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alm-size PC
Users Guide
For distribution with new Palm-size PCs only.
Your Palm-size PC comes with a Hardware Manual in addition to this
Palm-size PC User’s Guide. Be sure to read the Hardware Manual
Before using your Palm-size PC for the first time,carefully read the
Safety Precautions in the Hardware Manual.
Keep this Palm-size PC User’s Guide on hand for reference whenever
using your Palm-size PC.
©1999 CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
Copyright Information
Microsoft, MS, ActiveSync, Active Desktop, Outlook, Windows, Windows NT, and the
Windows logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in
the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft products are licensed to OEMs by
Microsoft Licensing, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation.
CIC and Jot are registered trademarks or trademarks of Communication Intelligence
TrueSpeech is a trademark of DSP Group, Inc., Santa Clara, California.
CompactFlash is a registered trademark of SanDisk Corporation.
All other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their
respective owners.
CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss
resulting from the use of this manual.
CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. assumes no responsibility for any loss or claims by
third parties which may arise through the use of this product.
CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss
caused by deletion of data as a result of malfunction, repairs, or battery replacement.
Be sure to back up all important data on other media to protect against its loss.
Data can be uploaded from this unit to a personal computer for storage on a hard disk,
floppy diskette, or other storage medium. Be sure to make multiple copies of all
important data to protect against its accidental loss.
The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without the express written
consent of the manufacturer.
Sample displays shown in this manual may differ somewhat from the displays actually
produced by the product.
Welcome.................................................................................... i
About This User’s Guide .................................................................................... i
Where to find additional information ................................................................ii
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC ...................................1
Chapter 1 Palm-size PC Basics .............................................. 2
Palm-size PC Buttons ........................................................................................2
Touch Screen Operations ................................................................................... 4
Palm-size PC Programs...................................................................................... 5
Assigning a Program to a Program Button ........................................................ 7
Active Desktop................................................................................................... 8
Taskbar ............................................................................................................... 9
Start Menu........................................................................................................ 10
Command Bar .................................................................................................. 11
Typing and Writing on your Palm-size PC ...................................................... 12
Viewing Data ................................................................................................... 14
Customizing Your Palm-size PC ...................................................................... 15
Chapter 2 Tutorial .................................................................. 18
Recording a Message with Voice Recorder ..................................................... 18
Adding a Contacts Record ............................................................................... 19
Creating a Calendar Appointment.................................................................... 21
Entering a Reminder in Tasks .......................................................................... 23
Creating a Note with Note Taker .....................................................................26
Viewing the Active Desktop............................................................................. 29
What’s Next?.................................................................................................... 30
Chapter 3 Voice Recorder and Note Taker ........................31
Using Voice Recorder ...................................................................................... 31
Controlling Voice Recorder Operations with Buttons ......................... 31
Controlling Voice Recorder Operations with On-screen Buttons
and Menu Commands.......................................................................... 33
Using Note Taker ............................................................................................. 37
Creating a New Note ........................................................................... 37
Inputting Text into a Note ................................................................... 37
Freehand Letters and Graphics............................................................ 38
Editing and Formatting a Note ............................................................ 39
Saving a Note ...................................................................................... 40
Managing Your Notes .......................................................................... 41
Chapter 4 Pocket Outlook.................................................... 42
Calendar: Scheduling an Appointment ............................................................ 42
Contacts: Managing Business and Private Contacts ........................................ 44
Tasks: Keeping Track of Things You Need to Do ............................................ 45
Inbox: Sending and Receiving E-mail ............................................................ 47
Synchronizing Messages ..................................................................... 48
Windows CE Inbox Transfer ............................................................... 49
Using a New Dial-Up Connection ................................................................... 50
Received Messages.............................................................................. 52
Sending an E-mail ............................................................................... 55
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer.................57
Chapter 5 Dial-Up Connections ..........................................58
Remote Computers .......................................................................................... 58
Palm-size PC Dial-Up Connection Settings .................................................... 60
Setting the Dialing Properties ............................................................. 66
Setting Up the Remote Computer .................................................................... 67
Internet Service Provider or Corporate Network ................................67
Remote Desktop Computer ................................................................. 67
Establishing a Dial-Up Connection ................................................................. 68
Closing a Connection .......................................................................... 71
Chapter 6 Windows CE Services and Channels ................. 72
Windows CE Services...................................................................................... 72
Installing Windows CE Services ......................................................... 72
Optional Infrared Communication Driver Component ....................... 77
Using the Mobile Devices Window..................................................... 78
Changing Communications Settings ................................................... 79
Synchronization ............................................................................................... 80
Checking Synchronization Details ...................................................... 82
How Data is Synchronized .................................................................. 82
Resolving Synchronization Conflicts .................................................. 84
Changing ActiveSync Options Settings ..............................................85
Using Channels ................................................................................................ 87
Displaying the Channels Screen.......................................................... 87
Synchronizing Channel Information ................................................... 88
Viewing Channel Information ............................................................. 88
Viewing Channel Information on the Active Desktop ........................ 88
Chapter 7 Data Backup and File Transfer ........................... 89
Backing Up and Restoring Data ...................................................................... 89
Copying Files ................................................................................................... 90
Installing and Removing Software................................................................... 91
Transferring Data with Infrared ....................................................................... 93
Part 3 Using the CASIO Programs...........................95
Chapter 8 Menu .................................................................... 95
Using Menu...................................................................................................... 96
Starting Up Menu ................................................................................ 96
Using the Main Menu.......................................................................... 96
Using Action Control for Menu Button Operations ............................ 97
Configuring Menu............................................................................................ 98
Assigning Operations to Main Menu Buttons ..................................... 98
Submenu Buttons ..............................................................................100
Chapter 9 Card Backup Tool ............................................. 103
Using Card Backup Tool................................................................................ 104
Backing Up Data ............................................................................... 104
Restoring Data ................................................................................... 106
Deleting a Backup File ...................................................................... 108
Part 4 Reference......................................................109
Appendix A Handwritten Character Recognizer ............. 109
Input Panel Areas ........................................................................................... 110
Symbols ......................................................................................................... 111
Character Writing Help .................................................................................. 111
Options ........................................................................................................... 112
Natural Character Set ..................................................................................... 112
Simplified Uppercase Character Set .............................................................. 117
Appendix B Tips and Troubleshooting ...............................123
Tips ................................................................................................................ 123
Conserving Battery power ................................................................. 123
Protecting Important Data ................................................................. 124
Other Tips .......................................................................................... 125
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................. 126
Dial-up Connection ........................................................................... 126
Infrared Communications.................................................................. 126
Display .............................................................................................. 127
Screen characters are too small. ........................................................ 127
Palm-size PC Response ..................................................................... 127
Other .................................................................................................. 128
When nothing else works... ............................................................... 128
Appendix C Icon Lists .........................................................129
Battery Icons .................................................................................................. 129
Connection Icons ...........................................................................................129
Synchronization Icons.................................................................................... 130
Index ..................................................................................... 131
Congratulations on your selection of our Palm-size PC.
Your new Palm-size PC comes with Microsoft Windows CE preinstalled, which means
it can be used in conjunction with a Microsoft Windows based personal computer. You
can use the Palm-size PC’s powerful software capabilities to take along the latest
version of your appointments, contacts, and other data, while using your desktop or
laptop for major input and editing work. You can even send and receive e-mail while
on the go.
Picture yourself in the following situations.
You’re on a business trip and receive valuable feedback from an important client.
You can use Calendar to schedule a meeting with your colleagues back at the office.
Next, you can use Contacts to look up e-mail addresses and send messages
informing everyone about the meeting.
You’re at a meeting taking notes and drawing diagrams with Note Taker. Afterwards,
you send copies of your notes to your colleagues by attaching them to an e-mail
message. When you get back to the office, you clean up and edit your notes after
uploading them to your desktop computer.
While driving home from work, you suddenly remember two or three important
phone calls you need to make the first thing tomorrow. While stopped at a red light,
you reach for your Palm-size PC and use Voice Recorder to record a reminder for
later playback.
You’re meeting friends for dinner and a movie tonight. You use Internet Explorer 4.0
on your desktop computer to get the latest movie information, which you then
download to your Palm-size PC. Later over dinner, you use your Palm-size PC to go
over the movie information with your friends to decide which movie you want to
These are just some of the many ways you can use the software capabilities of your
new Palm-size PC in your daily life. In addition, there are a number of other additional
programs you can install to tailor the Palm-size PC to your specific data management
About This Users Guide
This User’s Guide contains information about the following topics.
Basic Palm-size PC operation
How to use the standard software that comes pre-installed on your Palm-size PC
How to connect the Palm-size PC to a Windows based computer
For information about replacing batteries and about the Palm-size PC hardware, see the
separate Hardware Manual. Information is also available from the sources listed in the
next section.
Where to find additional information
Information Source
This User’s Guide
Palm-size PC online help. On your Palm-size PC, tap
Start and then Help.
This User’s Guide
Palm-size PC online help
Windows CE Services Help Topics. On the Mobile
Devices window of your desktop computer, click
Help and then Windows CE Services Help Topics.
Holding the stylus on a toolbar button or dialog on the
Palm-size PC screen displays context help (which
shows the name of the item along with a short
explanation). If you want to clear the context help
without performing the operation of the button or tool
where the stylus is located, slide the stylus from the
button or tool and then lift it from the Palm-size PC
Windows CE Services Help Topics. On the Mobile
Devices window of your desktop computer, click Help
and then Windows CE Services Help Topics.
The Windows CE home page.
Release notes on your desktop computer.
On your desktop computer, click Start, point to
Programs then Microsoft Windows CE Services.
Then click Release Notes.
Hardware Manual
Palm-size PC programs
Data synchronization and
file exchange with a
desktop computer
Toolbar buttons and
The latest information
about your Palm-size PC
and Windows CE devices
Windows CE release
Palm-size PC hardware
You must have Windows CE Services installed on your desktop computer before you
can access Windows CE Services Help Topics. See the separate Quick Start Guide
and Chapter 6 of this User’s Guide for information on installing Windows CE
In this User’s Guide, the term “desktop computer” includes both desktop computers
and laptop computers.
The modem card described in this User’s Guide is intended for use in the United
States and Canada only.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Part 1 of this User’s Guide provides an overview of basic operations and how to use
the software on your Palm-size PC.
Chapter 1 Palm-size PC Basics
Basic Palm-size PC operations and information on how to customize your Palm-size
Chapter 2 Tutorial
Hands-on experience entering data and performing other operations on your Palm-size
Chapter 3 Voice Recorder and Note Taker
Introduction to using the Voice Recorder and Note Taker software.
Chapter 4 Pocket Outlook
Introduction to the Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Inbox programs that make up Pocket
Outlook. This chapter also explains how to synchronize data with Microsoft Outlook
or Microsoft Schedule+ running on a desktop computer.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Chapter 1
Palm-size PC Basics
Before you start using your Palm-size PC, see the separate Hardware Manual for
information on the following operations.
Installing batteries
Charging Palm-size PC main battery
Turning on Palm-size PC
Adjusting screen contrast
Adjusting screen brightness
The first time you turn on Palm-size PC power, a Palm-size PC Welcome Wizard
appears to guide you through a few setup steps. Perform the steps as instructed, and
soon you are ready to go!
Palm-size PC Buttons
The illustration below shows the buttons on your Palm-size PC.
Exit button
Action control
Program buttons
Cursor button
Program Buttons
Pressing a button starts up a program. The first time you start up your Palm-size PC,
Voice Recorder, Calendar, Contacts, and Menu are assigned to these buttons
automatically. Pressing a program button when power is off turns on power and starts
up the software assigned to the button.
If you plan to use the program buttons to turn on power and start up applications, be
sure to turn off (uncheck) the Display owner identification option on the Owner
Properties dialog. Applications assigned to buttons may not start up properly if this
option is turned on.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Exit Button
This button is similar to the Esc key on a desktop computer keyboard. Use it to
interrupt an ongoing operation and to return to a previous screen or menu.
Action control
This versatile dial-type button can be used to perform a number of different operations.
Press ................................... Pressing the Action control is similar to pressing the
Enter key on a desktop computer keyboard. The
Action control press operation is indicated as on the
online help screens.
Rotate Up/Rotate Down..... Rotating the Action control up or down is similar to
pressing the cursor up or down key on a desktop
computer keyboard. Action control up and down
operations are indicated as
on the online help
Cursor Button
Use this button to move the cursor up, down, left, and right on the screen.
Some buttons also perform specific functions within a particular program. In Note
Taker, for example, holding down the Exit button and dragging the stylus enters a
space. See Palm-size PC online help for each program for information about special
button functions. To access online help, tap Start and then Help.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Touch Screen Operations
Using the stylus to tap buttons and menu items on the touch screen is the same as
clicking the item on a desktop computer. You can also double-tap (double-click) and
drag as described below.
Tap Lightly tap the touch screen once to
perform the operation that is
equivalent to clicking on a desktop
Double-tap Lightly tap the touch screen twice in
quick succession to perform the
operation that is equivalent to
double-clicking on a desktop
Drag Hold the stylus against the touch
screen as you drag it to another
location to perform the operation that
is equivalent to dragging on a
desktop computer. Lifting the stylus
from the touch screen performs a
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Palm-size PC Programs
Your Palm-size PC comes pre-installed with a collection of useful programs. These
include Microsoft standard programs (Calendar, Contacts, etc.) and CASIO programs
(Menu, etc.). You can select the program you want from the Start button or by
pressing its program button.
