Caravan Holiday Home
1. The preferred position for fitting the smoke alarm is horizontally on the ceiling in the living ar ea.
Avoid proximi ty to the kitch en
2. An additional smoke alarm may be fitted in one or more bedrooms.
3. DO NOT loc ate in kitchen or bathroom area. Cookin g fumes and high h umidity can trigger nui sance
4. DO NOT loc ate smoke alarm s close to exhaust fa ns or air conditioning units, which could draw
smoke away fro m the alarm.
Park Homes
1. If only one sm oke alarm is to be fitted, it should be located horizontally on the ceiling, either in the
living room or the h all, but not i n the proximity of eithe r kitchen or bathroom.
2. Additional ala rms can be fitted in bedrooms.
3. DO NOT loc ate alarm clo se to exhaust fans or ai r conditioning.
1. Open the co ver and handle unit with care to avoid damage.
2. Locate keyho le slots.
3. Mark holes through alarm base. Then remove alarm. Drill two 4.75m m holes.
DO NOT drill with a larm still in position as this will contaminate the unit wit h dust .
4. Insert the plast ic anchors. Screw alarm base to mou nting surface.
NOTE: When wall mou nting a unit, e nsure that the keyhol e fixing slots are positioned with the narrow
aperture upper most, to prevent the unit from being dislodged.
For interconne ct units onl y (Models with the suffix i, eg 300i - SA900i)
5. Using standar d figure eig ht twin solid core bell wire, connect like to like , i.e. Positive terminal b lock
to positive terminal block, neg ative to negative.
1. Connect battery( ies). For mod els with the suffix S (eg SA900Si), the batt ery is already connecte d.
Remove activa tion tab.
Storage in low h umidity, and c ertain transportation c onditions, may cause electrostatic charge s to build
up in the alarm sys tem hou sing. Although harmle ss, they may increase the length of time that t he horn
sounds upon bat tery insertio n or test button oper ation. The condition may be cleared by gently wip ing
the inside and out side of the plastic cover with a clean , damp cloth.
2. Check LED o perating light flashes approximately every 45 seconds in st andby mode.
3. Depress and hold test button until alarm sounds. Not e: It may be necessary to depress test button
for up to 20 secon ds for alarm to so und. Alarm is indica ted in a loud 3 beep p attern. Alarm may
continue for up to 1 0 second s after button is released .
After installat ion:
1. Press test butt on until alarm sounds, then release . Repeat test weekly.
WARNING: The electr onic test button provides a full test o f the unit’s functional ity. DO NOT try to test
the alarm with a naked flame, as this may present a potential fire hazard i n itself.
For interconne ct units onl y (Models with the suffix i, eg 300i)
2. Test each alar m separatel y in the system.
3. Determine that i nitiating al arm triggers all other alarms.
Your alarm requir es one 9 vol t battery to power the smo ke detector portion of the unit. Recomm ended
batteries are: GP 1604A or GP 1604P, Duracell M N1604 or MX1604, Eve ready 1222. Under normal
use, the battery po wering the smoke alarm should last approximately one yea r.
SA900, SA900 Si & SA 300L
Your SA900, SA9 00Si & S A300L Smoke Alarms come complete with a Long Life Lithium Powe rcell.
In the SA900Si the battery is not replaceable. Do not remove this battery fro m the alarm. Under nor mal
use and conditions the U9VL Lithium Powercell guar antee is 10 years, th e typical life of the alarm . The
U9VL Lithium P owercell is th e only acceptable bat tery for this smoke alarm . When the U9VL L ithium
Powercell reache s the end of its normal life, a low battery warning (intermit tent beeping, for at least 30
days) will indi cate the need for U9VL Lithium Power cell replacement and in the case of the SA 900Si,
complete smoke al arm repl acement.
IMPORTANT: Test alarm u sing test facility whe never battery is replaced.
Vacuum every six mo nths to help keep the unit w orking efficiently. Op en cover and gently vacuum
interior of detector. K eep vacuum nozzle from touching the unit.
