114 OL-16132-01
received calls, records of 77
redial 33
regulatory domains 5
remote-in-use for shared lines 57
resume, using 39
ring pattern
change setting 71
changing with volume button 28
ring tones
changing 70, 71
choosing per line 70, 71
volume 70, 71
safety and performance 2
secure calls 60
levels of 61
making and receiving secure calls 60
verifying non-secure calls 61
select button
description 21
using 27
selecting calls 29
services, subscribing to 95
shared lines
and In Use Remote message 57
description of 57
with barge 58
with privacy 59
signal strength 14
softkey buttons
labels for 25
using 25
speaker button 21
speaker icon 65
mode, using 65
special characters, accessing 16, 21, 22
speed dial
assigning to Phone Book contact 85
hot key 52
line view 52
line view labels 91
making a call using a hot key 35
options 52
setting up from the web 92
using FastDial 53
speed-dial hot key 52
status data, locating 104
status line, viewing 25
subscriptions, for phone services 95
suspicious calls, tracing 62
switching calls 41
TABSynch 94
TAPS, using 16
editing 15
entering 15
special characters 16, 21, 22