With your Palm-size PC, you do not need to quit a program after you are finished
using it. You can simply select another program.
Start Menu
To help ensure stable system operations, your Palm-size PC does not like to have too
many programs running at the same time. Because of this, programs may be shut down
automatically in order to conserve available memory. Be sure to frequently save data to
protect against losing it when a program is shut down by the system.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Icon Program
Keeps track of your appointments.
Downloads Web data from your desktop computer.
Keeps track of your friends and business contacts.
Sends and receives e-mail.
Note Taker
Provides a place for creating freehand or typed notes.
Keeps track of things you need to do.
Voice Recorder
Records voice memos for later playback.
Performs basic calculations.
A handy menu of buttons that provide easy access to Palm-size PC programs.
Establishes a desktop computer or Internet connection over a cable or dial-up
Initiates synchronization with a desktop computer.
PC Link
Establishes a connection with your personal computer.
A popular card game you can play anywhere.
Adjusts screen contrast and brightness.
Card Backup
Backs up and Restore Palm-size PC RAM data onto a memory card.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Assigning a Program to a Program Button
The first time you start up Palm-size PC, Voice Recorder, Calendar, Contacts, and
Menu are assigned to the program buttons automatically.
Voice recorder
Use the following procedure to assign different programs to the program buttons.
To assign programs to the program buttons
1. On your Palm-size PC, tap Start, Settings, and then Buttons.
2. Use the Button Properties dialog that appears to assign programs to the program
Do not assign a program installed on a CompactFlash card to a program button. Only
assign programs that are installed in Palm-size PC main memory.
Programs that are pre-installed on your Palm-size PC when you buy it are stored in
ROM (read-only memory) and cannot be removed.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Active Desktop
You can use the Active Desktop to display important data, upcoming appointments and
tasks. Think of the Active Desktop as the “cover” for your Palm-size PC.
Active Desktop
Owner data
Calendar data
Task data
Desktop button
You can display the desktop at any time by tapping the Desktop button in the lower
right corner of the screen.
To change the contents of the desktop, tap Start, Settings, Display, and then select
Display Active Desktop.
Display Properties Dialog
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
The Taskbar appears along the bottom of your Palm-size PC screen.
123 4 5
1Start button .......................... Tap to display the Start menu.
2 Input panel button ................ Tap to display or hide the input panel (page 12).
3 Input method arrow .............. Tap to display a list of input methods (page 12).
4 Status icons.......................... Double-tap an icon to display information
about the status of your Palm-size PC.
5 Desktop button ..................... Tap to display the Active Desktop.
A battery icon appears in the status icon area when battery power is low. See “Icon
Lists” on page 129 for more information about icons.
Messages also appear on the screen to warn you when battery power is low. You can
check the current battery level at any time by tapping Start, Settings, Power to
display Power Properties.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Start Menu
Tap the Start button to display the Start menu.
1 Palm-size PC Standard Software........ Tap on the name of a program to
start it up.
2 Programs Menu ................................. Tap here to display a sub-menu of
CASIO programs, programs for data
communication, etc.
3 Settings Menu .................................... Tap here to display a sub-menu of
Palm-size PC settings. See
“Customizing Your Palm-size PC”
on page 15.
4 Find..................................................... Tap here to display a dialog that lets
you search for data in Palm-size PC
5 Help .................................................... Tap here to display Palm-size PC
online help.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Command Bar
The appearance of the command bar at the top of the Palm-size PC screen depends on
what program you are currently using. The following explanation describes the
Calendar command bar, which you can display by tapping Start and then Calendar.
Command bar
The command bar consists of a toolbar and a menu bar. The toolbar appears first
whenever you start up a program, but you can toggle between the toolbar and menu bar
or you can have both on the display at the same time.
Tap here to toggle between the toolbar and menu bar.
Drag this handle left and right to display part of the toolbar and
part of the menu bar at the same time.
If you drag down on the bottom of the toolbar, the menu bar will appear underneath it,
so you can view both bars at the same time. Drag the bottom of the menu bar back up
again to return to the toolbar-only display.
The buttons that appear on the toolbar are those for tasks most often used in each
particular program. See Palm-size PC online help for more information about the
buttons that appear for each program.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Typing and Writing on your Palm-size PC
Your Palm-size PC provides you with a selection of three different options for entering
data. You can type with an on-screen keyboard, hand-write characters using character
recognition, or draw graphics on the screen using the stylus.
You can use the stylus to draw graphics on the screen for input into Note Taker, and for
notes you attach to entries in Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks.
You get the option of entering text by typing with the on-screen keyboard or by
handwriting using the Palm-size PC’s built-in character recognizer. These options are
available for any program you run on our Palm-size PC.
To select the input method, tap the Input Method arrow and then select one of the
methods from the menu that appears.
Typing with the Keyboard
To type with the on-screen keyboard, tap the Input Method arrow and select
Keyboard. Next, use the stylus to tap the keyboard keys.
Characters appear
as you type them.
You can also set up the keyboard to suit your own particular needs. Tap Start,
Settings, and then Input Panel. Next, select Keyboard as the input method and then
tap Options.
Enabling swipe shortcuts (gestures) on your keyboard allows you to do the following.
Swipe across the keyboard from left to right to enter a space.
Swipe across the keyboard from right to left to delete a character.
Swipe the keyboard from top to bottom to enter a carriage return.
Swipe upward from a key to enter the character assigned to that key in uppercase.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
You can use the [Action] control and cursor key in combination to perform the
operations described below.
Writing Using the Character Recognizer
Your Palm-size PC comes with CIC
character recognition software that lets you
write characters by hand. To hand-write using the character recognizer, tap the Input
Method arrow and select Jot Character Recognizer. Now when you write a letter in
the box at the bottom of the screen with the stylus, the handwritten character is
converted to typed text that appears on the screen.
Tap here to see how
characters should be
Write lowercase
characters here.
Write uppercase
characters here.
Write numbers here.
Certain letters need to be written in a particular way in order for them to be
recognized. Tapping Help displays an online demonstration of character writing. You
can also find character information in Appendix A at the back of this User’s Guide.
Drag the stylus across the panel from right to left to delete a character. Drag from left
to right to enter a space.
As you type or write text, your Palm-size PC guesses the word you are entering and
displays a suggestion above the input panel. If the word that appears is what you want
to enter, tap it and it is inserted at the insertion point. Your Palm-size PC learns the
words you use over time, so the more you use it, the quicker and more accurate its
guesses become.
This combination:
Action + Cursor Up
Action + Cursor Down
Action + Cursor Right
Action + Cursor Left
Performs this operation:
Back Tab (Shift + Tab)
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Tap here if this is
the word you want
to enter.
Viewing Data
Most of the pre-installed programs provide a list view that shows the items or files
stored with a program. You can select a particular item or file in the list view and
change to a detailed view of its contents.
Tapping on a column heading sorts the items in the list on that column. Each time
you tap a heading, the sort order changes between ascending and descending.
In Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks, you can assign records to particular categories and
then select the category whose data you want to appear in the list view.
Detailed ViewList View
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
In Note Taker, Voice Recorder, and Inbox, you can place files or messages into
folders and then select the folder whose files you want to appear in the list view.
See the online help and manuals that come with your Palm-size PC for more
information about the different views and filtering capabilities of each program.
Customizing Your Palm-size PC
You can tailor the settings of your Palm-size PC to suit your particular needs. Tap
Start and Settings, and then tap the setting you want to change in the menu that
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
The following describes the settings that you can adjust with the Settings menu.
For assigning programs to the program buttons and for making up/down control
settings (for Action control and screen scroll button operations).
Do not assign a program installed on a CompactFlash card to a program button. Only
assign programs that are installed in main memory.
For specifying a device name (the name that connected devices use to recognize your
Palm-size PC), and for making settings for connection to a desktop computer.
For specifying the dial method to be used for a dial-up connection.
For specifying the background for the Active Desktop.
Input Panel
For specifying the input panel input methods.
For entering and editing owner data, which appears on the Active Desktop whenever
your Palm-size PC is started up.
For registering and deleting a password required each time your Palm-size PC is turned
on, and for setting security options.
For displaying a screen that shows the current battery level and for setting the idle time
before auto power off is triggered.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Regional Settings
For specifying the number system, currency, date, date and time formats and other
settings for your region.
Remove Programs
For removing programs installed in RAM.
For calibrating the touch screen and adjusting the double-tap speed.
For adjusting memory allocation between storage memory and program memory.
You can allocate up to 16MB for storage memory.
For specifying which programs and items appear on the Taskbar.
Volume & Sounds
For making volume settings and for turning sounds on and off.
World Clock
For setting the date and time for your location and a second location.
See online help for more information about these settings.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Chapter 2
This chapter walks you through a number of procedures and helps you to become
familiar with using the pre-installed programs of your Palm-size PC. This chapter
covers the following topics.
Recording a message with Voice Recorder
Adding a Contacts record
Creating a Calendar appointment
Entering a reminder in Tasks
Creating a note with Note Taker
Viewing the Active Desktop
If you like, you can skip around this chapter and look at only the procedures you are
interested in.
For more information about how to use each program, start up the program, tap Start
and then tap Help to display online help.
If you haven’t already done so, be sure to reach Chapter 1 to familiarize yourself with
Palm-size PC basic operation, typing and writing text, etc.
Recording a Message with Voice Recorder
Voice Recorder is the easiest way to enter data into your Palm-size PC. Simply hold
the Palm-size PC up to your mouth and speak into the microphone. The voice recorder
button is positioned for easy access while the Palm-size PC is being held in your hand.
Voice recorder button
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
To record a message with Voice Recorder
1. Hold down the voice recorder button.
Recording continues as long as you keep the voice recorder button depressed.
2. Speak into the microphone.
3. Release the voice recorder button to stop recording.
The Palm-size PC beeps to let you know recording is complete.
Press the Action control to playback the recording you just made.
Press the Action control to pause playback. Pressing the Action control again
resumes playback from where you stopped it.
The recording you just make is shown in the file list, named Recording 1 (or
something similar). To change its name, tap it in the file list (so it is highlighted),
and then tap
. Type the name you want into the Properties dialog that appears.
Adding a Contacts Record
Contacts lets you keep track of phone numbers, addresses and other contact
information for your customers, business associates, and friends.
If you already have contact data on your desktop computer, you can use the procedures
described in Part 2 of this User’s Guide to download it to your Palm-size PC.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
To create a new Contacts record
1. Press the Contacts button ( ) on the front of your Palm-size PC, or tap Start and
then Contacts.
2. Tap the New button.
This displays the new contact dialog.
Memo button
Business button
Personal button
The business data input screen appears first. You can enter three types of data with
Contacts: business, personal, and memo.
3. Enter the name, company, work address, work number, e-mail address and other
data for the contact.
To move between fields, either press the Action control and the right cursor button at
the same time, or use the stylus to tap the field you want to jump to.
4. If you want to enter personal data, tap
5.Enter the home phone number.
6. After you are finished, tap OK to store everything. The new contact should be in the
Contacts list.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Creating a Calendar Appointment
Your Palm-size PC’s Calendar program is just the thing for keeping track of
appointments, meetings, and other important events.
To create a Calendar appointment
1. Press the Calendar button ( ) on the front of your Palm-size PC, or tap Start and
then Calendar.
2. Tap the date L button to display the calendar.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
3. Tap the date of the appointment in the calendar, tap the line that corresponds to the
time of appointment, and then tap the New button to display the dialog for entering
a new Calendar appointment.
4. Tap the Description L button and then select the appropriate description from the
list that appears.
If you cannot find the description you want in this list, tap the Description L
button again and go to the next step.
5. Tap the Input Method button and select the input method you want to use.
6. Enter the reminder of the description using the input method you selected.
See “Typing and Writing on your Palm-size PC” on page 12 of this User’s Guide and
Palm-size PC online help for more information about entering text.
Part 1Using the Palm-size PC
7.Tap OK to save the appointment and return to the Calendar screen.
Windows CE 2.11 counts the week that contains the January 1 as the first week of each
Entering a Reminder in Tasks
The Tasks program helps to effectively things you have to do each day.
To enter a reminder in Tasks
1.Tap Start and then Tasks.
Tap here to enter
a new task.
2.Use the on-screen keyboard or handwriting recognition to enter the title of the task.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
3. Tap on the keyboard or tap outside the handwriting input panel to add the new
task to the list.
To assign a category to a task
1. On the task list, double-tap the task to which you want to assign a category.
This displays a dialog that shows the details of the task.
2. Tap the
button and then check the box next to the category (or categories) you
want to assign to the task.
You can check more
than one category.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
3. To save the task, tap OK.
Tap here to display a menu of categories.
Only the tasks that are assigned the
currently selected category are shown
in the task list. Selecting All Items shows
all items, regardless of category.
To assign a priority to a task
1. On the same screen for assigning a category to a task (page 24), tap the Priority L
Select a priority from the list.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
2. To save the task, tap OK.
This symbol
indicates priority.
! : High
: Low
Creating a Note with Note Taker
Your Palm-size PC’s Note Taker program is just like having a digital note pad with you
wherever you go. Note Taker lets you type your notes on the spot and even edit data.
