12 13
you hear it click into place. Repeat the step on both sides .
6. Fast en the fabr ic lining ”E” to the central structure “C ”
fastening the 2 straps with clip “C2” on the lower part of the
lining (g.7).
7. Fast en the buttons “C2” to the buttons “B5” to fasten the fabric
to the upper structure (g.8) and complete by closing the
zippers E3 (g.8A). Repeat the step for the missing side .
8. Position il mattr ess “F” on the bottom of the crib (g.9).
9. Block the 4 wheels “ A6” of the crib by lowering the levers that
activate the brakes (g.10).
The crib is now ready to be used.
W ARNING: Make sure that all the fasteners are engaged
correctly and that the zippers are closed and locked at the end.
W ARNING: Do not use the crib with the ar ticulated feet
partially or completely turned or released (g. 11). The position
of correct use is illustrated in gure 12. In the case of accidental
knock ing against the ar ticulated feet, put them back in the
correct position by lifting the crib slightly.
W ARNING: If the cr ib has been used previously in “Co-Sleeping
conguration (fastened to the bed), ” make sure that the side is
in locked position and check that it is engaged correctly.
The crib can be adjusted at dierent heights. T o adjust the
height, the setting button “ A1” up and lift the cr ib to the desired
position (g.13). Repeat the step on the opposite side.
The base of the crib can be slightly inclined by adjusting the 2
feet at dier ent heights (g.14).
W ARNING: The crib can be inclined by a maximum of 4
positions between one foot and the other (e.g ., right foot in
position 5 and left foot in position 1, see g. 15).
W ARNING: The child’ s head must always be positioned near
the raised end (g.16).
W ARNING: I t is not possible to select dierent heights on the
two sides of the crib when in rocking conguration.
It is possible to fasten the crib to the parents’ bed (co -sleeping
conguration is allowed only with beds that allow complying
with all the conditions described in this paragraph.
In par ticular , the side of the cr ib must always be positioned
against the mattress of the parents ’ bed and the parents’
mattress must be aligned with (or at most higher than) the
height of the crib’ s side (g.17). Moreover , the crib must be
fastened to the frame of the parents ’ bed or to the mattress
support (mesh or slat sprung base).
W ARNING: Check that the structure of the crib in co-sleeping
conguration does not interfere with the parents’ bed.
W ARNING: During use, make sure that the bedsheets, blankets,
etc. do not interfere with the crib ’ s space.
1. Lower the side of the crib “B2” by gripping the relevant
interface “B4” and rotating it upward to release the side
lowering mechanism (g.18).
W ARNING: Use the crib with the bar lowered only in co-
sleeping conguration.
2. Put the crib against the parents ’ bed and check the height of
the crib compared to the parents ’ mattress.
W ARNING: T he height of the parents’ mattress must be higher
than or the same as that of the side of the crib. If this is not the
case, use the adjustment system to achieve this condition on
both sides.
W ARNING: In co -sleeping conguration, the 2 feet of the crib
must be set at the same height.
3. T o fasten the crib to the parents ’ bed (co-sleeping
conguration), use the pair of supplied straps “D” . The straps
are found in the low er pock et “E2” of the fabr ic lining (g.19).
4. F asten the grey buckles “C3” under the fabric lining on both
sides. Make sure the red buckle “D1” is positioned above the
strap as illustrated in gure 20.
5. Then run the strap around the structure of the parents ’
bed from the bottom up (g.21) and fast en the red buck le
forming a noose (g.22). Repeat this operation on the other
side. T o make installation easy, when fastening the buckles,
always keep the crib slightly away from the parents ’ bed.
6. At this point put the crib against the parents’ bed and tighten
the noose pulling the straps (g.23). Carry out this step rst
on one side and then on the other, adjusting the straps until
the crib is in contact with the parents’ mattress.
W ARNING: Before use, always make sure that ther e is no space
between the parents’ mattress and crib’ s side. O therwise adjust
the straps pulling them until the required condition is rest ored.
Make sure that the side is always free to be lower ed and raised
completely .
7. Fit the length of the straps in excess inside the pocket on the
bottom of the fabric lining.
8. Lock the crib ’s wheels .
If when fastening the crib to the parents’ bed it is not possible to
t the crib’ s feet under the parents’ bed, the bed can be fastened
anyway by the follo wing the instruc tions above and rotating the
articulated feet when putting the crib against the bed.
