Help If you have any problems using your Relate 1500, look here
first for the most common solutions
No dialling tone
Make sure the telephone line cord is plugged
into the phone socket. Make sure another
extension is not in use.
Your Relate 1500 does not receive Caller
Display messages
To receive and display messages you must
subscribe to the Caller Display Service and
Call Waiting Service on your line.
For more information, call BT free on
Freefone 0800 800 150 (residential
customers) or Freefone 0800 800 152
(business customers) or your service provider.
Pre-programmed select services do not work
Virtually all telephone exchanges in the UK
can provide Select Services, but there are still a
few which have yet to be converted. To find out
if you can receive network services call BT free
on Freefone 0800 800 150 (residential
customers) or Freefone 0800 800 152
(business customers) or your service provider.
Phone does not ring
Check that the ringer is not switched off.
Check no other phones in your home are off
the hook.
Do you have too many phones in your home?
Please refer to ‘How many phones can you have?’
in the Technical Information section on page 26
for details about how many phones you can use.
BT supply a REN booster to support up to 8
BT Helpline 0345 573464
Please call the BT Helpline if you require further
assistance with your Relate 1500 Caller Display.