To create a note with Note Taker
1. Tap Start and then Note Taker.
If this is your first Note Taker note, the above step displays a blank input screen. If
you already have Note Taker notes stored in memory, a list of notes appears first,
and you have to tap
to display the input screen.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
2. Use the on-screen keyboard or handwriting recognition to enter text, or draw a
diagram right on the screen.
3. After the note is the way you want, tap OK to save it and return to the Note Taker
list of notes.
Note Taker automatically names your note using the first characters of text in the
note. To change the name or to move your note to a particular folder, highlight the
note in the list. Next tap File and then Properties. Use the dialog that appears to
make the changes you want.
To enter text into a note
Tapping the input panel button to display the input panel clears the horizontal lines
from the screen and causes the cursor to appear. You can type text from the keyboard
or enter text using handwriting recognition while the cursor is on the screen.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
See “Typing and Writing on your Palm-size PC” on page 12 of this User’s Guide and
Palm-size PC online help for more information about entering text.
To enter freehand letters in a note
While the horizontal lines are shown on the Note Taker screen (no input panel
displayed), use the stylus to write the letters you want directly on the screen.
You can write letters just as you would with a pencil and paper. You can also zoom in
and out on the note to change its size.
Scale: 100%
Freehand letters cannot be converted later to typed text.
To draw graphics in a note
Use the stylus to draw graphics on the screen, just as you would with a pencil and
paper. If your figure extends across more than three horizontal lines, it is surrounded
by a dotted-line frame, which identifies it as a graphic.
Graphic frame
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
If you draw another figure outside the existing graphic frame, the frame expands to
incorporate the new figure.
Viewing the Active Desktop
The Active Desktop of your Palm-size PC shows you upcoming appointments and
active tasks at a glance.
To display the desktop, tap the Desktop button on the Taskbar.
This is the Active Desktop. The initial default contents for the Active Desktop are
owner data, upcoming appointments (from Calendar), and active tasks (from Tasks).
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
To change the contents of the Active Desktop, tap Start, Settings, and then Display.
On the dialog that appears, tap the Desktop tab and then select the items you want to
include on the Active Desktop.
What’s Next?
This tutorial is a basic overview of just some of the many things your Palm-size PC
can do for you. Here are some suggestions of places where you can find other
important information.
See Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 for more information on Palm-size PC programs. Or
you can get more information from Palm-size PC online help.
See Chapter 6 about how you can link up with a desktop computer to synchronize
See Chapter 5 to find out how to use your Palm-size PC to dial into the Internet or
your company’s server.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Chapter 3
Voice Recorder and Note Taker
This chapter provides an overview of the Voice Recorder and Note Taker programs that
come pre-installed on your Palm-size PC.
Using Voice Recorder
Voice Recorder lets you record your voice with the touch of a button for later playback
when you need it. You can perform record and playback operations one-handed, which
means you can operate Voice Recorder while doing something else.
Controlling Voice Recorder Operations with Buttons
The following are the buttons that control Voice Recorder record and playback
Exit button
Action control
Voice recorder button
To start recording
Hold down the voice recorder button to record. Recording continues as long as the
button is depressed.
To stop recording
Release the voice recorder button.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
To select data for playback
On the recording list, use the Action control to move the highlighting to the recording
you want to play back.
Selected recording
is highlighted.
To playback a recording
Press the Action control to play back the recording whose name is highlighted on the
recording list.
To pause playback
Press the Action control during playback to pause.
Slider stops at the location
where playback was paused.
To resume paused playback
Press the Action control again to resume playback that is paused.
To stop playback
While playback is either in progress or paused, press the Exit button to quit the
playback operation.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
To playback all the recordings in the file list
Press the Action control twice to playback all the recordings in the file list, starting
from the recording whose name is highlighted in the list.
To fast-forward during playback
While playback is in progress, rotate and hold the Action control downwards to fast
forward. Normal playback resumes from the point where you release the Action
Fast forward is disabled while playing a PCM recording (page 35).
To rewind during playback
While playback is in progress, rotate and hold Action control upwards to rewind.
Normal playback resumes from the point where you release the Action control.
Controlling Voice Recorder Operations with On-screen Buttons
and Menu Commands
You can also control Voice Recorder operations using on-screen buttons and menu
On-screen Buttons
The buttons and menu commands that control Voice Recorder operations are described
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
1 Delete button
Tap to delete the highlighted recording.
2 Properties button
Tap to display a dialog that shows the properties of the highlighted recording.
3 Speaker Volume button
Tap to display a dialog for controlling speaker volume.
4 Folder list
Tap to display a list of folders. The recordings in the Voice Recorder list are those
contained in the folder selected using this list.
5 Voice recorder button
Tap to start recording.
6 Stop button
Tap to stop recording.
7 Playback/Pause button
Tap to pause recording. Tap again to resume playback from the point where it was
8 Fast Forward button
Tap to fast-forward the recording.
9 Rewind button
Tap to rewind the recording.
0 Slider
This slider shows the current playback location. You can change to another location
by dragging the slider left and right.
File List
The file list shows all the recordings contained in the currently selected folder. You can
sort the recording list contents by tapping the column headers at the top of the list.
Select the folder here.
Selecting All Folders
displays recordings
in all folders.
This K mark appears next to the name
of the column on which the file list is sorted.
Each tap of a column header toggles the sort
order between ascending K and descending
L. You can specify which file attributes
you want to appear in the file list. Tap Tools and
then Options. Next tap the Columns tab.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
To create, change the name of, or delete a folder
Select Edit Folders here to
display a dialog that lets you
create a new folder, or change
the name of or delete an existing
Recording Properties
Recordings are automatically assigned default names that follow the sequence
Recording 1, Recording 2, and so on. You can change the recording name and the
folder where the recording is stored using the recording’s properties dialog, which is
displayed by selecting a recording on the recording list and taping the Properties
Use this box to move
the recording to another folder.
Change the recording
name here.
If you are using a memory card,
use this box to specify whether
the file should be stored
in Palm-size PC main memory or
on the memory card.
Recording Formats
Voice Recorder normally records data in TrueSpeech, which requires a relatively small
file. A 10-second TrueSpeech recording uses only about 10 Kbytes of memory, but
with quality that is quite sufficient for normal human speech. When higher quality
recording is required, you can change to PCM format by tapping Tools and then
Recording Format. Tap the Format L button and select PCM from the list that
appears. PCM recordings are saved as .wav files, which can be uploaded to a desktop
computer for playback, editing, and archiving.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
If recording quality is not a factor, you can get maximum recording time by changing
the format to Mobile Voice, which compresses files so they are about one third the size
of TrueSpeech files.
A desktop computer must have Windows CE Services installed in order to play back
Mobile Voice files. See Chapter 6 for more information about installing Windows
CE Services.
The slider does not move in real time during recording and playback of a Mobile
Voice file.
Though Stereo can be selected in the Attributes box of the Recording Format
dialog when PCM is selected as the recording format, playback is always monaural.
To record to a memory card
1. In Voice Recorder, tap Tools and then Options.
2. On the General tab of the dialog that appears, check the Save to storage card
The Save to storage card is dimmed if your Palm-size PC does not have a memory
card installed.
To increase the size of the data storage area in Palm-size PC memory
If you keep getting memory low messages while using Voice Recorder, try using the
following procedure to increase the amount of Palm-size PC memory available for data
1.Tap Start, Settings, and then System.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
2. On the Memory tab of the system properties dialog that appears, use the slider to
reserve more memory for data storage.
You can allocate up to 16MB for storage memory.
If overall memory is in sufficient, try using a memory card.
Using Note Taker
Note Taker is just like having a digital note pad along with you wherever you go.
Unlike paper, however, Note Taker lets you edit and format the contents of a note
quickly and easily.
To start up Note Taker, tap Start and then Note Taker.
Creating a New Note
Tap to display the new note screen. Tapping the L button displays a list of
templates from which you can choose the one you want.
Inputting Text into a Note
You can enter text into a note by typing with the on-screen keyboard or with the
character recognizer. See Chapter 1 of this User’s Guide for more information about
entering text using these methods. Note Taker also lets you enter freehand graphics and
letters by drawing directly on the screen.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
This is the screen for typing text with the keyboard. On this screen there are no
horizontal lines. A cursor shows the input position.
You can change to input of freehand letters and graphics by tapping to hide the
input panel.
Freehand Letters and Graphics
Use the stylus to draw the letters and graphics you want directly on the screen.
If your figure extends across more than three horizontal lines, it is surrounded by a
dotted-line frame, which identifies it as a graphic.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Scrolling a screen that contains freehand graphics can cause the graphics to break up
on the screen. Scroll some more and the graphics should return to normal.
Tapping View and then Full Screen hides the command bar and displays the
maximum amount of data on the screen. Tap Restore to view the command bar
Editing and Formatting a Note
You can edit text you entered using the keyboard or the character recognizer, and you
can also edit freehand graphics and letters. To select text or a figure for editing, hide
the input panel, tap the Select button, and then drag the stylus over the text or figure.
Instead of tapping Select, you can also hold down the Action control while dragging
the stylus across the text or figure.
and then Format to display the format dialog. The contents of the format
dialog depend on whether text or a graphic is selected.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
You can use the button to increase or decrease the space between the elements on
the screen.
Instead of tapping
, you can also hold down the Exit button while dragging the
stylus across the text or figure.
Saving a Note
After the note is the way you want, tap OK to save it and return to the note list. Note
Taker automatically assigns a name to the note according to the following rules.
The first 21 characters of the first line of typed text are used as the note name.
If there is no text in the note but the note is inside a folder, the note is given the
folder name followed by a sequential number. Notes stored in a folder names Sales,
for example, would be named Sales1, Sales2, etc.
If there is no text in the note and the note is not inside a folder, the note is given the
name Note followed by a sequential number.
To change the name of a note, to move the note into a folder, or to change the file
format of a note, tap File and then Save As.
Each Note Taker note is a separate file saved in Note Taker (.pwi) format, which
synchronizes with Microsoft Word files as described under “How Data is
Synchronized” on page 82. You can also save a note in Rich Text (.rtf) or text only
(.txt) format, but doing so causes all freehand letters and graphics to be lost.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Managing Your Notes
The easiest way to keep track of your notes is to give them easy-to-understand names
and store them in folders. For example, you could create a folder named Project A and
place all relevant notes in that folder.
Selecting a folder in the note list causes all its notes to appear in the list.
Palm-size PC Users Guide
Chapter 4
Pocket Outlook
Microsoft Pocket Outlook programs are Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Inbox.
Using Windows CE Services, data from Calendar, Contacts and Tasks can be
synchronized with Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Schedule+7.0a and Microsoft
Exchange running on a desktop computer. See Chapter 6 of this Users Guide for more
information about Using Windows CE Services to synchronize data.
Inbox is a program for managing your e-mail. Inbox lets you synchronize outgoing and
incoming e-mail with Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Exchange running on a desktop
computer. It also lets you use your Palm-size PC to dial up an Internet service provider
to send and receive e-mail. See Chapter 5 of this Users Guide for more information
about dial-up connections.
You can start up any of the Microsoft Pocket Outlook programs by tapping Start and
then tapping the program you want to run in the Start menu.
The section provides an overview of each of the programs that make up Pocket
Outlook. For more information, see Palm-size PC online help. To view online help, tap
Start and then Help, and then tap on the appropriate title.
Calendar: Scheduling an Appointment
Use Calendar to manage your appointments, meetings, and other important events. You
can check your appointments any of a variety of views (Day, Week, Month, Year, and
Agenda) with the tap of a command bar button.
Windows CE 2.11 counts the week that contains the January 1 as the first week of each
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Appointment List
Drag the tabs above
and below the selected
appointment to extend or
shorten its time frame.
Drag inside the selected
appointment to move
it to another time.
Creates a new
Day, Week, Month,
Year views
Agenda view
Tap to display or hide
more data.
Tap the selected
appointment to edit it.
Double-tap an
appointment to display
its appointment card.
Appointment Card
You can display a new appointment card by holding down the Calendar program
button (
) on the front of your Palm-size PC for a few seconds.
Enter a date or tap
the L buttons to
display a calendar
for date selection.
Saves the appointment.
Enter additional notes
about the appointment
Tap to schedule
a meeting
(see next page).
Tap to specify
a category.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Scheduling a Meeting
You can use Calendar to set up meetings with desktop computer users of Outlook or
Schedule+, or with others who are using Pocket Outlook on a Palm-size PC. First,
create a meeting appointment in Calendar, specifying who you think should attend and
the location. Note that the e-mail addresses of attendees need to be already registered
in Contacts.
Inbox automatically creates a meeting announcement and sends it to the applicable
e-mail addresses the next time you connect to your e-mail service or synchronize
mail messages with your desktop computer.
Responses from those who receive the announcement are sent to your Inbox. If your
Inbox is set up to receive meeting announcements, icons that indicate their responses
appear next to each name on the appointment card.
When you receive a meeting announcement, your responses are sent back to the
meeting organizer. Meetings you agree to attend are automatically added to your
Palm-size PC Calendar.
Contacts: Managing Business and Private Contacts
Contacts lets you maintain an up-to-date list of acquaintances and their contact data for
instant recall when you need it. Contacts can also be used to look up e-mail addresses
when sending e-mail with Inbox.
