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Camera Browser Interface
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Camera Browser Interface Table of Contents | en 3
Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0635 | v5.8 | 2013.05
Table of Contents
1 Browser connection 10
1.1 System requirements 10
1.2 Establishing the connection 11
1.2.1 Password protection in camera 11
1.3 Protected network 11
2System Overview 12
2.1 Livepage 12
2.2 Recordings 12
2.3 Settings 12
3 Operation via the browser 13
3.1 Livepage 13
3.1.1 Image selection 13
3.1.2 Status icons 14
3.1.3 Cameras with PTZ control 15
3.1.4 View Control ROI 16
3.1.5 Cameras with alarm and relay I/O 17
3.1.6 System Log / Event Log 18
3.1.7 Saving snapshots 18
3.1.8 Recording video sequences 18
3.1.9 Running recording program 19
3.1.10 Audio communication 19
3.1.11 Processor load 19
3.2 Playback page 20
3.2.1 Selecting recordings for playback 20
3.2.2 Exporting tracks 21
3.2.3 Searching for tracks 21
3.2.4 Controlling playback 22
4 Settings Overview 24
4.1 Configuration Menu 24
4.2 Settings 25
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5 Basic Mode 26
5.1 Device Access 26
5.1.1 Naming 26
5.1.2 Password 26
5.2 Date/Time 28
5.3 Network 29
5.4 Encoder 30
5.5 Audio 30
5.6 Recording 30
5.7 System Overview 30
6 Advanced General Settings 31
6.1 Identification 31
6.1.1 Naming 31
6.1.2 ID 31
6.1.3 iSCSI Initiator extension 31
6.2 Password 32
6.2.1 Password 32
6.2.2 Confirm password 32
6.3 Date/Time 33
6.3.1 Date format 33
6.3.2 Device date / Device time 33
6.3.3 Device time zone 33
6.3.4 Daylight saving time 33
6.3.5 Time server IP address 34
6.3.6 Time server type 34
6.4 Display Stamping 35
6.4.1 Camera name stamping 35
6.4.2 Time stamping 35
6.4.3 Display milliseconds 35
6.4.4 Alarm mode stamping 35
6.4.5 Alarm message 36
6.4.6 Video watermarking 36
7 Web Interface 37
7.1 Appearance 37
7.1.1 Website language 37
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7.1.2 Company logo 37
7.1.3 Device logo 37
7.1.4 Show VCA metadata 37
7.1.5 Show VCA trajectories 37
7.1.6 Show overlay icons 38
7.1.7 Select video player 38
7.1.8 JPEG size, interval and quality 38
7.2 LIVEPAGE Functions 39
7.2.1 Transmit audio 39
7.2.2 Lease time [s] 39
7.2.3 Show event log 39
7.2.4 Show system log 39
7.2.5 Allow snapshots 39
7.2.6 Allow local recording 40
7.2.7 I-frames-only stream 40
7.2.8 Show auto tracker 40
7.2.9 Path for JPEG and video files 40
7.3 Logging 41
7.3.1 Save event log 41
7.3.2 Save system log 41
8Camera 42
8.1 Installer Menu 42
8.1.1 Mirror image 42
8.1.2 Flip image 42
8.1.3 Main frequency and Operation environment 42
8.1.4 Exposure/frame rate 42
8.1.5 Reboot device 42
8.1.6 Factory defaults 42
8.2 Picture Settings 43
8.2.1 White balance 43
8.3 Enhance 44
8.3.1 Sharpness level 44
8.4 Encoder Settings 45
8.5 Privacy Masks 46
8.6 Audio 46
8.7 Pixel Counter 46
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9 Encoder Settings 47
9.1 Encoder Profile 48
9.1.1 Pre-defined HD profiles 48
9.1.2 Changing a profile 48
9.1.3 Profile name 49
9.1.4 Target bit rate 49
9.1.5 Maximum bit rate 49
9.1.6 Encoding interval 49
9.1.7 Standard definition video resolution 49
9.1.8 Expert Settings 49
9.1.9 Default 51
9.2 Encoder Streams 52
9.2.1 H.264 settings 52
9.2.2 JPEG stream 53
9.3 Encoder Regions 54
9.3.1 Regions 54
10 Recording 55
10.1 Storage Management 56
10.1.1 Device manager 56
10.1.2 Recording media 56
10.1.3 Activating and configuring storage media 58
10.1.4 Formatting storage media 58
10.1.5 Deactivating storage media 58
10.2 Recording Profiles 60
10.2.1 Recording track selection 61
10.2.2 Standard recording 61
10.2.3 Alarm recording 62
10.3 Retention Time 62
10.4 Recording Scheduler 63
10.4.1 Weekdays 63
10.4.2 Holidays 63
10.4.3 Profile names 64
10.4.4 Activate recording 64
10.4.5 Recording status 64
10.5 Recording Status 65
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11 Alarm 66
11.1 Alarm Connections 66
11.1.1 Connect on alarm 66
11.1.2 Number of destination IP address 66
11.1.3 Destination IP address 66
11.1.4 Destination password 66
11.1.5 Video transmission 67
11.1.6 Stream 67
11.1.7 Remote port 67
11.1.8 Video output 67
11.1.9 Decoder 67
11.1.10 SSL encryption 68
11.1.11 Auto-connect 68
11.1.12 Audio 68
11.2 Video Content Analyses (VCA) 69
11.3 Audio Alarm 70
11.3.1 Audio alarm 70
11.3.2 Name 70
11.3.3 Signal Ranges 70
11.3.4 Threshold 70
11.3.5 Sensitivity 70
11.4 Alarm E-Mail 71
11.4.1 Send alarm e-mail 71
11.4.2 Mail server IP address 71
11.4.3 SMTP user name 71
11.4.4 SMTP password 71
11.4.5 Format 71
11.4.6 Image size 71
11.4.7 Attach JPEG from camera 72
11.4.8 Destination address 72
11.4.9 Sender name 72
11.4.10 Test e-mail 72
11.5 Alarm Task Editor 73
12 Setting up VCA 74
12.1 VCA - Silent VCA 74
12.2 VCA - Profiles 75
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12.2.1 Aggregation time [s] 75
12.2.2 Analysis type 75
12.2.3 Motion detector 76
12.2.4 Tamper detection 77
12.3 VCA - Scheduled 81
12.3.1 Weekdays 81
12.3.2 Holidays 81
12.4 VCA - Event triggered 83
12.4.1 Trigger 83
12.4.2 Trigger active 83
12.4.3 Trigger inactive 83
12.4.4 Delay [s] 83
13 Network 84
13.1 Network Access 84
13.1.1 Automatic IP assignment 84
13.1.2 IP V4 address 84
13.1.3 IP V6 address 85
13.1.4 DNS server address 85
13.1.5 Video transmission 85
13.1.6 TCP rate control 85
13.1.7 HTTP browser port 85
13.1.8 HTTPS browser port 86
13.1.9 RCP+ port 1756 86
13.1.10 Telnet support 86
13.1.11 Interface mode ETH 86
13.1.12 Network MSS [Byte] 86
13.1.13 iSCSI MSS [Byte] 87
13.1.14 Network MTU [Byte] 87
13.1.15 Enable DynDNS 87
13.1.16 Provider 87
13.1.17 Host name 87
13.1.18 User name 87
13.1.19 Password 87
13.1.20 Force registration now 87
13.1.21 Status 88
13.2 Advanced 89
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13.2.1 SNMP 89
13.2.2 1. SNMP host address / 2. SNMP host address 89
13.2.3 SNMP traps 89
13.2.4 Authentication (802.1x) 90
13.2.5 RTSP port 90
13.2.6 UPnP 90
13.2.7 TCP metadata input 90
13.2.8 Quality of service 90
13.2.9 Cloud-based services 91
13.3 Multicast 92
13.3.1 Enable 92
13.3.2 Multicast Address 92
13.3.3 Port 93
13.3.4 Streaming 93
13.3.5 Multicast packet TTL 93
13.4 Image Posting 94
13.4.1 JPEG 94
13.5 Accounts 95
13.6 IP V4 filter 96
14 Service 97
14.1 Maintenance 97
14.1.1 Update server 97
14.1.2 Firmware 97
14.1.3 Configuration 98
14.1.4 SSL certificate 98
14.1.5 Maintenance log 99
14.1.6 Upload history 99
14.2 System Overview 99
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1 Browser connection
A computer with Microsoft Internet Explorer is used to receive
live images from the camera, control the camera, and replay
stored sequences. The camera is configured over the network
using the browser.
1.1 System requirements
Network access (Intranet or Internet)
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 9
Screen resolution at least 1024 × 768 pixels
16- or 32-bit color depth
Sun JVM installed
The Web browser must be configured to enable Cookies from
the IP address of the unit.
In Windows Vista, deactivate protected mode on the Security
tab under Internet Options.
To play back live video images, an appropriate ActiveX must be
installed on the computer. If necessary, install the Bosch Video
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1.2 Establishing the connection
The camera must have a valid IP address and a compatible
subnet mask to operate on your network. By default, DHCP is
pre-set at the factory to ON and so your DHCP server assigns an
IP address. With no DHCP server the default address is
1. Start the Web browser.
2. Enter the IP address of the camera as the URL.
3. During initial installation, confirm any security questions
that appear.
If you do not connect, the camera may have reached its
maximum number of connections. Depending on the device and
network configuration, each camera can have up to 25 web
browser connections, or up to 50 connections via Bosch Video
Client or Bosch Video Management System.
1.2.1 Password protection in camera
A camera offers the option of limiting access across various
authorization levels. If the camera is password-protected, a
message to enter the password appears.
1. Enter the user name and the associated password in the
appropriate fields.
2. Click OK. If the password is correct, the desired page is
1.3 Protected network
If a RADIUS server is used for network access control (802.1x
authentication), the camera must be configured first. To
configure the camera, connect it directly to a computer using a
network cable and configure the two parameters, Identity and
Password. Only after these have been configured can
communication with the camera via the network occur.
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2 System Overview
When a connection is established, the Livepage is initially
displayed. The application title bar displays three items:
The PLAYBACK link is only visible if a storage medium has been
configured for recording. (With VRM recording this option is not
2.1 Livepage
The LIVEPAGE is used to display the live video stream and
control the camera.
2.2 Recordings
The PLAYBACK page is used for playing back recorded
2.3 Settings
The SETTINGS page is used to configure the camera and the
application interface.
