Bosch Power Tools 1 609 92A 10X | (11.11 .14)
English | 15
Connecting the Air Supply to the Pneumatic Tool
–E m p t y t h e m a g a z i n e 8.
(See “Emptying the Maga zine”, page 15)
For the following worksteps, a fastener can be dis-
charged when interior parts of the pn eumatic tool are
not in the starting position due to repairs, maintenance
or transport.
– Connect the air connector 6 with a supply-air hose 17
equipped with an air-conne ction coupling 16.
– Check the proper funct ion by placing the outlet 13 or
the rubber workpiece protector 1 of the pneumatic tool
onto a piece of scrap wood or w ood material, and dis-
charging once or twice.
Loading th e Magazine
Disconnect the air supply before making
any adju stments, changing accessor ies,
or placing the pneumatic tool aside. This
safety measure p revents acc idental star t-
ing of the pneumatic tool.
Use only original Bosch accessories (see “Technical
Data”). The precision par ts of the pneumatic tool such
as the magazine, the outlet and the shot duct are
matched to Bosch staples, nails and brads. Other man-
ufacturers use other steel qualities and sizes.
Using fasteners not permitted, can damage the pneu-
matic tool and cause injuries.
While loading the magazine, hold the pneumatic tool in
such a manner that the outlet 13 is not pointed at your own
body or at other persons.
GTK 40 (see figures B1 – B2)
– Pull back the magazine slider 11 until the button of mag-
azine-slider lock 7 ful ly engage s.
– Clean and lubricate the magazine slider 11 as required
and make sure that the magazine 8 is not dirty/so iled.
– Place a fitting str ip of staples 18 over magazine 8.
The staple heads must face completely flu sh against the
surface of the magazine and the staple strips must move
easily in the magazine.
– Lightly pull back magazine slider 11 and press the but-
ton of magazine-slider lock 7 inward.
– Carefully guide the magazine slider to the front until it
touches the staple strip.
Note: Do not let the magazine slider snap back without
guiding it. Otherwise, the magazine slider could become
damaged, and there is danger of your fingers being caught
or pinched.
GSK 50 (see figures C1 – C2)
– Press magazine lock 14 and at the same time pull maga-
zine 8 toward the rear to the stop.
– Clean and lubricate magazine rail 20 as required.
– Insert a fitting nail strip 19.
If possible, the nail tip shou ld touch the magazine r ail
– Slide the nail strip in the magazine all the way to the
– Insert the magazine u ntil maga zine lock 14 engages
Refill the magazine when the red bars of re fill indicator 15
can be seen halfwa y.
Actuation systems
The pneumatic tool can be operated with two d ifferent ac-
tuations systems:
– Single actuation with safety run
With this actuation system, the discharge lock-off 2
must first be firmly pressed against the workpiece. A
fastener is not discharg ed until the t rigger 10 is pulled.
Afterwards, further dischar ging procedures can only be
actuated, when the trigger and the discharge lock-o ff
have first been set back to the starting position.
– Contact actuation
With this actuation system, the trigger 10 must be
pulled firs t. A fastener is always discharged when the
discharge lock-off 2 is firmly pressed against the work-
piece while the trigger is presse d.
This ena bles a high er working speed to be achieved.
The actuation system is set via the se lector switch 9.
Starting Operation
Disconnect the air supply before making
any adjustments, changing acces sories,
or placing the pneumatic tool aside. This
safety measure prevents accide ntal start-
ing of the pneumatic tool.
Working with Single Actuation (see figure D)
– Press selector switch 9 inward and at the same time piv-
ot it to the bottom position until it engages.
The actuation system “single
actuation” is set.
– Release the selector switch 9 again.
– Firmly p osition the outlet 13 or the r ubber workpiece
protector 1 on the workpiece until discharge lock-off 2
is pressed i n completely .
–A f t e r w a r d s , b r i efly press trigger 10 and re lease agai n.
A staple (GTK 40) or a br ad (GSK 50) is discharged.
– Al low the pneuma tic tool to b ounce back f rom the work-
– For a nother driving procedure, completely lift the pneu-
matic tool f rom the work piece and pos ition it fir mly at
the next desired location .
Working with Contact Actuation (see figure E)
– Press selector switch 9 inward and at the same time piv-
ot it to the upper position until it engages.
The actuation system
“contact actuation” is
– Release the selector switch 9 again.
– Pr ess and hold the trigger 10.
– Firmly p osition the outlet 13 or the r ubber workpiece
protector 1 on the workpiece until discharge lock-off 2
is pressed i n completely .
A staple (GTK 40) or a br ad (GSK 50) is discharged.
– Al low the pneuma tic tool to b ounce back f rom the work-
– For a nother driving procedure, completely lift the pneu-
matic tool f rom the work piece and pos ition it fir mly at
the next desired location .
