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Data Projector
USB Function Guide
z Be sure to read the precautions in the separate Setup Guide.
z Be sure to keep all user documentation handy for future reference.
z Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and PowerPoint are registered trademarks or trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
z ArcSoft and the ArcSoft logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ArcSoft, Inc. in the
United States and other countries.
z Macintosh, Mac OS and QuickTime are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. in the
United States and other countries.
z Other company and product names may be registered product names or trademarks of their
respective owners.
z The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
z Copying of this manual, either in part or its entirety, is forbidden. You are allowed to use this
manual for your own personal use. Any other use is forbidden without the permission of CASIO
z CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. shall not be held liable for any lost profits or claims from third
parties arising out of the use of this product, the included software or this manual.
z CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. shall not be held liable for any loss or lost profits due to loss of
data due to malfunction or maintenance of this product, or any other reason.
z The sample screens shown in this manual are for illustrative purposes only, and may differ
somewhat from the screens actually produced by the product.
z Unless specifically stated otherwise, all illustrations in this manual show the XJ-H1650.
About this manual... ........................................................ 4
Terms and Conventions............................................................................................... 4
About the Data Projector’s USB Functions .................. 5
Connecting a USB Device to the Data Projector ......... 7
Installing the Software.................................................... 8
Minimum System Requirements.................................................................................. 8
To install EZ-Converter FA........................................................................................... 9
To install ArcSoft MediaConverter 3 for CASIO Projector ......................................... 10
Installing Multi Projection Camera Update Software................................................. 11
Projecting the Contents of Files on a
Memory Device.............................................................. 12
Using EZ-Converter FA to Convert PowerPoint Files to
ECA or PtG Files...................................................................................12
Starting Up and Exiting EZ-Converter FA.................................................................. 13
Converting a PowerPoint File to an ECA File or PtG File .......................................... 14
Using ArcSoft MediaConverter 3 for CASIO Projector.........................17
Using Viewer to Project the Contents of a File on a
Memory Device ....................................................................................19
Connecting a Memory Device to the Data Projector ................................................. 19
Starting Projection with Viewer.................................................................................. 21
Projecting an ECA File or PtG File ............................................................................. 23
Projecting an Image File ............................................................................................ 26
Projecting a Slideshow .............................................................................................. 27
Projecting a Movie File............................................................................................... 28
File Menu Operations................................................................................................. 31
Configuring Viewer Settings ...................................................................................... 34
Viewer Troubleshooting........................................................................37
Memory Devices ........................................................................................................ 37
File Display and Playback .......................................................................................... 38
Viewer Error Messages.........................................................................39
Performing a Presentation Using the
YC-400/YC-430 Document Camera............................. 40
YC Camera Application Function and Operation Overview .................40
Connecting the Document Camera to the Data Projector......................................... 40
YC Camera Application Operations .....................................................43
YC Camera Application Projection Operations ......................................................... 43
Configuring YC Camera Application Setup Menu Settings ....................................... 47
Projecting the Screen Image of a
Graphing Calculator...................................................... 51
To project the screen image of a graphing calculator ............................................... 51
About this manual...
This manual explains function and operations when any one of the following devices is connected to
the USB port of the CASIO Data Projector.
z USB memory device
z CASIO Multi Projection Camera (YC-400/YC-430)
z CASIO Graphing Calculator (fx-9860G Series)
z Use of a memory device (page 5) requires separate purchase of commercially available USB
memory or other memory.
z Use of a CASIO Multi Projection Camera or graphic scientific calculator requires separate
purchase of the required device by you. Note that these products may not be available in
some geographic areas. For full details, contact the retailer where you purchased this Data
Projector or authorized CASIO dealer.
Terms and Conventions
In this manual, there are many procedures that require parallel operations on the Data Projector and
your computer. The following are special terms and conventions used in this manual to differentiate
between the Data Projector and computer.
z Projection area
This is the entire rectangular area that is projected by the Data Projector. Certain Data Projector
operations will cause messages and menus to appear within the projection area.
z Computer screen
This is the physical display device of your computer.
About the Data Projector’s USB Functions
The USB port built into the Data Projector lets you connect an external USB device and use it as an
input source for image projection.
USB Memory Device or Memory Card
After you connect a memory device to the Data Projector’s USB port, you can playback (project) the
following types of files.
z ECA files (special projector presentation files)
The EZ-Converter FA software that comes with the Data Projector can be used to convert
PowerPoint files to ECA (.ECA) files for playback.
Note that unconverted PowerPoint files cannot be played back.
z PtG file (MobiShow presentation file)
PtG is a presentation file format that is compatible with AWIND’s MobiShow. Your Data Projector
supports playback of PtG files, only if they have been converted using EZ-Converter FA software.
z Image files
Playback is supported for JPEG (jpg, jpeg, jpe; excluding progressive format) format or BMP (bmp)
format image files up to about 8 MB in size.
z Movie files
Playback is supported for the following types of movie files, up to a maximum file size of
approximately 4GB.
Refer to the following for details.
Motion JPEG format (.avi) Resolution: 1280 × 720, 640 × 480, 320 × 240
Maximum Data rate: 15 Mbps Maximum frame rate: 24 fps for 1280 × 720,
30fps for 640 × 480 and 320 × 240
Audio Format: ADPCM
For more information about this: Refer to this section of this manual:
Converting PowerPoint files to files that can be
played back with the Data Projector
“Using EZ-Converter FA to Convert PowerPoint Files to ECA or
PtG Files” (page 12)
Memory devices that can be connected to the
Data Projector’s USB port
“Connecting a Memory Device to the Data Projector” (page 19)
Operations for projecting the contents of files
on a memory device
“Using Viewer to Project the Contents of a File on a Memory
Device” (page 19)
USB memory device
Document Camera (CASIO YC-400/YC-430)
You can connect a CASIO Document Camera to the Data Projector’s USB port and project the images
of documents placed on the document stage of the YC-400/YC-430.