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3 Operation via the browser
3.1 Livepage
After the connection is established, the Livepage is initially
displayed. It shows the live video image on the right of the
browser window. Depending on the configuration, various text
overlays may be visible on the live video image.
Other information may also be shown next to the live video
image. The items shown depend on the settings on the
LIVEPAGE Functions page.
Figure 3.1 Livepage
3.1.1 Image selection
Click a tab below the video image to display a camera image
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3.1.2 Status icons
Various overlays in the video image provide important status
information. The overlays provide the following information:
Decoding error
The frame might show artefacts due to decoding errors. If other
frames reference this frame, they might also show decoding
errors but won’t be marked with the icon.
Alarm flag
Shown on a media item to indicate an alarm.
Communication error
A communication error, such as a connection failure to the
storage medium, a protocol violation or a timeout, is indicated
by this icon. An automatic reconnection procedure is started in
the background to recover from this error.
Indicates a gap in the recorded video.
Watermark flag
Watermark is set on media item.
Invalid watermark flag
Indicates that the watermark is not valid.
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Motion flag
Indicates that motion is dectected.
Storage discovery
Indicates that recorded video is being retrieved.
3.1.3 Cameras with PTZ control
For cameras where PTZ control is possible, the View Control
panel is activated.
Pan and tilt
To control the pan and tilt of PTZ cameras:
Click and hold the up or down arrows to tilt.
Click and hold the left or right arrows to pan.
Click and hold the center area to control both.
Move the mouse cursor over the video image; additional options
for controlling peripherals are displayed with the mouse cursor.
Zoom, focus, and iris
To control the zoom, focus, and iris of PTZ cameras:
1. Click and hold to zoom out; click and hold
to zoom in.
2. Click and hold for far focus; click and hold
for near focus.
3. Click and hold to close the iris; click and hold
to open the iris.
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To move the camera to a pre-position, click one of the buttons
numbered one to six.
To store the current position of the camera in a pre-position:
1. Position the camera.
2. Enter a pre-position number.
3. Click Set.
3.1.4 View Control ROI
(not for SD cameras)
When the stream 2 encoder stream is set for Region of Interest
(ROI), a specific type of View Control panel is activated.
Refer to Section 9.2.1 H.264 settings, page 52 for more
information on setting up stream 2. (If dual ROI is available,
open the camera in a second browser window to set up the
second ROI on stream 2.)
To zoom in on a region of the stream 2 image:
Click and hold to zoom in; click and hold to
zoom out.
Click to see the full image.
Select an area
To select a particular region of the image:
1. Click and hold the arrows to move up and down, and from
side to side through the image.
2. Click and hold the center area to move in all directions.
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Set positions
To store the current view:
1. Select a region of interest.
2. Click Set.
3. Click a number.
To display a pre-set region of interest, click one of the buttons
numbered one to six.
Intelligent Tracking
For cameras with the ability to track movement, options for
tracking objects within the region of interest are displayed in
the Intelligent Tracking panel.
When on, the tracking icon is displayed on the image
together with the lines that track moving objects.
Select Off, Auto or Click. If Click is selected, use the mouse to
click on an object to track it.
3.1.5 Cameras with alarm and relay I/O
(only for cameras with I/O connections)
The alarm input and the relay output are displayed in the Digital
I/O panel next to the camera image.
The alarm symbol is for information and indicates the input
status of the alarm input:
Active 1 = Symbol lights
Active 0 = Symbol not lit.
The camera relay allows the operation of an external device (for
example, a light or a door opener).
To operate, click the relay symbol.
The symbol is red when the relay is activated.
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3.1.6 System Log / Event Log
The System Log field contains information about the operating
status of the camera and the connection.
Events such as the triggering or the end of alarms are shown in
the Event Log field.
To view, filter and save these messages to a file, click
in the top right-hand corner.
To clear the log, click in the top right-hand corner of
the relevant field.
3.1.7 Saving snapshots
Individual images from the video sequence that is currently
being shown on the Livepage can be saved in JPEG format on
the computer's hard drive.
Click the camera icon to save a single image.
The storage location depends on the configuration of
the camera.
3.1.8 Recording video sequences
Sections of the video sequence that is currently being shown on
the Livepage can be saved on the computer's hard drive. The
sequences are recorded at the resolution specified in the
encoder configuration. The storage location depends on the
configuration of the camera.
1. Click the recording icon to record video sequences.
Saving begins immediately. The red dot on the icon
indicates that a recording is in progress.
2. Click the recording icon again to stop recording.
Play back saved video sequences using the Player from
Bosch Security Systems.
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3.1.9 Running recording program
The hard drive icon below the camera images on the Livepage
changes during an automatic recording.
The icon lights up and displays a moving graphic to
indicate a running recording. If no recording is taking place, a
static icon is displayed.
3.1.10 Audio communication
(only for cameras with audio)
Audio can be sent and received via the Livepage if the active
monitor and the remote station of the camera support audio.
1. Press and hold the F12 key on the keyboard to send an
audio signal to the camera.
2. Release the key to stop sending audio.
All connected users receive audio signals sent from the camera
but only the user who first pressed the F12 key can send audio
signals; others must wait for the first user to release the key.
3.1.11 Processor load
When accessing the camera with a browser, the processor load
and network information is available in the upper right of the
window next to the Bosch logo.
Move the mouse cursor over the icons to display numerical
values. This information can help with problem solving or when
fine tuning the device.
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3.2 Playback page
Click PLAYBACK to access the Playback page from the
Livepage or Settings page. The Playback link is only visible if a
direct iSCSI or SD card has been configured for recording.
(With VRM recording this option is not active.)
A collapsible panel on the left of the display has four tabs:
Track list
Search results
Select Recording 1 or 2 from the drop-down menu at the top of
the window.
3.2.1 Selecting recordings for playback
To see all saved sequences:
1. Click the track list tab.
A list of tracks with a number assigned to each sequence is
displayed. Start time and stop time, recording duration,
number of alarms, and recording type are shown for each
2. At the bottom of the window, select the maximum number
of tracks to be displayed in the list.
3. Use the arrow buttons at the bottom to browse the list.
4. To view tracks beginning from a particular time, enter the
time code and click Get Tracks.
5. Click a track. The playback for the selected sequence
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3.2.2 Exporting tracks
1. Select a track in the track list.
2. Click the export tab.
3. The start and stop time are filled-in for the selected track.
If required, change the times.
4. Select a target.
5. Select the original or a condensed speed.
6. Click the save icon .
The target server address is set on the Network/Accounts
3.2.3 Searching for tracks
1. Click the search tab.
2. Select a search mode; Any motion, Field, Line crossing,
or Recorded alarms.
3. To limit the search to a particular time range, enter the
start and stop times.
4. Click Start Search.
The results are shown in the search results tab.
5. Click a result to play it back.
6. Click the search tab to enter a new search.
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3.2.4 Controlling playback
Time bar
The time bar below the video image allows quick orientation.
The time interval associated with the sequence is displayed in
the bar in gray. A green arrow above the bar indicates the
position of the image currently being played back within the
The time bar offers various options for navigation in and
between sequences.
Change the time interval displayed by clicking the plus or
minus icons. The display can span a range from two
months to a few seconds.
If required, drag the green arrow to the point in time at
which the playback should begin.
Red bars indicate the points in time where alarms were
triggered. Drag the green arrow to navigate to these points
Use the jog dial to quickly scan the
sequences. The time code is displayed above it.
The buttons have the following functions:
Start/Pause playback
Select the playback speed using the speed regulator
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Jump to start of active sequence or to previous sequence
Jump to start of the next video sequence in the list
You can set markers in a sequence and jump to these directly.
These bookmarks are indicated as small yellow arrows above
the time interval. Use the bookmarks as follows:
Jump to the previous bookmark
Set bookmark
Jump to the following bookmark
Bookmarks are only valid while in the Recordings page; they are
not saved with the sequences. All bookmarks are deleted when
you leave the page.
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4 Settings Overview
4.1 Configuration Menu
The settings page provides access to the configuration menu
which contains all the unit's parameters arranged in groups.
There are two options for configuring the unit or checking the
current settings:
Basic Mode
Advanced Mode
In Basic Mode the most important parameters are arranged in
seven groups. This allows you to change the basic settings with
just a few entries and then put the device into operation.
Advanced Mode is recommended only for expert users or
system support personnel. You can access all device
parameters in this mode. Settings that affect the fundamental
functionality of the device (such as firmware updates) can only
be changed in this mode.
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4.2 Settings
To view the current settings:
1. Click the Basic Mode menu or the Advanced Mode menu
to expand it.
2. For the Advanced Mode menu, click a menu sub-heading
to expand it.
3. Click a sub-menu. The corresponding page is opened.
Making Changes
You can change the settings by entering new values or by
selecting a predefined value from a list field.
When entering names do not use any special characters, for
example &. Special characters are not supported by the internal
recording management system.
Saving changes
After making changes in a window, click Set to send the new
settings to the device and save them there.
Clicking Set saves only the settings in the current window.
Changes in any other windows are ignored.
Click SETTINGS in the applications title bar to close the
window without saving the changes made.
All settings are backed up in the device memory so they are not
lost even if the power fails. The exception is the time settings,
which are lost after 1 hour without power if no central time
server is selected.
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5Basic Mode
5.1 Device Access
5.1.1 Naming
Enter a unique name to assist in identification. This name
simplifies the management of multiple devices in more
extensive systems.
The name is used for remote identification, for example, in the
event of an alarm. Choose a name that makes it as easy as
possible to identify the location unambiguously.
5.1.2 Password
A password prevents unauthorized access to the device. The
device has three authorization levels: service, user, and live.
service is the highest authorization level. Entering the
correct password gives access to all the functions of the
camera and allows all configuration settings to be
user is the middle authorization level. This user can
operate the device, play back recordings, and also control
a camera but cannot change the configuration.
live is the lowest authorization level. It can only be used to
view the live video image and switch between the different
live image displays.
You can define and change a password for each authorization
level if you are logged in as service or if the camera is not
password protected.
Use the various authorization levels to limit access. Proper
password protection is only guaranteed if all higher
authorization levels are also protected with a password. For
example, if a live password is assigned, a service and a user
password should also be set. When assigning passwords,
always start from the highest authorization level, service, and
use different passwords.
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Define or change a separate password for each level. Enter the
password (19 characters maximum) for the selected level.
