technology, access point, corporate access, and corporate data.
3. A security policy must be consistently enforced for all users, regardless of device or method
of access.
4. Multiple technologies or security policies should be applied for greater security at key points
in the pipe and should address the key essential elements of security.
Wireless Security White Paper 30
Angelo, Michael, "Wireless Security Presentation from Michael Angelo" (Unpublished Compaq White
Davies, Joy, "Wireless Security: Financial Industry Service and Solutions" (Compaq PowerPoint
Presentation, October 9, 2000).
Gomes, Lee, "Often unguarded wireless networks can be eavesdroppers’ gold mine" (Wall Street Journal
Online, April 27, 2001).
Gregory, Scott, "Mobile Device Security Overview: Fundamentals, Solutions, Opportunities" (Compaq
PowerPoint Presentation, January 25, 2001).
Grupposo, Diana, "Business Value of Security Solutions" (Compaq White Paper, November 2000).
Hayes, Quentin, "Elements of Security for Clients and Servers: A Technology Paper," (Compaq White
Paper, December 18, 2000).
Hunt, Steve, "Wireless Security Risks are Manageable" (IntraGiga, February 26, 2001).
IBM Security Website, http://www-3.ibm.com/security/technologies/techintro.shtml
Inskeep, Chris, "Safe Computing and E-Business: Protecting the Enterprise to Assure E-Business Success"
(Compaq Technical Guide, February 2000).
"MultiPort Bluetooth Communication (Compaq White Paper, March 2001),
"MultiPort Technology Overview" (Compaq White Paper, March 2001),
"MultiPort Wireless Local Area Networking" (Compaq White Paper, May 2001),
Rhoton, John, "Wireless Security" (TLG Knowledge Brief, April 2001)
"Technical White Paper Discussing Encryption Definitions and Methods Used in Data Communications
Systems" (Technical Communications Corporation, 1996), http://www.tccsecure.com/whtppr.htm
Thorsberg, Frank, "Half of U.S. Broadband Users Unprotected" (PCWorld.com, July 16, 2001),
Verton, Dan, "Your Wireless LAN Can Be Hacked" (Computerworld, July 13, 2001),
Winter, Ed, "Compaq WiFi: IEEE 802.11b Security Layers" (Compaq White Paper, March 29, 2001).
"WLAN Security," (Orinoco Sales Bulletin 034/A, February 2001).

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