To turn on notification for smart card connections, change the LED Session Indicator field to Enabled.
Software tokens
About software tokens
You might need a software token to log in to a VPN. If you have a Wi-Fi® enabled BlackBerry® device, you might also need a software token
to connect to your organization's network using a Wi-Fi network. A software token includes a token code that your device regenerates periodically
and a PIN. For more information about software tokens, contact your administrator.
Change the PIN for a software token on your device
1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.
2. Click Security Options.
3. Click Software Tokens.
4. Click a software token.
5. Click Specify PIN.
VPN settings
Depending on the options that your administrator has set for you, this feature might not be supported.
About VPN profiles
A VPN profile contains the information that you require to log in to a VPN. If you have a Wi-Fi® enabled BlackBerry® device and if your
organization uses a VPN to control access to its network, you might be able to log in to the VPN and access your organization's network using
a Wi-Fi network. Depending on your organization, you might have more than one VPN profile on your device. For more information about VPN
profiles, contact your administrator.
Prerequisites: Logging in to a VPN
• Your BlackBerry® device must be associated with an email account that uses a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server that supports this feature.
For more information, contact your administrator.
• If you have a Wi-Fi® enabled device, the Wi-Fi network that your device is connected to must support connections to a VPN. For more
information, contact your administrator.
• If you use a software token to log in to a VPN, the software token must be on your device and the software token information that appears
in the VPN profile must be correct.
User Guide