Confirm password
Re-enter the new password to ensure that there are no typing
The new password is only saved after clicking Set. Therefore,
click Set immediately after entering and confirming the
password, even if assigning a password at another level.
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5.2 Date/Time
Device date, time and zone
If there are multiple devices operating in the system or
network, it is important to synchronize their internal clocks. For
example, it is only possible to identify and correctly evaluate
simultaneous recordings when all devices are operating on the
same time. Device time, date and time zone are shown.
Click Sync to PC to apply the system time from your
computer to the device.
Time server IP address
The camera can receive the time signal from a time server using
various time server protocols and then use it to set the internal
clock. The device polls the time signal automatically once every
Enter the IP address of a time server.
Time server type
Select the protocol that is supported by the selected time
server. It is recommended that you select the SNTP server
protocol. This protocol provides high accuracy and is required
for special applications and future function extensions.
Select Time server if the server uses the RFC 868 protocol.
It is important that the date/time is correct for recording. An
incorrect date/time setting could prevent correct recording.
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5.3 Network
Use the settings on this page to integrate the device into a
network. Some changes only take effect after a reboot. In this
case, the Set button changes to Set and Reboot.
1. Make the desired changes.
2. Click Set and Reboot.
The device is rebooted and the changed settings are
activated. If the IP address, subnet mask, or gateway
address is changed, then the device is only accessible
under the new addresses after the reboot.
If the network has a DHCP server for dynamic IP address
allocation, set this parameter to On to activate the automatic
acceptance of DHCP-assigned IP addresses.
For certain applications, the DHCP server must support the
fixed assignment between IP address and MAC address, and
must be appropriately set up so that, once an IP address is
assigned, it is retained each time the system is rebooted.
IP address
Enter the desired IP address for the camera. The IP address
must be valid for the network.
Subnet mask
Enter the appropriate subnet mask for the set IP address.
Gateway address
Enter the IP address of the gateway to establish a connection to
a remote location in a different subnet. Otherwise, this field can
remain empty (
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5.4 Encoder
Select a profile for encoding the video signal on stream 1 (this
is not a selection of the recording profile).
Pre-programmed profiles are available that give priority to
different parameters and they should be selected based on
your operating environment.
When a profile is selected, its details are displayed.
5.5 Audio
(only for cameras with microphones)
Switch the camera audio On or Off.
5.6 Recording
(only for cameras with storage)
Record the images from the camera to a storage medium. For
long-term authoritative images, it is essential to use VRM or an
appropriately sized iSCSI system.
Storage medium
1. Select the required storage medium from the list.
2. Click Start to start recording or Stop to end recording.
5.7 System Overview
This page provides general information on the hardware and
firmware system, including version numbers. No items can be
changed on this page but they can be copied for information
purposes when troubleshooting.
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6 Advanced General Settings
6.1 Identification
6.1.1 Naming
Assign a unique name to assist in identification. This name
simplifies the management of multiple devices in more
extensive systems.
The name is used for remote identification, for example, in the
event of an alarm. Choose a name that makes it as easy as
possible to identify the location unambiguously.
6.1.2 ID
Each device should be assigned a unique identifier that can be
entered here as an additional means of identification.
6.1.3 iSCSI Initiator extension
Add text to an initiator name to make identification easier in
large iSCSI systems. This text is added to the initiator name,
separated from it by a full stop.
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6.2 Password
A password prevents unauthorized access to the device. The
device has three authorization levels: service, user, and live.
service is the highest authorization level. Entering the
correct password gives access to all the functions of the
camera and allows all configuration settings to be
user is the middle authorization level. This user can
operate the device, play back recordings, and also control
a camera but cannot change the configuration.
live is the lowest authorization level. It can only be used to
view the live video image and switch between the different
live image displays.
You can define and change a password for each authorization
level if you are logged in as service or if the camera is not
password protected.
Use the various authorization levels to limit access. Proper
password protection is only guaranteed if all higher
authorization levels are also protected with a password. For
example, if a live password is assigned, a service and a user
password should also be set. When assigning passwords,
always start from the highest authorization level, service, and
use different passwords.
6.2.1 Password
Define and change a separate password for each level. Enter
the password (19 characters maximum) for the selected level.
6.2.2 Confirm password
Re-enter the new password to ensure that there are no typing
The new password is only saved after clicking Set. Therefore,
click Set immediately after entering and confirming the
password, even if assigning a password at another level.
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6.3 Date/Time
6.3.1 Date format
Select the required date format.
6.3.2 Device date / Device time
If there are multiple devices operating in your system or
network, it is important to synchronize their internal clocks. For
example, it is only possible to identify and correctly evaluate
simultaneous recordings when all devices are operating on the
same time.
1. Enter the current date. Since the device time is controlled
by the internal clock, it is not necessary to enter the day of
the week – it is added automatically.
2. Enter the current time or click Sync to PC to apply the
system time from your computer to the device.
It is important that the date/time is correct for recording. An
incorrect date/time setting could prevent correct recording.
6.3.3 Device time zone
Select the time zone in which the system is located.
6.3.4 Daylight saving time
The internal clock can switch automatically between normal
and daylight saving time (DST). The device already contains the
data for DST switch-overs up to the year 2041. Use this data or
create alternative time saving data, if required.
If a table is not created, there is no automatic switching. When
editing the table, note that values occur in linked pairs (DST
start and end dates).
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First, check the time zone setting. If it is not correct, select the
appropriate time zone for the system:
1. Click Set.
2. Click Details. A new window opens showing an empty
3. Click Generate to fill the table with the preset values from
the camera.
4. Select the region or the city which is closest to the
system's location from the list box below the table.
5. Click one of the entries in the table to make changes. The
entry is highlighted.
6. Click Delete to remove the entry from the table.
7. Choose other values from the list boxes under the table, to
change the selected entry. Changes are immediate.
8. If there are empty lines at the bottom of the table, for
example after deletions, add new data by marking the row
and selecting values from the list boxes.
9. When finished, click OK to save and activate the table.
6.3.5 Time server IP address
The camera can receive the time signal from a time server using
various time server protocols and then use it to set the internal
clock. The device polls the time signal automatically once every
Enter the IP address of a time server.
6.3.6 Time server type
Select the protocol that is supported by the selected time
server. It is recommended to select the SNTP server protocol.
This protocol provides high accuracy and is required for special
applications and future function extensions.
Select Time server if the server uses the RFC 868 protocol.
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6.4 Display Stamping
Various overlays or stamps in the video image provide
important supplementary information. These overlays can be
enabled individually and arranged on the image in a clear
6.4.1 Camera name stamping
Select the position of the camera name overlay in the drop-
down box. It can be displayed at the Top, at the Bottom, or at a
position of choice using the Custom option, or it can be set to
Off for no overlay information.
If the Custom option is selected, enter values in the X and Y
position fields.
6.4.2 Time stamping
Select the position of the time and date overlay in the drop-
down box. It can be displayed at the Top, at the Bottom, or at a
position of choice using the Custom option, or it can be set to
Off for no overlay information.
If the Custom option is selected, enter values in the X and Y
position fields.
6.4.3 Display milliseconds
If necessary, display milliseconds for Time stamping. This
information can be useful for recorded video images; however,
it does increase the processor's computing time. Select Off if
displaying milliseconds is not needed.
6.4.4 Alarm mode stamping
Select On in the drop-down box for a text message to be
displayed in the event of an alarm. It can be displayed at a
position of choice using the Custom option, or it can be set to
Off for no overlay information.
If the Custom option is selected, enter values in the X and Y
position fields.
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6.4.5 Alarm message
Enter the message to be displayed on the image in the event of
an alarm. The maximum text length is 31 characters.
6.4.6 Video watermarking
Select On in the drop-down box for the transmitted video
images to be watermarked. After activation, all images are
marked with an icon. The icon indicates if the sequence (live or
saved) has been manipulated.
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7 Web Interface
7.1 Appearance
You can adapt the appearance of the web interface and change
the website language to meet your requirements.
GIF or JPEG images can be used to replace the company and
device logos. The image can be stored on a local computer, a
local network, or at an Internet address. The file paths must
correspond to the access mode, for example:
C:\Images\Logo.gif for access to local files, or
http://www.myhostname.com/images/logo.gif for access
via the Internet/Intranet).
There must be a network connection to display the images. The
image files are not stored on the camera.
To restore the original graphics, delete the entries in the
Company logo and Device logo fields.
7.1.1 Website language
Select the language for the user interface.
7.1.2 Company logo
To replace the company's logo in the top-right part of the
window, enter the path to a suitable image in this field.
7.1.3 Device logo
To replace the device name in the top-left part of the window,
enter the path to a suitable image in this field.
7.1.4 Show VCA metadata
When video content analysis (VCA) is activated, additional
information is displayed in the live video stream. In Motion+
mode, the sensor areas for motion detection are marked.
7.1.5 Show VCA trajectories
The trajectories (motion lines of objects) from the video
content analysis are displayed in the live video image if a
corresponding analysis type is activated.
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7.1.6 Show overlay icons
When selected, the camera status icons are displayed as an
overlay on the video images.
7.1.7 Select video player
Select the player to be used for live mode viewing.
7.1.8 JPEG size, interval and quality
Select the size, update interval and quality of the M-JPEG image
displayed on the livepage. The highest quality is 1.
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7.2 LIVEPAGE Functions
You can adapt the Livepage functions to meet your
requirements. Choose from a variety of different options for
displaying information and controls.
1. Mark the checkboxes for the functions to be shown on the
Livepage. The selected elements are checked.
2. Look at the Livepage to see if the desired items are shown.
Only those checkboxes that are relevant for your type of camera
are shown.
7.2.1 Transmit audio
(only for cameras with audio)
When selected, the audio from the camera (if on) is sent to the
computer. This setting applies only to the computer on which it
is made.
7.2.2 Lease time [s]
The lease time in seconds determines the time beyond which a
different user is authorized to control the camera after no
further control signals are received from the current user. After
this time interval, the camera is automatically enabled.
7.2.3 Show event log
The event messages are displayed with the date and time in a
field next to the video image.
7.2.4 Show system log
The system messages are displayed with the date and time in a
field next to the video image and provide information about the
establishment and termination of connections, etc.
7.2.5 Allow snapshots
Specify whether the icon for saving individual images should be
displayed below the live image. Individual images can only be
saved if this icon is visible.