For more information, see “Performing a Presentation Using the YC-400/YC-430 Document Camera”
on page 40.
Graphing Calculator (CASIO fx-9860G Series)
You can connect a CASIO fx-9860G series graphing calculator to the Data Projector’s USB port and
project calculator screen images with the projector.
For details, see “Projecting the Screen Image of a Graphing Calculator” (page 51).
Connecting a USB Device to the Data Projector
What happens when you connect a USB device while the Data Projector is turned on depends on the
current configuration of the Data Projector’s plug-and-play setting. Plug-and-play is enabled under
the Data Projector’s initial default settings. For more details about the plug-and-play setting, see
“Setup Menu Contents” in the User’s Guide.
If you connect a USB device to the Data Projector’s USB port while it is turned on, it will perform one
of the following operations (depending on its current plug-and-play setting).
When plug-and-play is enabled:
When plug-and-play is disabled:
In this case, the image that is currently being projected does not change. However, Viewer, or the YC
Camera Application will start up in the background, depending upon the type of USB device that is
connected to the Data Projector.
When this type of device is connected: The Data Projector does this automatically:
USB memory device or USB card reader
with memory card loaded
Starts up Viewer (page 19) and projects the Viewer screen.
YC-400/YC-430 Document Camera Starts up the YC Camera application (page 40) when the Document
Camera is turned on and projects the YC Camera application screen.
Installing the Software
The following USB expansion function software is included on the CD-ROM that comes with the
The latest version of the computer software included on the CD-ROM that comes with this
product is available for download at the CASIO website URL below:
Minimum System Requirements
z Windows
7, Windows Vista
, or Windows
XP pre-installed
z PowerPoint 2003, 2007 or 2010 installed (to use EZ-Converter FA)
z Any other requirements as recommended by the operating system you are using.
z Normal operation may not be possible under certain hardware configurations.
z Operation is not supported on a computer running Windows
2000, NT, Me, 98SE, 98, 95, or 3.1, or
on a Macintosh or Mac OS computer.
z Operation on a computer upgraded to Windows
7, Windows Vista
, or Windows
XP from another
operating system is not supported.
z Operation on a computer running Windows
XP Professional x64 Edition is not supported.
Software Name Description
EZ-Converter FA Software for converting a PowerPoint file to an ECA file or PtG
file that can be played back on the projector.
ArcSoft MediaConverter 3 for CASIO Projector Software for converting movie files.
Multi Projection Camera Update Software Software for updating the firmware of the YC-400 Multi
Projection Camera.
Be sure to download and use the latest version of the software.
[ Home Support Drivers/Downloads Projectors ]
z Operating System: Microsoft
7, Windows Vista
SP2, or Windows
z Computer : IBM PC/AT or compatible that conforms to the following conditions
z CPU: Pentium
M 1.6GHz or higher; CPU recommended for your computer’s operating system
z Memory: The amount of memory recommended for operating system being run
z Display: Full-color display with resolution of at least 1024 × 768 that is supported by above
operating systems and the computer being used.
z Input Device: Keyboard or other pointing device (mouse supported by the above operating
system or equivalent device)
To install EZ-Converter FA
Place the CD-ROM that comes with the projector into your computer’s CD-ROM
z This will automatically display the CD-ROM menu screen.
On the menu screen, click the [Install] button to the right of “EZ-Converter FA”.
z Follow the instructions on the dialog boxes that appear on the screen.
z If you are running Windows 7 and the “User Account Control” message appears while
installing, click [Yes].
z If you are running Windows Vista and the “User Account Control” message appears while
installing, click [Allow].
z If you are running Windows XP and the message shown below appears while installing, click
[Continue Anyway].
To install ArcSoft MediaConverter 3 for CASIO Projector
Place the CD-ROM that comes with the projector into your computer’s CD-ROM
z This will automatically display the CD-ROM menu screen.
On the menu screen, click the [Install] button to the right of “ArcSoft
MediaConverter 3 for CASIO Projector”.
z Follow the instructions on the dialog boxes that appear on the screen.
z If you are running Windows 7 and the “User Account Control” message appears while
installing, click [Yes].
z If you are running Windows Vista and the “User Account Control” message appears while
installing, click [Continue].
z If you are running Windows XP and the message shown below appears while installing, click
[Continue Anyway].
Installing Multi Projection Camera Update Software
A YC-400 Multi Projection Camera can be connected to the Data Projector only if it is running firmware
version 1.1 or higher. For information about how to check the firmware version of a camera, see the
file named “YC-Update_Guide_English.pdf” in the “English” folder inside the “User’s Guide” folder on
the CD-ROM that comes with the projector.
To install Multi Projection Camera Update Software
Place the CD-ROM that comes with the projector into your computer’s CD-ROM
z This will automatically display the CD-ROM menu screen.
On the menu screen, click the [Open Folder] button to the right of “Multi
Projection Camera Update Software”.
z This will open the folder on the CD-ROM that contains the file named “YC-400.exe”.
Double-click “YC-400.exe”.
z Follow the instructions that appear on your computer screen.
Completing the above steps will create a file named “YC-400.bin” in the folder you specify.
For information about how to use the file to update the firmware version of a camera, see the file
named “YC-Update_Guide_English.pdf” in the “English” folder inside the “User’s Guide” folder
on the CD-ROM that comes with the projector.
