Special topic: POI lists
Special topic: POI lists
You can also copy and rename POI lists independent of
TPAssist and create POI icons. Make the POIs available
to the device by loading them directly into the memory
or from a memory card.
POI lists are available from external sources, e.g. via
the Internet from POICON (www.poicon.com). Exter-
nal POI lists with the following file formats are sup-
Google Earth exchange format * .kml
Other geofile formats: *.xml (Geo), *gpx, *asc,
Step 1 –
Meeting prerequisites for POI lists
The name of the POI lists is: CountryCode_Catego-
ry1_Category2, e.g. "GB_Leisure_Golf.asc".
Ensure that country code and categories are sepa-
rated. Use underscores or spaces for this purpose.
Only then is the device capable of subsequently
sorting by countries and categories.
The corresponding POI icon has the same desig-
nation as the POI list: CountryCode_Category1_
Category2, e.g. "GB_Leisure_Golf.bmp".
Additional requirements of the POI icon:
Size: 22 x 22 pixel
Colour mode: 8-bit colour (RGB)
File format: *.bmp (bitmap)
The coordinates for the POI are entered in deci-
mal format or as Dgrees, Minutes and Seconds
How do I edit POI lists without
How do I edit POI lists without