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7.2.6 Allow local recording
Specify whether the icon for saving video sequences locally
should be displayed below the live image. Video sequences can
only be saved if this icon is visible.
7.2.7 I-frames-only stream
Select to display an additional tab on the Livepage where only I-
frames can be viewed. (Ensure that I-frame quality is not set to
Auto or no updates will occur.)
7.2.8 Show 'Intelligent Tracking'
(only for cameras with auto-tracker)
Select to display the auto-tracker lines on the live image.
7.2.9 Path for JPEG and video files
Enter the path for the storage location of individual images and
video sequences saved from the Livepage. If necessary, click
Browse... to find a suitable folder.
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7.3 Logging
7.3.1 Save event log
Select this option to save event messages in a text file on the
local computer. This file can be viewed, edited, and printed
with any text editor or standard office software.
File for event log
Enter the path for saving the event log here. If necessary, click
Browse... to find a suitable folder.
7.3.2 Save system log
Select this option to save system messages in a text file on the
local computer. This file can be viewed, edited, and printed
with any text editor or standard office software.
File for system log
Enter the path for saving the system log here. If necessary, click
Browse... to find a suitable folder.
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8 Camera
8.1 Installer Menu
8.1.1 Mirror image
Select On to output a mirror image of the camera picture.
8.1.2 Flip image
Select On to output an upside down camera image.
8.1.3 Main frequency and Operation environment
Select 50 Hz or 60 Hz as the main frequency, and Indoor or
Outdoor for the operation environment.
8.1.4 Exposure/frame rate
Auto exposure/frame rate: the camera automatically sets
the framerate. The camera tries to maintain the selected
default shutter speed as long as the light level of the scene
Select a minimum frame rate.
Fixed exposure: allows a user-defined shutter time.
Select the shutter speed when exposure control is set to
fixed. The values available depend on your type of camera
and the settings of Main frequency and Operation
8.1.5 Reboot device
Click Reboot to restart the camera.
8.1.6 Factory defaults
Click Defaults to restore the factory defaults for the camera. A
confirmation screen appears. Allow 5 seconds for the camera to
optimize the picture after a mode reset.
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8.2 Picture Settings
Contrast (0...255)
Adjust the contrast with the slider from 0 to 255.
Saturation (0...255)
Adjust the color saturation with the slider from 0 to 255.
Brightness (0...255)
Adjust the brightness with the slider from 0 to 255.
8.2.1 White balance
Indoor: Allows the camera to continually adjust for optimal
color reproduction in an indoor environment.
Outdoor: Allows the camera to continually adjust for
optimal color reproduction in an outdoor environment.
–In Manual mode the Red, Green, and Blue gain can be
manually set to a desired position.
Apply white balance
Click Hold to put ATW on hold and save the color settings.
In Manual white balance mode, adjust the red gain from -50 to
+50 to offset the factory white point alignment (reducing red
introduces more cyan).
In Manual white balance mode, adjust the green gain from -50
to +50 to offset the factory white point alignment.
In Manual white balance mode, adjust the blue gain from -50 to
+50 to offset the factory white point alignment (reducing blue
introduces more yellow).
It is only necessary to change the white point offset for special
scene conditions.
Click Default to set all video values to their factory setting.
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8.3 Enhance
8.3.1 Sharpness level
Adjusts the black level between -15 and +15. Zero position of
slider corresponds to the factory default level.
A low (negative) value makes the picture less sharp. Increasing
sharpness brings out more detail. Extra sharpness can enhance
the details of license plates, facial features and the edges of
certain surfaces but can increase bandwidth requirements.
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8.4 Encoder Settings
The Encoder Profile, Encoder Streams, and Encoder Regions
settings allow you to adapt the video data transmission
characteristics for your operating environment (network
structure, bandwidth, data structures). The camera
simultaneously generates two H.264 video streams and an
M-JPEG stream for transmission. An I-frame only stream is used
for recording.
Select the compression settings of these streams individually,
for example, one setting for transmissions to the Internet and
one for LAN connections.
Refer to Section 9.1 Encoder Profile, page 48 for more
information on setting up the encoder profile.
Refer to Section 9.3 Encoder Regions, page 54 for more
information on setting up the encoder streams.
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8.5 Privacy Masks
Four privacy mask areas can be defined. The activated masked
areas are filled with the selected pattern in live view.
1. Select the pattern to be used for all masks.
2. Check the box of the mask you wish to activate.
3. Use the mouse to define the area for each of the masks.
8.6 Audio
Switch the audio On or Off.
Adust the level with the slider.
Select G.711, L16 or AAC* as the audio Recording format.
The audio signals are sent in a separate data stream parallel to
the video data, and so increase the network load. The audio
data requires an additional bandwidth of approximately
80 kbps to 640 Kbps, depending on type of audio compression
selected, for each connection. If you do not want any audio
data to be transmitted, select Off.
* AAC audio technology is licensed by Fraunhofer IIS.
8.7 Pixel Counter
An area can be defined to count pixels.
1. Place the cursor on the border of the shaded box and drag
to resize the area.
2. Place the cursor inside the shaded box and drag to change
its position.
3. Click Freeze to stop updates of the live image.
The number of pixels inside the selected area is displayed for
streams 1 and 2.
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9 Encoder Settings
The encoder settings determine the characteristics of the
streams generated by the camera. The type of streams that can
be generated for HD cameras are:
–HD streams
–SD streams
i-frame only streams for recording
–M-JPEG streams
The bit rates, the encoding interval, and the Group-of-Pictures
(GoP) structure and quality, are defined and stored for 8
different profiles on the Encoder Profile page. The SD
(Standard Definition) resolution is also selected here.
The resolution of the two H.264 streams and the pre-defined
profile to be used for each stream is selected on the Encoder
Streams page. The maximum frame rate and quality of the
JPEG stream is also selected here.
The streams and profiles for recording are selected on the
Recording Profiles page.
The Encoder Regions page allows you to select different quality
levels for various areas of the image. This can help in reducing
the bit rate. For example, important objects can be selected to
provide higher quality encoding than selected background
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9.1 Encoder Profile
Profiles are rather complex and include a number of parameters
that interact with one another, so it is generally best to use the
pre-defined profiles. Only change a profile if completely familiar
with all the configuration options.
9.1.1 Pre-defined HD profiles
Eight definable profiles are available. The pre-defined profiles
give priority to different parameters.
HD high quality 1
High resolution for high bandwidth connections
HD high quality 2
High resolution with lower data rate
HD low bandwidth
High resolution for low bandwidth connections
SD high quality 1
Standard resolution for high bandwidth connections
SD high quality 2
Standard resolution with lower data rate
SD low bandwidth
Standard resolution for low bandwidth connections
Standard resolution for DSL connections
Low resolution for mobile phone connections
Profiles for SD cameras are defined to match the camera’s
9.1.2 Changing a profile
The pre-defined profiles can be changed (a pre-defined profile
can always be recalled by using the Default button).
To change a profile, select it by clicking its tab, then change the
parameters within that profile.
If a setting outside the permitted range for a parameter is
entered, the nearest valid value is substituted when the
settings are saved.
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9.1.3 Profile name
If required, enter a new name for the profile.
9.1.4 Target bit rate
To optimize use of the bandwidth in the network, limit the data
rate for the camera. The target data rate should be set
according to the desired picture quality for typical scenes with
no excessive motion.
For complex images or frequent changes of image content due
to frequent movements, this limit can temporarily be exceeded
up to the value entered in the Maximum bit rate field.
9.1.5 Maximum bit rate
This maximum data rate is not exceeded under any
circumstances. Depending on the video quality settings for the
I-frames and P-frames, this can result in individual images being
The value entered here must be at least 10% higher than the
value entered in the Target bit rate field. If the value entered
here is too low, it is automatically adjusted.
9.1.6 Encoding interval
The Encoding interval slider determines the interval at which
images are encoded and transmitted. This can be particularly
advantageous with low bandwidths. The image rate in ips
(images per second) is displayed next to the slider.
9.1.7 Standard definition video resolution
Select the desired resolution for the standard definition video
These resolutions are not used by a HD stream.
9.1.8 Expert Settings
If necessary, use the expert settings to adapt the I-frame quality
and the P-frame quality to specific requirements. The setting is
based on the H.264 quantization parameter (QP).
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GOP structure
Select the structure you require for the Group of Pictures
(GOP). Depending on whether you place greater priority on
having the lowest possible delay (IP frames only) or using as
little bandwidth possible, you choose IP, IBP or IBBP.
Averaging period
Select the appropriate averaging period as a means of
stabilizing the long term bit rate.
I-frame distance
Use the slider to set the distance between I-frames to Auto or
to between 3 and 60. An entry of 3 means that every third
image is an I-frame.The lower the number, the more I-frames
are generated.
Min. P-frame QP
In the H.264-protocol, the Quantization Parameter (QP)
specifies the degree of compression and thus the image quality
for every frame. The lower the QP value, the higher the
encoding quality. A higher quality produces a higher data load.
Typical QP values are between 18 and 30. Define the lower limit
for the quantization of the P-frames here, and thus the
maximum achievable quality of the P-frames.
I/P-frame delta QP
This parameter sets the ratio of the I-frame QP to the P-frame
QP. For example, you can set a lower value for I-frames by
moving the slide control to a negative value. Thus, the quality of
the I-frames relative to the P-frames is improved. The total data
load will increase, but only by the portion of I-frames.
To obtain the highest quality at the lowest bandwidth, even in
the case of increased movement in the picture, configure the
quality settings as follows:
1. Observe the coverage area during normal movement in the
preview images.
2. Set the value for Min. P-frame QP to the highest value at
which the image quality still meets your needs.
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3. Set the value for I/P-frame delta QP to the lowest possible
value. This is how to save bandwidth and memory in
normal scenes. The image quality is retained even in the
case of increased movement since the bandwidth is then
filled up to the value that is entered under Maximum bit
Background delta QP
Select the appropriate encoding quality level for a background
region defined in Encoder Regions. The lower the QP value, the
higher the encoding quality.
Object delta QP
Select the appropriate encoding quality level for an object
region defined in Encoder Regions. The lower the QP value, the
higher the encoding quality.
9.1.9 Default
Click Default to return the profile to the factory default values.
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9.2 Encoder Streams
9.2.1 H.264 settings
Select H.264 Settings
1. Select a codec algorithm Property for stream 1 from the
drop-down box.