Projecting the Contents of Files on a
Memory Device
This section explains how to perform the following operations.
z How to use EZ-Converter FA computer software to convert PowerPoint files to files that can be
played back with the Data Projector’s Viewer function.
z How to use ArcSoft MediaConverter 3 for CASIO Projector computer software to convert movie files
to files that can be played back with the Data Projector’s Viewer function.
z How to project the contents of files stored on a memory device with the Data Projector’s Viewer
Viewer is one of the Data Projector’s built-in applications. It lets you play back and project the
contents of files from a memory device connected to the Data Projector.
EZ-Converter FA is computer software for converting PowerPoint files to ECA or PtG files that can be
played back and projected by the Data Projector. EZ-Converter FA supports conversion of file created
with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, 2007 and 2010. Save for certain exceptions (described below),
playback and projection of an ECA file or PtG file normally should be able to reproduce transitions,
animations, and other special effects of the original PowerPoint file.
z Conversion of OLE objects (movies, audio, etc.) and VBA objects in a PowerPoint file is not
z Conversion of timer and repeat operations in a PowerPoint file animation is not supported.
z An animation in a PowerPoint file is converted up to the time specified by “Max Animation Display
Time” (page 16), and everything after that is cut. When the point up to which the animation was
converted is reached during playback of the converted file, playback will pause, and you will have to
press the [ENTER] key to advance to the next step.
z The source PowerPoint file plays when you convert a file with EZ-Converter FA. If there is no change
on the screen for about three consecutive seconds during this playback, say between Points A and
B, for example, the effect at Point B in the original file is ignored and not converted. When Point B is
reached during playback of the converted file, playback will pause, and you will have to press the
[ENTER] key to advance to the next step.
In order to perform the procedures in this section, you will first need to install the EZ-Converter
FA software from the CD-ROM that comes with the Data Projector onto your computer. For
more information, see “Installing the Software” (page 8).
Using EZ-Converter FA to Convert PowerPoint Files
to ECA or PtG Files
Starting Up and Exiting EZ-Converter FA
To start up EZ-Converter FA
Perform either of the following operations to start up EZ-Converter FA on the computer.
z Double-click the icon on your Windows desktop.
z On your computer’s Windows Start menu, select [All Programs] - [CASIO] - [EZ-Converter FA].
If your computer is running Windows Vista or Windows 7, starting up EZ-Converter FA may
cause the “User Account Control” message to appear. If it does, click [Allow] or [Yes].
EZ-Converter FA Window
The following shows the window that appears while EZ-Converter FA is running.
To display EZ-Converter FA help
Right-click the left side of the window and then select “Help” on the menu that appears.
To display EZ-Converter FA version information
Right-click the left side of the window and then select “About” on the menu that appears.
To close EZ-Converter FA
Click the close button in the upper right corner of the EZ-Converter FA window.
Close button
Player button
Convert button
Minimize button
Converting a PowerPoint File to an ECA File or PtG File
z Before performing any of the operations here, you will need to have a file created using
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, 2007 or 2010 on hand.
z Conversion of a PowerPoint file to an ECA file or PtG file requires playback of the original file
from beginning to end. Note that the time required for conversion will roughly correspond to
the time required for playback.
z Starting a conversion operation with EZ-Converter FA will temporarily change the screen
settings of your computer as shown below. Screen settings will revert back to what they were
after the conversion operation is complete.
z The screen resolution of the ECA file or PtG file will be the resolution specified by the
EZ-Converter FA setting (800 × 600, 1024 × 768, 1280 × 768 or 1280 × 800) when the file
conversion operation starts. For information about configuring this setting, see “To specify the
screen resolution of the ECA file or PtG file” (page 16).
To convert a PowerPoint file to an ECA file or PtG file
Turn on your computer and start up Windows.
Connect the USB memory (or memory card) where you want to store the
converted ECA file or PtG file to your computer.
z You can skip this step if you want to save the ECA file or PtG file to your computer’s local hard
On your computer, start up EZ-Converter FA.
z If your computer is running Windows Vista or Windows 7, starting up EZ-Converter FA will
cause the “User Account Control” message to appear. When it does, click [Allow] or [Yes].
z This will display the EZ-Converter FA window.
Configure the following settings as required.
z Specify the ECA file or PtG file screen display resolution. See “To specify the screen resolution
of the ECA file or PtG file” (page 16).
z If the original file contains an animation, specify the maximum animation display time. See
“To specify the maximum animation display time” (page 16).
Click the button at the top of the EZ-Converter FA window.
z This displays a dialog box for opening files.
Operating System: Changes:
Windows XP z Screen resolution changes to 800 × 600, 1024 × 768, 1280 × 768 or
1280 × 800.
z Display card hardware acceleration is disabled.
Windows Vista or
Windows 7
z Screen resolution changes to 800 × 600, 1024 × 768, 1280 × 768 or
1280 × 800.
z Windows changes to the Basic mode (Windows Aero
Select the PowerPoint file you want to convert from and then click the [Open]
z This will display a dialog box like the one shown below for specifying the file settings.
Configure the settings as required on the dialog box.
z The following describes the meanings and settings of each of the items that appear on the
dialog box.
After configuring all the settings you want, click [OK].
z This will start playback of the PowerPoint file and start converting it to an ECA file or PtG file.
z The “Conversion complete.” message will appear when file conversion is complete.
z If you have other PowerPoint files you want to convert, repeat steps 4 through 7.
z To check the contents of an ECA file or PtG file, perform the procedure under “To play back
an ECA file or PtG file on your computer” (page 16).
After you are finished converting all the files you want, click the close button in
the upper right corner of the EZ-Converter FA window.
