The water removed from the laundry during the
drying cycle is collected in a container at the
bottom of the dryer.
When the container is full the indicator on
the control panel will light, and the container
be emptied. However, we recommend that
the container is emptied after each drying cycle.
NNOOTTEE:: VVeerryy lliittttllee wwaatteerr wwiillll ccoolllleecctt dduurriinngg tthhee ffiirrsstt
ffeeww ccyycclleess ooff aa nneeww mmaacchhiinnee aass aann iinntteerrnnaall
rreesseerrvvooiirr iiss ffiilllleedd ffiirrsstt..
TToo rreemmoovvee tthhee ccoonnttaaiinneerr
1. Gently pull out the tray until it is completely
removed. Support the tray with both hands.
When it is full the water container will
weigh about 4kg.
2. Open the the lid located on the top of the
container and empty the water out. Refit
the lid and slide the water container back
into position. PUSH FIRMLY INTO PLACE.
If you have the option of drainage near
the dryer it is possible to use the discharge kit to
provide a permanent drain for the water
collected by the dryer. This will remove the need
to empty the water tray. All the information for
assembly of the kit is contained in the kit
WWaatteerr CCoonnttaaiinneerr