2. Select a codec algorithm Property for stream 2 (the
available choices depend on the algorithm selected for
stream 1).
3. Select the Non-recording profile for each stream from the
eight profiles that have been defined.
This profile is not used for recording. When a stream
is used for recording, the profile selected on the
Recording Profiles page is used.
Preview >>
Previews of streams 1 and 2 can be shown.
1. Click Preview >> to display a preview of the video for
streams 1 and 2. the current profile is shown above the
2. Click 1:1 Live View below a preview to open a viewing
window for that stream. Various additional items of
information are shown across the top of the window.
3. Click Preview << to close the preview displays.
Deactivate the display of the video images if the performance of
the computer is adversely affected by the decoding of the data
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9.2.2 JPEG stream
Set the parmeters for the M-JPEG stream.
Select the Resolution.
Select the Max. frame rate in images per second (IPS).
–The Picture quality slider allows adjustment of the
M-JPEG image quality from Low to High.
The M-JPEG frame rate can vary depending on system loading.
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9.3 Encoder Regions
9.3.1 Regions
1. Select one of the eight available regions from the drop-
down box.
2. Use the mouse to define the area for that region by
dragging the center or sides of the shaded window.
3. Select the encoder quality to be used for the defined area.
(Object and background quality levels are defined on the
Expert Settings section of the Encoder Profile page.)
4. If required, select another region and repeat steps 2 and 3.
5. Click Set to apply the region settings.
Click to open a viewing window where a 1:1 live image and
the bit rate for the region settings can be previewed.
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10 Recording
Images can be recorded to an appropriately configured iSCSI
system or, for cameras with SD slots, locally to an SD card.
SD cards are the ideal solution for shorter storage times and
temporary recordings. They can be used for local alarm
recording or for Automatic Network Replenishment (ANR) to
improve the overall reliability of video recording.
For long-term authoritative images use an appropriately sized
iSCSI system.
Two recording tracks are available (Recording 1 and Recording
2). The encoder streams and profiles can be selected for each
of these tracks for both standard and alarm recordings.
Ten recording profiles are available where these recording
tracks can be defined differently. These profiles are then used
for building schedules.
A Video Recording Manager (VRM) can control all recording
when accessing an iSCSI system. The VRM is an external
program for configuring recording tasks for video servers. For
further information, contact your local customer service at
Bosch Security Systems.
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10.1 Storage Management
10.1.1 Device manager
Check the Managed by VRM box to let an external Video
Recording Manager (VRM) manage all recording. No further
settings can be configured.
Activating or deactivating VRM causes the current storage
settings to be lost; they can only be restored through re-
10.1.2 Recording media
Select a media tab to connect to the available storage media.
iSCSI Media
To use an iSCSI system as the storage medium, a connection to
the desired iSCSI system is required to set the configuration
The storage system selected must be available on the network
and completely set up. It must have an IP address and be
divided into logical drives (LUNs).
1. Enter the IP address of the required iSCSI destination in
the iSCSI IP address field.
2. If the iSCSI destination is password protected, enter the
password into the Password field.
3. Click Read.
The connection to the IP address is established.
The Storage overview field displays the logical drives.
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Local Media
An SD card can be used for local recording in cameras with an
SD slot.
If the SD card is password protected, enter the password
into the Password field.
The Storage overview field displays the local media.
SD card recording performance is highly dependent on the
speed (class) and performance of the SD card. An SD card of
Class 6 or higher is recommended.
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10.1.3 Activating and configuring storage media
Available media or iSCSI drives must be transferred to the
Managed storage media list, activated, and configured for
A iSCSI target storage device can only be associated with one
user. If a target is being used by another user, ensure that the
current user no longer needs the target before decoupling that
1. In the Storage overview section, double-click the required
storage medium, an iSCSI LUN or one of the other
available drives.
The medium is added as a target in the Managed
storage media list.
Newly added media is shown as Not active in the
Status column.
2. Click Set to activate all media in the Managed storage
media list.
The Status column shows all media as Online.
3. Check the box in the Rec. 1 or Rec. 2 column to specify the
recording tracks to be recorded on the target selected.
10.1.4 Formatting storage media
All recordings on a storage medium can be deleted at any time.
Check the recordings before deleting and back-up important
sequences on the computer's hard drive.
1. Click a storage medium in the Managed storage media list
to select it.
2. Click Edit below the list.
3. Click Format in the new window to delete all recordings in
the storage medium.
4. Click OK to close the window.
10.1.5 Deactivating storage media
A storage medium in the Managed storage media list can be
deactivated. It is then no longer used for recordings.
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1. Click a storage medium in the Managed storage media list
to select it.
2. Click Remove below the list. The storage medium is
deactivated and removed from the list.
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10.2 Recording Profiles
A recording profile contains the characteristics of the tracks
that are used for recording. These characteristics can be
defined for ten different profiles. The profiles can then be
assigned to days or times of day on the Recording Scheduler
Each profile is color-coded. The names of the profiles can be
changed on the Recording Scheduler page.
To configure a profile, click its tab to open its settings page.
To copy the currently visible settings to other profiles, click
Copy Settings. A window opens to select the target
profiles for the copied settings.
If you change a profile’s settings, click Set to save.
If necessary, click Default to return all settings to their
factory defaults.
Stream profile settings
Select the encoder profile setting that is to be used with stream
1 and 2 when recording. This selection is independent of the
selection for live stream transmission. (The properties of the
encoder profiles are defined on the Encoder Profile page.)
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10.2.1 Recording track selection
Standard and alarm recording can be defined for the two
recording tracks. You must first select the track before setting
up the standard and alarm recording parameters.
1. Click the Recording 1 entry in the list.
2. Set up the standard and alarm recording parameters for
track 1 as described below.
3. Click the Recording 2 entry in the list.
4. Set up the standard and alarm recording parameters for
track 2 as described below.
Recording includes
Specify whether, in addition to video data, audio or metadata
(for example alarms or VCA data) should also be recorded. (To
change the global audio format, click the audio recording
format link.)
Including metadata could make subsequent searches of
recordings easier but it requires additional memory capacity.
Without metadata, it is not possible to include video content
analysis in recordings.
10.2.2 Standard recording
Select the mode for standard recordings:
Continuous: the recording proceeds continuously. If the
maximum recording capacity is reached, older recordings
are overwritten automatically.
Pre-alarm: recording takes place in the pre-alarm time,
during the alarm and during the post-alarm time only.
Off: no automatic recording takes place.
Select the stream to be used for standard recordings:
Stream 1
Stream 2
I-frames only
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10.2.3 Alarm recording
Select a period for the Pre-alarm time from the list box.
Select a period for the Post-alarm time from the list box.
Alarm stream
Select the stream to be used for alarm recordings:
Stream 1
Stream 2
I-frames only
Check the encoding interval and bit rates from profile: box
and select an encoder profile to set the associated encoding
interval for alarm recording.
Check the Export to account box to send standard H.264 files
to the target whose address is displayed.
If an target has not yet been defined, click Configure accounts
to jump to the Accounts page where the server information can
be entered.
Alarm triggers
Select the alarm type that is to trigger an alarm recording:
Alarm input
Analysis alarm
Video loss alarm
Select the Virtual alarm sensors that are to trigger a recording,
via RCP+ commands or alarm scripts, for example.
10.3 Maximum Retention Time
Recordings are overwritten when the retention time entered
here has expired.
Enter the required retention time in hours or days for each
recording track.
Make sure that the retention time does not exceed the available
recording capacity.
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10.4 Recording Scheduler
The recording scheduler allows you to link the created
recording profiles to the days and times at which the camera's
images are to be recorded. Schedules can be defined for
weekdays and for holidays.
10.4.1 Weekdays
Assign as many time periods (in 15-minute intervals) as needed
for any day of the week. Move the mouse cursor over the table —
the time is displayed.
1. Click the profile to be assigned in the Time periods box.
2. Click a field in the table and, while holding down the left
mouse button, drag the cursor across all of the fields to be
assigned to the selected profile.
3. Use the right mouse button to deselect any of the intervals.
4. Click Select All to select all of the intervals to be assigned
to the selected profile.
5. Click Clear All to deselect all of the intervals.
6. When finished, click Set to save the settings to the device.
10.4.2 Holidays
Define holidays whose settings will override the settings for the
normal weekly schedule.
1. Click the Holidays tab. Days that have already been
defined are shown in the table.
2. Click Add. A new window opens.
3. Select the desired From date from the calendar.
4. Click in the To box and select a date from the calendar.
5. Click OK to accept the selection which is handled as a
single entry in the table. The window closes.
6. Assign the defined holidays to the recording profile as
described above.
Delete user-defined holidays as follows:
1. Click Delete in the Holidays tab. A new window opens.
2. Click the date to be deleted.
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3. Click OK. The selection is removed from the table and the
window is closed.
4. Repeat for any other dates to be deleted.
10.4.3 Profile names
Change the names of the recording profiles listed in the Time
periods box.
1. Click a profile.
2. Click Rename.
3. Enter the new name and click Rename again.
10.4.4 Activate recording
After completing configuration, activate the recording schedule
and start scheduled recording. Once activated, the Recording
Profiles and the Recording Scheduler are deactivated and the
configuration cannot be modified. Stop scheduled recording to
modify the configuration.
1. Click Start to activate the recording schedule.
2. Click Stop to deactivate the recording schedule.
Recordings that are currently running are interrupted and
the configuration can be modified.
10.4.5 Recording status
The graphic indicates the recording activity. An animated
graphic is displayed when recording is taking place.
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10.5 Recording Status
Details of the recording status are displayed here for
information. These settings cannot be changed.
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11 Alarm
11.1 Alarm Connections
In the event of an alarm, the camera can automatically connect
to a pre-defined IP address. The camera can contact up to ten
IP addresses in the order listed until a connection is
11.1.1 Connect on alarm
Select On so that the camera automatically connects to a pre-
defined IP address in the event of an alarm. Select Follows
input 1 so that the device maintains the connection for as long
as an alarm exists.
11.1.2 Number of destination IP address
Specify the numbers of the IP addresses to be contacted in the
event of an alarm. The device contacts the remote locations one
after the other in the numbered sequence until a connection is
11.1.3 Destination IP address
For each number, enter the corresponding IP address for the
desired remote station.
11.1.4 Destination password
If the remote station is password protected, enter the
password here.