Contacts List
Double-tap a name in the list to
display its contact card.
Creates a contact.
Tap and enter a name to find it in the list.
Contact data for the name that is
highlighted in the list.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Contact Card
You can display a new contact card by holding down the Contacts program button
) on the front of your Palm-size PC for a few seconds.
The e-mail address also appears
in the Inbox address book.
Saves the contact card contents.
Tap to specify a category.
Tap to display personal data.
Tap to display business data.
Tasks: Keeping Track of Things You Need to Do
Use Tasks to keep track of things you need to do. You can check a task after you
complete it, and overdue tasks appear in bold. You can assign a priority and categories
to each task, and even set an alarm to remind of particularly importing tasks. Tasks
also are shown in the Active Window and in the Calendar’s Agenda view.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Tasks List
Double-tap a task name
to view its task card.
This mark indicates
high priority.
Specifies the category
whose tasks are shown
in the list.
A checkmark indicates
a task is complete.
Task Card
Tap this button and
then tap the description
box to the right to write
a freehand memo.
Check this box to set
a reminder alarm.
Click the button
to set the alarm time.
Displays the category
list in the description
All tasks must have a Due date specified. You cannot create a task with a Starts date
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Inbox: Sending and Receiving E-mail
You can use Inbox to send and receive e-mail using either of the following two
You can synchronize incoming and outgoing messages with Microsoft Exchange or
Microsoft Outlook running on your desktop computer. Or you can transfer individual
messages between your Palm-size PC and desktop computer.
You can send and receive e-mail using a dial-up connection to a service provider or
your company’s server (page 58).
Service provider
Palm-size PC
Desktop computer
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Synchronizing Messages
You can set up the ActiveSync Options of Windows CE Services so e-mail messages
are synchronized along with other data. The following operations are performed when
e-mail messages are synchronized.
Messages are copied from the Inbox folder of Exchange or Outlook on your desktop
computer into the Inbox folder on your Palm-size PC.
The messages on the two
computers are linked, so when you delete a message on your Palm-size PC, it is
deleted from your desktop computer the next time you synchronize.
Messages in the Outbox folder on your Palm-size PC are transferred to the Outbox
folder on your desktop computer. These messages are then sent with the next e-mail
send operation from Exchange or Outlook on your desktop computer.
Features available on your desktop computer, such as scheduling meetings and
selective downloading of attachments are also available on your Palm-size PC.
E-mail message synchronization is disabled under the initial default settings of
Windows CE Services. Use procedure under “Changing Communications Settings”
on page 79 of this User’s Guide to enable it.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Windows CE Inbox Transfer
Installing Windows CE Services on your desktop computer adds the Windows CE
Inbox Transfer command to the Exchange and Outlook Tools menu. You can use this
command to copy or move specific messages between Exchange or Outlook and your
Palm-size PC. Messages can be moved into the Inbox or into specific folders.
Note that messages moved with Windows CE Inbox Transfer are not linked, so you
can modify or delete them on one location without affecting the messages in the other
You can also use this method to move messages to your desktop computer that you
received on your Palm-size PC from other services.
To transfer messages with Windows CE Inbox Transfer, click Tools in either
Exchange or Outlook, and then click Windows CE Inbox Transfer. Use the dialog
that appears to specify what you want to do.
Transfers messages to your
desktop computer.
Transfers messages to your
Palm-size PC.
See Windows CE Services online help for more information about using Windows CE
Inbox Transfer.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Using a New Dial-Up Connection
A dial-up connection is just what its name implies, you dial a number over a telephone
line and connect to a computer at the other end. Note the following important points
concerning a dial-up connection.
You must set up an e-mail account with a local service provider in order to send and
receive e-mail over a dial-up connection. See Chapter 5 of this User’s Guide for
more information about how to make dial-up connection settings.
You need a CompactFlash type modem before you can use a dial-up connection. See
the separate Hardware Manual for more information about the type of
CompactFlash modem you need.
Your Palm-size PC does not support connection to any Internet service provider
(ISP) that requires use of special software or programs.
Your Palm-size PC supports dial-up connection with an Internet service provider
(ISP) that uses a POP3 mail server and SMTP mail gateway.
You can use multiple mail services for your mail. You need to specify a name and
make the correct settings for each service. The software for doing this comes pre-
installed on your Palm-size PC.
To set up a new mail service
1. In Inbox on your Palm-size PC, tap Compose and then Options.
2. On the dialog that appears, tap the Services tab.
3. Tap the Add button to display a service selection dialog.
Internet Mail Service is
the initial default for this
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
4. Tap OK to display a dialog for entering the name of the service.
Service provider name
5. Input a name for your service provider and then tap OK.
6. In the service provider settings dialog that appears, enter the required information.
Enter the correct information
here that you received from
your service provider.
This information is necessary
only when the SMTP Host and
POP3 Host entries are different.
Otherwise, these boxes can be
left blank.
Tap here to display a list of
connections you created under
“To make Palm-size PC dial-up
connection settings” on page 61.
Select the one you want to use.
7. Tap Finish to save your settings.
In step 6 of the above procedure, enter a mail address in the Return Address box if
you want replies to your e-mail sent to an address that is different from the one you
send from. Normally you can leave this box blank.
Tapping Next in place of Finish in step 7 displays a dialog for making other settings
that control connection to your mail server and e-mail send and receive. See Palm-
size PC online help for more information about these settings.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Selecting a Service
If you have more than one service registered on your Palm-size PC, you should always
check to make sure the proper one is selected before you create a new mail message or
before you send and receive mail.
In Inbox on your Palm-size PC, tap Service and tap the name of the service you want
to use.
The currently selected service
is the one with a dot next to it.
Note that you can use only one
service at a time.
How Mail is Sent and Received by Inbox
After you select a service, tap Service and then Connect to dial it up. After your Palm-
size PC dials and connects, Inbox picks up any unread mail addressed to you from
your service’s computer, and sends any unsent messages that are waiting in the Outbox
Received Messages
Inbox is initially set up to receive messages up to 100 lines long (anything after the
100th line is cut off). Not attachments are downloaded, and original messages remain
on the mail server.
To receive selected messages in their entirety the next time you log into your mail
service, select the message (or messages) on the Inbox, tap Service, and then tap
Retrieve Full Copy.
The icons of selected messages in the Inbox message list change to
to indicate
that full copies of them will be retrieved.
To change the maximum number of lines and other Inbox deliver options, tap
Service and then Properties. On the dialog that appears, tap Next twice.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Selecting this option and
then checking the checkbox
underneath it lets you specify
the maximum number of lines
for each message.
Entire messages are
received when this
option is selected.
For synchronization with a desktop computer, Inbox is initially set up to copy only
50 lines of each new message from Exchange or Outlook. To receive selected
messages in their entirety the next time you synchronize, select the message (or
messages) on the Inbox, tap Service, and then tap Retrieve Full Copy.
See Palm-size PC online help for more information about service properties.
Reading Received Messages
Messages received from your mail service provider are picked up and placed in the
Inbox whenever you use Inbox to log into your provider’s server. The following shows
the typical appearance of the Inbox after mail is received.
Message you selected to
receive full copies
(“Received Messages”,
page 52).
Icons indicate the status
of each mail message.
Message with attachment
Meeting announcement
Mail still stored on the server
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
The Inbox Size column shows both the downloaded size and the original file size. 1/2K,
for example, means 1KB of a 2KB message was downloaded to the Palm-size PC from
the server.
To view the contents of a mail message, double-tap it in the Inbox.
You can use Service, Properties to specify whether or not the connector should be
terminated automatically following a mail send or receive operation. See online help
for more information.
Part 1 Using the Palm-size PC
Sending an E-mail
You can create an e-mail message either by writing a new one from scratch, or by
replying to a message you received from someone else.
Writing a New Message
Tap to display a blank message screen.
Enter the text of your message here.
Tapping displays an address
book from which you can
select the e-mail address
you want.
Tap this button when you want
to input addresses for CC
(carbon copy) and BCC
(blind carbon copy) addresses.
Tap the scroll button to
return to the above screen.
When your message is the way you want it, tap to place it in the Outbox folder.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Replying to a Message
Display the received message or select its name in the Inbox. Next, tap and then
tap Reply to Sender.
Enter your reply here.
The address of the person
who sent the original message
is automatically entered as
the recipient of your reply.
Text of the original message
When your message is the way you want it, tap to place it in the Outbox folder.
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
Part 2
Communicating with a Computer
Part 2 of this User’s Guide takes you through the procedures for connecting Palm-size
PC to a desktop computer or to a dial-up network.
Chapter 5 Dial-Up Connections
This chapter explains how to set up your Palm-size PC for a dial-up connection. It also
describes the difference between an Internet service provider and a corporate network.
Chapter 6 Windows CE Services and Channels
You must install Windows CE Services software in order to be able to synchronize data
between your Palm-size PC and desktop computer. Windows CE Services is also
useful for backing up Palm-size PC data and performing other useful tasks.
This chapter explains how to install and use Windows CE Services. It also provides
information about how to use Channels.
Chapter 7 Data Backup and File Transfer
In addition to synchronizing data between your Palm-size PC and desktop computer,
Windows CE Services also lets you back up your Palm-size PC data on your desktop
computer and exchange individual files if you want. You also use Windows CE
Services when you want to install programs into Palm-size PC RAM.
This chapter tells you how to do all this, plus how to use infrared to exchange data
with another Palm-size PC or other Windows CE device.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Chapter 5
Dial-Up Connections
A dial-up connection is any connection that enables communications between a
Palm-size PC and a remote computer using telephone lines and a modem. Once the
connection is established, you can send and receive e-mail, or even synchronize data
when connected to your desktop computer.
This chapter explains how to make the required settings for a dial-up connection. It
also contains information about the types of computers you can connect to with a dial-
up connection.
Remote Computers
Your Palm-size PC can establish a dial-up connection with the types of remote
computers described below.
Internet Service Provider
You can set up an account with an Internet service provider (ISP) for sending and
receiving e-mail. Information (telephone number, user name, password, etc.) you need
to set up your Palm-size PC for this type of connection should be provided by your
Palm-size PC
Internet service provider
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
Corporate Network
This configuration lets you dial up the server at your company. Your company’s
network must be configured to allow external dial-in for you to be able to use this
configuration. Once connected, you can send and receive e-mail to addresses on the
network. The telephone number and any other information you need to set up your
Palm-size PC for this type of connection should be provided by the system
administrator of the corporate network.
Palm-size PC
Corporate server
Remote Desktop Computer on a Corporate Network
In this configuration, the desktop computer must be connected to your corporate
network, and network connections must be enabled. If you are going to perform
remote synchronization, you must first install Windows CE Services and create a
partnership using a direct cable connection as described in Chapter 6.
Palm-size PC
Corporate server
Desktop computer
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Remote Desktop Computer via Direct Dial-up Connection
For this type of connection, you must have a modem connected to your remote
computer and set up for communication. If you are going to perform remote
synchronization, you must first install Windows CE Services and create a partnership
using a direct cable connection as described in Chapter 6.
Palm-size PC
Desktop computer
See “Setting Up the Remote Computer” on page 67 of this User’s Guide for
information about setting up a desktop computer for remote synchronization.
Palm-size PC Dial-Up Connection Settings
Use Windows CE Remote Networking to make the setting for dial-up connections.
Before you start making settings, do the following.
1. Make sure you have the following information on hand.
The phone number you need to dial
Name servers information (primary DNS)
Baud rate and other connection information
2. Connect the telephone and modem you plan to use.
For a dial-up connection, you must insert a CompactFlash modem card into the card
slot of your Palm-size PC.
See the separate Hardware Manual for information about how to install the modem
card .
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
To make Palm-size PC dial-up connection settings
1. On the Start menu, tap Programs, Communication, and then Connections.
2. To create a new connection, double-tap the Make New Connection icon.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
3. Enter a name for the connection, select Dial-Up Connection, and then tap Next to
advance to the Make New Dial-Up Connection dialog.
4. Tap the Select a modem box to open a list of available modems. Select the one you
are using.
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
5. Tap the Configure button to display the Device Properties dialog. Make the
settings described below.
Port Settings
Set the baud rate in accordance
with the modem you are using
and the speed of the remote
device you are dialing up.
Call Options
Depending on the type of line
you are connected to, you may
need to uncheck this option.
The default setting here is 120 seconds.
Depending on the modem card you are
using, you may have need to change this
setting. See the ReadMe file on the
Windows CE CD-ROM that comes with
your Palm-size PC for more information.
6. After making the Device Properties settings you want, tap OK to close the dialog
and return to the New Dial-Up Connection dialog.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
7. Tap the TCP/IP Settings button to display the TCP/IP Settings dialog. Make the
settings shown below.
Name Servers
8. After making the TCP/IP Settings you want, tap OK to close the dialog and return
to the New Dial-Up Connection dialog. Then tap Next.
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
9. Enter the telephone number of the server.
10. After everything is the way you want it, tap Finish to return to the initial
Connection window.
The Connection window now
contains the new connection
you just created.
You have to use the above procedure to create a connection for each remote server
(service provider, corporate network, or desktop computer) you plan to dial up.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Setting the Dialing Properties
Dialing properties control how the phone number you input in step 9 of the above
procedure is actually dialed. To open the Dialing Properties dialog, tap Start,
Settings, and then Dialing.
