This section describes how to remove the used cartridge and replace it with a new one. Before replacing the
cartridge, be sure to read the section “When to Replace the Cartridge”. (→ p. 7-3)
Replacing the Cartridge
Open the right cover.
Remove the cartridge from the machine.
Remove the new cartridge from its
protective bag.
• Save the protective bag. You may need it
later when you remove the cartridge from
the machine.
Rock the cartridge 5 or 6 times to distribute
the toner evenly.
Place the cartridge on a flat and stable
surface. Grip the sealing tape tab and snap
it in the direction as shown below. Make
sure that the tab itself is detached from the
While grasping the cartridge with one
hand, firmly and slowly pull the sealing
tape tab straight out with the other hand to
remove the sealing tape completely. Throw
the tape away.
• To avoid breaking the tape, do not pull the
tape out at an upward or downward angle.