Only ten passwords can be defined here. Define a general
password if more than ten connections are required, for
example, when connections are initiated by a controlling
system such as the Bosch Video Client or the Bosch Video
Management System. The camera connects to all remote
stations protected by the same general password. To define a
general password:
1. Select 10 in the Number of destination IP address list
2. Enter in the Destination IP address field.
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3. Enter the password in the Destination password field.
4. Set the user password of all the remote stations to be
accessed using this password.
Setting destination 10 to the IP-address overrides its
function as the tenth address to try.
11.1.5 Video transmission
If the device is operated behind a firewall, select TCP (HTTP
port) as the transfer protocol. For use in a local network, select
To enable multicast operation, select the UDP option for the
Video transmission parameter here and on the Network page.
In the event of an alarm, a larger network bandwidth is
sometimes required for additional video streams (if multicast
operation is not possible).
11.1.6 Stream
Select a stream to be transmitted.
11.1.7 Remote port
Select an appropriate browser port depending on the network
configuration. The ports for HTTPS connections are only
available if the On option in SSL encryption is selected.
11.1.8 Video output
If a decoder device is used, select the analog video output to
which the signal should be switched. If the destination device is
unknown, select the First available option. This places the
image on the first video output with no signal.
The connected monitor only displays images when an alarm is
11.1.9 Decoder
If a split image is set for the selected video output, select a
decoder to display the alarm image. The decoder selected
determines the position of the image.
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11.1.10 SSL encryption
SSL encryption protects data used for establishing a
connection, such as the password. By selecting On, only
encrypted ports are available for the Remote port parameter.
SSL encryption must be activated and configured on both sides
of a connection. The appropriate certificates must also have
been uploaded. Configure and activate encryption for media
data (video, metadata) on the Encryption page.
11.1.11 Auto-connect
Select On to automatically re-established a connection to one
of the previously specified IP addresses after each reboot,
connection breakdown, or network failure.
11.1.12 Audio
(only for cameras with audio)
Select On to transmit the audio stream with an alarm
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11.2 Video Content Analyses (VCA)
The camera has integrated Video Content Analyses (VCA) which
detects and analyze changes in the picture using image
processing algorithms. Such changes can be due to movements
in the camera's field of view. Detection of movement can be
used to trigger an alarm and to transmit metadata.
Various VCA configurations can be selected and adapted to
your application, as required.
Refer to Section 12 Setting up VCA, page 74 for more
information on setting up video content analyses.
If there is not enough computing power, priority is given to live
images and recordings. This can lead to impairment of the VCA
system. Observe the processor load and optimize the encoder
settings or the VCA settings if necessary, or turn off VCA
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11.3 Audio Alarm
(only for cameras with audio)
Alarms can be generated based on audio signals. Configure
signal strengths and frequency ranges so that false alarms, for
example, machine noise or background noise, are avoided.
Set up normal audio transmission before configuring the audio
11.3.1 Audio alarm
Select On for the device to generate audio alarms.
11.3.2 Name
The name makes it easier to identify the alarm in extensive
video monitoring systems, for example with the Bosch Video
Client and the Bosch Video Management System. Enter a
unique and clear name here.
11.3.3 Signal Ranges
Exclude particular signal ranges in order to avoid false alarms.
For this reason the total signal is divided into 13 tonal ranges
(mel scale). Check or uncheck the boxes below the graphic to
include or exclude individual ranges.
11.3.4 Threshold
Set up the threshold on the basis of the signal visible in the
graphic Set the threshold using the slide control or,
alternatively, move the white line directly in the graphic using
the mouse.
11.3.5 Sensitivity
Use this setting to adapt the sensitivity to the sound
environment and effectively suppress individual signal peaks. A
high value represents a high level of sensitivity.
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11.4 Alarm E-Mail
Alarm states can be documented by e-mail. The camera
automatically sends an e-mail to a user-defined e-mail address.
This makes it possible to notify a recipient who does not have a
video receiver.
11.4.1 Send alarm e-mail
Select On for the device to automatically send an alarm e-mail
in the event of an alarm.
11.4.2 Mail server IP address
Enter the IP address of a mail server that operates on the SMTP
standard (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). Outgoing e-mails are
sent to the mail server via the address entered. Otherwise,
leave the box blank (
11.4.3 SMTP user name
Enter a registered user name for the chosen mail server.
11.4.4 SMTP password
Enter the required password for the registered user name.
11.4.5 Format
Select the data format of the alarm message.
Standard (with JPEG): e-mail with JPEG image file
SMS: e-mail in SMS format to an e-mail-to-SMS gateway
without an image attachment.
When a mobile phone is used as the receiver, make sure to
activate the e-mail or SMS function, depending on the format,
so that these messages can be received. Obtain information on
operating your mobile phone from your mobile phone provider.
11.4.6 Image size
Select the size of the JPEG images that are to be sent from the
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11.4.7 Attach JPEG from camera
Check the box to specify that JPEG images are sent from the
11.4.8 Destination address
Enter the e-mail address for alarm e-mails here. The maximum
address length is 49 characters.
11.4.9 Sender address
Enter a unique name for the e-mail sender, for example, the
location of the device. This makes it easier to identify the origin
of the e-mail.
11.4.10 Test e-mail
Click Send Now to test the e-mail function. An alarm e-mail is
immediately created and sent.
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11.5 Alarm Task Editor
Editing scripts on this page overwrites all settings and entries
on the other alarm pages. This procedure cannot be reversed.
To edit this page, you should have programming knowledge and
be familiar with the information in the Alarm Task Script
Language document and the English language.
As an alternative to the alarm settings on the various alarm
pages, enter the desired alarm functions in script form here.
This will overwrite all settings and entries on the other alarm
1. Click Examples under the Alarm Task Editor field to see
some script examples. A new window opens.
2. Enter new scripts in the Alarm Task Editor field or change
existing scripts in line with your requirements.
3. When finished, click Set to transmit the scripts to the
device. If the transfer was successful, the message Script
successfully parsed. is displayed over the text field. If it
was not successful, an error message is displayed with
further information.
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12 Setting up VCA
Several VCA configurations are available.
Silent VCA
Profile #1
Profile #2
Event triggered
12.1 VCA - Silent VCA
In this configuration, metadata is created to facilitate searches
of recordings, however, no alarm is triggered.
In the VCA configuration drop-down list, select
Silent VCA.
No parameters can be changed for this selection.
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12.2 VCA - Profiles
Two profiles can be set up with different VCA configurations.
1. In the VCA configuration drop-down list, select profile 1 or
2 and enter the required settings.
2. If necessary, click Default to return all settings of the
selected profile to its default values.
To rename a profile:
1. To rename the file, click the icon to the right of the list field
and enter the new profile name in the field.
2. Click the icon again. The new profile name is saved.
The current alarm status is displayed for information purposes.
12.2.1 Aggregation time [s]
Set an aggregation time of between 0 and 20 seconds. The
aggregation time always starts when an alarm event occurs. It
extends the alarm event by the value set. This prevents alarm
events that occur in quick succession from triggering several
alarms and successive events in a rapid sequence. No further
alarm is triggered during the aggregation time.
The post-alarm time set for alarm recordings only starts once
the aggregation time has expired.
12.2.2 Analysis type
Select the required analysis algorithm. Motion+ offers a motion
detector and essential recognition of tampering.
Metadata is always created for a video content analysis, unless
this is explicitly excluded. Depending on the analysis type
selected and the relevant configuration, additional information
overlays the video image in the preview window next to the
parameter settings. With the Motion+ analysis type, for
example, the sensor fields in which motion is recorded are
marked with rectangles.
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12.2.3 Motion detector
Motion detection is available for the Motion+ analysis type. For
the detector to function, the following conditions must be met:
Analysis must be activated.
At least one sensor field must be activated.
The individual parameters must be configured to suit the
operating environment and the desired responses.
The sensitivity must be set to a value greater than zero.
Reflections of light (from glass surfaces, etc.), lights switching
on and off, or changes in the light level caused by cloud
movement on a sunny day can trigger unintended responses
from the motion detector and generate false alarms. Run a
series of tests at different times of the day and night to ensure
that the video sensor is operating as intended. For indoor
surveillance, ensure constant lighting of the areas during the
day and at night.
Sensitivity is available for the Motion+ analysis type. The basic
sensitivity of the motion detector can be adjusted for the
environmental conditions to which the camera is subject. The
sensor reacts to variations in the brightness of the video image.
The darker the observation area, the higher the value that must
be selected.
Minimum object size
Specify the number of sensor fields that a moving object must
cover to generate an alarm. This setting prevents objects that
are too small from triggering an alarm. A minimum value of 4 is
recommended. This value corresponds to four sensor fields.
Debounce time 1 s
The debounce time prevents very brief alarm events from
triggering individual alarms. If the Debounce time 1 s option is
activated, an alarm event must last at least 1 second to trigger
an alarm.
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Selecting the area
Select the areas of the image to be monitored by the motion
detector. The video image is subdivided into square sensor
fields. Activate or deactivate each of these fields individually. To
exclude particular regions of the camera's field of view from
monitoring due to continuous movement (by a tree in the wind,
for example), the relevant fields can be deactivated.
1. Click Select Area to configure the sensor fields. A new
window opens.
2. If necessary, click Clear All first to clear the current
selection (fields marked red).
3. Left-click the fields to be activated. Activated fields are
marked red.
4. If necessary, click Select All to select the entire video-
frame for monitoring.
5. Right-click any fields to deactivate.
6. Click OK to save the configuration.
7. Click the close button (X) in the window title bar to close
the window without saving the changes.
12.2.4 Tamper detection
Detect tampering of cameras and video cables by means of
various options. Run a series of tests at different times of the
day and night to ensure that the video sensor is operating as
Sensitivity and Trigger delay [s] can only be changed if
Reference check is selected.
The basic sensitivity of the tamper detection can be adjusted
for the environmental conditions to which the camera is
subject. The algorithm reacts to the differences between the
reference image and the current video image. The darker the
observation area, the higher the value that must be selected.
Trigger delay [s]
Set delayed alarm triggering here. The alarm is only triggered
after a set time interval in seconds has elapsed and then only if
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the triggering condition still exists. If the original condition has
been restored before this time interval elapses, the alarm is not
triggered. This avoids false alarms triggered by short-term
changes, for example, cleaning activities in the direct field of
vision of the camera.
