Incognito A-BUS keypad 15
KP10 A-BUS keypad
Continuing to hold both keys down will light the third LED
indicating that Treble adjust mode has been activated. In
this mode pressing the Volume up/down keys will adjust the
Treble (high frequencies) level.
Continuing to hold both buttons will light the fourth LED
indicating that Balance adjust mode has been activated. In
this mode pressing the Volume up/down keys will adjust the
sound level between the left and right speakers.
Continuing to hold both buttons will light the fifth LED
indicating that Fader adjust mode has been activated. In
this mode pressing the Volume up/down keys will adjust the
balance between the main speakers and anything that is
connected to the preamp output. This adjustment only
being relevant if the preamp output is used. The volume up
and down buttons on the remote control can also be used to
adjust the sound in each mode.
Note: If no adjustment is made the system will automatically
go back to volume adjustment after two seconds.
Bass Treble Balance Fader