1. Main Features
This watch is a combination quarts watch equipped with world time functions
which can easily call and display through button operations the time and calen-
dar of 30 cities in the world and UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
In addition to the alarm, chronograph and timer, it is equipped with an EL light
function to allow you to see the display in the dark.
1. Main Features ................................................................................. 3
2. Component Parts and their Functions ............................................ 4
3. Switching Digital Functions (Modes) .............................................. 6
4. How to Call the Time or Calendar of Each City in the World .......... 7
5. How to Turn on the EL Light ........................................................... 9
6. Setting the Analog Time ................................................................ 10
7. Setting the Digital Time [TME] ....................................................... 11
8. Using the Calendar [CAL] .............................................................. 13
9. Using the Alarm [AL1/AL2] ............................................................ 16
10.Using the Chronograph [CHR]....................................................... 18
11.Using the Timer [TMR]................................................................... 20
12.Using the Zone Set Mode [SET] .................................................... 23
13.Low Battery Warning Function....................................................... 25
14.All Reset Function ......................................................................... 26
15.Precautions.................................................................................... 27
16.Specifications ................................................................................ 33