Dialog Box Item Description
Input File Shows the name of the PowerPoint file selected in step 6. The setting of this item
cannot be changed.
Output Drive Shows the drive name of the removable disk (USB memory or memory card) connected
to the computer in step 2. When you have multiple removable disks connected to your
computer, you can click the [T] button and select the name of the drive where you
want to save the converted file. A converted file is stored in the folder named ECA (in
the case of an ECA file) or PtG (in the case of a PtG file) on the drive you specify here.
Under initial default settings, if there are no removable disks connected to the
computer, the resulting file will be saved in the same location (drive and folder) as the
original PowerPoint file. Click the [Browse] button and change the save destination, if
you want.
Output File Name Shows the file name of the converted file, along with the path from the drive name.
Except for the extension, the file name is the same as the PowerPoint file name. The
setting of this item cannot be changed.
ECA/PtG Specifies the format of the converted file (Default: ECA).
For details about ECA and PtG files, see “About the Data Projector’s USB Functions”
(page 5) of this manual.
To specify the screen resolution of the ECA file or PtG file
Right-click the left side of the EZ-Converter FA window.
On the menu that appears, click “Output Resolution”.
On the sub-menu that appears, select the resolution you want.
z You should normally use the 1024 × 768 setting, which is the resolution of this projector. If you
are unable to select 1024 × 768 for some reason, select 800 × 600.
To specify the maximum animation display time
Right-click the left side of the EZ-Converter FA window.
On the menu that appears, click “Max Animation Display Time”.
On the sub-menu that appears, select a maximum animation display time value
(in seconds).
z Available sub-menu options are 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, and 60 seconds.
z The option you select remains in effect until you change it.
To play back an ECA file or PtG file on your computer
On your computer, start up EZ-Converter FA.
z This will display the EZ-Converter FA window.
Click the button at the top of the EZ-Converter FA window.
z This will display two more buttons as shown below.
Click the button.
z This displays a dialog box for opening files.
Select the ECA file or PtG file you want to play back and then click the [Open]
z This will display a control panel at the top of the screen.
z During file playback, you can use the control panel buttons to perform the operations
described below.
ArcSoft MediaConverter 3 for CASIO Projector is computer software that converts an MP4, MOV
AVI, or WMV format file to a Motion JPEG format AVI file that can be played by the projector’s Viewer
function. For details about file formats, see page 5.
* QuickTime Player 7 or greater is required to convert from a MOV file.
In order to perform the procedures in this section, you will first need to install ArcSoft
MediaConverter 3 for CASIO Projector from the CD-ROM that comes with the Data Projector
onto your computer. For more information, see “Installing the Software” (page 8).
To do this: Perform this operation:
Go to the previous page Click the button.
Go to the next page Click the button.
Jump to a specific page 1. Click the button and then click “Slide Viewer” on the menu that appears.
2. On the page menu that appears, click the thumbnail of the destination page
and then click [OK].
Display help Click the button and then click “Help” on the menu that appears.
Exit file playback Click the button, or click the button and then click “Exit” on the menu
that appears. You could also press the [ESC] button on your computer keyboard
to stop playback.
Using ArcSoft MediaConverter 3 for CASIO Projector
Control panel
To convert a movie file to a format that can be played by Viewer
Double-click the icon on your computer desktop.
z This starts up ArcSoft MediaConverter 3 for CASIO Projector and displays a window like the
one shown below.
Drop the original movie file into the ArcSoft MediaConverter 3 for CASIO
Projector window or onto the CASIO Projector device icon.
z This will start the conversion, and display a progress bar like the one shown below in the
window. The progress bar will disappear automatically after conversion is complete.
z You can open the folder where the converted file is stored by clicking “Local disk” at the
bottom of the window.
If you don’t see “Local disk” at the bottom of the window, click to display it.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 as many times as necessary to convert all of the movie files
you want.
z Selecting and dragging multiple files is also supported in the above operation.
After you are finished, click the button in the upper right corner of the
ArcSoft MediaConverter 3 for CASIO Projector window to exit.
z For details about the settings and operations of ArcSoft MediaConverter 3 for CASIO
Projector, see help. To display help, click, the button in the upper right corner of the
ArcSoft MediaConverter 3 for CASIO Projector window. On the menu that appears, click
z For details about the operation to play back a converted movie file with the projector’s Viewer
function, see “Projecting a Movie File” (page 28).
CASIO Projector device icon
Use the Data Projector’s Viewer application to project the contents of a file on a memory device.
Viewer starts up automatically whenever you connect a memory device that is supported by the Data
Projector into the Data Projector’s USB port.
Connecting a Memory Device to the Data Projector
The Data Projector’s USB port supports connection of a FAT/FAT32 format memory device supported
by the USB interface. The following are supported memory devices.
z USB memory
z Memory cards
A commercially available USB card reader is required to connect a memory card to the Data
z USB storage class (USB Mass Storage Class) compatible digital cameras
The Data Projector does not support connection of all commercially available USB memory
devices, memory cards, and digital cameras. For details about specific supported memory
devices, contact your original retailer or your nearest authorized CASIO dealer.
To connect USB memory to the Data Projector
Connect USB memory to the Data Projector’s USB port as shown below.
Using Viewer to Project the Contents of a File on a
Memory Device
To connect a memory card to the Data Projector
Load the memory card into a USB card reader’s card slot.
z For details about how to load a memory card into the USB card reader, see the user
documentation that comes with the reader.
Connect the USB card reader to the Data Projector’s USB port.
To connect a digital camera to the Data Projector
If necessary, configure the digital camera’s USB mass storage class setting.
