Saq eyxaristo¥me poy agoråsate to staumø
atmosider˜matoq , to
kaino¥rio s¥sthma atmosider˜matoq thq
Diabåste prosektikå tiq odhgºeq xr¸shq thq syskey¸q
kai fylåjte teq gia tyxøn mellontik™q anafor™q.
Diabåste prosektikå ayt™q tiq odhgºeq xr¸shq.
Peri™xoyn shmantik™q plhroforºeq sxetikå me
tiq leitoyrgºeq toy syst¸matoq ayto¥ kai merik™q
symboyl™q poy ua kånoyn to sid™rvma pio e¥kolo.
To isxyrø aytø s¥sthma parågei atmø xvrºq diakop¸
gia na petyxaºnete idanikå apotel™smata sto sid™rvma.
Diau™tei ™na megålo ntepøzito nero¥ poy afaireºtai
e¥kola kai to opoºo mporeºte na gemºsete se opoiad¸pote
stigm¸ xvrºq na th syskey¸.
Elpºzoyme na apola¥sete to sid™rvma me aytøn to
staumø atmosider˜matoq.
Af¸ste anoixt¸ ayt¸n thn pr˜th selºda toy ent¥poy
giatº ua saq bohu¸sei na katano¸sete kal¥tera th
leitoyrgºa thq syskey¸q.
H syskey¸ ayt¸ plhreº toyq dieuneºq kanonismo¥q
H syskey¸ ayt¸ ™xei sxediasueº gia oikiak¸ xr¸sh
Na xrhsimopoieºte th syskey¸ ayt¸ mønon gia ton
skopø gia ton opoºo ™xei sxediasueº, dhlad¸ vq sºdero.
Opoiad¸pote ållh xr¸sh thq ua uevrhueº akatållhlh
kai, synep˜q, epikºndynh. O kataskeyast¸q den ua eºnai
ype¥uynoq gia kanenøq eºdoyq blåbh poy mporeº na
prok¥cei apø mºa anårmosth ¸ akatållhlh xr¸sh.
Genik™q odhgºeq asfaleºaq
H syskey¸ ayt¸ pr™pei na synd™etai apokleistikå
se prºza re¥matoq poy na diau™tei geºvsh. An
xrhsimopoieºte kal˜dio ep™ktashq, bebaivueºte
øti aytø diau™tei b¥sma 16 A dipolikø me s¥ndesh
Mh xrhsimopoieºte to sºdero an ™xei p™sei, an
paroysiåzei emfan¸ shmådia blåbhq ¸ an
™xei diarro™q nero¥. Ua pr™pei na elegxueº apø
™na Texnikø S™rbiq prin to
xrhsimopoi¸sete janå.
An kaeº h asfåleia thq syskey¸q, ayt¸ ua parameºnei
ektøq leitoyrgºaq. Prokeim™noy na thn epanaf™rete
sthn omal¸ leitoyrgºa thq, proskomºste thn se ™na
Mhn topoueteºte th syskey¸ kåtv apø th br¥sh
prokeim™noy na gemºsete to ntepøzito me nerø.
H syskey¸ pr™pei na topoueteºtai kai na
xrhsimopoieºtai pånv se mºa stauer¸ epifåneia.
Otan eºnai topouethm™nh sth båsh thq, na bebai˜neste
øti brºsketai pånv se mºa stauer¸ epifåneia.
Mhn af¸nete to sºdero xvrºq epºblech eføson eºnai
akømh syndedem™no sto re¥ma.
Mhn aposynd™ete th syskey¸ apø thn prºza
trab˜ntaq to kal˜dio.
Mh byuºzete to sºdero ¸ to ntepøzito atmo¥ se nerø ¸
opoiod¸pote ållo ygrø.
Mhn af¸nete th syskey¸ ekteueim™nh se antºjoeq
kairik™q synu¸keq (brox¸, ¸lio, påxnh, k.lp.).
Mhn kateyu¥nete ton atmø proq åtoma ¸ z˜a.
Mhn epitr™pete na ™rxetai se epaf¸ to kal˜dio me th
båsh toy sºderoy øtan ayt¸ eºnai zest¸
1. Ntepøzito nero¥ afairo¥meno
2. Båsh sºderoy afairo¥menh
3. Lampåki ™ndeijhq
“Atmøq ™toimoq”