Global change (slider)
Set how large the global change in the video image must be for
an alarm to be triggered. This setting is independent of the
sensor fields selected under Select Area. Set a high value if
fewer sensor fields need to change to trigger an alarm. With a
low value, it is necessary for changes to occur simultaneously in
a large number of sensor fields to trigger an alarm. This option
allows detection, independently of motion alarms, manipulation
of the orientation or location of a camera resulting from turning
the camera mount bracket, for example.
Global change
Activate this function if the global change, as set with the
Global change slide control, should trigger an alarm.
Scene too bright
Activate this function if tampering associated with exposure to
extreme light (for instance, shining a flashlight directly on the
objective) should trigger an alarm. The average brightness of
the scene provides a basis for recognition.
Scene too dark
Activate this function if tampering associated with covering the
objective (for instance, by spraying paint on it) should trigger
an alarm. The average brightness of the scene provides a basis
for recognition.
Scene too noisy
Activate this function if tampering associated with EMC
interference (noisy scene as the result of a strong interference
signal in the vicinity of the video lines) should trigger an alarm.
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Reference check
Save a reference image that can be continuously compared with
the current video image. If the current video image in the
marked areas differs from the reference image, an alarm is
triggered. This detects tampering that would otherwise not be
detected, for example, if the camera is turned.
1. Click Reference to save the currently visible video- image
as a reference.
2. Click Select Area and select the areas in the reference
image that are to be monitored.
3. Check the box Reference check to activate the on-going
check. The stored reference image is displayed in black
and white below the current video image, and the selected
areas are marked in yellow.
4. Select the Disappearing edges or Appearing edges option
to specify the reference check once again.
Disappearing edges
The area selected in the reference image should contain a
prominent structure. If this structure is concealed or moved,
the reference check triggers an alarm. If the selected area is too
homogenous, so that concealing and moving the structure
would not trigger an alarm, then an alarm is triggered
immediately to indicate the inadequate reference image.
Appearing edges
Select this option if the selected area of the reference image
includes a largely homogenous surface. If structures appear in
this area, then an alarm is triggered.
Selecting the area
Select the image areas in the reference image that are to be
monitored. The video image is subdivided into square fields.
Activate or deactivate each of these fields individually.
Select only those areas for reference monitoring in which no
movement takes place and that are always evenly lit, as false
alarms could otherwise be triggered.
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1. Click Select Area to configure the sensor fields. A new
window opens.
2. If necessary, click Clear All first to clear the current
selection (fields marked yellow).
3. Left-click the fields to be activated. Activated fields are
marked yellow.
4. If necessary, click Select All to select the entire video-
frame for monitoring.
5. Right-click any fields to deactivate.
6. Click OK to save the configuration.
7. Click the close button (X) in the window title bar to close
the window without saving the changes.
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12.3 VCA - Scheduled
A scheduled configuration allows you to link a VCA profile with
the days and times at which the video content analysis is to be
In the VCA configuration drop-down list, select
Schedules can be defined for weekdays and for holidays.
The current alarm status is displayed for information purposes.
12.3.1 Weekdays
Link any number of 15-minute intervals with the VCA profiles for
each day of the week. Moving the mouse cursor over the table
displays the time below it. This aids orientation.
1. Click the profile to link in the Time periods field.
2. Click in a field in the table, hold down the mouse button
and drag the cursor over all the periods to be assigned to
the selected profile.
3. Use the right mouse button to deselect any of the intervals.
4. Click Select All to link all time intervals to the selected
5. Click Clear All to deselect all of the intervals.
6. When finished, click Set to save the settings in the device.
12.3.2 Holidays
Define holidays on which a profile should be active that are
different to the standard weekly schedule.
1. Click the Holidays tab. Any days that have already been
selected are shown in the table.
2. Click Add. A new window opens.
3. Select the desired date from the calendar. Select several
consecutive calendar days by holding down the mouse
button. These will later be displayed as a single entry in the
4. Click OK to accept the selection. The window closes.
5. Assign the individual holidays to the VCA profiles, as
described above.
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Deleting Holidays
Delete defined holidays at any time:
1. Click Delete. A new window opens.
2. Click the date to delete.
3. Click OK. The item is deleted from the table and the
window closes.
4. The process must be repeated for deleting additional days.
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12.4 VCA - Event triggered
This configuration allows you to stipulate that the video content
analysis is only to be activated when triggered by an event.
In the VCA configuration drop-down list, select Event
As long as no trigger is activated, the Silent MOTION+
configuration in which metadata is created is active; this
metadata facilitates searches of recordings, but does not
trigger an alarm.
The current alarm status is displayed for information purposes.
12.4.1 Trigger
Select a physical alarm or a virtual alarm as a trigger. A virtual
alarm is created using software, with RCP+ commands or alarm
scripts, for example.
12.4.2 Trigger active
Select the VCA configuration here that is to be enabled via an
active trigger. A green check mark to the right of the list field
indicates that the trigger is active.
12.4.3 Trigger inactive
Select the VCA configuration here that is to be activated if the
trigger is not active. A green check mark to the right of the list
field indicates that the trigger is inactive.
12.4.4 Delay [s]
Select the delay period for the reaction of the video content
analysis to trigger signals. The alarm is only triggered after a set
time interval in seconds has elapsed and then only if the
triggering condition still exists. If the original condition has
been restored before this time interval elapses, the alarm is not
triggered. A delay period may be useful in avoiding false alarms
or frequent triggering. During the delay period, the Silent VCA
configuration is always enabled.
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13 Network
13.1 Network Access
The settings on this page are used to integrate the device into a
network. Some changes only take effect after a reboot. In this
case Set changes to Set and Reboot.
1. Make the desired changes.
2. Click Set and Reboot.
The device is rebooted and the changed settings are activated.
If the IP address, subnet mask, or gateway address is changed,
then the device is only available under the new addresses after
the reboot.
13.1.1 Automatic IP assignment
If a DHCP server is employed in the network for the dynamic
assignment of IP addresses, activate acceptance of IP
addresses automatically assigned to the device.
Certain applications (Bosch Video Management System,
Configuration Manager) use the IP address for the unique
assignment of the device. If using these applications, the DHCP
server must support the fixed assignment between IP address
and MAC address, and must be appropriately set up so that,
once an IP address is assigned, it is retained each time the
system is rebooted.
13.1.2 IP V4 address
IP address
Enter the desired IP address for the camera. The IP address
must be valid for the network.
Subnet mask
Enter the appropriate subnet mask for the set IP address.
Gateway address
For the device to establish a connection to a remote location in
a different subnet, enter the IP address of the gateway here.
Otherwise, this field can remain empty (
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13.1.3 IP V6 address
IP address
Enter the desired IP address for the camera. The IP address
must be valid for the network.
Prefix length
Enter the appropriate prefix length for the set IP address.
Gateway address
For the device to establish a connection to a remote location in
a different subnet, enter the IP address of the gateway here.
Otherwise, this field can remain empty (
13.1.4 DNS server address 1
The device is easier to access if it is listed on a DNS server. For
example, to establish an Internet connection to the camera, it is
sufficient to enter the name given to the device on the DNS
server as a URL in the browser. Enter the DNS server's IP
address. Servers are supported for secure and dynamic DNS.
Details >>
13.1.5 Video transmission
If the device is used behind a firewall, TCP (Port 80) should be
selected as the transmission protocol. For use in a local
network, choose UDP.
Multicast operation is only possible with the UDP protocol. The
TCP protocol does not support multicast connections.
13.1.6 TCP rate control
Set the TCP rate control here.
13.1.7 HTTP browser port
Select a different HTTP browser port from the list if required.
The default HTTP port is 80. To limit connection to HTTPS,
deactivate the HTTP port. To do this, activate the Off option.
86 en | Network Camera Browser Interface
AM18-Q0635 | v5.8 | 2013.05 Software manual Bosch Security Systems
13.1.8 HTTPS browser port
To limit browser access to encrypted connections, choose an
HTTPS port from the list. The standard HTTPS port is 443.
Select the Off option to deactivate HTTPS ports and limit
connections to unencrypted ports.
The camera uses the TLS 1.0 protocol. Ensure that the browser
has been configured to support this protocol. Also ensure that
Java application support is activated (in the Java Plug-in
Control Panel of the Windows Control Panel).
To limit connections to SSL encryption, set the Off option in
the HTTP browser port, the RCP+ port, and Telnet support. This
deactivates all unencrypted connections allowing connections
on the HTTPS port only.
Configure and activate encryption for media data (video, audio,
metadata) on the Encryption page.
13.1.9 RCP+ port 1756
Activating RCP+ port 1756 allows unencrypted connections on
this port. To allow only encrypted connections, set the Off
option to deactivate the port.
13.1.10 Telnet support
Activating Telenet support allows unencrypted connections on
this port. To allow only encrypted connections, set the Off
option to deactivate telnet support, making telnet connections
13.1.11 Interface mode ETH
If necessary, select the Ethernet link type for interface ETH.
Depending on the network equipment connected (for example,
a switch), it may be necessary to select a special operation
13.1.12 Network MSS [Byte]
Set the maximum segment size for the IP packet's user data
here. This gives the option to adjust the size of the data packets
to the network environment and to optimize data transmission.
In UDP mode, comply with the MTU value set below.
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13.1.13 iSCSI MSS [Byte]
Specify a higher MSS value for a connection to the iSCSI
system than for the other data traffic via the network. The
potential value depends on the network structure. A higher
value is only useful if the iSCSI system is located in the same
subnet as the camera.
13.1.14 Network MTU [Byte]
Specify a maximum value in bytes for the package size
(including IP header) to optimize data transmission.
13.1.15 Enable DynDNS
A dynamic Domain Name Service allows you to select the unit
via the Internet using a host name, without having to know the
current IP address of the unit. You can enable this service here.
To do this, you must have an account with one of the dynamic
DNS providers supported and you must have registered the
required host name for the unit on that site.
For information about the service, registration process and
available host names refer to the provider.
13.1.16 Provider
Select your dynamic DNS Provider.
13.1.17 Host name
Enter the host name registered for the unit here.
13.1.18 User name
Enter the user name you registered.
13.1.19 Password
Enter the password you registered.
13.1.20 Force registration now
Force the registration by transferring the IP address to the
DynDNS server. Entries that change frequently are not provided
in the Domain Name System. It is a good idea to force the
registration when setting up the device for the first time. Only
88 en | Network Camera Browser Interface
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use this function when necessary and no more than once a day,
to avoid the possibility of being blocked by the service provider.
