Assembly / Owner’s Manual
• Turkey for tuna
• Anyshorseafoodforchicken
• Cooked vegetables instead of salad
• Eat your calories
• If you’re still hungry after or in between meals:
and sometimes it will pass.
If your goal is muscle gain or strength:
• Usethesamemealplanbutincreaseportionsizesinthesameratiostoincreasethetotalnumberofcaloriesyoueateveryday.Forexample,
needs in order to gain muscle and strength.
• Focus on post-workout nutrition by having one of your snacks within 30 minutes after you complete your workout. Make sure to have a com-
bination of carbohydrates such as fruit with protein (yogurt, milk, or protein powder) to promote muscle growth and recovery. Chocolate milk is
also a great option.
Meal Plan Overview
port optimal health. These calorie levels will result in healthy weight loss for the majority of people. Keep in mind that everyone’s metabolism is very
different depending on age, height, weight, activity level, and genetics. Pay close attention to your weight, hunger levels, and energy and adjust your
calories if needed.
Follow these guidelines if you’re over 55:
• If you’re over 55, you need fewer calories because your metabolism slows as you age. Stick with three meals with one optional snack per day.
Follow these guidelines if you’re under 25:
• Ifyou’reunder25youmayneedmorecalories.Addanothersnackifyoufeellowonenergyorareextremelyhungry.
and fruit combined with protein and fat, you’ll energize your day and help control hunger levels throughout the day.
energy level spikes and drops.
This happens when you have a high carb-only snack like chips, candy, soda, crackers, or pretzels.
Lunch and Dinner
during cooking (nuts on a salad) or as a dressing or sauce (such as oil and vinegar salad dressing).