Turn off the digital camera and connect a USB cable to it.
Connect the other end of the USB cable (Type A connector) to the Data
Projector’s USB port.
Turn on the digital camera.
For details about steps 1, 2, and 4, see the user documentation that comes with your digital
Starting Projection with Viewer
If the Data Projector is already turned on when you perform the procedure under “Connecting a
Memory Device to the Data Projector” (page 19) to connect USB memory to the Data Projector, the
main Viewer window shown below will be projected.
If Viewer projection does not start automatically at this time, perform the following steps to
select “USB” as the input source.
Press the [INPUT] key.
z This displays the input source selection screen.
Use the [S] and [T] keys to move the highlighting to “USB” and then press the
[ENTER] key.
Menu Item Function Refer to:
Presentation Enters the Presentation Mode for
projection of ECA or PtG files.
“Projecting an ECA File or PtG File” (page 23)
“Converting a PowerPoint File to an ECA File or PtG
File” (page 14)
Slides Enters the Slide Mode for projection of
images files.
“Projecting an Image File” (page 26)
Movie Enters the Movie Mode for projection
of movie files.
“Projecting a Movie File” (page 28)
Viewer Setup Displays the Viewer setup menu. “Configuring Viewer Settings” (page 34)
Drive Menu
Entering the Presentation Mode, Slide Mode, or Movie Mode while there are multiple memory devices
connected to the Data Projector (multiple USB memory devices connected via a USB hub, multiple
memory cards loaded in the memory card reader connected to the Data Projector, etc.) will cause a
menu like the one shown below to appear on the projection screen.
When this happens, use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the drive you want to use and then
press the [ENTER] key. This will display a menu of files for the mode you are entering.
The Data Projector can recognize up to four drives.
Projecting an ECA File or PtG File
Use the Viewer Presentation Mode to project ECA or PtG files.
To project an ECA file or PtG file
Connect the memory device where the ECA file or PtG file you want to project is
stored to the Data Projector.
z This will project the main Viewer window. If the main Viewer window does not appear, press
the [INPUT] key and select “USB” as the input source.
Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to “Presentation” and then press
the [ENTER] key.
z This will project a file menu like the one shown below.
z If the ECA file or PtG file you want to play back is located in a particular folder, use the cursor
keys to move the highlighting to that folder and then press the [ENTER] key.
Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the ECA file or PtG file you want
to play back and then press the [ENTER] key (or the [O] key).
z This will start playback of the selected ECA file or PtG file.
Perform page change and other operations as required.
z For details about operations you can perform during projection of an ECA file or PtG file, see
“Operations during ECA File or PtG File Projection” (page 24).
z To stop ECA file or PtG file playback and return to the file menu, press the [ESC] key.
Operations during ECA File or PtG File Projection
The operations described below can be performed while an ECA file or PtG file is playing.
The operations described below can be performed while ECA file or PtG file playback is paused.
To do this: Perform this operation:
Go to the previous page Press the [W] key.
Go to the next page Press the [X] key.
Pause ECA file or PtG file playback 1. Press the [FUNC] key.
2. On the function menu that appears, use the cursor keys to move the
highlighting to “Pause” and then press the [ENTER] key.
Jump to a specific page 1. Press the [O] key to display a page menu.
2. Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the thumbnail of the page
where you want to start playback of the presentation and then press the
[ENTER] key.
z For information about the other operations you can perform while the page
menu is displayed, see “Page Menu Operations” (page 25).
Stop playback and return to the file
Press the [ESC] key.
To do this: Perform this operation:
Resume ECA file or PtG file
playback from where it was paused
Press the [ENTER] key.
Page Menu Operations
Pressing the [O] key while an ECA file or PtG file is being played will project a page menu like the one
shown below.
The operations described below can be performed while the page menu is being projected.
To do this: Perform this operation:
Re-start file playback from a
particular page
Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the thumbnail of the page
where you want to start playback of the presentation and then press the
[ENTER] key.
Scroll to the next screen Press the [Z] key.
Scroll to the previous screen Press the [f] key.
Stop playback and return to the file
Press the [ESC] key.
Projecting an Image File
Use the Viewer Slide Mode to project image files. You can also group image files and project them in a
specific sequence as a slideshow.
To project an image file
Connect the memory device where the image file you want to project is stored to
the Data Projector.
z This will project the main Viewer window. If the main Viewer window does not appear, press
the [INPUT] key and select “USB” as the input source.
Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to “Slides” and then press the
[ENTER] key.
z This will project a file menu like the one shown below.
z If the image file you want to project is located in a particular folder, use the cursor keys to
move the highlighting to that folder and then press the [ENTER] key.
Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the image file you want to
project and then press the [ENTER] key.
z This will project the selected image file.
Perform the operations described below as required.
To stop image projection and return to the file menu, press the [ESC] key.
To do this: Press this key:
Scroll back to the previous image [W]
Scroll forward to the next image [X]
Rotate the image right 90 degrees [f]
Rotate the image left 90 degrees [Z]
Start a slideshow from the image file [O]
Projecting a Slideshow
The Data Projector’s Slide Mode lets you group multiple image files and project them in sequence as a
slideshow. You can select either manual playback or auto playback for slideshow image display. The
initial default setting is manual playback.
To prepare image files for slideshow play
Note the following points when preparing your slideshow on your computer.
z All of the image files in the slideshow must be in the same folder.
z Images will appear during a slideshow in the file name sequence the image files are arranged in the
folder. To display images in a specific sequence, adjust their file names so they are listed in the
folder in the sequence you want.
z Copy the folder with the slideshow images to a memory device.
