Word list
About the custom word list
If you type a word or letter combination that your BlackBerry® device does not recognize, your device adds the word or letter combination
to the custom word list. You can also add words or letter combinations manually to the custom word list.
Your device deletes words from the custom word list if you do not use them.
Add a custom word list item
1. In the device options, click Custom Wordlist.
2. Click the trackwheel.
3. Click New.
4. Type a word or letter combination.
5. Click the trackwheel.
6. Click the trackwheel.
7. Click Save.
Change a custom word list item
1. In the device options, click Custom Wordlist.
2. Click a custom word list item.
3. Click Edit.
4. Change the custom word list item.
5. Click the trackwheel.
6. Click Save.
Delete a custom word list item
1. In the device options, click Custom Wordlist.
2. Highlight a custom word list item.
3. Click the trackwheel.
4. Click Delete.
Delete all custom word list items
1. In the device options, click Custom Wordlist.
2. Highlight a custom word list item.