– Move the pneumatic tool uniformly over the workpiece
by lifting it off and applying it again.
Each time when a pplying the pne umatic tool wh ile the
discharge lock-off is presse d in, a staple (GTK 40) or a
brad (GSK 50) is discharged .
– As soon as the desired amount of staples (GTK 40) or
brads (GSK 50) have been driven in, release trigger 10
Working Advice
Disconnect the air supply before making
any adjustments, changing acces sories,
or placing the pneumatic tool aside. This
safety measure prevents accide ntal start-
ing of the pneumatic tool.
Check the proper functi on of the sa fety and ac tuation de-
vices, and the tight seating of all scr ews and nuts each time
before using.
Disconnect a defective or not properly operating pneumat-
ic tool immediately from of the air supply and contact an
authorised service agent for Bosch p ower tools.
Do not perform an y incorrect manipulations on the pneu-
matic tool. Do not disassemble or block any components of
the pneumatic tool, such as the disch arge lock-off.
Do not carry out “emergency re pairs” with unsuita ble
means. The pneumatic tool is to be maintained regularly
and properly (see “Ma intenance and Cleaning” , page 16).
Avoid any weakening and d amage whatsoever of the pneu-
matic tool, e.g., through:
– Imprinting or engraving,
– Retrof itting measures not approved b y the manufactur-
– Guiding along templates manufactu red of hard material,
e.g. steel,
– Droppin g on or sliding over the floor,
– Using as a h ammer,
–A p p l y i n g a n y k i n d o f f o r c e .
Make sure to check whatever is below or behind your work-
piece. Do not shoot staples (GTK 40) or brads (GSK 50) in-
to walls, ceilings or floors, when persons are behind them.
The fasteners can burst through the wor kpiece and injure
Do not shoot a staple (GTK 40 ) or brad (GSK 50) on al-
ready driven-in fasteners. This c ould cause the fastener to
deform, the fasteners could be come jammed or the pneu-
matic to ol could mo ve uncon trolled.
When the pneumatic tool is used under cold a mbient con-
ditions, the first staples (GTK 40) or brads (GSK 50) are
driven in slower than usua l. Once the pneumatic tool has
warmed up during wor king, normal operating speed will b e
Avoid blank shots in order to reduce the wear of the impact
For longer work breaks or after fin ishing work, disconnect
the pneumatic tool from the air supply and empty the mag-
Emptying the Magazine
GTK 40
– Pull back the magazi ne slider 11 until the button of mag-
azine-slid er lock 7 fully engages.
– Remove staple strip 18.
– Lightly pull back mag azine slider 11 and press the but-
ton of magazine-slider lock 7 inward.
– Carefully guide the magazine s lider to the front until it
touches the beginning of the magazine.
Note: Do not let the magazine slider snap back without
guiding it. Otherwise, the magazine slider could become
damaged, and there is danger of your fingers b eing caught
or pinc hed.
GSK 50
–P r e s s m a g a z i n e l o c k 14 and at th e same tim e pull mag a-
zine 8 toward the rea r to the stop.
– Remove the nail strips 19.
– Insert t he magazine until magazine lock
engages again.
Adjusting the Depth Stop (see figure F)
The driving depth of the staples (GTK 40) or brads
(GSK 50) can be set with t humbwheel 3.
–E m p t y t h e m a g a z i n e 8.
(See “Emptying the Magazine”, page 1 5)
– Nails are driven in too deeply:
To reduce the driving depth, tur n thumbwheel 3 in anti-
clockwise direction.
Nails are not driven in deep enough:
To increase the driving depth, turn thumbwheel 3 in
clockwise direction.
– Refill the magazine.
(See “Loading the Magazine”, page 15 )
– Test the new driving d epth on a test workpiece.
Repeat the worksteps a s required.
Clearing J ams
Single staples (GTK 40) or brads (G SK 50) can become
jammed in the shot duct. If this should occur freque ntly,
please contact an authorised service agent for Bosch pow-
er tools.
Note: When the driver blade does not return afte r clearing
a jam, please contact an a uthorised service agent for
Bosch power tools.
GTK 40 (see figures G1 – G3)
–E m p t y t h e m a g a z i n e 8.
(See “Emptying the Magazine”, page 1 5)
– Press clamping le ver 12 down so that the shot duct
– Remove the jammed staple. F or this, use a pair of pliers,
if required.
– When driver blade 21 is extended, push it back into the
piston using a lubr icated screwdriver or othe r suitable
lubricated object.
– Lubricate the shot duct with 2 – 3 drop s of engine oil
(SAE 10 or SAE 20).
– Close the shot duct, hang the clip of clamping lever 12
into the hooks on the shot duct and then push the
clamping lever up again.
– Refill the magazine.
(See “Loading the Magazine”, page 15 ) Page 15 Tuesday, November 11, 201 4 2:36 PM