A nine is dialed before
the phone number if you
select Work here.
You can set up properties for each dialing location from which you dial. Then before
you need to dial a number, simply select the dialing location you want, and dialing is
performed with all the necessary prefixes.
Let’s say you have the following number specified for your dial-up connection.
Area Code: 567 Phone Number: 123-4567
You can set up dialing properties to add the area code whenever you dial from home,
and drop the area code but append a nine at the beginning to get an outside line
whenever you dial from the office.
Dialing from home: 567-123-4567
Dialing from the office: 9-123-4567
You can add new dialing locations to the list as required, and even specify different
dialing patterns for each location. See Palm-size PC online help for more information
about dialing properties.
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
Setting Up the Remote Computer
A remote computer must also be set up correctly before you can access it from your
Palm-size PC. The following describes the required settings for each type of remote
Internet Service Provider or Corporate Network
The server must be running for a connection to be made. Systems are sometimes down
due to periodic maintenance or unforeseen problems. Your service provider or network
administrator should be able to keep you informed of regularly scheduled system
maintenance. If the telephone number is busy when you dial, wait awhile and try again.
Remote Desktop Computer
You can connect to a remote desktop computer through a modem attached to it, or
through the network to which the computer is connected. The following points apply in
either case.
Before establishing a dial-up connection, you must first establish partnership
between your Palm-size PC and the desktop computer.
The desktop computer must be turned on, with Schedule+, Exchange, or Outlook
running with your user profile.
In the lower right corner of the Mobile Devices window, the connection status must
show Waiting for mobile device to connect.
Enable Synchronization must be checked on the ActiveSync Options dialog.
When connecting through a modem, the modem must be connected to the desktop
computer and turned on. You must also enable mobile device connection as
described below.
From the Mobile Devices window, tap File and then Communications to display
the Windows CE Services Properties dialog shown below.
Check this box
to enable mobile
device connection.
Confirm that the
serial port is ready
to communicate.
Click here to enable
auto connect.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
For a remote connection to a desktop computer connected to a network, make the
Windows CE Services Properties shown below.
Check this box to
enable mobile
device connection.
Confirm that the
network connection
is ready.
Establishing a Dial-Up Connection
After making all the required settings, you are ready to try establishing a dial-up
connection with your Palm-size PC.
A CompactFlash modem card makes it possible for you connect to a standard analog
telephone line. See the separate Hardware Manual for more information about using
We recommend that you use the AC adapter to power your Palm-size PC whenever
using a CompactFlash modem card for communication.
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
To establish a dial-up connection with a service provider or corporate
1. Tap Start, Programs, and then Communications.
This list shows all connections
you created with the procedure
under “To make Palm-size PC
dial-up connection settings” on
page 61.
2. Tap the connection to display the following dialog.
Enter the user name and password.
Check the Save Password option if
you don’t want to input your password
every time.
3. Check to make sure that the phone number is correct.
If the phone number is not correct, refer to the procedure under “To make Palm-size
PC dial-up connection settings” to correct it.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
4. Tap Connect to connect.
The dialog shown below appears telling you the connection is being established. The
dialog closes automatically when the connection is established.
Now you can send and receive e-mail.
You can also establish a dial-up connection directly from Inbox. See “How Mail is
Sent and Received by Inbox” on page 52 for more information.
To establish a dial-up connection with a desktop computer for
1. Tap Start, Programs, Communications, and then ActiveSync.
This list shows all connections you
created with the procedure under
“To make Palm-size PC dial-up
connection settings” on page 61.
This box specifies the name of
the computer you can connect with.
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
2. Tap the connection to display the following dialog.
Enter the user name and password.
Check the Save Password option if
you don’t want to input your password
every time.
3. Check to make sure that the phone number is correct.
If the phone number is not correct, refer to the procedure under “To make Palm-size
PC dial-up connection settings” to correct it.
4. Tap Connect to connect.
A dialog appears telling you the connection is being established. The dialog closes
and synchronization starts automatically when the connection is established.
icon on the Taskbar indicates that a connection currently exists.
Closing a Connection
Double-tap the icon on the Taskbar. On the dialog that appears, tap Disconnect to
close the connection.
ActiveSync and Inbox can be set up to close a connection established from them
automatically once they finish their operations.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Chapter 6
Windows CE Services and Channels
Installing Windows CE Services on your desktop computer enables the following
1. Synchronization of Pocket Outlook data (Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Inbox) on your
Palm-size PC with Microsoft Schedule+ for Windows and Microsoft Outlook 98 for
Windows data on your desktop computer.
2. Downloading to your Palm-size PC of information from channels subscribed to on
your desktop computer with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0.
3. Installation of Palm-size PC programs.
4. Exchange of files between your Palm-size PC and desktop computer. Palm-size PC
file and folder operations from your desktop computer.
5. Back up and recovery of Palm-size PC data using your desktop computer’s hard
Items 1 through 3 are explained in this chapter, while items 4 and 5 are explained in
Chapter 7.
Windows CE Services
The following describes how to install and use Windows CE Services.
Installing Windows CE Services
This section explains how to install Windows CE Services on your desktop computer,
and how to establish partnership with your Palm-size PC.
Before Beginning Installation
Note the following points before beginning installation.
Installation requires you to restart your computer. Save any files that are currently
open and quit all programs before you begin installation.
After installation is complete, your computer will look for the COM port where your
Palm-size PC is connected and automatically make communications settings. See the
separate Hardware Manual for more information on how to connect your Palm-size
PC to your desktop computer with a cable.
Even if you plan to use an infrared connection for communication, you still need to
connect to your computer using a cable during the setup procedure. See Windows
CE Services online help for more information on synchronizing over an infrared
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
If your desktop computer is running Windows NT with a service pack, you will be
informed during the set up that you may need to reinstall the service pack. Try
connecting first. If you are not successful, reinstall the service pack.
Windows CE Services does not support data exchange or synchronization with a
handheld PC running Windows CE 1.0.
Windows CE Services and H/PC Explorer (for Windows CE 1.0 Handheld PCs)
cannot be installed on the same computer.
To install Windows CE Services
1. Insert the Windows CE CD-ROM that comes with your Palm-size PC into your
computer’s CD-ROM drive. This causes the Microsoft Windows CE Services Setup
window shown below to appear.
2. Follow the instructions that appear on your computer screen to install Windows CE
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
3. On the dialog that appears asking whether you want to restart your computer, click
The dialog shown below appears after your computer restarts.
With some computers, you may not need to restart. In such a case, click Next to
display the dialog shown below.
4. Turn off your Palm-size PC and place it on its cradle. Make sure the Palm-size PC
seats securely onto the cradle.
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
5. Turn on Palm-size PC power and click the Start button on your computer’s screen.
Windows CE Services automatically locates the port where Palm-size PC is
connected and configures the communications port.
If you are running Windows NT on your desktop computer, you will need to enter
the user name and password you provided earlier in the installation procedure into
your Palm-size PC.
If the message “Cannot find Palm-size PC” appears, click Cancel to quit this
procedure, and make the required communication settings manually as described
under “Changing Communications Settings” on page 79.
6. The dialog shown below appears after Windows CE Services finishes making its
communications settings. Enter the name of your Palm-size PC into the Device
Name box.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
7. Click Next, and the dialog shown below appears.
Use this dialog to specify a synchronization method. Normally you can leave the
default Continuous setting as it is.
8. After you finish making the settings you want, click Next.
Use this dialog to specify what data you want synchronized.
Note that you later can change the settings you make in steps 7 and 8 using the
procedure under “Changing Communications Settings” on page 79.
9. Click Finish.
This starts a synchronization operation and sets up a partnership between your Palm-
size PC and desktop computer.
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
10. The Mobile Devices window shown below appears after synchronization is
See “Using the Mobile Devices Window” on page 78 for more information about the
Mobile Devices window.
You can set up partnership between your desktop computer and more than one
Windows CE device (Palm-size PCs running Windows CE 2.0 and handheld PCs). You
can also set up partnership between two desktop computers, such as your home
computer and work computer.
Optional Infrared Communication Driver Component
The Windows CE CD-ROM contains an optional infrared communication driver
component. You must install this component on your desktop computer if you want to
communicate with your Palm-size PC over an infrared connection. See Windows CE
Services online help for more information about installation and setup.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Using the Mobile Devices Window
To display the Mobile Devices Window, click the shortcut icon that is created
automatically during installation. You can also display it by clicking Start, pointing to
Programs, point to Microsoft Windows CE Services, and then clicking Mobile
Icons show Palm-size PCs with which your desktop computer
has a partnership. The name of each icon is the name you give
the Palm-size PC during installation.
The Mobile Devices windows lets you do the following.
After clicking a Palm-size PC icon to select it, select ActiveSync Options on the
Tools to make settings for synchronization. See “Changing ActiveSync Options
Settings” on page 85 for more information.
Double-click a Palm-size PC icon to open the Explorer window.
Use this window to copy and move Palm-size PC files, create and name folders, and
copy files between your desktop computer and Palm-size PC. See “Copying Files” on
page 90 for more information.
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
Changing Communications Settings
Use the procedure described here to make communications settings manually when
Windows CE Services cannot detect your Palm-size PC during installation or when
you want to set up for infrared synchronization. Note the following points before
changing communications settings.
Verify that the correct communications port is selected on your desktop computer
and that it is free.
Windows CE Services uses the COM port specified by Windows CE Services
Properties (explained below) and the Windows Dial-Up Adapter to connect to your
Palm-size PC. Make sure these resources are available to Windows CE Services.
Other programs cannot be using these resources while your Palm-size PC and
desktop computer are connected.
Make sure the baud rate settings of your desktop computer and Palm-size PC are the
To check the above communications settings, open the Mobile Devices folder, click
File and then Communications. On the dialog that appears, click, the
Communications tab.
Click here to change
the COM port.
Check the baud rate.
The initial default setting for the baud rate on your Palm-size PC is 19200. To change
the baud rate setting on your desktop computer to match this, click Start, point to
Settings, and then click Control Panel. Next, double-click either System (Windows
95/98) or Modems (Windows NT). For more information, see Windows CE Services
online help.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
To change the baud rate setting of your Palm-size PC, tap Start, Settings, and then
Communications. On the dialog that appears, click the PC Connection tab, and then
select the baud rate setting you want.
Synchronizing between your Palm-size PC and desktop computer updates data so both
have the latest version. Note that you have to install Windows CE Services on your
desktop computer before you can perform synchronization.
Synchronization does the following.
Any additions to or modifications of data you make on one computer are
reflected in the data of the other computer.
Any deletion of data from one computer causes the same data to be deleted
from the other computer.
Synchronization is performed according to the settings you make in step 7 on page 76.
With Continuous (which is the initial default setting) or On Connect, synchronization
starts as soon as you place your Palm-size PC on the cradle.
If you selected the Manual option during installation of Windows CE Services, you
need to start up Windows CE Services using either of the procedures described below.
On your desktop computer, double-click the My Computer icon and then double-
click the Mobile Devices folder.
Double-click here.
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
Double-click the Mobile Devices shortcut on your computer’s desktop.
Double-click here.
Next, to actually start synchronization, click the Tools menu on the Mobile Devices
window and then click Synchronize Now. The progress of the synchronization is
indicated in the lower right of the Mobile Devices window.
Synchronization progress indication
Depending on the volume of data that needs to be synchronized, synchronization can
take anywhere from one minute to a number of minutes.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Checking Synchronization Details
The message “Palm-size_PC: Connected, Up-to-date. appears at the bottom of the
Mobile Devices window after synchronization is complete.
The actual message shows the name
of the Palm-size PC in place of the text
“Palm-size PC” shown here.
Status bar
You can check the details of what was done during the synchronization operation by
clicking Tools and then ActiveSync Status.
ActiveSync Status Window
How Data is Synchronized
This section is an overview of how data is synchronized between your Palm-size PC
and desktop computer. For more information about synchronizing for specific items,
see Windows CE Services online help.
Under initial default settings, only Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks data is synchronized.
You can change what is synchronized using the procedure under “Changing
ActiveSync Options Settings” on page 85.
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
Contacts, Calendar, Tasks
Data on your Palm-size PC is synchronized with the corresponding Schedule+ or
Outlook programs on your desktop computer. New items entered on one computer are
copied to the other.
Freehand drawing you enter on your Palm-size PC are saved on your desktop computer as
metafiles (pictures) and added to Outlook. Freehand drawings are not added to Schedule+.
The Inbox and Outbox folders of your desktop computer or e-mail saved with Outlook
are synchronized with the Inbox and Outbox folders of your Palm-size PC. If for some
reason you cannot send or receive e-mail directly from you Palm-size PC, you can
synchronize e-mail messages and use your desktop computer to send and receive.
Under initial default settings, only the first 50 lines of each new message are received
by your Palm-size PC, without any attachments.
Synchronization transfers messages in your Palm-size PC Outbox folder to your
desktop computer, which sends the messages.
For more information about Palm-size PC e-mail operations, see Chapter 4 of this manual.