To transfer the IP address of the device, click the Register
13.1.21 Status
The status of the DynDNS function is displayed here for
information purposes; these settings cannot be changed.
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13.2 Advanced
The settings on this page are used to set advanced settings the
network. Some changes only take effect after a reboot. In this
case Set changes to Set and Reboot.
1. Make the desired changes.
2. Click Set and Reboot.
The device is rebooted and the changed settings are activated.
13.2.1 SNMP
The camera supports the SNMP V2 (Simple Network
Management Protocol) for managing and monitoring network
components, and can send SNMP messages (traps) to IP
addresses. It supports SNMP MIB II in the unified code.
If On is selected for the SNMP parameter and a SNMP host
address is not entered, the device does not send the traps
automatically and will only reply to SNMP requests. If one or
two SNMP host addresses are entered, SNMP traps are sent
automatically. Select Off to deactivate the SNMP function.
13.2.2 1. SNMP host address / 2. SNMP host address
To send SNMP traps automatically, enter the IP addresses of
one or two target devices here.
13.2.3 SNMP traps
To choose which traps are sent:
1. Click Select. A dialog box appears.
2. Click the check boxes of the appropriate traps.
3. Click Set to close the window and send all of the checked
90 en | Network Camera Browser Interface
AM18-Q0635 | v5.8 | 2013.05 Software manual Bosch Security Systems
13.2.4 Authentication (802.1x)
To configure Radius server authentication, connect the camera
directly to a computer using a network cable. If a Radius server
controls access rights over the network, select On to activate
authentication to communicate with the device.
1. Enter the user name that the Radius server uses for the
camera in the Identity field.
2. Enter the Password that the Radius server expects from
the camera.
13.2.5 RTSP port
If necessary, select a different port for the exchange of the
RTSP data from the list. The standard RTSP port is 554. Select
Off to deactivate the RTSP function.
13.2.6 UPnP
Select On to activate UPnP communication. Select Off to
deactivate it. When UPnP is activated the camera reacts to
requests from the network and is registered automatically as a
new network device on the inquiring computers.
To use the UPnP function on a computer with Windows XP or
Windows Vista, the Universal Plug and Play Device Host and the
SSDP Discovery services must be activated.
This function should not be used in large installations due to
the large number of registration notifications.
13.2.7 TCP metadata input
The device can receive data from an external TCP sender, for
example an ATM or POS device, and store it as metadata.
Select the port for TCP communication. Select Off to
deactivate the function. Enter a valid Sender IP address.
13.2.8 Quality of service
The priority of the different data channels can be set by
defining the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP). Enter a number
between 0 and 252 as a multiple of four. For alarm video you
can set a higher priority than for regular video and you can
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define a Post Alarm Time over which this priority is maintained.
13.2.9 Cloud-based services
The User Mode determines how the camera communicates
with the Bosch Cloud-based Security and Services. For more
information about these sevices and their availability, visit:
–Select Auto to allow the camera to poll the server a few
times; if no contact is made it stops polling.
–Select On to constantly poll the server.
–Select Off to block polling.
92 en | Network Camera Browser Interface
AM18-Q0635 | v5.8 | 2013.05 Software manual Bosch Security Systems
13.3 Multicast
The camera can enable multiple receivers to receive the video
signal simultaneously. The stream is either duplicated and then
distributed to multiple receivers (Multi-unicast), or it is sent as
a single stream to the network, where it is simultaneously
distributed to multiple receivers in a defined group (Multicast).
Multicast operation requires a multicast-enabled network that
uses UDP and the Internet Group Management protocol
(IGMP V2). The network must support group IP addresses.
Other group management protocols are not supported. The
TCP protocol does not support multicast connections.
A special IP address from to
(class D address) must be configured for multicast operation in
a multicast-enabled network. The multicast address can be the
same for multiple streams, however, it is necessary to use a
different port in each case.
The settings must be made individually for each stream. Enter a
dedicated multicast address and port for each stream. Switch
between the streams by clicking the appropriate tabs.
13.3.1 Enable
Enable simultaneous data reception on receivers that need to
activate the multicast function. To do this, check the box and
enter the multicast address.
13.3.2 Multicast Address
Enter a valid multicast address to be operated in multicast
mode (duplication of the data stream in the network).
With a setting, the encoder for the stream operates in
multi-unicast mode (copying of data stream in device). The
camera supports multi-unicast connections for up to five
simultaneously connected receivers.
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Duplication of data places a heavy demand on the CPU and can
lead to impairment of the image quality under certain
13.3.3 Port
Enter the port address for the stream here.
13.3.4 Streaming
Click the checkbox to activate multicast streaming mode. An
activated stream is marked with a check. (Streaming is typically
not required for standard multicast operation.)
13.3.5 Multicast packet TTL
A value can be entered to specify how long the multicast data
packets are active on the network. If multicast is to be run via a
router, the value must be greater than 1.
94 en | Network Camera Browser Interface
AM18-Q0635 | v5.8 | 2013.05 Software manual Bosch Security Systems
13.4 Image Posting
A target account must first be defined to use JPEG and Best
faces posting and for the export of recordings.
13.4.1 JPEG
Send individual JPEG images to a target account at specific
intervals. JPEG resolution corresponds to the highest setting
from the two data streams.
Image size
Select the size of the JPEG images that are to be sent from the
File name
Select how file names are created for the individual images that
are transmitted.
Overwrite: The same file name is always used and any
existing file will be overwritten by the current file.
Increment: A number from 000 to 255 is added to the file
name and automatically incremented by 1. When it reaches
255, it starts again from 000.
Date/time suffix: The date and time are automatically
added to the file name. When setting this parameter,
ensure that the date and time of the device are always set
correctly. For eample, the file snap011005_114530.jpg was
stored on October 1, 2005 at 11.45 and 30 seconds.
Posting interval
Enter the interval in seconds at which the images are sent to
the target account. Enter zero for no images to be sent.
Select the target account for JPEG posting.
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13.5 Accounts
Four separate accounts can be defined for posting and
recording export.
Select either FTP or Dropbox for the account type.
Account name
Enter an account name to be shown as the target name.
IP address
For an FTP server, enter the IP address.
Enter your login name for the account server.
Enter the password that gives access to the account server.
Click Check to confirm that it is correct.
Enter an exact path to post the images on the account server.
Click Browse... to browse to the required path.
Maximum bit rate
Enter the maximum bit rate in kbps that will be allowed when
communicating with the account.
96 en | Network Camera Browser Interface
AM18-Q0635 | v5.8 | 2013.05 Software manual Bosch Security Systems
13.6 IP V4 filter
To restrict the range of IP addresses within which you can
actively connect to the device, fill-in an IP address and mask.
Two ranges can be defined.
Click Set and confirm to restrict access.
If either of these ranges are set, no IP V6 addresses are allowed
to actively connect to the device.
The device itself may initiate a connection (for example, to send
an alarm) outside the defined ranges if it is configured to do so.
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14 Service
14.1 Maintenance
14.1.1 Update server
The address of the Bosch update server appears in the address
1. Click Check to make a connection to this server.
2. Select the appropriate version for your camera to
download the firmware from the server.
14.1.2 Firmware
The camera functions and parameters can be updated by
uploading new firmware. To do this, the latest firmware
package is transferred to the device via the network. The
firmware is installed there automatically. Thus, a camera can be
serviced and updated remotely without requiring a technician
to make changes to the device on site. The latest firmware can
be obtained from your customer service center or from the
Bosch Security Systems download area.
To update the firmware:
1. First, store the firmware file on your hard disk (use the
update server to get the latest file).
2. Enter the full path for the firmware file in the field or click
Browse... to locate and select the file.
Before starting a firmware update, make sure to select the
correct upload file. Uploading the wrong files can result in the
device no longer being addressable, requiring it to be replaced.
Do not interrupt the firmware installation. Even changing to
another page or closing the browser window leads to
interruption. Interruption may lead to faulty coding of the Flash
memory. This can result in the device no longer being
addressable, requiring it to be replaced.
98 en | Service Camera Browser Interface
AM18-Q0635 | v5.8 | 2013.05 Software manual Bosch Security Systems
3. Click Upload to begin transferring the file to the device.
The progress bar allows monitoring of the transfer.
The new firmware is unpacked and the Flash memory is
reprogrammed. The time remaining is shown by the message
going to reset Reconnecting in ... seconds. When the upload is
completed successfully, the device reboots automatically.
If the operating status LED lights up red, the upload has failed
and must be repeated. To perform the upload, switch to a
special page:
1. In the address bar of your browser, enter /main.htm after
the device IP address, for example:
2. Repeat the upload.
14.1.3 Configuration
Save configuration data for the camera to a computer and load
saved configuration data from a computer to the device.
To load configuration data from the computer to the device:
1. Click Load From...; a dialog box appears.
2. Locate and open the desired configuration file.
Make certain that the file to be loaded comes from the
same device type as the device to be reconfigured. The
progress bar allows monitoring of the transfer.
To save the camera settings:
1. Click Save As...; a dialog box appears.
2. Enter a file name if required and save.
14.1.4 SSL certificate
To work with an SSL connection, both sides of the connection
must have the appropriate certificates. Upload one or more
certificate files, one at a time, to the camera.
1. Enter the full path of the file to upload or click Browse... to
locate the file.
2. Click Upload to start the file transfer.
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Bosch Security Systems Software manual AM18-Q0635 | v5.8 | 2013.05
Once all files have been successfully uploaded, the device must
be rebooted. In the address field of the browser, enter /reset
after the camera's IP address, for example:
The new SSL certificate is valid.
14.1.5 Maintenance log
Download an internal maintenance log from the device to send
it to Customer Service for support purposes. Click Download
and select a storage location for the file.
14.1.6 Upload history
Download an internal history log from the device to send it to
Customer Service for support purposes. Click Download and
select a storage location for the file.
14.2 System Overview
This window is for information only and cannot be modified.
Keep this information at hand when seeking technical support.
Select the text on this page with a mouse and copy it so that it
can be pasted into an e-mail if required.
100 en | Service Camera Browser Interface
AM18-Q0635 | v5.8 | 2013.05 Software manual Bosch Security Systems
Bosch Security Systems
© Bosch Security Systems, 2013

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