Adjust ing the Th read Te nsion o f both
the Bobbin and Upper Thr ead ... ............. .......... 124
Adjust ing the tensio n of t he bobbin thread ...... ........... ........ 124
Adjust ing the tensio n of t he upper t hread .. ...... ...... ........... .. 125
Basting E mbroidery ................... .................... ... 128
Creating an Appliqué Piece ....... ............. .......... 129
Creat ing an a ppliqu é piece ........ ...... ....... ........ ...... ....... ...... 12 9
Selecti ng/Managi ng Threa d Color s for
Each N eedle Bar (Ma nual Colo r Sequence) ... ... 132
Conve nie nce o f the ma nua l col or seq uenc e ....... .... ... ...... ... 132
Spec ifyin g t he m anu al co lor seq uenc e ... .... ...... .... ..... .... .... . 1 32
Using the manual colo r sequence ...... ....... .......... ........... .... 133
Prec autions on the manual color seque nce ....... ...... ....... .... 133
Automatic Lock Stit ch Setting ................ .......... 134
Starting /Ending Pos ition Settings ...... ............. ... 135
Repea tedly s ewing a pattern a long a diag onal ......... ......... .. 136
Embroi dering li nked charac ters ...... ....... ...... .......... ........... .. 137
Maximum S ewing Spee d Setting ....................... 139
Sett ing th e Ma chine t o St op at Color Chan ges
.... 140
Stopping the m achine at the next color cha nge .................. 140
Specifying pause locations before embroidering ................ 140
Tempor ary Needle Bar Setting ............... .......... 142
Uninte rrupte d embroideri n g (monoch rome) ........ ......... ...... 142
Reserv ed Ne edle Ba r and
Sewing Speed Settin gs ............... ............. .......... 143
Using t he Memory Func tion ............. ................ 148
Embroi dery dat a precautions........ ...... ....... ...... ........ ....... .... 148
Concer ning USB medi a . ....... ...... ...... ........... .......... ........... .. 149
Selecting an Embroid ery Patte rn ...................... 150
Gener al pattern se lection ... ...... .......... ........... .......... ........... 150
Embroi dery pa tterns .... ....... ...... ...... ........... ........ ...... ....... .... 151
Frame patte rns .... .......... ........... ........ ....... ...... ...... ........... .... 152
Monogram and frame designs ............................................ 153
Alphab et patter ns ........ ....... ...... .......... ......... ...... ...... ....... .... 155
Decor ative alpha bet patte rns ..... ........ ....... ...... ...... ........... .. 158
Savin g embroide ry patt erns in the mac hine’s m emory...... .. 160
Savin g embroid ery pa tterns to USB m edia/S D card ........ .... 161
Savin g embroid ery pa tterns in the computer ....... ....... ...... .. 161
Conn ecting the USB using the in cluded U SB cord clamp s
... 163
Retr ieving patt erns from the machine’s memor y .. ....... ...... .. 164
Recall ing from USB media/S D card ....... ...... ...... ........... ...... 165
Recall ing from the comput er .. ...... ........... .......... ........... ...... 166
Saving em broidery pat terns from an y memo ry source
to an other m emory ... ....... ...... .......... ........... .......... ......... .... 168
Sendi ng Embr oider y Patt erns Fr om a Com puter
to the Mac hine (Link Function) .............. .......... 169
Operat ions availabl e wit h the L ink fun ction ........ ........... .... 169
Embroi dering using t he Link functio n . ....... ........ ...... ....... .... 170
Disabli ng the Link functio n ...... ........ ....... ...... ...... ........... .... 173
Editi ng the Embr oide ry Patt ern (Pa ttern Ed iting
Screen) ...... ................... ............. .................... ... 174
Enlar ge the p atter n image on the s c reen ...... ...... ...... ........... 1 74
Combin ing pat terns ....... ......... ...... ...... ....... .......... ........... .... 174
Selec ting the patt ern to be edited ....... ........... .......... ........... 175
Grouping multiple select ed patterns ................................... 176
Moving a pat tern ....... ........... .......... ........... .......... ......... ...... 176
Flipp ing a patter n horizonta lly . ...... ........... .......... ......... ...... 177
Changing the size of a pattern (Norm al resizing mode) ...... 178
Chang ing the patt ern s ize whil e m ainta ini ng th e de sired
threa d densi ty (sti tch re calculat or) ...... ....... ...... ...... ........... .. 179
Rotati ng a patt ern ........ ....... ...... .......... ........... ........ ....... ...... 180
Changi ng the text arrangemen t of a charact er . ........... ........ 181
Changi ng the c haracte r spacing ....... ....... ........ ...... ....... ...... 1 81
Separa ting combi ned character pat terns ........ ...... ......... ...... 182
Trimm ing the threads b etween chara cters .. ....... ...... ...... ..... 183
Combin ing the separate d char acter pat terns ...... ........ ...... ... 183
