To commence the programme press START and
the appliance will complete the drying cycle at
the end of this time. The 6 or 9 hour indicator
light will flash to indicate that the start delay is in
CClleeaanniinngg tthhee ddrryyeerr
● Clean the filter and empty the water
container after every drying cycle.
● Regularly clean the condenser.
● After each period of use, wipe the inside of
the drum and leave the door open for a
while to allow circulation of air to dry it.
● Wipe the outside of the machine and the
door with a soft cloth.
use abrasive pads or cleaning
● To prevent the door sticking or the build up
of fluff periodically clean the inner door and
gasket with a damp cloth.
TTeecchhnniiccaall ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss
Drum capacity 115 litres
Maximum load 6 kg
Height 85cm
Width 60cm
Depth 60cm
Energy Label Band C
AAllwwaayyss sswwiittcchh ooffff
aanndd rreemmoovvee tthhee
pplluugg ffrroomm tthhee
eelleeccttrriicciittyy ssuuppppllyy
bbeeffoorree cclleeaanniinngg
tthhiiss aapppplliiaannccee..
FFoorr eelleeccttrriiccaall ddaattaa
rreeffeerr ttoo tthhee
rraattiinngg llaabbeell oonn
tthhee ffrroonntt ooff tthhee
ddrryyeerr ccaabbiinneett
((wwiitthh tthhee ddoooorr
CClleeaanniinngg aanndd RRoouuttiinnee
TThhee ddrruumm,, ddoooorr
aanndd llooaadd mmaayy bbee
vveerryy hhoott..