T o turn the feet, pull the rotation release butt on “ A4” and turn
the feet “ A5” of the crib inward by hand (g.24).
9. T o close the side that can be lowered , just pull up by holding
it by the upper mobile structure “B2” (g.25). Always make
sure that it is engaged correctly .
W ARNING: Whenever the side is low ered, make sure that the
position compared to the parents ’ mattress has not changed
from that illustrated in the paragraphs abov e.
W ARNING: Never use the rocking function when the cr ib is in
“Co-Sleeping conguration (fastened to the bed). ”
W ARNING: Use the product with beds and/or mattresses with
straight sides only . D o not use the product with round beds
and/or mattresses or water mattresses .
W ARNING: When the product is used in “Co -Sleeping
conguration (fastened to the bed), ” it must always be mounted
on the long side of the bed. DO NO T install the product at the
head or feet of the bed.
The crib and mattress have a resistant fabric lining that can be
removed completely and washed .
T o remove the fabric, f ollow the instructions in the paragraph
W ARNING: Covering or removing the fabric may take a few
minutes and must be carried out by an adult.
Regularly inspect the toy for signs of wear and any damage .
In the case of damage do not use and keep out of reach of
When washing the fabrics pay close attention to the
instructions on the label.
Do not use solvents, abrasive or overly aggr essive products.
Wash by hand in cold wat er
Do not bleach
Do not tumble dr y
Do not iron
Do not dr y clean
Check that the fabric and the stitching are in good condition
after each wash.
W ARNING: When co v er ing or r emo ving the co v er , tak e car e
when handling the fabr ic par ts so as t o a v oid accidental t ears
or damage .
I t is possible t o unfast en the cr ib fr om the par ents ’ bed when
doing the bed . Just unfast en the g r e y buck les under the fabr ic
lining .
When fast ening the cr ib again t o the par ents ’ bed , pull the
straps again t o mak e sur e that the cr ib is cor r ec tly and secur ely
fast ened t o the par ents ’ bed . M ak e sur e that all the st eps
illustrat ed abo v e in “C o -sleeping conguration (fast ened t o the
bed)” ha v e been complet ed .
1. R emo v e the mattr ess and unfast en the butt ons in the lo w er
par t of the fabr ic f ollo wing the pr ocedur e illustrat ed in
“ ASSEMBL Y OF THE CRIB ” in opposit e or der .
2. Open the 3 zippers “E3” on the upper struc tur e “B ” and
unfast en the 4 butt ons fast ening the fabr ic t o the upper
struc tur e .
3. P r ess the butt ons on the fast eners of the f eet, tur n the upper
bar struc tur e up and pull the upper struc tur e out of the f eet
(g .26A-B)
4. T hen r emo v e the fabr ic lining .
T he cr ib can be disassembled complet ely t o put it a wa y in
the supplied bag . I n or der t o complet e the disassembly of the
cr ib af t er r emo ving the fabr ic , r emo v e the lo w er bar and the
central suppor t struc tur e b y r epeating the st eps illustrat ed in
T o use r ock ing conguration:
1. P ull out the slides “ A2” on the lo w er par t of the f eet of the
cr ib positioning the f oot near the centr e of the t op of each
slide and , holding the upper edge of the cr ib with y our hand ,
pull the cr ib up while holding the cr ib do wn with y our f oot
(g .27).
2. R epeat the same operation f or both sides .
3. T o deac tivat e r ock ing conguration, just pr ess the butt on “ A7”
at the centr e of the slide on each side and then accompan y
the cr ib do wn holding b y the upper edge so that the slide
r etur ns t o closed position (g .28). Alwa ys mak e sur e that the
slide has r etur ned t o closed position.
W ARNING: Alwa ys r emember t o deac tivat e r ock ing
conguration when using the pr oduc t in “ co -sleeping (fast ened
t o the bed)” or when the child is unatt ended .
W ARNING: I t is not possible t o selec t di er ent heights on the
t w o sides of the cr ib when in r ock ing conguration.
T he pr oduc t is guarant eed against an y conf or mit y def ec t in
nor mal conditions of use as pr o vided f or b y the instruc tions
f or use . T he war rant y shall not ther ef or e apply in the case of
damages caused b y impr oper use , w ear or accidental e v ents .
F or the duration of war rant y on conf or mit y def ec ts please r ef er
t o the specic pr o visions of national la ws applicable in the
countr y of pur chase , wher e pr o vided .