Voice Recorder, Note Taker file, and other files you create are stored on your Palm-size
PC in a folder named My Documents. You can view these files from your desktop
computer by double-clicking the icon for your Palm-size PC in the Mobile Devices
If file synchronization is enabled (“Changing ActiveSync Options Settings” page 85),
Palm-size PC files are automatically synchronized with files in the folder named <Palm-
size PC> My Documents on your desktop computer. The text <Palm-size PC> in the
actual folder name will be the same as your Palm-size PC name. The name of a folder for
a Palm-size PC named “mypc” for example, would be mypc My Documents. The
location of this folder depends on your desktop computer’s operating system.
Windows 95/98
My Documents\<Palm-size_PC> My Documents
Windows NT
WINNT\Profiles\<user name>\Personal\<Palm-size_PC> My Documents
Synchronization copies files back and forth between your Palm-size PC and desktop
Note Taker files are automatically converted to Microsoft Word (.doc) files* when
they are copied to your desktop computer. Conversely, Microsoft Word files copied
from your desktop computer to your Palm-size PC are converted to Note Taker
(.pwi) files. Note, however, that no all data and formatting is converted. For more
information, see Windows CE Services online help.
*Microsoft Word97 is the initial default.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Voice Recorder files are .wav files on both your Palm-size PC and desktop computer.
To play Voice Recorder .wav files on your desktop computer, however, you need a
special decoder that is installed along with Windows CE Services.
Channel Information
Synchronization downloads the most recent channel information from the channels
subscribed to with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 on your desktop computer. See
“Using Channels” on page 87 for more information about channels.
Resolving Synchronization Conflicts
Synchronization conflicts occur when a previously synchronized item, such as an
appointment or task, has been modified on both the desktop computer and Palm-size
PC. You can set up Mobile Devices for either manual or automatic resolution of
synchronization conflicts.
Manual Resolution
With this option, Windows CE Services displays an alert message whenever it detects a
synchronization conflict. You get the option of whether or not to apply a pre-defined
method to resolve the conflict.
Automatic Resolution
This option automatically resolves all conflicts by selecting the data either on your
Palm-size PC or desktop computer, according to a pre-defined resolution method. No
alert message is displayed.
To select the conflict resolution method you want to use, display the Mobile Devices
window, click the Tools menu, and then click ActiveSync Options. On the dialog that
appears, click the Advanced button to display the dialog shown below.
Select this option for manual
conflict resolution. Select the
resolution methods from the
list box.
Select this option for automatic
conflict resolution. Select the
resolution methods from the
list box.
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
Changing ActiveSync Options Settings
Use the procedure below to change settings that affect when to synchronize and what
data should be synchronized.
You can perform this procedure even when your Palm-size PC is not connected to your
desktop computer.
To change ActiveSync Options settings
1. On your desktop computer, double-click the Mobile Devices icon to open the
Mobile Devices window.
2. Click the icon of your Palm-size PC to select it.
3. On the Tools menu, click ActiveSync Options to display the dialog shown below.
ActiveSync Options Dialog
Click here to display a dialog
for making additional settings
for the item selected in the
Synchronization Services list.
Specify when to synchronize.
Check the items you want
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Appointment Option Dialog
See Windows CE Services online help for more information about settings you can
make with the options dialogs. Clicking the [?] button in the upper right corner of
the dialog changes the cursor to a question mark. Clicking a setting in the dialog
with the question mark cursor displays an explanation about that setting.
4. Use the dialog to make the settings you want.
See Windows CE Services online help for information about each setting.
Clicking the Advanced button displays a dialog for resolving synchronization
conflicts. See “Resolving Synchronization Conflicts” on page 84.
5. After everything is the way you want, click OK to close the dialog and return to the
Mobile Devices window.
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
Using Channels
A channel is a Web site or other Web-formatted content that is available for offline
viewing on your Palm-size PC. Channels help you to keep informed with the latest
news, stock quotes, movie schedules, and more while on the go. Once you subscribe to
a channel from your desktop computer, information is updated on your computer, as it
becomes available. Then when you synchronize, the latest information is automatically
transferred to your Palm-size PC for viewing.
Channels and their automatic updates are managed on your desktop computer by
Internet Explorer 4.0 or later. You must have Internet Explorer 4.0 or later running on
your desktop computer to subscribe to Channels.
Microsoft maintains a special Web site to help you get started using Channels. For
information on getting started with Channels on your Palm-size PC, visit the following
Web site.
Displaying the Channels Screen
Tap Start and then Channels.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Synchronizing Channel Information
You must enable Channel information synchronization for it to work. In the Mobile
Devices window of Windows CE Services, click Tools and then ActiveSync Options.
In the dialog that appears, put a checkmark next to Channel Item.
When you synchronize using the procedure under “Synchronization” on page 80,
Channel information is copied to your Palm-size PC from your desktop computer. You
can view Channel information using Channels or your Active Desktop. See “Using
Channels” on page 87 for more information.
Viewing Channel Information
The channel icon appears in the status area of the Taskbar whenever there is new
Channel information available.
Channel icon
Double-tap the icon to switch to Channels.
Viewing Channel Information on the Active Desktop
You can set up your Active Desktop to display specific channel content for quick
reference. To display Channel content in the Active Desktop, tap Start, Settings and
then Display. On the dialog that appears, select the components you want to display on
the Active Desktop.
On the Active Desktop, you can display Channel content only if it is distributed as a
mobile desktop format file. Go to the Web site of the Channel content provider to find
about the file format they use.
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
Chapter 7
Data Backup and File Transfer
In addition to synchronizing data, your can use Windows CE Services to back up and
restore Palm-size PC data, to copy and move files between your Palm-size PC and
desktop computer, and to install and remove software on your Palm-size PC.
Backing Up and Restoring Data
It is a good idea to use Windows CE Services to regularly back up your Palm-size PC data
on your desktop computer. If your Palm-size PC data is ever corrupted or lost, you can
restore the data from the backup file on your desktop computer. A backup file contains all
the files, Pocket Outlook data, and RAM-based programs that are in Palm-size PC memory.
To back up Palm-size PC data
On the Mobile Devices window, click on the toolbar, or click Tools and then
Back Up Now. To make settings that tell the Palm-size PC what it should do when
backing up data, click Tools and then Back Up/Restore to display the Back Up/
Restore Properties dialog.
When you restore Palm-size PC data, all data currently in Palm-size PC memory is
replaced with the last backup you made. If there are files in Palm-size PC memory that
you do not want replaced, drag them from the Explorer window in Windows CE
Services to your desktop computer. See “Copying Files” on the next page for
information about how to do this.
After restoring Palm-size PC data, turn off your Palm-size PC, remove it from the
cradle, and then reset it. See the separate Hardware Manual for information about
resetting your Palm-size PC.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Copying Files
You can copy files between your Palm-size PC and desktop computer.
To copy a file
1. On your desktop computer, open the Mobile Devices window.
2. Double-click your Palm-size PC icon to open the Explorer window.
3. Open the My Documents folder, which contains all the files in Palm-size PC
4. Now you can drag and drop files between your desktop computer and the My
Documents folder.
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
The name of a file you copy to your Palm-size PC appears in the list view of the
program that can open it.
Note Taker List
You can also synchronize the contents of your Palm-size PC’s My Documents folder
with specified files on your desktop computer. See Chapter 6 of this User’s Guide for
Installing and Removing Software
You can install any program designed to run under the Microsoft Windows CE Operating
System (Windows CE). Normally, you run the program’s installer on your desktop
computer to install the program on the Palm-size PC. If the program does not have an
installer, use the copy procedure below to copy it manually to the Palm-size PC. Note,
however, that you should carefully read the documentation that comes with the software
you are installing for information about how to install it.
To copy a program to your Palm-size PC
1. Double-click the Mobile Devices shortcut icon on the desktop of your desktop
computer to open the Mobile Devices window.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
2. On the Mobile Devices window, double-click the icon of your Palm-size PC to open
it. Next, double-click the Windows folder, Start Menu folder, and then the
Programs folder. This opens the window shown below.
3. Drag the Windows CE program from your desktop computer and drop it into the
Programs folder.
4. To run the program on your Palm-size PC, tap Start and then Programs. Next, tap
the name of the program in the Programs menu.
Some programs may not run correctly after being installed using the above procedure.
Be sure to read all documentation and any ReadMe files that come with the program
for information about what you need to do to install it correctly.
To remove a program from Palm-size PC
1. On your Palm-size PC, tap Start, Settings, and then Remove Programs.
2. Select program you want to remove and then tap Remove.
You cannot remove the programs that come pre-installed on the Palm-size PC when
you purchase it.
You cannot use the above procedure to remove a program that you installed using
the procedure under “To copy a program to your Palm-size PC” on page 91. See the
documentation that comes with the program for information about how to remove it.
Part 2 Communicating with a Computer
Transferring Data with Infrared
Your Palm-size PC has an infrared port that you can use to exchange information with
another Windows CE device. In Contacts, for example, you can send up to 25 cards at
a time to another Windows CE device. In Voice Recorder and Note Taker, you can send
individual files or notes.
Note Taker Infrared Send Menu
To transfer data with infrared
1. Align the infrared port of your Palm-size PC with the infrared port of the other
Windows CE device.
Infrared port
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
The two infrared ports should be within about 30cm from each other.
2. On the sending unit, start up the program that contains the data you want to send.
Select the items you want to send, and then tap File, Send To, and then Infrared
3. On the receiving unit, start up the same program, and then tap File and then
The displays of both units show a message indicating that data transfer is being
performed. Both units play a sound and display a message when transfer is
Part 3 Using the CASIO Programs
Part 3 Using the CASIO Programs
Chapter 8
Menu is an application launcher that runs for your Palm-size PC. It lets you assign
applications and files to 12 buttons on its main menu, from which you can launch an
application or open a file with a tap of your stylus.
Menu also lets you create submenus and assign them to main menu buttons. Tapping a
submenu button opens the submenu, which contains six more application and file
buttons. This means you can group your applications and files to make your Palm-size
PC operations more organized and efficient.
Main Menu Submenu
The initial default for the main menu is all of the pre-installed programs that come
with your Palm-size PC.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Using Menu
Starting Up Menu
You can start up Menu either by pressing your Palm-size PC’s program button or
by using a menu program.
To start up Menu using the program button
Press the program button to start up Menu and display is initial screen.
If your Palm-size PC is turned off, pressing the
program button also turns on
To start up Menu using a menu program
1. Turn on your Palm-size PC.
2. Tap Start, Programs, and then Menu.
Using the Main Menu
Tap an application button to launch the application.
Tap a file button to start the associated application and open the file.
Part 3 Using the CASIO Programs
Tap a submenu button to display the submenu. Submenu button operations are
identical to button operations on the main menu.
Close a submenu by tapping the close button in the upper right corner or by pressing
the Palm-size PC’s Exit button.
Action Control for Menu Button Operations
You can also use Action control to perform the following main menu and submenu
button operations.
On the main menu, rotate the Action control downwards once to select the button in
the upper left corner of the menu. Next, rotate the Action control up and down to
select buttons on the menu.
Press the Action control to perform the operation assigned to the button that is
selected on the screen.
Pressing the Action control while a submenu button is selected displays the
Action control operations for a submenu are the same as those for the main menu.
Close a submenu by pressing the Palm-size PC’s Exit button or by tapping the close
button in the upper right corner of the submenu.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Configuring Menu
Assigning Operations to Main Menu Buttons
Use the following procedures to assign applications, files, and submenus to main menu
buttons, and to edit and delete current button assignments. All of these operations are
performed using the Button Selection Screen.
To assign an application to a main menu button
1. On the main menu, tap to display the button selection screen.
2.Tap the button to which you want to assign the application to select it (indicated by a
frame around the button). Next, tap
to display the New dialog.
If a button does not have any application assigned to it yet, you can display the New
dialog by double-tapping the button.
If you select a button that already has an application assigned to it, the following
steps will replace the existing application with the new one.
3. Tap Application to display the Define dialog.
4. Select the application you want to assign to the button from the list of Start menu
applications on the dialog.
To select an application not shown in the dialog list, tap Browse to open the Browse
5. When the name of the application you want is highlighted in the file list area, tap
OK to assign it to the button and close the Browse dialog.
6. If you want to change the button’s icon, tap Change Icon and perform the
procedure under “To change the icon of a button” on page 99.
7. Tap the Name text box and type in the name you want to assign to the button.
8. After everything is the way you want, tap OK to return to the button selection
screen where you can see what your new button looks like.
The button shows the icon of the application and name you assigned to it.
9. After you are finished, tap [x] to return to the main menu.
The number of main menu buttons is fixed at 12. You cannot increase the number of
To change the application assigned to a button
1. On the main menu, tap to display the button selection screen.
2. Double-tap the button whose application you want to change. This displays the
Define dialog.
Part 3 Using the CASIO Programs
3. Perform steps 4 and 5 under “To assign an application to a main menu button” on
page 98 to make the button settings you want.
4. After everything is the way you want, tap OK to return to the button selection screen.
5. Tap [x] to return to the main menu.
Double-tapping a submenu button in step 2 of the above procedure displays the
Submenu Settings dialog. See “Submenu Buttons” on page 100 for information about
using this dialog.
To change the icon of a button
1. On the main menu, tap to display the button selection screen.
2. Tap the button whose icon you want to change to select it (indicated by a frame
around the button).
3. Tap
to display the Define dialog.
