Operation Guide 5266
• To ensure correct direction readings by this watch, be sure to perform bidirectional calibration
before using it. The watch may produce incorrect direction readings if you do not perform
bidirectional calibration.
• Keep the watch away from audio speakers, magnetic necklace, cell phone, and other devices
that generate strong magnetism. Exposure to strong magnetism can magnetize the watch and
cause incorrect direction readings. If incorrect readings continue even after you perform
bidirectional calibration, it could mean that your watch has been magnetized. If this happens,
contact your original retailer or an authorized CASIO Service Center.
Precautions about bidirectional calibration
• You can use any two opposing directions for bidirectional calibration. You must, however, make
sure that they are 180 degrees opposite each other. Remember that if you perform the
procedure incorrectly, you will get wrong bearing sensor readings.
• Do not move the watch while calibration of either direction is in progress.
• You should perform bidirectional calibration in an environment that is the same as that where
you plan to be taking direction readings. If you plan to take direction readings in an open fi eld,
for example, calibrate in an open fi eld.
To perform bidirectional calibration
1. In the Qibla Mode, hold down
for two seconds.
• This will cause the bidirectional calibration screen to appear on
the digital display.
• The s eco nd ha nd wil l move to 12 o’clock . Thi s caus es an a rrow
) sym bol to fl as h on th e lef t sid e of the d igita l disp lay and -1 -
to be dis played to in dica te that th e watch is re ady fo r calib ratio n
of th e fi rst dire ctio n.
2. Place the watch on a level surface facing any direction you want,
and press
to calibrate the fi rst direction.
• - - - will re mai n on th e digit al dis play wh ile ca librat ion is i n
progress. OK will app ear w hen fi rst direct ion c alib ratio n is
com plete. A bo ut on e sec ond af ter t hat, t he fl ash ing ar row will
chan ge to po int do wnward s (
) and -2- will b e disp layed. T his
mea ns th at the wa tch is read y for ca librat ion o f the se co nd
3. Rotate the watch 180 degrees.
4. Press
again to calibrate the second direction.
• - - - will re mai n on th e digit al dis play wh ile ca librat ion i s in prog ress . OK will appear when
sec ond di recti on ca librat ion i s com plete.
• If ERR appear s on th e digit al dis play, press
again to re sta rt c alib ratio n.
Magnetic Declination Correction
With magnetic declination correction, you input a magnetic declination angle (difference between
magnetic north and true north), which allows the watch to indicate true north. You can perform this
procedure when the magnetic declination angle is indicated on the map you are using. Note that
you can input the declination angle in whole degree units only, so you may need to round off the
value specifi ed on the map. If your map indicates the declination angle as 7.4°, you should input
7°. In the case of 7.6° input 8°, for 7.5° you can input 7° or 8°.
To perform magnetic declination correction
1. In the Qibla Mode, hold down
for two seconds.
• Thi s will c ause t he bidi recti ona l cali brati on scre en to ap pea r on
the digital display .
2. Press
to display the Qibla magnetic declination setting screen
• Pressing
again w ill dis play th e nor th erl y magn etic d eclin atio n
set tin g scre en (N.DEC).
• Thi s will ca use t he cur rent mag neti c decl inati on an gle se tti ng to
fl ash on the digital displa y.
3. Use
(East) and
(West) to change the settings.
Th e follo wing ex plai ns mag neti c decl inati on an gle di recti on
: No magnetic declination correction performed. The default
setting for each city will be used for the Qibla magnetic
declination. The northerly magnetic declination setting
) will be 0°.
: When magnetic north is to the east (east declination)
: When magnetic north is to the west (west declination)
• Y ou ca n sel ect a val ue wit hin th e rang e of W 9 0° to E 9 0 ° wi th
the se set tin gs.
• Y ou ca n tur n of f (OFF ) magn etic d eclin atio n co rrecti on by
at the s am e time .