Speci fying mul ti-color te xt ....... ........... .......... ......... ...... ...... . 184
Changi ng the c haracte r font .... ....... ...... ...... ......... ...... ...... ... 184
Chang ing the font an d siz e of indi vidu al c hara cte rs ........ .... 18 4
Changing the thread density (only for selected character
and f rame pa tterns)........ ...... ....... .......... ........ ....... ...... ...... ... 185
Changi ng the colors of the patte rn ........ ...... ........... .......... ... 185
Find new color schem es with the color shuffling function
.... 18 7
Threa d color sortin g .. ...... ...... ........... ........ ....... ...... ...... ....... 190
Desig ning re peated pat terns .. ....... ...... .......... ........... .......... . 190
Creat ing a c ustom thr ead ta ble ....... ...... ...... ........... .......... ... 195
Choosing a c olor from the custom t hread table .................. 19 7
Saving and recallin g the custom thread table
using USB media ....... ...... ........ ....... ...... ...... ........... .......... ... 198
Duplic ating a patt e rn......... ......... ...... ...... ...... ........... .......... . 19 9
Delet ing a patter n ........ ...... ...... ......... ...... ...... ....... .......... ..... 200
Editi ng the Embr oidery Pat tern (E mbroide ring
Settings Screen).... ............. .................... ........... 201
Rotati ng the entir e patt ern . ........... .......... ........... .......... ....... 201
Editing a C ombined P attern ........... ............. ..... 202
Using t he Came ra to Conn ect Pat terns ............ 206
Connecting three pat terns .......... ......................................... 206
Changi ng the p ositi on of a st icker ..... ...... ...... ....... .......... ..... 212
Connecting rota ted patterns ............................................. ... 214
Connecting pat terns to be j oined along an edge ................. 216
Resume feature........ ...... ...... ........... ........ ...... ....... ...... ......... 218
Using t he Settings Ke y.............. ................... ..... 220
Unders tandin g the settings scr een ...... ........ ....... ...... ...... ..... 220
Changi ng the d isplay guides .... ....... .......... ......... ...... ...... ..... 223
Changi ng the threa d color info rmation ... ...... ....... ...... ......... 225
Selecting the thre ad color informati on
for “ PES” format d ata ..... .......... ........... .......... ......... ...... ...... . 226
Changing the background col ors of
the embr oidery patterns or thum bnails ....... ....... .......... ....... 227
Spec ifyin g jum pst itch tr im ming /
“DST” ju mp codes for trim ming ... ...... ...... ........... .......... ..... 227
Delet ing sh ort stit ches . .......... ........... ........ ....... ...... ...... ....... 228
Speci fying the remaining len gth of threa d ........ ...... ...... ....... 228
Changi ng the e mbroidery basting distan ce ... ........... .......... . 229
Selecting the “Eco Mode” or “Shutoff Su pport Mode” ......... 22 9
Changi ng the screen sa ver settings ... ...... ...... ....... ...... ......... 229
Sett ing the opening screen ..... ......... ...... ...... ....... .......... ....... 231
Specifying the spool stand LED set ting ................................ 231
Adjustin g the brightne ss of the sewing li ght ......... .......... ..... 232
Changing the speake r volume ........................ .................... 232
Speci fying thr ead sensor .... ...... ....... .......... ........... .......... ..... 233
Changing the pointer shape when a USB mo use is used . .... 233
Changi ng the units of me asurement s .. ...... ....... ........ ...... ..... 234
Adju stin g the bri ght ness of t he scre en di spla y ....... .... ...... .... 2 34
Changi ng the langua ge ...... ...... ....... ...... ........... .......... ......... 234
Using t he Machine Ope rations G uide Key ....... 235
Viewi ng the opera tion guide s ......... ...... ........... .......... ......... 235
Playi ng a tutoria l video .... ...... ....... ...... .......... ......... ...... ...... . 236
Playi ng MPEG-4 (MP4) vid eos ........ ...... ........... ........ ...... ..... 237
Chapter7 APPENDIX 239
Appliqué Sewing ...................... ............. ........... 240
Sewing appliqué patterns .. ...... ....... .......... ........... ........ ...... . 240
Using a frame patter n to cr eate a ppliqués (1) ....... ...... ...... ... 241
Using a frame patter n to cr eate a ppliqués (2) ....... ...... ...... ... 242
Sewing Large-size (Split) Embroidery Patterns
.... 244
Helpful Tips for the Operati on of the Machine
.... 247
Chec king the thr ead te nsio n of b uilt -in pa tter ns .. .... ...... .... .. 24 7
Sewi ng a pa ttern align ed wi th a ma rk o n the fab ric ........ .... 24 8
Color th read table ... ...... ........ ....... ...... ...... ........... .......... ..... 250
Colors of Tajima (. dst) embroi dery data .... ........... .......... ..... 250
Creating Bea utiful Embroide ry ....... .................. 251