4. Tap Change Icon to display the Change Icon dialog.
5. Tap the icon you want to assign to the button.
6. After the icon is the way you want, tap OK to return to the Define dialog.
7. Tap OK to return to the button selection screen.
8. Tap [x] to return to the main menu.
To clear the settings of a button
1. On the main menu, tap to display the button selection screen.
2. Tap the button whose settings you want to clear to select it (indicated by a frame
around the button).
3. Tap
4. In response to the confirmation message that appears, tap Yes to clear the settings of
the button or No to close the message dialog without doing anything.
5. Tap [x] to return to the main menu.
To move a button
1. On the main menu, tap to display the button selection screen.
2. Tap the button you want to move to clear to select it (indicated by a frame around
the button).
3. Tap
to cut all the settings of the button and move them to the clipboard. This is a
cut operation, so the settings are deleted from the original button.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
4. Tap the button to which you want to assign the settings you just cut.
5. Tap
to paste the settings to the button you tapped in step 4.
6. After you are finished, tap [x] to return to the main menu.
You can also cut and paste button settings between main menu buttons and submenu
If you paste settings to a button that already has an application assigned to it, the
original settings of the button are replaced with the pasted settings.
You cannot cut settings from a button that does not have an application assigned to it.
Submenu Buttons
Use the following procedures to create and edit submenu buttons.
To create a submenu
1. On the main menu, tap to display the button selection screen.
2. Double-tap a button that does not have any application assigned to it. This opens the
New dialog.
3. Tap the Submenu button to display the Submenu Settings dialog.
4. Enter the name you want to give to the submenu button into the Submenu Name
5. Tap [x] to return to the button selection screen, which now shows your new
submenu button.
6. Tap [x] to return to the main menu.
You can perform the above procedure without inputting a name in step 4, but doing
so creates a submenu button without a name.
After returning to the button selection screen in step 5, you could continue by
assigning applications to the buttons inside the submenu, see “To assign applications
to buttons inside submenus” on page 101 for information about how to do this.
You cannot create a submenu inside of another submenu.
To change the name of a submenu button
1. On the main menu, tap to display the button selection screen.
2. Double-tap the submenu button whose name you want to change. This opens the
Submenu Settings dialog.
3. Change the name of the submenu.
Part 3 Using the CASIO Programs
4. Tap [x] to return to the button selection screen, which now shows the submenu
button with its new name.
5. Tap [x] to return to the main menu.
To change the icon of a submenu button
1. On the main menu, tap to display the button selection screen.
2. Double-tap the submenu button whose icon you want to change. This opens the
Submenu Settings dialog.
3. Tap Change Icon to display the Change Icon dialog.
4. Tap the icon you want to assign to the button.
5. After the icon is the way you want, tap OK to return to the Submenu Settings
6. Tap [x] to return to the button selection screen, which now shows the submenu
button with its new icon.
7. Tap [x] to return to the main menu.
To assign applications to buttons inside submenus
The procedures you should use to assign applications to, change settings of, delete, and
move settings of buttons on a submenu are the same as those for the main menu
buttons. Note the following points, however, when working with submenu buttons.
You cannot create a submenu inside of another submenu.
You can move applications between the main menu and submenus using cut and
Assigning applications to and editing submenu buttons often involves stepping
through a number of screens and dialogs. After you are finished, be sure to keep
clicking the [x] close buttons in the upper right corner of the displays until you get
back to the main menu screen.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Menus and Toolbars
File Menu
Edit Menu
Edit menu commands are available only while the button selection screen or submenu
button selection screen is on the display.
The following buttons are available on the toolbar.
........ Tapping this button while the main menu is on the display
opens the button selection screen.
................... Same as Edit-New.
................... Same as Edit-Modify.
................... Same as Edit-Delete.
................... Same as Edit-Cut.
................... Same as Edit-Paste.
Displays the button selection screen.
Returns from the button selection screen to the main menu.
Displays version information.
About Menu
Displays the New dialog.
Displays the Define dialog. When a submenu button is
selected, displays the submenu button selection screen.
Deletes the settings of the selected button.
Cuts the settings of the selected button and stores them on
the clipboard.
Pastes the settings on the clipboard to the selected button.
Part 3 Using the CASIO Programs
Chapter 9
Card Backup Tool
Card Backup Tool lets you quickly and easily back up your Palm-size PC memory data
to a memory card. Backed up data lets you easily restore your system should it start to
malfunction due to some data error.
Backed Up Data
Card Backup Tool backs up the following three types of data in Palm-size PC memory.
Files are created using Voice Recorder, Note Taker, and other applications and add-
on programs. Files transferred from your desktop computer to the Palm-size PC are
also backed up.
The Registry
The registry contains setup data for Windows CE and built-in applications.
Database Data
Database data is Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Inbox data.
Time Required for Backup
Depending on the volume of data you are backing up (or restoring), the backup
operation can take anywhere from about 10 seconds to a number of minutes. To back
up 4MB of data, for example takes three or four minutes. To check how much data is
on your system, tap Start, Settings, and then System. On the dialog that appears, tap
the Memory tab. The value under Storage memory indicates how much data is stored
in memory. See Palm-size PC online help for more information.
The restore operation can take a very long time if you do not have enough storage
memory allocated. When this happens, quit the restore operation, increase the size of
the storage memory, and then try the restore operation again.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Using Card Backup Tool
This section provides details about the backup and restore operations you can perform
using Card Backup Tool. Be sure to read the following precautions before using Card
Backup Tool for either backup or restore.
Read this first!
Always reset your Palm-size PC before backing up or restoring data. Make sure you
perform a reset operation. Do not perform a full reset operation! See the separate
Hardware Manual for information about how to reset your Palm-size PC.
Be sure to power your Palm-size PC with the AC adapter whenever performing a
backup or restore operation.
If main battery or backup battery power is low when you start a backup or restore
operation, a warning message appears and the backup or restore operation is
cancelled. Before starting a backup or restore operation, charge the battery pack or
load new batteries.
Do not perform any button or screen operations on the Palm-size PC while a backup
or restore operation is in progress. Do not touch the Palm-size PC at all until the
backup or restore operation is complete.
Files and other data are automatically compressed before it is stored in Palm-size PC
memory. Make sure the memory card you are using for backup has enough unused
space to store the data.
Backing Up Data
Use the following procedure to back up data. Make sure you read the precautions
under “Read this first!” above before starting.
To back up data
1. Connect the AC adapter to your Palm-size PC.
2. Reset the Palm-size PC.
3. Insert a memory card with sufficient free space to store the backup data into the
CompactFlash card slot of the Palm-size PC.
Part 3 Using the CASIO Programs
4. Tap Start, Programs, Utility, and then Card Backup.
This starts up Card Backup Tool and causes the dialog shown below to appear.
If the memory card already
contains backup data,
the date of the last backup
appears here.
This area shows the amount of
free space on the memory card
and the amount of Palm-size PC
data memory that is used.
5. Tap Backup now.
This causes the dialog shown below to appear.
6. Tap Yes to start the backup or No to close the dialog without backing up anything.
An hourglass icon on the screen indicates that the backup operation is being
The message “Backup complete!” appears on the display after the backup operation
is complete.
7. After backup is complete, tap OK to quit Card Backup Tool.
If the backup operation is interrupted or unsuccessful for any reason and there is a
previous backup file on the memory card you are using, the previous file remains intact
on the card.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
To interrupt a backup operation
1. Tap the [x] close button in the upper right corner of message box that is on the
screen while a backup operation is in progress.
This causes the message “Do you really want to cancel?” to appear.
2. Tap Yes to cancel the backup operation or No to resume it.
Restoring Data
Performing the restore operation causes the following to happen.
If the same file or registry data exists in both Palm-size PC memory and on the
memory card, the data in Palm-size PC memory is overwritten with the data on the
memory card.
Any files or registry data in Palm-size PC memory that is not on the memory card is
left as-is.
Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Inbox data in Palm-size PC data is all overwritten
with the corresponding data from the memory card.
To return Palm-size PC to the exact status it was when you backed up the data,
perform a full reset before restoring the data. See the separate Hardware Manual for
information about the full reset.
Use the following procedure to restore data. Make sure you read the precautions under
“Read this first!” on page 104 before starting.
To restore data
1. Connect the AC adapter to your Palm-size PC.
2. Reset the Palm-size PC.
3. Insert the memory card that contains the data you want to restore into the
CompactFlash card slot of the Palm-size PC.
Part 3 Using the CASIO Programs
4. Tap Start, Programs, Utility, and then Card Backup.
This starts up Card Backup Tool and causes the dialog shown below to appear.
5. Tap Restore now.
This causes the dialog shown below to appear.
6. Tap Yes to start the restore operation or No to close the dialog without restoring
An hourglass icon on the screen indicates that the restore operation is being
The message “Restore complete!” appears on the display after the restore operation
is complete.
7. After the restore operation is complete, tap OK to quit Card Backup Tool.
8. Reset your Palm-size PC again.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
To interrupt a restore operation
1. Tap the [x] close button in the upper right corner of message box that is on the
screen while a restore operation is in progress.
This causes the message “Do you really want to cancel?” to appear.
2. Tap Yes to cancel the restore operation or No to resume it.
Deleting a Backup File
You can use the following procedure to delete the backup files you created using Card
Backup Tool. Delete a file when you no longer need it, when you want to free up space
on a memory card, etc.
To delete a backup file
1. Insert the memory card that contains the backup file you want to delete into the
CompactFlash card slot of the Palm-size PC.
2. Tap Start, Programs, Utility, and then Card Backup.
This starts up Card Backup Tool.
3. Tap Backup File Delete.
This causes the dialog shown below to appear.
4. Tap Yes to delete the backup file or No to close the dialog without deleting anything.
Part 4 Reference
Part 4 Reference
Appendix A
Handwritten Character Recognizer
The CIC Jot character recognition software built into your Palm-size PC provides a quick
and easy-to-use method for entering text in any program. Simply write each character on
the input panel, and it is translated into typed text and displayed on the screen.
This appendix explains how to use the Jot Character Recognizer. It also provides tables
showing how and where to write characters for each of the two character sets: the
Natural Character Set and the Simplified Uppercase Character Set.
To activate the character recognizer
Tap the Input Method arrow on the Taskbar, and then tap Jot Character Recognizer
to select it as your input method.
Select the input method here.
Tap here to view available input methods.
Use the stylus to write a character on the input panel. The character recognizer translates
the character into typed text and displays it at the insertion point on the screen.
Write characters here.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Input Panel Areas
How the character recognizer interprets a character you draw depends on where you
write it in the input panel. Write an uppercase or lowercase character in the uppercase
area (ABC), for example, and it will be translated to an uppercase letter.
Write here for lowercase.
Write here for uppercase.
You can also write punctuation and editing marks, and add or delete spaces in either of
the letter areas (abc or ABC) of the input area. To add a space, for example, draw a
horizontal line from left to right. To backspace, draw a line from right to left. See the
tables starting from page 112 for more information.
Use the number area (123) of the input panel to input numbers.
Write numbers here.
Drag the pointer left or right to change
the sizes of the writing areas.
You can also write common punctuation marks in the number area. This means you
can input telephone numbers, birthdays, and other data that mixes numbers and
punctuation all in the number area. See the tables starting from page 112 for more
Part 4 Reference
Use the symbol input area to input symbols like @ or #. You can display the symbol
panel by tapping the Symb button on the input panel, or by drawing a vertical line
from bottom to top anywhere on the panel.
After you draw the symbol, the character recognizer automatically changes back to the
main input panel (for letter and numbers) after a few moments. Or you can tap the
Symb button again to return to the main input panel.
Tap here for the
symbol panel.
See the tables starting from page 112 for more information.
Character Writing Help
The character recognizer software recognizes a number of alternate ways of writing a
character. If you are having a problem with a particular character, you can use Help to
see an animated demonstration of how to write it.
To display character writing help
1. Tap the Help button on the input panel.
2. Tap Next.
3. Select the character you want to see, and then tap Show.
Tap here to see the letter
drawn on the input panel.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
A number of options are available that you can use to set up the character recognizer to
suit your needs.
To set character recognizer options
1. Tap Start, Settings, and then Input Panel.
2. Select Jot Character Recognizer as the input method, and then tap Options.
Select the character set
you want to use.
The Simplified Uppercase Character Set is a good choice when you want to write
faster. See “Simplified Uppercase Character Set” on page 117 for more information.
Or you can select this character set in the Options dialog and then tap the Help button
in the input panel.
Natural Character Set
The tables in this section show how to write Natural Character Set letters, numbers,
punctuation marks, editing marks, and symbols. Alternative writing methods are shown
for each character. A dot indicates where a stroke begins, and a stroke that does not
have a dot can be written in either direction. Stroke sequence is numbered where
Part 4 Reference
Letter Area Punctuation Marks
Mark Stroke Options Mark Stroke Options
double quote
Letter Stroke Options Letter Stroke Options
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Letter Area Editing Marks
Number Stroke Options Number Stroke Options
Number Area Punctuation Marks
Mark Stroke Options Mark Stroke Options
Mark Stroke Options Mark Stroke Options
forward delete
carriage return
Part 4 Reference
Number Area Editing Marks
Mark Stroke Options Mark Stroke Options
Accented Letters
Write the letter in the letter area and the accent in the number area.
