8. Local Time (L-TM)
· This function lets you set the time in another region or country.
· The time can be set in 30 minute units based on the time on the sub watch.
1. Setting the Local Time
(1) Press button (C) until the date & mode hand moves to the local time mode (L-TM).
· The sub watch hour hand and sub watch minute hand switch to the previously set local
Sub watch hour hand: Indicates the local time "hours".
Sub watch minute hand: Indicates the local time "minutes".
· The date & mode hand moves to L-TM.
(2) The hands advance in 30 minute intervals each time
button (A) is pressed. Press button (A) to set the
time to the time in the desired region or country.
· Pressing button (A) continuously causes the hands
to move continuously.
· Check the position of the AM/PM hand to ensure
that AM or PM is set correctly.
· The watch automatically returns to the time display if
none of the buttons are pressed for about 1 minute.
Local time minute hand
Local time hour hand
9. Local Alarm (L-AL)
· Once set, the alarm tone sounds at the set time every day based on the time in the
region or country set in the local time mode.
1. Setting the Alarm Time
(1) Press button (C) until the date & mode hand moves to the local alarm mode (L-AL)
(ON or OFF).
· The sub watch hour hand and sub watch minute hand
switch to the previously set local alarm time.
Sub watch hour hand: Indicates the local alarm
Sub watch minute hand: Indicates the
local alarm "minutes".
(2) Press button (A) to set the sub watch hour
hand and sub watch minute hand to the
desired local alarm time.
· Pressing button (A) continuously causes
the hands to move continuously.
Local alarm
minute hand
Local alarm hour hand
Button (B)
Button (A)
Button (C)