To project image files as a slideshow
Connect the memory device where the image files of the slideshow are stored to
the Data Projector.
z This will project the main Viewer window. If the main Viewer window does not appear, press
the [INPUT] key and select “USB” as the input source.
Select either manual or auto scroll, and configure other slideshow settings.
z For more information, see “Configuring Viewer Settings” (page 34).
Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to “Slides” and then press the
[ENTER] key.
z This will project a file menu.
Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the folder that contains the
image files that make up your slideshow and then press the [ENTER] key.
Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the image file you want to start
the slideshow from and then press the [O] key.
z This will project the selected image file and start the slideshow.
Perform the operations described below as required.
z The following operations can be performed while a slideshow is paused.
To return to the file menu after the slideshow is complete, press the [ESC] key.
Projecting a Movie File
Use the Viewer Movie Mode to project movie files.
z Viewer supports playback of Motion JPEG format AVI movie files (see page 5 for details).
Playback of other format movie files is not supported.
The CD-ROM that comes with the Data Projector contains software (ArcSoft MediaConverter 3
for CASIO Projector) for converting some movie file formats to the format supported by the
projector. For information about installing the software, see “Installing the Software” (page 8).
For information about movie file formats that can be converted and about the conversion
process, see “Using ArcSoft MediaConverter 3 for CASIO Projector” (page 17).
To do this: Perform this operation:
Scroll back to the previous image Press the [W] key.
Scroll forward to the next image Press the [X] key.
Pause the slideshow (This option is available only
when “Auto” is specified for the “Image Switching”
setting on the setup menu.)
1. Press the [FUNC] key.
2. On the function menu that appears, use the cursor
keys to move the highlighting to “Pause” and then
press the [ENTER] key.
Rotate the image right 90 degrees Press the [f ] key.
Rotate the image left 90 degrees Press the [Z] key.
To do this: Press this key:
Scroll back to the previous image [W]
Scroll forward to the next image [X]
Rotate the image right 90 degrees [f]
Rotate the image left 90 degrees [Z]
Resume the slideshow [O]
To project a movie file
Connect the memory device where the movie file you want to project is stored to
the Data Projector.
z This will project the main Viewer window. If the main Viewer window does not appear, press
the [INPUT] key and select “USB” as the input source.
Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to “Movie” and then press the
[ENTER] key.
z This will project a file menu like the one shown below.
z If the movie file you want to play back is located in a particular folder, use the cursor keys to
move the highlighting to that folder and then press the [ENTER] key.
Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the movie file you want to play
back and then press the [ENTER] key (or the [O] key).
z This will start playback of the selected movie file.
Perform pause and other operations as required.
z For details about operations you can perform during projection of a movie file, see
“Operations during Movie File Projection” (page 30).
z To stop movie file playback and return to the file menu, press the [ESC] key.
z When playback reaches the end of the movie file, the projection image will show a still image
of the final movie frame.
To return to the file menu after movie playback is complete, press the [ESC] key.
Operations during Movie File Projection
The operations described below can be performed while a movie file is playing or paused.
* For details about fast forward and fast reverse, see “To perform fast forward and fast reverse during
movie playback”, below.
To perform fast forward and fast reverse during movie playback
Perform steps 1 through 3 under “To project a movie file” (page 29) to start
playback of the movie file.
Press the [X] key for fast forward or the [W] key for fast reverse.
z This starts the corresponding operation and displays an icon ( for fast forward, for
fast reverse) in the upper left corner of the projection screen.
z Each press of the [X] or [W] key cycles the corresponding operation between three speeds.
z Movie playback stops automatically when a fast forward or fast reverse operation reaches the
last or the first frame of the movie file.
To do this: Perform this operation:
Pause and resume movie playback Press the [ENTER] key.
z A pause icon ( ) is displayed in the upper left corner of
the projection screen while movie projection is paused.
Re-play the file from the beginning 1. Press the [FUNC] key.
2. On the function menu that appears, use the cursor keys to
move the highlighting to “Play from Beginning” and then
press the [ENTER] key.
Display the play time in the upper left corner of
the projection screen
Press the [O] key.
z Each press of the [O] key toggles the time indicator between
show and hide.
Fast forward
Press the [X] key.
Fast reverse
Press the [W] key.
Stop movie file playback and return to the file
Press the [ESC] key.
This icon: Indicates this:
Fast forward (10-second increment)
6X fast forward (60-second increment)
60X fast forward (10-minute increment)
Fast reverse (10-second increment)
6X fast reverse (60-second increment)
60X fast reverse (10-minute increment)
Total movie play time
Elapsed movie play time
Perform the operations described below as required.
File Menu Operations
This section explains operations you can perform while the file list is displayed in the Presentation,
Slide, or Movie Mode.
List View and Icon View
There are two different views for the Viewer file menu: a list view and an icon view.
List view:
This view lists the names of the folders and files on a memory device. This is the initial default view for
the Presentation, Slide, or Movie Mode.
Icon view:
This view shows both icons and names for the folders and files on a memory device. Thumbnails are
displayed for all of the files that can be played back by the Viewer.
To do this: Press this key:
Quit a fast forward or fast reverse operation and resume normal playback [ENTER]
Stop playback and return to the file menu [ESC]
List view Icon view
To toggle the file menu between the list view and icon view
Press the [FUNC] key and then the [ENTER] key.
You can specify either the list view or icon view as the default view. For more information, see
“Configuring Viewer Settings” on page 34.
To scroll the file menu
Press the [Z] key to scroll forward, and the [f] key to scroll back.
To open a folder
Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the folder you want to open and then press the
[ENTER] key.
To exit the current folder and move up to the next level
Press the [ESC] key.