• Pressing
at the s am e time w ill ca use th e Qib la
magn etic d eclin atio n co rrecti on val ue (Q.DEC) to cha nge to th e
init ial defa ult set ti ng of th e curre ntly se lecte d Ho me Ci ty, and
the n or the rly ma gnet ic dec linat ion s ett ing (N.DEC ) to chang e to
OFF (0˚).
Magnetic declination
angle direction value
(E, W, or OFF)
Magnetic declination
angle value
• The i llus tratio n, for ex amp le, sho ws th e value y ou sh ould i nput a nd th e direct ion s et ting yo u
sho uld se lect w he n the ma p sho ws a mag neti c decl inati on of 7 ° West .
4. When the setting is the way you want, press
to exit the setting screen.
Digital Compass Precautions
This watch features a built-in magnetic bearing sensor that detects terrestrial magnetism. This
means that north indicated by this watch is magnetic north, which is somewhat different from true
polar north. The magnetic north pole is located in northern Canada, while the magnetic south pole
is in southern Australia. Note that the difference between magnetic north and true north as
measured with all magnetic compasses tends to be greater as one gets closer to either of the
magnetic poles. You should also remember that some maps indicate true north (instead of
magnetic north), and so you should make allowances when using such maps with this watch.
• Taking a direction reading when you are near a source of strong magnetism can cause large
errors in readings. Because of this, you should avoid taking direction readings while in the
vicinity of the following types of objects: permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.),
concentrations of metal (metal doors, lockers, etc.), high tension wires, aerial wires, household
appliances (TVs, personal computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.).
• Accurate direction readings are impossible while in a train, boat, air plane, etc.
• Accurate readings are also impossible indoors, especially inside ferroconcrete structures. This
is because the metal framework of such structures picks up magnetism from appliances, etc.
• The precision of the bearing sensor may deteriorate if the watch becomes magnetized. Because
of this, you should store the watch away from magnets or any other sources of strong
magnetism, including: permanent magnets (magnetic necklaces, etc.) and household
appliances (TVs, personal computers, washing machines, freezers, etc.).
• Whenever you suspect that the watch may have become magnetized, perform the procedure
under “To perform bidirectional calibration” (page E-24).
Viewing Prayer Names and Prayer Times
This watch is designed so its second hand points to prayer names on the face, and displays prayer
times. The Today’s Salat Time Screen shows prayer times and elapsed prayer time. The SALAT
time search mode can be used to view the prayer times for a specifi c date. A Prayer Time Alarm
(which can be switched on and off) sounds for 10 seconds when each prayer time arrives. Press
any button to stop the alarm after it starts to sound.
About prayer times
Prayer times are calculated automatically in accordance with the time, date, city data, and prayer
time calculation method you set in the Timekeeping Mode. This, of course, means that you should
always make sure that your Timekeeping Mode settings are confi gured correctly.
Prayer Indicator Prayer Time
FAJR Fajr start time
SUNRISE Sunrise time
ZUHR Zuhr start time
ASR Asr start time
MAGHRIB Maghrib start time
ISHA Isha start time
To display today’s prayer times
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, press
• This displays the T oday’ s Salat Time Screen.
• The s eco nd ha nd will m ove to th e nam e of the n ext p rayer
sche dule d af ter th e curre nt tim e.
• The d igita l disp lay will s how t he sta rt t ime of t he praye r indi cated
by the s eco nd ha nd.
2. Use
to move the second hand sequentially to the other prayer
names. The digital display will show the start time of the prayer
indicated by the second hand.
• If you d o not pre ss
for ab out o ne or t wo m inute s af ter mov ing
the s eco nd han d, it wi ll move ba ck to th e next s che dule d prayer
retur ns to th e nex t prayer ti me sc reen .
• Press
to retur n to the T im ekee ping M ode .
Current alarm on
indicator (currently
display alarm on)
Prayer time alarm on
indicator (at least one
alarm on)