Pre-set Program 3 (Home Worker) 24 hours
As you can see, at 06:00, the heating will come on to raise the
temperature to 21°C.
At 08:30, the temperature set point is dropped to 19°C, it stays at
19°C until 12:00 when the heating comes on to raise the temperature
to 21°C. The temperature stays at 21°C until 14:00 when it drops to
19°C. At 17:30 the heating comes on to raise the temperature to
21°C where it stays until 22:30 when the temperature drops down to
a night setback temperature of 16°C until 06:00 when the cycle
repeats the next day.
Option 03 How to change the number of program events
per day.
1. Enter user options by pressing < and > simultaneously for 3
2. Select option 03 by pressing > until 03 appears.
3. Use + and – keys to select option.
2 = 2 time / temp events per day
4 = 4 time / temp events per day
6 = 6 time / temp events per day.
Press > to accept change.
Option 04 How to switch on/off the automatic summer /
winter time change.
Twice a year the actual time is automatically changed to keep it in
line with the summer / winter time change. Default setting is On.
If you wish to disable / enable this feature:
1. Enter user options by pressing < and > simultaneously for 3
2. Select option 04 by pressing > until 04 appears.
3. Press – or + key to display Off or On as desired.
Press > to accept change.
Event 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time 6:00 8:30 12:00 14:00 17:30 22:30
Temperature 21 19 21 19 21 16