immediately after defect has been
The Guarantee covers all spare parts and
labour-cost involved in the repair, but does
not include transport cost to and from work-
Possible charges for transport, where repair
is to be carried out, and possible other
indirect cost incurred due to faulty manufac-
turing are not covered by Guarantee.
In the case of legitimate claims it is for
SCAN CAMP A/S of Denmark to decide
where the repair shall be carried out. This
Guarantee does not alter statutory rights in
the United Kingdom or Eire.
Use of Guarantee the following procedure
must be adhered too.
The buyer must notify the problem at once
to the dealer from whom the purchases has
taken place, as soon as a problem occurs.
The dealer will together with ScanCamp
A/S, as soon as possibly instruct you how
the problem will bee solved. It is up to
ScanCamp A/S to make the final decision, in
replacing or repairing the faulty part.
General conditions of guarantee
All COMBI-CAMP models are guaranteed for
12 months as regards materials, workman-
ship and/or defects that can be traced back
to the factory.
Normal wear and tear and tyres, tubes etc.
are not covered by the guarantee.The gua-
rantee takes effect as from the date of deli-
very. Duly completed. The guarantee shall
not be valid if our directions for use and
maintenance are not strictly observed.
Furthermore, the Guarantee shall not be
a. if defect occur because the advised limits
for load-capacity have been exceeded.
b. If defects occur because the valid
speed-limits have been exceeded.
c. If repair has been made before advice
from the SCAN CAMP A/S Denmark, as to
where and how repair should be under-
d. If a possible Complaint is notreported