Problems are indicated by two events:
1. The alarm does not sound upon pressing the test button.
2. The operating light rem ains steadily on or of f. (i.e. does not flash app roximately o nce every 45
seconds, when the unit is not in alarm).
1. Inspect for obvious damage.
2. Visually check th at unit contains recomm ended battery type.
3. Check that battery is properly connected.
4. Gently vacuum as recommended above.
5. Replace battery.
If these procedures do not correct the prob lem, do NOT attem pt repairs. If the smoke alarm is wi thin
warranty period and terms, indicate the nat ure of the prob lem and return the unit with proof of purchase
to distrib utor. Units beyo nd warranty ca nnot be economical ly repaired. For address see back page.
Abnormal air condit ions may cause the hi ghly sensitive smoke alarm to give a ‘false ’ alarm. DO NOT
DISCONNECT THE BATTE RIES. If no fire is apparent, ventilate the r oom and/or oper ate Alarm Pause .
alarm is a nuisance al arm and press the test but ton to activate Alarm Pause.
Dust can have an adverse effect. Vacuum as rec ommended above.
Do not paint the unit.
Other factors such as n icotine and insect con tamination may also adv ersely affect the alarm.
Quality smoke & heat alarms are designed to p rovide the earliest possib le warning of fire and smoke
at reasonable cost. E arly warning can mean the difference between a safe escape and n o escape at all.
Alarms do, however, h ave limitations.
Alar ms canno t work wit hout p ower. Battery opera ted ala rms wil l not work without proper ba tteri es, wi th
dead batte ries or if ba tterie s are not pr operly insta lled. A C power ed al arms wi ll not work if their AC po wer
supp ly is cut off by an electr ical fire, an op en fuse, a cir cuit b reake r or an y othe r reason. If you are
concer ned a bout th e reli abili ty of e ither batte ries or your AC pow er suppl y fo r any o f the abo ve rea sons,
you should insta ll both batt ery an d AC p owered s moke a larms in you r hom e, or mai ns pow ered
smoke alarm s inc orporati ng a back u p powe r sourc e. (I n the e vent o f an AC powe r fai lure, a larms
with batte ry or c apaci tor bac k up will on ly work f or a li mited period , such period being depende nt
upon the co nditi on of the sta ndby b attery or th e reta ined char ge in the sta ndby cap acitor ).
Alarms are incapable of sounding the alarm until smoke or heat reaches the sensin g chamber.
Anything preventing thi s from reaching the dete ctor, such as a close d door, may de lay or prevent an
alarm. A smoke alarm c annot detect fire in the walls, chimney or roof unless and u ntil a significant
amount of smoke reache s the alarm. An alarm on any given floor sho uld not be rel ied upon to detect
fire on any other floor. F or these reasons a s moke and heat alarm should be ins talled in every
room or at least on every level of your home.
Smoke and heat alarms may not provide prot ection for a smoker smoking in bed, f or children playin g
with matches, or for v iolent explosions resulting from escaping gas. Installation of smoke & heat
alarms is only part of a complete hom e fire safety program me.
BRK Dicon and First Al ert smoke & heat alarms are manufactured to the highest stan dards to ensure
faultless operation and long life. The manufac turers do, however , recommend that no alarm should be
used for more than 10 years, in order to mini mise the chance of a fault occurring.
Your smoke and heat a larms are not a substitu te for property, disab ility, life, or othe r insurance of any
kind. Appropriate insuran ce coverage is your responsibility. Consult your insurance agent.
The units in the BRK Di con Micro 300, SA900 & First Alert SA30 0, SA200 ranges of ionisation smo ke
alarms utilise a tiny am ount of radioactive mat erial, 0.9 microcurie s (33 kilobecque rels) of Americium
241, to detect smoke. Thi s material is in the for m of a sealed source and represents no hazard
whatsoever to anyone i nstalling or using the sm oke alarm. Any stray particles would be unable to
‘penetrate through th e dead layer of skin and thu s do not constitu te an external haza rd.’ (Radiation
Protection Guidance f or Scientists and Physic ians). All BRK Dicon /First Alert ionisat ion smoke alarm s
have been rigorously te sted by the National Rad iological Protection B oard to ensure absolute safety.
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