English –8
1 270 020 XBN | (12.5.16) Bosch eBike Systems
You can also charge the on-board computer via the USB port.
Open the protective cap 9. Connect the USB port 8 of the on-
board computer via a micro USB cable with a standard USB
charger (not included in the delivery) or the USB port of a com-
puter (5 V charging voltage, max 500 mA charging current).
Note: If Nyo n is shu t down du ring chargi ng, Ny on can on ly be
switched on again if the USB cable has been disconnected
(applies to 1 270 020 907 only).
If the on-b oard computer is removed from the holder 4, all val-
ues of the features are saved and can still be displayed.
Without recharging the Nyon battery pack, date and time will
remain up to a maximum of 6 months. When switching back
on, date and time are reset after a successful GPS fix.
Note: To achieve a maximum lifespan of the Nyon battery
pack, the Nyon battery pack should be recharged every
6 months.
Switching on/shutting down the on-board computer
To switch on the on-board computer briefly press the On/Off
button 5 .
To shut down the on-board computer press the On/Off but-
ton 5 for at least 1 second.
If no button is pressed after 5 minutes, Nyon goes into power
saving mode (back lighting off) and shuts down automatically
after a further 5 minutes.
Nyon reset
If, contrary to expectations, Nyon can no longer be operated,
then Nyon can be reset by simultaneously pressing the but-
tons 1 , 2 , 5 and 6 . Carry out the reset only if absolutely nec-
essary, as various configurations may be lost.
Battery Charge-control Indicator
The battery charge level indicator r10 (s7 ) displays the
charge level of the eBike battery pack. The charge level of the
Nyon battery pack can be read on the display s1 . The charge
level of the eBike battery pack can a l s o be re a d o n t h e L E D s o n
the eBike battery pack itself.
On indicator r10 , each bar of the battery pack symbol is
equivalent to a capacity of approx. 20 %:
If the on-board computer is removed from the holder 4 , the
last displayed battery charge level is saved.
Setting the Assistance Level
On the operating unit 10 you can set how much the eBike
drive assists you while pedalling. The assistance level can be
changed at any time, even while cycling.
Note: For individual versions, it is possible that the assistance
level is pre-set and cannot be changed. It is also possible that
less assistance levels are available for selection than listed
The following assistance levels (max.) are available:
–“OFF” : The motor assistance is switched off, and the eBike
can be moved as a normal bicycle only by pedalling. The
push assistance cannot be activated in this assistance
–“ECO” : Effective assistance at maximum efficiency for
maximum cruising range
–“TOUR” : Uniform assistance, for touring with long cruising
–“SPORT” : Powerful assistance for sportive riding off road
as well as for urban traffic
–“TURBO” : Maximum assistance, supporting highest ca-
dence for sportive riding
To increase the assistance level, press the “+” 14 button on
the operating unit until the desired assistance level appears in
the display r5 . To decrease the assistance level, press the
button“–” 13 .
The requested motor output is displayed in indicator r4 . The
maximum motor output depends on the selected assistance
When the on-board computer is removed from the holder 4,
the last indicated assistance level is stored; the motor-output
indicator r4 remains empty.
Switching the Push-assistance mode On/Off
The push-assistance feature makes it easier to push the
eBike. The speed in this function depends on the set gear and
cannot exceed 6 km/h (max.). The lower the set gear, the low-
er the speed in the push-assistance function (at full output).
The push-assistance function may only be used when
pushing the eBike. Danger of injury when the wheels of
the eBike do not have ground contact while using the push-
assistance function.
To activate the push-assistance function, briefly press but-
ton “WALK” on your on-board computer. After activation,
press button “+” within 3 s and keep it pressed. The eBike
drive is switched on.
The push assistance is switched off as soon as one of the fol-
lowing occurs:
– You release button “+” 14 ,
– The wheels of the eBike are blocked (e.g. by actuating the
brakes or impacting against an obstacle),
– The speed exceeds 6 km/h.
The eBike battery pack is fully charged.
The eBike battery pack should be recharged.
The capacity for assisting the drive has been used
up, and assistance is gently switched off. The re-
maining capacity will be provided for the bike li ght
and the on-board computer.
The capacity of the eBike battery pack is enough
for about 2 hours of lighting. This does not account
for other consumers (e. g. automatic gearbox,
charging external devices at the USB port).