Accent Mark Stroke Options Accent Mark Stroke Options
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Symbol Panel Symbols
Symbol Stroke Options Symbol Stroke Options Symbol Stroke Options
Part 4 Reference
Simplified Uppercase Character Set
You can select this character set in the Options dialog described under “Options” on
page 112. Since you write uppercase letters only, there are fewer stroke options with
this set. This also simplifies input and makes it possible for you to write faster.
The tables in this section show how to write Simplified Uppercase Character Set
letters, numbers, punctuation marks, editing marks, and symbols. Alternative writing
methods are shown for each character. A dot indicates where a stroke begins, and a
stroke that does not have a dot can be written in either direction. Stroke sequence is
numbered where appropriate.
Symbol Stroke Options Symbol Stroke Options Symbol Stroke Options
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Letter Stroke Options Letter Stroke Options Letter Stroke Options
Letter Area Editing Marks
Mark Stroke Options Mark Stroke Options
back delete (backspace)
forward delete
carriage return
Part 4 Reference
Number Area Punctuation Marks
Number Stroke Options Number Stroke Options
Number Area Editing Marks
Mark Stroke Options Mark Stroke Options
carriage return
dash -
Mark Stroke Options Mark Stroke Options
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Accented Letters
Write the letter in the letter area and the accent in the number area.
Accent Mark Stroke Options Accent Mark Stroke Options
Mark Stroke Options Mark Stroke Options
Symbol Panel Punctuation Marks
Use the punctuation area (punct) of the symbol panel to enter punctuation marks.
Part 4 Reference
Symbol Panel Symbols
Use the symbol area (symb) of the symbol panel to enter symbols.
Symbol Stroke Options Symbol Stroke Options Symbol Stroke Options
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Symbol Stroke Options Symbol Stroke Options Symbol Stroke Options
Part 4 Reference
Appendix B
Tips and Troubleshooting
This section provides you with useful tips about using batteries and protecting your
Palm-size PC data.
Conserving Battery power
Conserving battery power is important, especially when you are on the go. Under
normal conditions, a fully charged batteries supply enough power to provide you with
many hours of use. Here are a few tips to make a charge last even longer.
Use the AC adapter whenever possible.
Powering your Palm-size PC with the AC adapter helps to conserve battery power. Use
of the AC adapter is especially recommended whenever you are performing any of the
following high-power drain operations.
When using a dial-up connection
When connected to a desktop computer
When using a CompactFlash card or other peripheral
Shorten the auto power off trigger time.
Under initial default settings, your Palm-size PC automatically turns off power if you
do not perform any operation for about three minutes. You can conserve battery power
by shortening this time. Tap Start, Settings, and then Power. On the dialog that
appears, tap the Power Off tab and make the setting you want.
Turn off sounds you don’t need.
Under initial default settings, your Palm-size PC emits sounds for various events, such
as warnings, the arrival of appointment times, screen taps, and button presses. You can
conserve battery power by turning off sounds you don’t need. Tap Start, Settings, and
then Volume & Sounds. On the dialog that appears, make the settings you want.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Charge batteries as soon as possible after the low battery warning
Charge the main batteries as soon as possible after appears in the Taskbar to warn
you that main battery power is running low. Continued use while main battery power is
low runs down the backup battery.
appears in the Taskbar, replace the backup battery as soon as possible.
Remember that you must keep batteries fresh to protect against loss of data in Palm-
size PC memory. See “Appendix C” on page 129 for more information about the
battery icons that appear in the Taskbar.
Reduce screen brightness.
A brighter screen backlight setting uses more battery power. Tap Start, Programs,
Utility, and then Brightness. On the dialog that appears, tap the Brightness tab and
then reduce the brightness setting.
Adjust the auto dimming settings.
You can shorten the amount of time the system waits after the last operation before
dimming the screen.
Tap Start, Programs, Utility, and then Brightness. On the dialog that appears, tap the
Auto Dim tab. Following the instructions that appear on the screen to make auto
dimming settings.
Protecting Important Data
You can protect your data in two different ways. The first is using a password to keep
important data confidential. The second way is to back up data on your desktop
computer in case of Palm-size PC damage or malfunction.
Use a password to keep data confidential.
Once you register a password, no one will be able to access Windows CE without
entering the password. Tap Start, Settings, and then Password to display the dialog
for registering a password. After you input the password you want to use and check the
Enable password protection at power on option, you will have to input the password
each time you turn on your Palm-size PC.
Make sure you use a password you can remember easily or make a written note of it
somewhere. If you forget your password, you will not be able to use your Palm-size
PC. You will have to perform a full reset, which deletes all data in Palm-size PC
memory, and start all over again.
Part 4 Reference
Back up data to protect against accidental loss.
You can back up your Palm-size PC data on your desktop computer, which provides
you with a means to recover if Palm-size PC data is corrupted or accidentally deleted.
Periodic backups using Windows CE Services are strongly recommended to protect
your important data. For more information, see Chapter 7 of this User’s Guide.
Note that software named “Card Backup Tool” also comes bundled with your Palm-
size PC. With this software you can quickly and easily back up Palm-size PC onto a
CompactFlash card.
Other Tips
Showing your name to the receiver of your e-mail
On the Service menu of the Inbox, tap Properties and input your name and e-mail
address into the Return address box using the following format.
YOUR NAME <xxx@xxx.xx>
Addressee mail address
Normally, you only need to input a mail address into the To: field of a mail message,
like aaa@bbb.cc. Some system however require pointed brackets around [To:] mail
addresses. For example :<aaa@bbb.cc>. Check with your service provider for further
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Use the advice in this section whenever you start to have problems with getting your
Palm-size PC to do what you want.
When having problems with Windows CE Services, see its help for advice about
what you should do. You can also find information in the “Troubleshooting” section
of the separate Hardware Manual.
If you experience frequent problems with Palm-size PC operation, you may have to
reset it. See the separate Hardware Manual for details.
Dial-up Connection
“Port disabled” error message
Check your modem card to make sure it is inserted securely into the card slot as far
as it will go.
Check your dial-up connection properties to make sure that the modem card name
that is selected is correct for the modem card you are using.
“Cannot detect carrier” error message
Check to make sure that the modem card is correctly connected to a telephone line.
Check if there is a problem with the telephone line.
Make sure the modem is connected to an analog telephone line. It will not work if it
is connected to a digital line.
Make sure the number you are dialing is correct. See “To make Palm-size PC dial-up
connection settings” on page 61 for more information.
Unreliable connection
Try charging Palm-size PC battery or use the AC adapter for power.
If the telephone line you are using has call waiting, disable it. Tap Start, Settings,
and then Dialing. In the Properties dialog, select the Disable call waiting option.
Next, enter the disable code specified by your telephone company.
Infrared Communications
Note the following whenever you are having problems communicating with another
Windows CE device using infrared.
Transfer only one file at a time or no more than 25 Contacts cards at a time.
Align the infrared ports so they are facing directly at each other, and are no more
than 30cm apart.
Some types of lighting, especially fluorescent type, can interfere with infrared
communication. Try moving to another location.
Disconnect the AC adapter from the Palm-size PC before starting infrared
Part 4 Reference
You may not be able to communicate using infrared with a device running a non-
English version of Windows CE or a version of Windows CE earlier than 2.0.
This Palm-size PC currently does not support IrCOMM communication with another
device. The IrCOMM is equipped for communication that will be available in the
Blank screen
Perform the following steps. If one step does not correct the problem, move on to the
next one.
1. If your Palm-size PC does not respond when you press the Power button, try
holding down the button for a full second.
2. Make sure the battery cover is locked and all expansion slots are secure.
3. Charge Palm-size PC main battery.
4. Reset the Palm-size PC.
Dark screen
Prolonged use of the liquid crystal touch screen under direct sunlight can cause it to
temporarily darken. This condition should clear up naturally after a short time.
Adjust display contrast. While holding down the Exit button, press the bottom of the
cursor button to decrease contrast.
Increase screen brightness. Press the Exit button and then press the right side of the
cursor key to increase screen brightness.
Screen characters are too small.
In Note Taker, try changing the size of the view by tapping the Zoom arrow on the
command bar and selecting a zoom factor.
In Calendar, Tasks, and Contacts, try enlarging the display font. In any of these
programs, tap Tools and then Options. Next, select the Use large font option.
Palm-size PC Response
Stylus operations do not produce the desired results.
Recalibrate the touch screen, press Action while holding down the Power button (or
tap Start, Settings, and then Stylus). On the dialog that appears, tap the Recalibrate
button and follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Slow or no response
Check the “Troubleshooting” section of the separate Hardware Manual for possible
solutions. If nothing works, reset your Palm-size PC.
Forgotten password
Once you register a password, there is no way to access your Palm-size PC without
it. If you forget the password, you will have to perform a full reset, which deletes all
data in Palm-size PC memory.
Memory problem resulting in abnormal operation
If the message “A problem with memory contents has been found... appears, you
must perform a full reset to restore normal Palm-size PC operation.
When using Windows CE Services, cannot overwrite a file on the
Palm-size PC because it is read-only.
Use Windows CE Services to delete the file from Palm-size PC memory and try
Error message appears while you are using Card Backup Tool.
Take the actions advised by the message.
Palm-size PC time setting is wrong.
Check to make sure the time setting of the desktop computer to which your are
connected is correct.
When nothing else works...
If the above procedures do not correct your problem, you probably have to perform a
full reset, which deletes all the data in Palm-size PC memory.
After performing a full reset, you will have to re-install programs and re-input your
See the separate Hardware Manual for more information about full reset.
Part 4 Reference
Appendix C
Icon Lists
The lists in this appendix explain the meanings of the icons that appear in the status
area of your Palm-size PC screen Taskbar.
Battery Icons
Icon Meaning
Backup battery is low.
Main battery is low.
AC adapter is connected.
Connection Icons
Icon Meaning
Dial-up connection
Direct cable connection
Palm-size PC User’s Guide
Synchronization Icons
The icons listed below appear in the status area of your desktop computer’s Taskbar
while your Palm-size PC is connected to your desktop computer.
Icon Meaning
Palm-size PC or other Windows CE device is connected.
Waiting for Palm-size PC to connect.
No Palm-size PC or other Windows CE device is allowed.
Synchronization error
Items that require synchronization have been found.
Synchronizing (animated arrows)
Synchronization items are up to date.
Part 4 Reference
.doc 83
.pwi 83
.wav 84
AC adapter 123
account 58
Action control 3
Active Desktop 8, 29, 88
ActiveSync 6
Options 78, 85
Status 82
Agenda 42, 45
Back up 125
Backup 89, 103
backup file 89
batteries 123
Battery power 123
low battery warning 124
Calculator 6
Calendar 6, 42
call waiting 126
Card Backup Tool 103, 125
carrier 126
Channels 6, 87
Synchronizing 88
Character Recognizer 13
COM port 72
Command Bar 11
Communications 16
communications port 75
Connect 70
Connections 6
Contacts 6, 42, 44
Corporate Network 59
cradle 74
Cursor Button 3
Customizing 15
Desktop button 8
detailed view 14
Device Properties 63
Dial-Up Connections 58
Closing 71
Establishing 68
Settings 60
Dialing 16
patterns 66
Properties 66
Disconnect 71
Display 16
Double-tap 4
Drag 4
E-mail 47
Exchange 42
Exit Button 3
Explorer window 89, 90
conversion 83
Copying 90
Synchronization 83
Find 10
graphic 38
Handheld 73
Help 10
how to establish partnership 72
Inbox 6, 42, 47
Infrared Communications 93, 126
Driver 77
port 93, 126
Input method
arrow 12
list 9
Input Panel 16
button 16
Input panel button 9
Palm-size PC Users Guide
Installing 91
Internet Explorer 4.0 72,87
Internet Service Provider 50,58
list view 14
mail service 50
Menu 6,95
menu bar 11
microphone 18
Microsoft 42
Microsoft Exchange 42
Microsoft Outlook 42
Microsoft Pocket Outlook 42
Microsoft Schedule+ 42
Mobile Devices 78
Mobile Devices Window 78
Mobile Voice 36
modem card 126
Name servers 60
Note Taker 6,26,37
on-screen keyboard 12
Outlook 72
Owner 16
Palm-size PC online help ii
Password 16
password 124
PC Link 6
PC online help ii
PCM 35
Pocket Outlook 42,72
Power 16,123
primary DNS 60
Program Buttons 2
Programs 5,95
Programs Menu 10
Properties 79
record 31
recorder button 18,31
Regional Settings 17
Remote Computer 67
Remote Computers 58
Remove Programs 17
Reply to Sender 56
Replying to a Message 56
Restoring Data 89
Retrieve Full Copy 52
Return Address 51
Schedule+ 72
Scheduling a Meeting 44
Settings Menu 10
Software 91
Installing 91
Removing 92
Solitaire 6
Start button 9
Start menu 9,10
status area 129
Status icons 9
Stylus 17
stylus 4
Synchronization 72,80
Conflicts 84
method 76
System 17
Tap 4
Taskbar 9,17
Tasks 6,23,42,45
TCP/IP Settings 64
toolbar 11
TrueSpeech 35
Voice Recorder 6,18,31
Volume & Sounds 17,123
Windows CE 1.0 73
Windows CE devices 77
Windows CE home page ii
Windows CE Inbox Transfer 49
Windows CE Services 72,79
Windows NT 75
World Clock 17
MO9909-000003C PN411183-001
6-2, Hon-machi 1-chome
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8543, Japan

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