To view file properties
Display the file menu list view.
Use the [T] and [S] keys to move the highlighting to the file whose properties
you want to view.
z A thumbnail and the properties of the currently highlighted file will appear on the left side of
the file menu.
z The following explains the information that appears in file properties.
Presentation Mode
Slide Mode
Movie Mode
This item: Shows this:
Type “ECA File” or “PtG File” (Presentation file converted with EZ-Converter FA)
Size File size
Date Date and time the file was last modified
Pixels Number of pixels in the file
This item: Shows this:
Type Image type (“JPEG Image” or “BMP Image”)
Size File size
Date Date and time the file was last modified
Pixels Number of pixels in image data included in the file
Rotation This item appears only for image files that include Exif format orientation information.
“Right side - Top” indicates 90-degree rotation right, while “Left side - Bottom”
indicates 90-degree rotation left.
This item: Shows this:
Type “Movie”
Size File size
Date Date and time the file was last modified
Pixels Number of movie pixels in the file
To return to the main Viewer window
Press the [FUNC] key.
On the function menu that appears, use the cursor keys to move the highlighting
to “Back to Viewer Selection” and then press the [ENTER] key.
Configuring Viewer Settings
You can use the Viewer setup menu to configure the Viewer function settings described below.
The initial default setting for each item is indicated by an asterisk (*).
Setting Name Description
Image Zoom Zoom*:
Causes images to be projected in the Data Projector’s maximum possible size while
maintaining the aspect ratio of the image file.
No Zoom:
Causes images to be projected in the actual size.
Display Sequence
Specifies the sequence of images in the file menu.
File Names (Ascending)*:
Displays files in file name ascending order.
File Names (Descending):
Displays files in file name descending order
Time (New-to-Old):
Displays files by the time they were last modified, from the newest to the oldest.
Time (Old-to-New):
Displays files by the time they were last modified, from the oldest to the newest.
Startup Mode Specifies whether the default view when a mode is entered from the main Viewer window
is the list view or icon view.
List View*:
Specifies list view as the default view.
Icon View:
Specifies icon view as the default view.
Image Switching Manual*:
Specifies manual image scrolling.
Specifies auto image scrolling.
Slideshow Display
Specifies how long each image will remain displayed during a slideshow.
5 seconds*, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes
Slideshow Repeat Repeat:
Loops playback of a slideshow or movie.
No Repeat*:
Automatically stop playback when the end of a slideshow or movie is reached.
Movie Display Zoom*:
Causes movies to be played back at the Data Projectors maximum possible size while
maintaining the aspect ratio of the movie file.
No Zoom:
Causes movie files to be played back at their original sizes.
Initialize Viewer Setup Returns all Viewer settings to their initial factory defaults.
To display the Viewer setup menu
Perform either of the following operations.
Operation 1
Project the main Viewer window.
z If you are playing a file in the Presentation, Slide, or Movie Mode, pause playback and return
to the file menu. Next, press [FUNC], then [T], then [ENTER].
Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to “Viewer Setup” and then press
the [ENTER] key.
Operation 2
While the Viewer is being projected, press the [MENU] key.
z If you are playing a file in the Presentation, Slide, or Movie Mode, pause playback before
pressing the [MENU] key.
Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “USB” and then press the [ENTER]
Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Setup” and then press the [ENTER]
To configure Viewer settings
Display the Viewer setup menu.
Use the [T] and [S] keys to move the highlighting to the item whose setting you
want to change.
Use the [W] and [X] keys to display the available settings.
After configuring all the settings you want, press the [ESC] key (or press the
[FUNC] key and then the [ENTER] key).
z This will return to the main Viewer window.
To return Viewer settings to their initial defaults
Display the Viewer setup menu.
Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Initialize Viewer Setup” and then
press the [ENTER] key.
z This will cause a “Do you want to restore defaults for the Viewer setup?” confirmation dialog
box to appear.
Use the [S] key to move the highlighting to “Yes” and then press the [ENTER]
z This will return Viewer settings to their initial factory defaults.
z For information about the Viewer initial factory default settings, see “Configuring Viewer
Settings” (page 34).
Refer to the following whenever Viewer operations are not what you expect.
Memory Devices
Viewer Troubleshooting
Problem Cause and Required Action
Viewer does not appear when I
connect USB memory to the Data
Projector’s USB port.
z The USB memory you are connecting may have a format that cannot be
recognized by the Data Projector. Connect the USB memory to your
computer to check if its file system is FAT or FAT32. If it isn’t, reformat the
USB memory to FAT or FAT32. Note that doing so will delete all of the data
currently in USB memory.
If the Data Projector cannot recognize the USB memory even though its
file system is FAT or FAT32, the USB memory itself may be incompatible.
Try using different USB memory.
z “Off” may be selected for the Data Projector’s “Plug and Play” setting. Use
the procedure in the “Configuring Advanced Projector Settings” section of
the User’s Guide on the CD-ROM to change the “Plug and Play” setting to
Some folders and/or files are not
displayed in the file menu.
All the folders and/or files contained in a folder will not be displayed if there
are more than 999 folder and/or files inside the folder. If this happens, reduce
the number of folders and/or files in the folder.
There are multiple devices
connected to the Data Projector via
a USB hub or USB card reader, but
some of the devices are not
The Data Projector can recognize up to four drives. If the number of
connected drives is greater than four, the Data Projector will not recognize
the fifth and subsequent drives. Connect memory devices while ensuring that
no more than four drives are connected.