OBJ_BUCH -2616-002.book P a g e 8 T h u r s d a y , M a y 12, 2016 12:37 PM
English – 9
Bosch eBike S y st ems 1 270 020 XBN | (12.5.16)
A f t e r r e l e a s i n g t h e “+” button, the push assistance remains on
standby for another three seconds. Pressing the “+” button
again within this period will r e a c t i v a t e t h e p u sh a s si s t a n c e .
Note: On some systems the push-assi stance function can be
started d irectly by pressing the “WALK” button.
Note: The push assistance cannot be activated i n the “OFF”
assistance level.
Switchi ng bike lights on/off
In th e model, in w hich the lighting is powered by th e eBike
system, the front and rear light can be switched on and off at
the same time via the on-board computer with the button 6 .
The i llumination sy mbol s1 is di splayed when the light is on.
Switchin g the bike l ight on a nd off has no effect on the back
light ing of the d isplay.
eShift (optional)
eShift is the integration of auto matic g ear shi f ting systems in-
to the e Bi k e system. You can co nfigur e the settings f or the
“eShift ” func ti on under “My eBike ” . The gear or the cadence
is displayed in the “Ride ” , “Fitness” and “Map & Naviga-
tion” opera ting modes. If the field is not displayed, th e user is
informe d of chang es by mean s of an indication on the display.
eShift mode is activated by holding down the “Home” button
12 . I t i s o n l y p o s s i b l e t o a c t i v a te eShif t mode via the operati n g
unit 10 . You c an exit “eShift ” mode again by r e peatedly
pressing the “H ome ” button.
eShift w ith NuVinci H| Syn c
The optimum gear for the respec tive speed is automatic ally
set according to a pre-defined desired c adence. In manual
mode you can choose be tween multiple gears.
In the “Cadence Control” mode, you can use the “–” or “+”
b u t t o n o n t h e o p e r a t i n g u n i t t o i n cr ease or decrease the re-
quired c adence. If yo u hold down the “–” o r “+” button, the
cadence wi ll increase or decrea se in increments of five. The
desired cadence is shown on the display.
In the “Gear Control” mode, you can use the “–” o r “+” but-
t o n o n t h e o p e r a t i n g u n i t t o switch b ack and fo rth between
several defined tra nsmission ratio s. The enga ged gear is
shown on the displa y.
Under “Gear calibration” , you can calibrate the continuously
variab le transmission . Then fol lo w the i nstructions on t he dis-
In th e event of an error, i t ca n a l s o b e n e c e s s a r y t o p e r f o r m
calibrati o n when ridi ng. Confirm the calibration here too, and
follo w the instr u ctions on the disp lay.
eShift with SRAM DD3 Pulse
The hub gear of the SRAM DD 3 Pulse works on a speed-de-
pendent basis. Regardless of which gear is engaged on the de-
railleur gears, one of the three gears of the gear hub will auto-
matically be engaged.
It is also possible to use the “–” or “+” button to shift gear
manua lly here. A ut omatic mode is activ ated automatica lly if
you pre ss the “–” button in first gear. If you press the “–” o r
“+” button i n automati c mode, the mode changes back to
manua l mode. In au t o matic mode, o n ly “A” is ever shown in
the gear display. If the gear is s h i f t e d i n a u t o m a t i c m o d e , t h e
gear is not shown on the display.
If you are not in automatic mo de, the engaged gear will be
shown bri e fly on the display whenever the gear of the hub
gear is shifted.
The d rive unit reco gni s es the gear shift and briefly reduces
the m otor assistance level as a result of it, which mean s the
gear can also b e shifted at a ny time u nder load o r on a hil l.
If th e eBike is broug ht to a stop f rom a speed of more tha n
10 km/h, the system may automatically shift down a gear to a
set “Starting gear” . The “Starting gear” can be set under
“My e Bike” > “eShift ( SRAM) ” .
eShift w ith Shimano D i2
For Shimano eShift you use the Shimano control lever to shift
The gear is always displayed in th e eShif t field. Th e gear is dis-
playe d briefly during a g ea r shif t only when the eShift field is
not vis i b le (e.g. in settings).
The d rive unit reco gni s es the gear shift and briefly reduces
the m otor assistance level as a result of it, which mean s the
gear can also be shifted at a ny time u nder load or on a hil l.
If th e eBike is broug ht to a stop f rom a speed of more tha n
10 km/h, the system may automatically shift down a gear to a
set “Startin g gear” . The “Starting gear” can be set under
“My e Bike” > “eShift ( Shimano) ” .
OBJ_BUCH -2616-002.book P a g e 9 T h u r s d a y , M a y 12, 2016 12:37 PM