Using your Response 115
answering machine
To check the time and day
• Press and release the TIME button and your
Response 115 announces the day and time
you have set
To adjust the speaker volume
• Press the volume button on the + side to
increase the volume. You hear beeps getting
louder to indicate the volume level.
• Press the volume button on the – side to
reduce the volume. The beeps get quieter to
indicate the changing volume level.
Outgoing messages
Pre-recorded outgoing message
The outgoing message is the message a caller
hears when your Response 115 answers a call.
It is supplied with the following pre-recorded
outgoing message: ‘Hello, your call cannot be
taken at the moment so please leave your message
after the tone’. This message can be kept as
your outgoing message or, if you prefer, you
can replace it by recording your own message.
To record your own outgoing message
The outgoing message is the message people
hear when they call you.
• Press and hold down the OGM button for
about 10 seconds until you hear a long beep.
• Release the OGM button and record your
message. Speak clearly from about 15/30 cms
from the microphone.
• Press the SAVE/STOP button to end the
recording. Your Response 115 will
automatically replay your message.
• You can record an outgoing message up to
30 seconds.
To record a new outgoing message, repeat the
steps above.
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