When I connect my digital camera
to the Data Projector via USB,
digital camera memory contents do
not appear.
z The digital camera’s USB mass storage class setting may not be
configured correctly, or you may need to perform some operation on the
camera. Consult the user documentation for your digital camera for
information about the required settings and operations.
z The digital camera may not support USB mass storage class. If it does not,
you will not be able to use Viewer to view digital camera memory contents.
Viewer Error Messages
Problem Cause and Required Action
Folder does not contain any image
There is no displayable folder, ECA file or PtG file, image file, or movie file in
the folder you are trying to access with Viewer. Use your computer to check
the contents of the folder. For details about file formats supported for Data
Projector playback, see “About the Data Projector’s USB Functions” (page 5).
This ECA/PtG file cannot be played
There may be an error in the ECA file or PtG file itself. Play back the ECA file
or PtG file using the EZ-Converter FA on your computer and check it.
Cannot display an image file. z The image file may be too large to play back. Use image files that are no
larger than 8MB.
z The image file may be a progressive JPEG file. The Data Projector does
not support playback of progressive JPEG files. Use normal
(non-progressive) JPEG format files.
z There may be an error in the image file itself. Open the image file on your
computer and check it.
This movie file cannot be played
z The movie file may be a format that is not supported for Data Projector
playback. For details about the movie file format supported for Data
Projector playback, see “About the Data Projector’s USB Functions”
(page 5). Some movie file formats can be converted to a format supported
for Data Projector playback using software (ArcSoft MediaConverter 3 for
CASIO Projector) included on the CD-ROM that comes with the Data
z There may be an error in the movie file itself. Open the movie file on your
computer and check it.
Performing a Presentation Using the YC-400/YC-430
Document Camera
This section explains how to connect the CASIO YC-400/YC-430 Multi Projection Camera (document
camera) to the Data Projector in order to project the images of documents placed on the document
stage of the document camera. The Data Projector’s built-in application named YC Camera is used to
project document images.
A YC-400 document camera can be connected to the Data Projector only if it is running firmware
version 1.1 or higher. Firmware updating software is included on the CD-ROM that comes with
the projector. For more information, see “Installing the Software” (page 8).
YC Camera is an application built into the Data Projector that makes it possible to control the YC-400/
YC-430 document camera from the Data Projector. With the YC Camera application you can project
the image of documents placed on the document stage of the document camera. Connecting the
document camera to the Data Projector’s USB port and turning on the document camera will cause
the YC Camera application to start up automatically.
Connecting the Document Camera to the Data Projector
This section provides the basic steps you need to perform in order to connect the document camera
to the Data Projector and project the image of documents placed onto the document camera’s
document stage.
z The procedure below assumes that the Data Projector’s plug-and-play feature is turned on
(which is the initial default setting). If you have turned off plug-and-play, turn it back on before
performing the procedure below. For more details about the plug-and-play setting, see “Setup
Menu Contents” in the User’s Guide.
z The resolution of recorded images is fixed at 4 megapixels when a YC-400/YC-430 Document
Camera is connected to the Data Projector. The resolution setting cannot be changed in this
YC Camera Application Function and Operation
To connect the document camera to the Data Projector and project the
image of a document
Turn on the Data Projector.
z Wait until the Data Projector’s POWER/STANDBY indicator is lit green.
Connect the document camera to the Data Projector using the USB cable that
comes bundled with the document camera.
With nothing on the document stage, press the [P] (power) button on the
camera stand.
z This will turn on the document camera, which will cause its lens to extend.
z The Data Projector will recognize the document camera and start up the YC Camera
application automatically. When the YC Camera application starts up, the Data Projector will
project an image of the document stage along with a dialog box for adjusting the document
camera position.
z If the document camera is positioned correctly, position adjustment will end automatically and
the dialog box will close. At this time the monitor screen (the image being picked up by the
document camera) will be projected.
z If the document camera is not positioned correctly, a message prompting you to adjust the
document camera position will appear. Follow the instructions shown in the message to adjust
the document camera position.
Document stage
Camera stand
USB cable
To perform white enhancement on the currently projected image
z White enhancement causes the background of the projected image to be white enhanced,
which helps to make the text on a document easier to read.
z This operation will affect only the image that is currently being projected. The projection image
produced the next time you release the shutter will be projected in accordance with the
settings on the YC Camera Application Setup Menu (page 47).
You can perform white enhancement only on a projected image that has been skew corrected.
For more information, see the note under “To perform manual skew correction on the currently
projected image” (page 46).
Press the [FUNC] key to display the YC Camera application function menu.
Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Enhance White” and then press the
[ENTER] key.
z This will enhance the white of the projected image.
z Instead of steps 1 and 2 above, you can also white enhance the projected image by pressing
the [f] key.
To perform manual skew correction on the currently projected image
z Skew correction automatically straightens the image of a document that is misaligned on the
document stage of the document camera. Under its initial defaults, the YC Camera application
is configured to perform skew correction automatically. You can also turn off auto skew
correction. If you do, you can use the following procedure to adjust image alignment manually.
z This operation will affect only the image that is currently being projected. The projection image
produced the next time you release the shutter will be projected in accordance with the
settings on the YC Camera Application Setup Menu (page 47).
Press the [FUNC] key to display the YC Camera application function menu.
Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Skew Correction” and then press
the [ENTER] key.
z This will straighten the projected image.
z Instead of steps 1 and 2 above, you can also perform skew correction of the projected image
by pressing the [Z] key.

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Others manual(s) of Casio XJ-H1650

Casio XJ-H1650 Installation Guide - English - 47 pages

Casio XJ-H1650 Quick start guide - English - 26 pages

Casio XJ-H1650 User Manual - English - 64 pages

Casio XJ-H1650 User Manual - German - 64 pages

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