If saved To Phone, you can also set the items below besides information of Name, Number, Home Number,
Company Name, E-mail Address, Office Number, Fax Number, and Birthday.
Caller Picture: Set a caller picture for the current phone number. Allow you to choose a photo from the
preset ones in the device or select a successfully previewed one with a proper size from File.
Caller video: Set a caller video for the current phone number. Allow you to choose a video from the
preset ones in the device or select a successfully previewed one with a proper size from File.
Caller ringtone: Set a ring caller ID. Activate/deactivate the ring tone from the preset ones in the system
or the folder of Files. (Note:
The files in Files can only be selected after being sent to profile.)
Caller Group: Group the phone number in phone book as you like.
8.4 Copy all
Allow you to copy all records in the SIM card to your phone or vice versa.
Note: Only the name and phone number of the contact are copied into the SIM card from the device.
8.5 Delete
Allow you to delete all records or one by one in the SIM card or the phone.
8.6 Caller groups
Mobile phones support caller group function. In the caller group interface, select a group to view and edit the
details. They include entries like the Group Name, Caller ringtone, Caller picture, Caller video, and group
Members. Allows you to edit these entries, in which the picture can be selected from the File Management
folder with proper size, and add or delete a group member.
Note: Only the phone number recorded by your device can be increased or decreased.