Vsunutie disku
Vysunutie disku
B: Prehrávanie videa a zobrazenie
informácií prehrávania
C: Zobrazenie ponuky ovládania na
Pripojenie USB zariadenia
1. Otvorte kryt USB konektora.
vášmu USB zariadeniu.
Odstránenie zariadenia USB/iPod
na karty SD/MMC. Prehrávanie sa
Odstránenie karty SD/MMC
3. Vyberte kartu SD alebo MMC.
Výber prednastaveného ekvalizéra
1. Dotknite sa ikony EQ na obrazovke. Zobrazí sa
aktuálne nastavenie ekvalizéra.
zvolili EQ.
[LPH] rozsah priepustnosti hlbokých tónov:
60, 80, 100, 200
0.5K, 1K, 1.5K, 2.5K
10K, 12.5K, 15K, 17.5K
P] aby ste obnovili vyššie
uvedené nastavenia na predvolené nastavenia.
1. Dotknite sa ikony EQ na obrazovke.
2. Dotknite sa ikony 4 reproduktorov .
Zobrazené sú nižšie uvedené možnosti:
4. Dotknit [W], [ S] alebo [ A], [ D
Výber zariadenia iPod ako zdroja prehrávania
zariadenie iPod automaticky .
iPod prostredníctvom dotykového panelu.
PlayLists, Artists...), potom sa dotknite [W ]
aby ste zvolili súbor .
spustili prehrávanie.
3. Pre pozastavenie sa dotknite [2 ].3. Pre
pozastavenie sa dotknite [1 ].
7] / [ 8]
[W ] or [S ] aby ste zvolili súbor .
1] aby ste spustili prehrá-
bovej stránky!
1. Zapnite funkciu Bluetooth
na zariadení.
pomocou zariadenia.
Ak párovanie prebehne úspešne, zobrazí sa záznam telefonických hovorov .
3. Dotknite sa [W ] / [S ] aby ste zvolili
4. Dotknite sa [W ] / [S ] aby ste
Alebo sa dotknite ikony klávesnice,
dotknite zeleného symbolu ( .
Prijatie hovoru
V predvolenom nastavení sú všetky
automaticky .
( aby ste prerušili hovor .
Prepnutie telefónneho hovoru na mobilný telefón
1. V ponuke Bluetooth
sa dotknite [- ]. Zobrazí
]: zapnutie alebo vypnutie funkcie
Select iPod as playing source
Turn on the unit’s power, and connect an iPod to the unit via a iPod cable, the unit will load the
iPod automatically.
On the iPod main menu, operate the iPod via touch panel.
1. When the music root menu appears on the screen,
touch an option (such as PlayLists, Artists...),
then touch [ ] or [
2. Touch the selected option to play back.
3. To pause, touch [ ].
To resume play, touch [
4. Skip to previous/next track, press [ ] / [ ] key.
NowPlaying: If you return to the root menu when playing a song, you can touch [
] to continue
the previous playback.
1. Touch [
] to display video folders root.
2. Touch an option, then touch [ ] or [
3. Touch [
] to start play.
4. Touch [ ] to stop and return to the root menu.
1. Touch [ ] to return to playlist menu.
2. Touch [
], then operate on your iPod.
Select iPod as playing source
Turn on the unit’s power, and connect an iPod to the unit via a iPod cable, the unit will load the
iPod automatically.
On the iPod main menu, operate the iPod via touch panel.
1. When the music root menu appears on the screen,
touch an option (such as PlayLists, Artists...),
then touch [ ] or [
2. Touch the selected option to play back.
3. To pause, touch [ ].
To resume play , touch [
4. Skip to previous/next track, press [ ] / [ ] key.
NowPlaying: If you return to the root menu when playing a song, you can touch [
] to continue
the previous playback.
1. Touch [
] to display video folders root.
2. Touch an option, then touch [ ] or [
3. Touch [
] to start play.
4. Touch [ ] to stop and return to the root menu.
1. Touch [ ] to return to playlist menu.
2. Touch [
], then operate on your iPod.
Select iPod as playing source
Turn on the unit’s power, and connect an iPod to the unit via a iPod cable, the unit will load the
iPod automatically.
On the iPod main menu, operate the iPod via touch panel.
1. When the music root menu appears on the screen,
touch an option (such as PlayLists, Artists...),
then touch [ ] or [
2. Touch the selected option to play back.
3. To pause, touch [ ].
To resume play, touch [
4. Skip to previous/next track, press [ ] / [ ] key.
NowPlaying: If you return to the root menu when playing a song, you can touch [
] to continue
the previous playback.
1. Touch [
] to display video folders root.
2. Touch an option, then touch [ ] or [
3. Touch [
] to start play.
4. Touch [ ] to stop and return to the root menu.
1. Touch [ ] to return to playlist menu.
2. Touch [
], then operate on your iPod.