BlackBerry Wireless Handheld 147
calendar, 88
email and PIN messages, 14
phone call logs, 58
phone calls, 63
SMS messages, 26
full content, opening, 19
navigating, 107
pausing, 106
resuming, 106
setting options, 107
starting, 106
getting help, 7
Getting Started and Quick Reference
Card, 7
adding contacts to, 43
changing contacts in, 43
creating, 40
deleting, 43
deleting contacts from, 43
editing, 42
opening, 42
handheld options
about, 111
applications, 111
auto on/off, 112
AutoText, 113
browser, 115
date/time, 116
firewall, 117
localization, 118
message services, 118
network, 119
owner, 120
screen/keyboard, 124
security, 125
service book, 129
SIM card, 129
SMS, 131
status, 131
theme, 131
TLS, 132
viewing, 110
WAP Push, 133
WTLS, 134
handheld password
changing, 127
disabling, 127
incorrect, 128
setting, 126
help, 7
Hide Filed Messages field, 21
hiding a browser, 83
high importance, setting, 22
holding phone calls, 54
Home page address field, 72
home page, customizing, 72
address book, 136
address book attachments, 137
alarm, 139
Alt mode, 139
browser, 137
calendar, 138
CAP-lock mode, 139
chart, 136
messages, 136
miscellaneous, 139
note, 7
NUM-lock mode, 139
pause, 136
phone, 137
prerequisite, 7
service book, 139
Shift mode, 139
tasks, 139
tip, 7
wait, 136